DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1165: The sword of justice

The Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign look stagnates, I hope facing you whole-heartedly, even the death, I still died, when die can see a swordsmanship higher pinnacle.” 剑圣大妖皇眼神凝滞,“我希望是面对全力以赴的你,就算是死,我也死亡在自己死的时候能够看到剑道更高的极致。” Tang San is the smile said: Who said that with isn't the pinnacle of swordsmanship this grass sword displays? If you sword by the external object, that have shown your heart sword has not practiced to arrive. I had taught your what Weijian. What is the sword?” 唐三却是微笑道:“谁说用这草剑施展出的就不是剑道的极致呢?如果您将剑一直以外物来看,那证明您的心剑还没有修炼到位。我曾经教过你何为剑。剑是什么?” At the same time saying, the smile on his face is vanishing, during is void one step to step forward, in the hand the grass sword empty cuts to go. 一边说着,他脸上的笑容消失,虚空之中一步跨出,手中草剑虚斩而去。 Xuan imposing manner, in this has not but flickered, Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign only thought that bright sword intent is simple and elegant, but, shortly, as if the heaven inversion, all evil spirits as if had vanished from between heaven and earth in this moment generally. 没有如何煊赫的气势,但在这一瞬,剑圣大妖皇只觉得一股煌煌剑意清雅而至,顷刻间,仿佛苍天倒置,所有的邪祟在这一刻仿佛都已经从天地间消失了一般。 He almost blurted out, sword is justice!” 他几乎是脱口而出,“剑是正义!” red-crowned divine sword shouldered, welcomes to the sword of this justice. 丹顶神剑挑起,迎向了这正义之剑。 Ding a resounding, Tang San float from the sky stands one's ground steadfastly, but Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign has actually fallen returns to the ground, is ordinary just like the long sword straight insertion ground, is involved. “叮”的一声脆响,唐三悬浮在空中岿然不动,而剑圣大妖皇却已经落回地面,宛如长剑直接插入地面一般,深陷其中。 Prestige of the sword, actually goes so far as in this way, below Sovereign all with amazement. 一剑之威,竟至如斯,下方的诸位皇者无不骇然。 The next quarter, Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign has lifted off. But this time he, in look actually stimulated. 下一刻,剑圣大妖皇已经重新升空而起。但此时的他,眼神之中却只有亢奋。 „The sword of this justice, not only need have the justice, must condense the justice in world, the justice of sensibility world, can the accomplishment?” Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign earnest asking. “这正义之剑,不只是要心存正义,更要凝聚世间之正义,感悟世间之正义,方能大成?”剑圣大妖皇认真的问道。 Tang San faintly smiled, said: Very much so. This sword, hopes that your life can realize from experience well.” 唐三微微一笑,道:“正是如此。这一剑,希望你这一生能够好好体悟。” Also?” Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign anxious asking. “还有呢?”剑圣大妖皇急切的问道。 Tang San actually shakes the head, said: This sword enough you have enjoyed the life. The sword of sacrifice I welcomed the wife, could not have used. Perhaps my present sacrifice sword, must cut plane. As for Sword of Judgement, that is unable to use in this. Therefore, you only need to realize the sword of this justice well, not only can enjoy life-long, can make you increase to higher stage. You remember, the foundation of this sword has a clear conscience four characters, wants to realize it, on taking time asks one's conscience. Was told himself by oneself, is whether just.” 唐三却摇摇头,道:“这一剑已经够你受用一生了。牺牲之剑我迎回妻子,已经用不出了。我现在的牺牲一剑,恐怕要斩位面。至于审判之剑,那更是无法在此使用。所以,你只需要好好体会这正义之剑,不但能够受用终生,也能让你攀升到更高的层次。你记住,这一剑的根基是问心无愧四字,想要将它练成,就需时时问心。让自己告诉自己,是否正义。” Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign deeply inspires, I was probably clear. However, don't you kill me?” 剑圣大妖皇深吸口气,“我好像明白了。不过,你不杀我?” Tang San faintly smiled, said: Why do I want to kill you? Just Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign was only the scholarship not fine, could not catch my attack. But you actually caught my sword of justness, proves in your heart to have the justice, oneself cultivation base is also enough. Now, can you admit defeat?” 唐三微微一笑,道:“我为什么要杀你?刚刚的无尽天精皇只是学艺不精,接不住我的攻击而已。但你却接住了我的正义之剑,证明你心中有正义,自身修为也足够。现在,你可认输?” Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign hands over red-crowned divine sword, the sword hilt is upward, bows to Tang San slightly, I admitted defeat.” 剑圣大妖皇倒转手中丹顶神剑,剑柄向上,向唐三微微躬身,“我认输了。” Tang San makes a hand signal of invitation to him, Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign drops from the clouds, fell returned to the ground. But he has not actually looked at Tang San again, but sits down same place, immediately enters the meditation condition, is sensing silently. 唐三向他做出一个请的手势,剑圣大妖皇从天而降,重新落回到了地面。但他却没有再看唐三,而是原地坐下,立刻进入了冥想状态,默默的感悟着。 The Tang San vision shifts to a Fairy Race side. 唐三的目光转向精怪族一方。 At this time, numerous Sovereign saw that Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign had not been killed, before the astonishment in had had some transformations. 此时,众位皇者眼看剑圣大妖皇并没有被杀死,之前眼中的惊愕已经发生了一些转变。 The Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign look throughout is the Yin clear uncertain twinkle, thing that he most is worried about happened eventually. 天狐大妖皇的眼神始终都是阴晴不定的闪烁着,他最担心的事情终究还是发生了。 Human, is really human, Jin Miaolin is human disguises as unexpectedly unexpectedly. But this human, in in the Ancestral Court, closes up successfully under the protections of their these Sovereign, crossing tribulation become a Sovereign. Ten thousand Meadon is near, present he, is not ordinary Sovereign is so obviously simple. 人类,竟然真的是人类,靳淼林竟然是人类假扮的。而这个人类,更是在祖庭之中,在他们这些皇者的守护之下闭关成功,渡劫成皇。万米登临,现在的他,显然不是普通皇者那么简单。 The Tang San vision fell on the body of thousand chances and hundred changes Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. 唐三的目光落在了千机百变琉璃天精皇的身上。 the river inundates the cosmos Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign and invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable Diamond Heavenly Fairy Sovereign had fallen from the sky, from end to front, is one's turn was this Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. 水漫乾坤无尽天精皇坚不可摧金刚天精皇都已经陨落了,从后向前,轮到的就是这位琉璃天精皇了。 Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, on please.” 琉璃天精皇,请上。” The function vanishes in Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign rule suppression, Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign vision congealing reality, although this has exceeded the imagination of Sovereign at present completely, but as Sovereign, each is present age highest level expert, the control the ethnic group did not know many years, after the short shock, had restored calm. 作用在琉璃天精皇身上的规则压制消失,琉璃天精皇目光凝实,虽然眼前这一幕已经完全超出了皇者们的想象,但身为皇者,他们每一个都是当世最顶级的强者,更统御了族群不知道多少年,在短暂的震惊之后,已经恢复了沉稳。 According to rule that treading the sovereign ascends to heaven, so long as can defeat the opposite party, then, the rule naturally can break open. Tang San cannot rests, quite therefore probably face so many Sovereign fights in which several people take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out. Therefore, they must do not necessarily defeats Tang San directly, but consumes him unceasingly, prepares for behind more powerful Sovereign. 按照踏皇登天的规则,只要能够战胜对方,那么,规则自然会破开。唐三是不能休息的,相当于是要面对这么多位皇者的车轮战。所以,他们要做的未必是直接战胜唐三,而是不断的消耗他,为后面更强大的皇者做准备。 Since five-colors ray is almost is instantaneously bright from Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, five lines of mutual promotions of the five elements are used by this Sovereign, that and went to battle to occupy of war of sovereign to be possible on behalf of the colored glaze fine clan initially to be entirely different. 五彩光芒几乎是瞬间就从琉璃天精皇背后亮起,五行相生由这位皇者用出,那与当初代表琉璃精族出战占皇之战的那位可就截然不同了。 The circle melts pleasant, five lines of colored glazes! 圆融如意,五行琉璃! Lift-off Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, looks like radiant five lines of gems to be the same, is blooming the eye-catching brilliance. 升空的琉璃天精皇,就像是一颗璀璨的五行宝石一般,绽放着夺目的光彩。 Jin Miaolin unexpectedly is human, really makes us not think. Actually do you want to make what? Even if you can complete to tread the sovereign to ascend to heaven using the rule, you think that like this you can become the lord of Ancestral Court? Your that divine tool can strengthen the Ancestral Court rule, fetters us to accompany you to tread the sovereign to ascend to heaven, but after that you wants to depend on one's effort to suppress all our?” Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign light saying. 靳淼林竟然是人类,真是让我们万万没想到。你究竟想要做什么呢?就算你能够利用规则来完成踏皇登天,难道你认为这样你就能成为祖庭之主了吗?你那神器能够增强祖庭规则,束缚我们陪你踏皇登天,但在那之后,你难道想要凭一己之力镇压我们所有么?”琉璃天精皇淡淡的说道。 Tang San looks at the whole body to send out multicolored halo her, the smile said: All that you said are not I want to do. I have not thought must control this plane. In fact, initially I, when breaks through tenth level, has reached the agreement with this plane. When I restored once cultivation base, will leave this plane. Here, was not me.” 唐三看着全身散发着彩色光晕的她,微笑道:“你所说的一切都不是我想要做的。我也从来没有想过要掌控这个位面。事实上,当初我在突破到十阶的时候,就已经与这个位面达成协议。当我恢复曾经的修为时,就将离开这个位面。这里,本来就不属于我。” Listened to his words, Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign to stare, this surpassed her to think as before. Each character that Tang San said that she understands, but is linked to each other made her somewhat unable to understand. 听了他的话,琉璃天精皇不禁一愣,这依旧是超出了她想想的。唐三说的每一个字她都明白,但连在一起却让她有些听不懂了。 „Don't you belong to this world? Do you come from where?” Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign cannot bear curious asking. “你不属于这个世界?那你是从何而来?”琉璃天精皇忍不住好奇的问道。 Tang San gives a calm smile, said: Knows that these are also not meaningful to you, when I leave this plane, will be all my you not to remember again. Said as for you whether I can after treading the sovereign ascends to heaven suppresses all your. That yourself had a look to know when the time comes. Arrives at this plane 20 years, was familiar with here all gradually. I hate you regarding the attitude of human, but also learned something from you. After I depart, desirably you can live in peace together with human. Therefore, before departure, I must make some thing.” 唐三淡然一笑,道:“知道这些对你们也没有什么意义,当我离开这个位面的时候,属于我的一切你们也不会再记得。至于你说,我是否能够在踏皇登天之后再压制你们所有。那到时候你自己看看就知道了。来到这个位面二十年,渐渐熟悉了这里的一切。我憎恶你们对于人类的态度,但也从你们身上学到了一些东西。在我离去之后,希望的是你们能与人类和平相处。所以,在离去之前,我总要做一些事情。” What do you want to make?” Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign pursues asks. “你到底要做什么?”琉璃天精皇追问道。 Tang San actually thinks that she gave a hand signal of invitation, „, you will know. Now, please-” 唐三却想她做了一个请的手势,“之后你会知道的。现在,请-” At the same time saying, under the Tang San body, golden halo are also sparkling to ascend, this is the soul ring brilliance, golden soul ring, this on previous life Douluo Continent is also hardly obvious existence. Ten thousand Meadon is near, he also retrieved previous life. 一边说着,唐三身下,一圈圈金色光环随之闪耀升腾而起,这是魂环的光彩,金色的魂环,这在前世斗罗大陆上也是几乎不可见的存在。万米登临,他同样也找回了前世的自我。 Good!” The Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign look stagnates, back five lines of divine light bloom suddenly, in her hands were many a crystal ball, under the complementing of five colors ray, bursts out the radiant and eye-catching brilliance immediately. The five colors light beam directly soars Tang San to take away as many things as possible together. “好!”琉璃天精皇眼神凝滞,背后的五行神光骤然绽放,在她手掌之中多了一颗水晶球,在五色光芒的映衬下,顿时迸发出璀璨而夺目的光彩。一道五色光柱直奔唐三席卷而去。 Five lines of mutual promotions of the five elements, peeling! 五行相生,剥离! Strips the peelings of all strengths! 剥离一切力量的剥离! Tang San right hand sacred dragon spear/gun appear, dragon spear/gun makes a circle again, Heaven Profound Circle. 唐三右手神圣龙枪再次出现,龙枪画圆,天之玄圆 Five colors divine light falls into Heaven Profound Circle, immediately vanishes like the clay ox entering the sea generally does not see. Under the Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign sensation, this time Tang San, looks like inexhaustible black hole, is swallowing her attack. 五色神光落入天之玄圆中,顿时如同泥牛入海一般消失不见。在琉璃天精皇的感知下,此时的唐三,就像是一个无穷无尽的黑洞,吞噬着她的攻击。 Next flickers, the entire space becomes stagnates suddenly, as if the space turned into the strange crystal, Tang San is covered by that five colors colored glaze domain immediately, seemed like congealed the insect of amber to be the same. 下一瞬,整个空间突然变得凝滞起来,仿佛空间都变成了奇异的晶体,唐三顿时被那五色琉璃领域笼罩在内,就像是被凝结进琥珀的昆虫一般。 The Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign figure also vanishes in that colored glaze world similarly, passes in the crystal like the five colors ray together, arrived in front of Tang San instantaneously. divine light surges, sweeps across Tang San. 琉璃天精皇的身形也同样消失在那琉璃的世界之中,如同一道五色光芒在晶体中流转,瞬间就到了唐三面前。神光涌动,席卷唐三 Xiao Wu looks in not far away, sees this, she seems like aloof, on face light smile. In her look, only then he. Only then her Brother San. 小舞就在不远处看着,看到这一幕,她似乎是无动于衷的,脸上只有淡淡的微笑。她的眼神之中,就只有他。只有她的三哥
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