DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1168: Calling back the soul of the deceased

Tang San nods, the vision also looked to Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, " Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, on please. " 唐三点了点头,目光随之看向了摄魂天精皇,「摄魂天精皇,请上。」 Fetters the regular pressure on Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign also vanishes, Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign deeply inspires, the look also becomes firm. As Sovereign, he is very clear, did not have the half a point to affect at this kind of time timidly, only then had the opportunity whole-heartedly. Moreover, from the beforehand fight, Tang San is not every opponent strikes to kill. 束缚在摄魂天精皇身上的规则压力随之消失,摄魂天精皇深吸口气,眼神也随之变得坚定起来。身为皇者,他很清楚,在这种时候怯懦是没有半分作用的,只有全力以赴才有机会。而且,从之前的战斗来看,唐三也不是每个对手都击杀的。 Meanwhile, Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign is also confident to own strength, in Sovereign ranked third as Fairy Race, is next to Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign and Earthly Yin Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, he excels is different from other Sovereign. In the actual bloodlines fighting strength aspect, he even can be said as weakest, compared with Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign also many. But he can have such high ranking, is actually because own divine consciousness is existence of entire Ancestral Court highest, can compare in this aspect with him, perhaps only had Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign. 同时,摄魂天精皇对自己的实力也有信心,作为精怪族之中排名第三的皇者,仅次于天阳天精皇地阴天精皇,他擅长的却和其他所有皇者都不同。在实际的血脉战斗力方面,他甚至可以说是最弱的,比晶凤大妖皇也强不了多少。但他之所以能够有如此之高的排名,却是因为自身的神识乃是整个祖庭最顶尖的存在,能够与他在这方面相比的,恐怕就只有天狐大妖皇了。 Although Tang San just suppress and kill Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign, but obviously consumes is also big. In all Sovereign, the strength is most powerful, is ranking several near the top. That side Monster Race, naturally is heavenly fox, does not die with the Heaven Splitting three Great Monster Sovereign strengths is strongest. 唐三虽然刚刚镇杀猛犸大妖皇,但明显消耗也是不小。在所有皇者之中,实力最强大的,还是排名靠前的几位。妖怪族那边,自然是天狐、不死和裂天三位大妖皇实力最强。 But Fairy Race, Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign oneself touched the peak boundary. Excels at the divine consciousness fight. 精怪族这边,摄魂天精皇己经触摸到了巅峰的境界了。更是擅长神识战斗。 At this moment, lifts off along with this slowly, the Tang San complexion is also becomes serious. 此时此刻,伴随着这位缓缓升空,唐三的脸色也是变得严肃起来。 The Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign look congealing reality, is gazing at Tang San, " I have never thought! Initially it seems like I was mistaken. Diamond Heavenly Fairy Sovereign should not be struck to kill by Tree Ancestor, or was you relied on some Tree Ancestor strengths, finally it died in your hands, right? " 摄魂天精皇眼神凝实,注视着唐三,「真没想到啊!当初看来我还是走眼了。金刚天精皇应该并不是被树祖击杀的,或者说是你借助了一些树祖的力量,最终它还是死在你手中的,对吧?」 " Yes. " Tang San gets the head slightly. 「是的。」唐三微微领首。 The Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign forced smile said: " Really does not know that human how training has your such evildoer/monstrous talent. It seems like that heavenly fox is right, to human, truly must be vigilant that is good. Had had talent Sovereign, never expected that has your such existences today. " 摄魂天精皇苦笑道:「真不知道人类是怎么培养出你这么一个妖孽的。看来,天狐是对的,对人类,确实是要警惕才行。曾经出过一位天才皇者,没想到今天又出了你们这样的存在。」 The Tang San look moves slightly, " why human cannot appear expert, only then your Monster Race and do Fairy Race have such qualifications to be inadequate? " 唐三眼神微动,「为什么人类就不能出现强者,只有你们妖怪族精怪族才有这样的资格不成?」 The Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign eyes narrow the eyes, faintly smiled, said: " I am not this meaning. However, this world controls will be in our hands better. Not? You looked, the world that we control is how happy. " 摄魂天精皇双眼微眯,微微一笑,道:「我并不是这个意思。不过,这个世界还是掌控在我们手中会更好一些。不是么?你看,我们掌控的这个世界是多么美好。」 When does not know, his double pupil oneself after turning into the profound purple, in the eye pupil, as if purple halo was revolving quietly, is revolving the purple just like the abyss to be the same, is changing the surrounding all quietly. 不知道什么时候,他的双眸己经变成了深邃的紫色,眼眸之中,仿佛有一圈圈的紫色光晕在悄然旋转着,旋转着的紫色犹如深渊一般,悄然改变着周围的一切。 The Tang San look becomes at a loss instantaneously, behind Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, only illusory eye also appear, these eyes vary, dissimilar in shape and form, color varies. But is actually sending out the profound ray all. 唐三的眼神瞬间就变得迷惘起来,摄魂天精皇背后,一只只虚幻的眼睛随之出现,这些眼睛有大有小,形态各异、颜色各异。但却无不散发着深邃的光芒。 Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign is soul absorption tree cultivates become a Sovereign, soul absorption tree this lineage/vein, especially excels at the spiritual control, after achievement divine consciousness, the strength will obtain the promotion of geometrical multiple. Once called back the soul of the deceased successfully by it, by its control, will become his puppet. 摄魂天精皇乃是摄魂树修炼成皇,摄魂树这一脉,尤其擅长精神掌控,在成就神识之后,实力更会获得几何倍数的提升。一旦被其摄魂成功,就将被其掌控,成为其傀儡。 Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign most intrepid is also in this regard, therefore, comes up on divine consciousness without hesitation full, covers Tang San directly, attempts to control him. 摄魂天精皇最强悍的也就是在这方面,所以,一上来就毫不犹豫的神识全开,直接笼罩唐三,尝试着对他进行掌控。 It looks like in Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, regardless of Tang San strength strong, how the beforehand ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation crossed, cannot change him just the become a Sovereign fact. Just become a Sovereign, divine consciousness after the transformation, definitely had a big disparity from the Sovereign peak. 摄魂天精皇看来,无论唐三实力有多强,之前的登临劫是如何渡过,都改变不了他才刚刚成皇的事实。刚刚成皇,神识才经过蜕变,距离皇者巅峰肯定还是有不小差距的。 Let alone in the beforehand fight, he affirmed that has a big consumption. While the opportunity, accomplishes the whole task at one stroke, controls him directly , all also solved. 更何况在之前的战斗中,他肯定已经有了不小的消耗。趁着机会,毕其功于一役,直接掌控住他,那么,所有的一切也就都解决了。 Sure enough, in the face of his powerful divine consciousness deterrent, the Tang San look changed, the whole person as if instantaneously is becoming ignorant. 果不其然,在他强大的神识威慑面前,唐三的眼神发生了变化,整个人似乎都在瞬间变得浑浑噩噩的。 Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign not eagerly success, but unceasing, is releasing own divine consciousness' power slowly. Just started to control the opposite party, strength of opponent, cannot because of touching to affect, making the opposite party revive, that wasted all previous efforts. 摄魂天精皇并没有急于成功,而是不断的、缓慢的释放着自己的神识之力。刚刚开始掌控对方,对手的实力又如此之强,不能因为触动而影响,让对方苏醒过来,那就前功尽弃了。 But in the next quarter, the eyeground of Tang San suddenly were many wiped the golden color, the Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign profound eye pupil contracts suddenly. 但就在下一刻,唐三的眼底却突然多了一抹金色,摄魂天精皇深邃的眼瞳骤然收缩。 Back vertical eye suddenly ray big release , an illusory form on appear 背后一只竖眼骤然光芒大放,紧接着,一道虚幻的身影就出现 Before the Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign body. That impressively is monster of mammoth appearance. 摄魂天精皇身前。那赫然是一只猛犸模样的妖怪 " Bang " , that phantom is instantaneous, as if pitiful yell sends out imperceptibly. Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign complexion one white, the figure retrocedes suddenly, the back numerous eye pupil is sparking, the profound look stares again to Tang San. 「砰」的一声,那虚影瞬间破碎,无形中仿佛有一声惨叫发出似的。摄魂天精皇脸色一白,身形骤然后退,背后的众多眼瞳再次闪亮,深邃的眼神再次凝视向唐三 The Tang San figure as if stopped. Also was controlled. 唐三的身形似乎又停顿了一下。又被控制住了似的。 Changed the average person, saw that this may not understand a moment ago had anything, but on the scene is Sovereign, many also knows some Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign abilities, therefore one clear what's the matter. 换了普通人,看到刚才这一幕或许会不明白发生了什么,但在场都是皇者,多少也知道一些摄魂天精皇的能力,所以一下就明白是怎么回事。 The calling back the soul of the deceased control of Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign to Tang San received backlash, he actually divine consciousness that used himself to accumulate resisted backlash. Without a doubt, that at least is Great Monster King Rank Golden Mammoth Clan expert divine soul, does not know that after is when the Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign control slaughters, controlled its divine soul. 摄魂天精皇唐三的摄魂控制受到了反噬,他却用自己积累的一道神识来抵抗了反噬。毫无疑问,那至少是一位大妖王级别黄金猛犸族强者神魂,不知道是什么时候被摄魂天精皇掌控杀戮之后,控制了其神魂 golden mammoth is famous at the strength, divine consciousness ability is not very strong, called back the soul of the deceased that by Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign is simple thing. Also Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign just fell from the sky luckily, otherwise, saw that this must certainly have the idea. 黄金猛犸以力量著称,本身的神识能力并不是特别强,被摄魂天精皇摄魂那是再简单不过的事情了。也幸好猛犸大妖皇刚刚陨落了,否则的话,看到这一幕肯定是要有想法的。 But in this moment, all Sovereign also pays attention to behind Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign that only different eye, without a doubt, each eye represented one once true divine soul to exist. Was slaughtered later expert by him, divine soul is detained, changes into a part of his strength. 而在这一刻,所有皇者们也不禁关注起摄魂天精皇背后那一只只不同的眼睛,毫无疑问,每一只眼睛都代表着一个曾经真正的神魂存在。都是被他杀戮之后的强者,神魂被拘禁,化为他力量的一部分。 Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign can be said as in all Sovereign on beginning least existences outwardly, at this moment, facing the death threat, he put out own strength truly. His great strength, competition originates from the detention of divine soul, but the detention of each divine soul means that a time slaughters. Accumulated the strength of so many divine soul, that is how many slaughters? Arrived his rank, only then Great Monster King stage expert, has the significance of accumulation strength to him. 摄魂天精皇可以说是所有皇者之中明面上动手最少的存在,此时此刻,面对死亡威胁,他才算是真正拿出了自己的实力。他的强大,竞是来源于对神魂的拘禁,而每一个神魂的拘禁都意味着一次杀戮。积累了这么多神魂之力,那是多少杀戮?到了他这个级别,也只有大妖王层次强者,对他来说才有积累力量的意义。 Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign naturally also understands oneself reveal the secret, just chose golden mammoth lineage/vein divine soul to resist to backlash, is reason that because Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign had died in battle. 摄魂天精皇自然也明白自己露了馅,刚刚选择了黄金猛犸一脉的一道神魂来对抗反噬,就是因为猛犸大妖皇已经阵亡的缘故。 His ability is special, when explodes together divine soul, will have instantaneous buff to his divine consciousness, making his calling back the soul of the deceased technique be able the prestige to be able suddenly increases. Therefore can control Tang San again. 他的能力非常特殊,在爆开一道神魂的时候,对他自身的神识会有瞬间加成,让他的摄魂术能够威能暴增。所以才能再次去控制唐三 Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign can become Heavenly Fairy Sovereign ranked third, that is not lucky. The innumerable accumulations make him to the control of divine consciousness and divine soul extremely powerful. 摄魂天精皇能够成为排名第三的天精皇,那绝非侥幸。无数的积累让他对神识神魂的掌控都极其强悍。 Just that collided, made him feel divine consciousness' power of opposite party to compete however is not at itself, after exploding mammoth Great Monster King divine soul, he detonated the strength of six divine soul one after another. 刚刚那一下碰撞,就让他感受到对方的神识之力竞然不在自己之下,在爆开了猛犸大妖王神魂之后,他紧接着就又接连引爆了六道神魂之力。 Suddenly, gold-winged great peng, time alligator and golden lion monster clan and other light shadow of second-level races flash through alternately, the continual eruptions of strength of six divine soul, make in the double pupil of Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign enter instantaneously project the dazzling purple light. That profound purple light changes into the vortex, swallowing of madness to Tang San divine consciousness. In this moment, his divine consciousness' power has even achieved Sovereign peak stage. 一时间,金翅大鹏鸟时光鳄、黄金狮妖族等六个二级种族的光影交替闪过,六道神魂之力的连续爆发,瞬间让摄魂天精皇的双眸之中进射出刺目的紫光。那深邃的紫光化为旋涡,疯狂的吞噬向唐三神识。在这一刻,他的神识之力甚至已经达到了皇者巅峰的层次 The eyes of Tang San were almost the flash are exaggerated the purple, seemed like with Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign exactly the same purple. The body of whole person also stagnated. 唐三的双眼几乎是一瞬间就被渲染成了紫色,看上去是与摄魂天精皇一模一样的紫色。整个人的身体也随之凝滞了似的。 Success? 成功了? numerous Sovereign induces Tang San own divine consciousness immediately seemed like falls into enemy hands. Erupts to divine consciousness of Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign this flash also holds in high esteem, this strength competes however intrepidly in this way. Powerful to so degree? 众位皇者立刻就感应到了唐三自身的神识似乎是失守了。对摄魂天精皇这一瞬间的神识爆发也是不禁刮目相看,这位的实力竞然强悍如斯。强大到了如此程度的吗?
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