DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1166: Colored glaze close combat

" Ding " a brittle cry, crystal ball oneself after arriving above the Tang San top of the head, five colors divine light covers from top to bottom, lives in the Tang San complete cover in that crystal, changes into the big five colors divine light cover. This is Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign special skill, can for the self-defence, can be used to control the opponent. 「叮」的一声脆鸣,水晶球己经降临在唐三头顶上方,五色神光从上向下笼罩,在那晶体之中将唐三完全罩住,化为大五色神光罩。这是琉璃天精皇看家本领,能够为自身防御,也能够用来控制对手。 Erupts the domain, the big five colors divine light cover follows, this strikes just like the passing clouds and flowing water is ordinary, has displayed she cultivation base peak. 爆发领域,紧接着大五色神光罩跟上,这一击宛如行云流水一般,已经发挥出了她自身修为的巅峰。 " Useless. " The Tang San sound actually in the Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign heart just produced joyfully suddenly appear. 「没用的。」唐三的声音却在琉璃天精皇心中刚刚产生出欣喜的时候突然出现 Next flickers, Tang San in Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign control, whole body on oneself after bursting out eye-catching white halo. 下一瞬,琉璃天精皇控制中的唐三,全身就己经迸发出了夺目的白色光晕。 The white vortex flows in his chest place, the surrounding five colors ray was similar to melted immediately generally, was swallowed by that white vortex, shortly, domain big five colors divine light cover broken cleanness. 白色旋涡在他胸口处流淌,周围的五色光芒顿时如同融化了一般,被那白色旋涡所吞噬,顷刻之间,无论是领域还是大五色神光罩都被破的干干净净。 qi of primal chaos! 混沌之气 World from when the world's first took shape birth Yin-Yang, after the Yin-Yang, has four likely, five lines. Five lines of strength, derived from the chaos. Now chaos appear, five lines of nature return sources, how also possibly to cause the damage to Tang San? 天地从混沌初开诞生阴阳,阴阳之后,才有四象、五行。五行之力,本来就是从混沌衍生出来的。现在混沌出现,五行自然回归本源,又怎么可能对唐三造成伤害呢? " You... " Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign has a big shock, in the hand the crystal ball changes into five-colors meteor instantaneously, the short distance pounds to the Tang San overhead. 「你…」琉璃天精皇大惊失色,手中水晶球瞬间化为五彩流星,近距离向唐三当头砸去。 Meanwhile, the Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign body colored glaze, the pitching body on, draws close to Tang San instantaneously, a palm racket to the white vortex of Tang San chest place. 与此同时,琉璃天精皇身化琉璃,蹂身而上,瞬间贴近唐三,一掌拍向唐三胸口处的白色旋涡。 This female Sovereign, what actually most excels is the close combat. Even if other Sovereign, knows that this point are not many. Therefore she will reply on the domain strength to be close to Tang San side, then erupts to start instantaneously. 这位女性皇者,其实最擅长的是近战。哪怕是其他皇者,知道这一点也不多。所以她才会借助领域的力量接近到唐三身边,然后瞬间爆发发动。 Pounds the crystal ball that falls to be supported with the left hand by Tang San, at this time Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign near body, the sacred dragon spear/gun in his right hand is too long, at this time instead was restricted. 砸落的水晶球被唐三用左手托住,此时琉璃天精皇已经近身,他右手中的神圣龙枪过长,此时反而受到了限制。 Five-Colors ray is no longer assigned away from the capital, but the complete embodiment above the Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign palm, making her palm seem like similar to five-colors colored glaze to be together ordinary, attacks the Tang San chest. 五彩光芒不再外放,而是完全内蕴在琉璃天精皇手掌之上,让她的手掌看上去就如同一块五彩琉璃一般,直插唐三胸口。 Close combat? The Tang San corners of the mouth place reveals the meaning smile. 近战么?唐三嘴角处流露出意思微笑。 When his body one side, almost did not allow sent to make way slightly the palm of Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign in the middle, at the same time, Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign felt his body seemed to be illusory flickered, does not have any space fluctuations, was only the void in action, the shoulder of Tang San has hit to her chest. 他的身体微微一侧,几乎是在间不容发之际让开了琉璃天精皇的手掌,与此同时,琉璃天精皇只是感觉到他的身体仿佛虚幻了一瞬,没有任何空间波动,只是虚空之中的行动,唐三的肩膀就已经撞向了她的胸口。 Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign another palm instantaneously horizontal, blocks the shoulder of Tang San, simultaneously the right knee raised, directly soars the Tang San lower abdomen with raw hate hit. 琉璃天精皇另一只手掌瞬间横起,挡住唐三的肩膀,同时右膝提起,直奔唐三小腹凶狠的撞去。 Tang San lifts the right leg, with her knee to bumping. 唐三抬起右腿,与她的膝盖对碰。 The shoulder and chest, the knee and knee, are almost the same time collide together. 肩膀与胸膛,膝盖与膝盖,几乎都是同一时间碰撞在一起。 Only listens to " bang " a dull thumping sound. Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign only feels vigorous transmitting irresistibly, own body instantaneously hit retreat. 只听「砰」的一声闷响。琉璃天精皇只觉得一股无法抵抗的大力传来,自己的身体瞬间就被撞击的后退。 " Explodes 11 " she to shout angrily. All colors crystal ball in Tang San hand is unstable immediately *** gets up, saw that this divine tool must blast out in his hands. 「爆一一」她怒喝一声。唐三手中的五彩水晶球顿时不稳定的***起来,眼看着这件神器就要在他手中炸开。 " Could not explode. " The space and time ring on Tang San releases the strange distortion halo instantaneously, covers that crystal ball actually, is relying on the change of time and space speed of flow, control forcefully five-colors crystal ball is unable to explode. 「爆不了。」唐三手上的时空指环瞬间释放出奇异的扭曲光晕,硬是将那水晶球笼罩在内,凭借着时间与空间流速的变化,硬生生的控制住了五彩水晶球无法爆开。 Meanwhile, his another hand makes the movement that empty stressed toward Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign only thought that a huge attracting customer interest affected suddenly on own neck, her body retroceded, the neck was held. 与此同时,他另一只手朝着琉璃天精皇做出了一个虚抓的动作。琉璃天精皇只觉得一股巨大的吸扯力突然作用在了自己的脖子上,以至于她身体后退,脖子却被抓住了似的。 The fierce pain transmits instantaneously. 剧烈的痛苦瞬间传来。 Also at this moment, blue-golden appear of vine no omen on her, her binding solidity. 也就在这时,一根根蓝金色的藤蔓毫无预兆的出现在她身上,将她缠绕了个结结实实。 Five-Colors ray erupts, but also wants to work loose. 五彩光芒爆发,还想要从中挣脱出去。 But at this moment, on the Tang San palm, the books of various law appear again. 而就在这时,唐三手掌上,诸法之书再次显现。 " Decides! " As soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, said the book of spirit. 「定!」言出法随,言灵之书。 The Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign body concentrates, five lines of strength cannot erupt, but is the time of this flash, her body had been towed to pull in front of Tang San, one was covered the throat by Tang San. 琉璃天精皇身体一凝,五行之力就没能爆发出来,而就是这一瞬间的工夫,她的身体就已经被牵引着拉扯到了唐三面前,被唐三一把扣住了咽喉。 The room breath feeling integrates the whole body along with the powerful strength, Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign could not have moved, in the eye pupil revealed the color of fear. 室息感伴随着强大的力量融入全身,琉璃天精皇已是动弹不得,眼眸之中不禁流露出了恐惧之色。 From beginning to end, she by Tang San 从始至终,她都在被唐三 Leads by the nose, powerful cultivation base was suppressed completely. 牵着鼻子走,一身强大的修为完全被压制。 qi of primal chaos pours into, strips the five lines of strength of Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign within the body to integrate the Tang San body, was supplementing he just consumed. 混沌之气注入,剥离着琉璃天精皇体内的五行之力融入唐三身体,补充着他刚刚的消耗。 He just become a Sovereign, the itself boundary was not too steady, facing the Sovereign fight, will have consume. But as also these fights, making him restore oneself once all sorts of abilities gradually. In fact, in such fight he not only will not be consumed, instead is will stiffen unceasingly. 他才刚刚成皇,本身境界还不算太稳,面对皇者战斗,还是会有所消耗的。但也随着这一场场的战斗,让他渐渐恢复自己曾经的种种能力。实际上,在这样的战斗中他不但不会被消耗,反而是会不断的变强。 " Admits defeat? " Tang San smile looks at Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. Regarding this, he has no malice. 「认输吗?」唐三微笑的看着琉璃天精皇。对于这位,他并没有什么恶感。 Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign divine consciousness fluctuates, " don't you kill me? " 琉璃天精皇神识波动,「你不杀我?」 " Why do I want to kill you? Killed you again, perhaps Your Excellency Celestial Sun must get angry with me. " Tang San smiles was saying. 「我为什么要杀你?再杀了你,恐怕天阳冕下要跟我发火了呢。」唐三微笑着说道。 " I admitted defeat. " Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign looks like rubber ball generally helpless saying that is discouraged. 「我认输了。」琉璃天精皇就像是泄了气的皮球一般无奈的说道。 The Tang San palm shakes, Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign was returned to the ground. He also achieved a success. 唐三手掌一抖,琉璃天精皇被送回地面。他也又获得了一场胜利。 Four games and four wins, have defeated four Sovereign. 四战四胜,已经击败了四位皇者 Without rests, his vision also returned to Heavenly Universal Empire, " Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign, on please. " 没有休息,他的目光随之回到了天宇帝国这边,「猛犸大妖皇,请上。」 In Crystal Great Monster Sovereign also, golden radiance Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign ranks seventh, now front did not have Crystal Great Monster Sovereign and Dark Demon Great Monster Sovereign, his position oneself promoted fifth. Actually is also present Monster Race here third from the bottom. 水晶大妖皇还在的时候,黄金光辉猛犸大妖皇排名第七,现在前面没有了水晶大妖皇暗魔大妖皇,他的名次己经提升到了第五。却也是现在妖怪族这边的倒数第三位。 In the mouth sends out cold snort/hum, the Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign right foot steps on the ground, the majestic body on oneself after the lift-off, directly soars Tang San. In the in the air, dazzling golden light passes through on oneself from the whole body erupts. 口中发出一声冷哼,猛犸大妖皇右脚在地面上一踩,雄壮的身躯就己经升空而起,直奔唐三而来。身在空中,刺目的金光就己经从全身爆发。 He has no other elemental attribute and so on, relied on is the powerful body and spirit. 他没有什么其他的元素属性之类,凭借的就是自身强悍的体魄。 Was the human form appearance, in the right hand were still many a giant battle axe. Under the terrifying strength in he erupts full power, because the entire sky his blazing blood energy fluctuates becomes somewhat twists. 依旧是人形模样,右手之中却多了一柄巨大的战斧。恐怖的力量在他全力的爆发之下,整个天空都因为他那炽烈的气血波动而变得有些扭曲起来。 The bloodlines eruption of this flash, his oneself proved own cultivation base to above Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. 只是这一瞬间的血脉爆发,他就己经证明了自己的修为要更在琉璃天精皇之上。 Heavenly Universal Empire has been able forcing Solar Empire, relied on is the overall absolute strength. 天宇帝国一直能够力压日辰帝国,凭借的就是整体的绝对实力。 In Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign eye ominous glittering, is staring at Tang San, " comes. " 猛犸大妖皇眼中凶光闪烁,凝视着唐三,「来吧。」 Tang San golden color soul ring glittered, as before is ten golden soul ring, but in that flickers, some Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign actually strange feelings, his these golden light seemed like alternate badly generally, as if traded one batch. 唐三身上的金色魂环闪烁了一下,依旧还是十个金色魂环,但在那一瞬,猛犸大妖皇却有种奇异的感觉,他这些金色的光坏似乎是更迭了一般,仿佛换了一批似的。 The next quarter, in the Tang San right hand, are many a sledgehammer. This sledgehammer appear instance, his surrounding space appear piece by piece fissure. 下一刻,唐三右手之中,已经多了一柄大锤。这柄大锤出现的瞬间,他周围的空间都出现了片片裂痕。 Looks the sledgehammer in own hand, Tang San resounds those words that the previous life father spoke: Forever remembers with the hammer of your left hand, protects the grass of your right hand. 看着自己手中的这柄大锤,唐三不禁响起自己前世的父亲所说的那句话:永远记得用你左手的锤,保护好你右手的草。 Yes, this is Tang San previous life and blue-silver grass compound twin martial souls another, Clear Sky Hammer! 是的,这正是唐三前世蓝银草并列的双生武魂另一个,昊天锤 Is honored as Douluo the world's most powerful martial soul Clear Sky Hammer. 被誉为斗罗世界最强大器武魂昊天锤 Since initially Tang San become a God, after entering God Realm, this Clear Sky Hammer on oneself passes through few uses. Today has Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign of great power facing this, he also has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, released own Wu Tianchui. 自从当初唐三成神,进入神界之后,这昊天锤就己经很少使用了。今天面对这有着强大力量的猛犸大妖皇,他也不禁见猎心喜,将自己的吴天锤释放了出来。 " Roars 11 " Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign to explode drinks one, back huge golden mammoth phantom bursts out suddenly, that phantom height is 500 meters, as high as about 300 meters. As if entire sky was shone upon the golden color by it. The Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign right foot treads void, the sky was shattered. 「吼一一」猛犸大妖皇爆喝一声,背后一尊巨大的黄金猛犸虚影骤然迸发,那虚影身长足足有五百米,高达300米开外。仿佛整个天空都被它映照成了金色。猛犸大妖皇右脚虚空一踏,天空破碎。 Layer upon layer shatter void instantaneously toward the Tang San spread in the past, war trampling! 层层破碎的虚空瞬间朝着唐三蔓延过去,战争践踏 war trampling that this uses, at least is Tang San has seen powerful in this plane. This fierce treads out, void must break. Ning Chenen and compared with him, that disparity was really big. 这位用出的战争践踏,至少是唐三在本位面所见过最强大的。这凶猛的一脚踩出,虚空都要破碎了似的。宁臣恩与他相比,那差距实在是太大了。 Meanwhile, in the hand battle axe both hands grasp grasp, just like a war-god, directly soars Tang San to divide to cut to go. 与此同时,手中战斧双手抓握,宛如一尊战神般,直奔唐三劈斩而去。
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