DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1164: Extinguishes kills Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign

At this time, he when release water tornado is also the lift-off flies. But next flickers, body actually oneself drops from the clouds, was fallen from in the air to bind by that long spear/gun directly, ruthlessly foot pin rod in ground. 此时,他在释放水龙卷的时候也是升空飞起的。但下一瞬,身体却己是从天而降,被那一杆长枪直接从空中扎落,狠狠地钉在了地面上。 " H11 " other Sovereign make way in abundance, a low and deep bellow resounds. 「轰11」其他皇者纷纷让开,一声低沉的轰鸣声响起。 The orange golden ray eruption, is the sacred strength. Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign has not even sent out a pitiful yell, the body had been swallowed by that orange golden flame. 橙金色的光芒爆发,正是神圣之力。无尽天精皇甚至连一声惨叫都没有发出,身体就已经被那橙金色的火焰吞噬了。 In own attribute completely restrained situation, he has not even achieved the resistance. 在自身属性完全被克制的情况下,他甚至连反抗都没有做到。 The sky instantaneously becomes dim, the blood rain heavy rain, Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, falls! 天空瞬间重新变得昏暗起来,血雨瓢泼,无尽天精皇,陨! The Tang San right hand grasps void grasps, during the sacred dragon weight of rifle returns to him to grasp newly. 唐三右手虚空抓握,神圣龙枪重新回到他掌握之中。 " You 11 " Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign lose one's voice to call out in alarm, the gentle imposing manner one changed. 「你一一」天阳天精皇失声惊呼,原本平和的气势一下就变了。 He competed however killed Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, even if trod the sovereign to ascend to heaven, does not need to slaughter, Solar Empire Sovereign that killed let alone! 他竞然杀了无尽天精皇,就算是踏皇登天,也没必要杀戮,更何况还是杀的日辰帝国皇者啊! In an instant, all Sovereign looks changed, becomes exceptionally dignified. 刹那间,所有皇者的眼神都变了,变得异常的凝重。 " He is never so expected that weak, strikes has not blocked. " The Tang San tranquil sound resounds, as if made insignificant thing, but oneself. 「没想到他那么弱,一击都没挡住。」唐三平静的声音响起,仿佛只是做了一件微不足道的事情而己。 Yes, he is to draw support from this to tread the sovereign ascending to heaven slaughter sovereign. 是的,他就是要借助这踏皇登天屠皇。 Human, wants between Monster Race and Fairy Race struggles to seek livehood, what need is the space of development. Tang San and Xiao Wu must leave eventually, but before departure, he needs the certain extent tempers the Ancestral Court strength, and gives enough deterrent, can make Ancestral Court not dare easily to begin to human, to human at time. 人类,想要在妖怪族精怪族之间挣扎求生,需要的是发展的空间。唐三小舞终究是要离开的,但在离开之前,他必须要一定程度的削弱祖庭的力量,并且给予足够的威慑,才能让祖庭不敢轻易对人类动手,给人类以时间。 Therefore, he comes up, gotten down is the killer! 所以,他一上来,下的就是杀手! This has fallen from the sky third Sovereign in Tang San hand. 这已经是陨落在唐三手中的第三位皇者了。 The Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign look became solidified instantaneously generally, " Jin Miaolin, you may know what are oneself making? " 天狐大妖皇的眼神瞬间就变得凝固了一般,「靳淼林,你可知道自己在做什么?」 Tang San said indifferently: " I am treading the sovereign to ascend to heaven according to the Ancestral Court rule. In rule that in treading the sovereign ascends to heaven, didn't have is not possible a slaughter sovereign saying? As soon as his I strike cannot block, how is the sovereign? " 唐三淡然道:「我按照祖庭规则在踏皇登天。在踏皇登天的规则之中,没有不可屠皇一说吧?他连我一击都挡不住,何以为皇?」 Other Sovereign look that the Tang San look also becomes stagnates instantaneously, the Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign aura also changed instantaneously, in an instant, numerous Sovereign rises all slowly, is staring at Tang San in sky. They have felt is not right, this just crossing tribulation become a Sovereign Jin Miaolin and passing seems to become obviously different. 其他皇者看着唐三的眼神也瞬间都变得凝滞起来,就连天阳天精皇的气息也是瞬间发生了变化,刹那间,众位皇者无不缓缓上升,凝视着天空中的唐三。他们都已经感受到了不对,这个刚刚渡劫成皇靳淼林和过往似乎已经变得明显不同。 The huge pressure sets out from numerous Sovereign, directly engages in factional strife to go to in the air Tang San and Mei Gongzi. 巨大的威压从众位皇者身上进发,直接向空中的唐三美公子倾轧而去。 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign is stunned of face, White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign frowns at this time the thinking, Undying Great Monster Sovereign looks with astonishment. These relate closest Sovereign with Tang San and Mei Gongzi, but they also cannot think why at this kind of time, Tang San will turn into this suddenly. 晶凤大妖皇此时是一脸的愕然,白虎大妖皇蹙眉思索,不死大妖皇面露惊愕。这几位是与唐三美公子关系最为密切的皇者,可他们也同样想不到,为什么在这种时候,唐三会突然变成这样。 The Tang San left hand stretches out, book of appear thick various law above his palm. Before compares, the book of this various law also had the strange change, original dark-gold had changed into resplendent golden color at this time, just appear, bloomed the strange ray, the numerous Sovereign oppression in this flickered to Tang San and Mei Gongzi oppression power seems weaken resembled. 唐三左手伸出,厚厚的诸法之书出现在他掌心之上。和之前相比,这本诸法之书也发生了奇异的变化,原本的暗金色此时已经化为了灿金色,才只是刚一出现,就绽放出了奇异的光芒,以至于众位皇者压迫向唐三美公子压迫力在这一瞬都仿佛减弱了许多似的。 The books of various law lift p. 1, Tang San said slowly: " I said, all defer to tread the rule that the sovereign ascends to heaven to continue. " 诸法之书掀开第一页,唐三缓缓说道:「我说,一切按照踏皇登天的规则而继续。」 Immediately, the surrounding the whole world as if turned into the golden color, Tang San these words, each character presents in the ear of Sovereign just like timely exhortation to virtue and purity general permeating. 顿时,周围的整个世界似乎都变成了金色,唐三的这一句话,每一个字都宛如晨钟暮鼓一般渗入在场诸位皇者的耳中。 divine consciousness and body simultaneously shock. Sovereign only thought that invisible in has an extremely special binding force function on oneself, they engaged in factional strife to Tang San oppression power that goes, competes in this moment is nothing left. 神识与身体同时剧震。诸位皇者只觉得无形之中有一种极其特殊的束缚力作用在自己身上,原本他们向唐三倾轧而去的压迫力,在这一刻竞是已经荡然无存。 Looks in the hand the thick books, on the Tang San face is revealing the light smile, the book of this various law , to promote Sovereign in him, or after is become a God, has promoted along with him thoroughly together becomes true divine tool, belongs to God Realm stage divine tool. 看着手中厚厚的书本,唐三脸上流露出淡淡的微笑,这本诸法之书,在他晋升皇者,或者说是重新成神之后,已经彻底伴随着他一起晋升成为了真正的神器,属于神界层次神器 Since the books of various law said that is various law, that naturally possibly does not swallow a rubbing ability. In fact, in the books of various law, altogether has three powerful ability. And two types, are this world gave it, Mei Gongzi Heaven's Mystery Plume was strengthened by Tang San with some copy ability of book of initial time this various law. 诸法之书既然说是诸法,那自然不可能只是吞噬拓印这一种能力。实际上,在诸法之书上,一共有三大能力。其中两种,都是这个世界本来赋予它的,美公子天机翎与这本诸法之书最初时候的一些拓印能力唐三强化。 But at this moment, Tang 而此时此刻,唐 Three displaying abilities, then came from the God strength. With his become a God, some strengths can also again finally true displayed. As soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced! 三所施展的能力,则是来自于神祗的力量。伴随着他重新成神,这部分力量也终于能够真正的重新施展出来了。正是言出法随! True God in the world of mortals, if including is unable to achieve as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, how said is on a god? 真神在凡间,如果连言出法随都无法做到,又怎么说的上是神呢? Tang San just returns to God Rank now, is not God King stage. His is also not enough to control all Sovereign as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, but can actually let this plane existing rule strengthening. Especially originally on binding force very strong rule. For example at present: Treads the sovereign to ascend to heaven. 唐三现在才刚刚回归神级,还不是神王层次。他的言出法随还不足以控制所有皇者,但却能够让这个位面已有的规则强化。尤其是原本就束缚力很强的规则。譬如眼前的:踏皇登天。 Just that spear/gun, was blue-silver overlord spear, his previous life martial soul blue-silver grass skill, iterated Sea God Trident and he's control to the water element again, in the situation that the attribute repelled one another, can strike to be killed violently that Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. 刚刚那一枪,乃是蓝银霸王枪,他前世武魂蓝银草的技能,再迭加上海神三叉戟与他自身对水元素的掌控,属性相克的情况下,才能将那无尽天精皇一击毙命。 Tang San knows certainly, does this to enrage all Sovereign instantaneously, therefore, he has certainly prepare, otherwise, can be rally togethered to attack? 唐三当然知道,这样做会瞬间激怒所有皇者,所以,他当然是有所准备的,否则的话,岂不是要被群起而攻之了? Tang San vision gentle looks to Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign, " , since you must violate the rule , the following rule is wielded by me. Fairy Race just conducted, next was one's turn Monster Race. Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign, on please. " 唐三目光平和的看向天狐大妖皇,「既然你要违背规则,那么,接下来的规则就由我来执掌吧。精怪族这边刚进行了一场,下一场轮到妖怪族了。剑圣大妖皇,请上。」 At the same time saying, he receives the books of various law, gave a hand signal of invitation to the Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign direction. 一边说着,他收起诸法之书,向剑圣大妖皇的方向做了一个请的手势。 Immediately, affects oppression power on Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign divine consciousness to vanish as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, this is tallies treads the sovereign ascending to heaven rule, Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign jumps instantaneously, toward in the air flies to shoot to go, quick arrived in front of Tang San. 顿时,言出法随作用在剑圣大妖皇神识上的压迫力消失,这是符合踏皇登天规则的,剑圣大妖皇瞬间腾身而起,朝着空中飞射而去,很快就来到了唐三面前。 The appearance that other Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign Sovereign that startled anger has not happened simultaneously at this time, looks at Tang San and Mei Gongzi, the eyes narrows the eyes, said: " You are not newly Miao Forest, right? " 剑圣大妖皇没有其他皇者此时那惊怒交加的样子,看着唐三美公子,双眼微眯,道:「你不是新淼林,对吧?」 Tang San stares slightly, " how does Your Excellency see? Was what flaw I showed? " By the present at this time, he actually also had no necessity of concealing. 唐三微微一愣,「冕下是如何看出来的?是我露出了什么破绽?」到了现在这个时候,他其实也没有什么掩饰的必要了。 Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign shakes the head, said: " You have no flaw, because of her. I know you, therefore, I am certain, can wield the person of such divine sword, is not possible loving another easily. Therefore, I should call you Asura, or? " 剑圣大妖皇摇摇头,道:「你没有什么破绽,是因为她。我认识你们,所以,我可以肯定,能够执掌那样神剑的人,是不可能轻易的移情别恋。所以,我应该称你为修罗,亦或是?」 " Tang San, my given name called Tang San. " Tang San relieved on the face the illusory light shadow, revealed own original feature. 唐三,我的本名叫唐三。」唐三解除了脸上虚幻的光影,露出了自己的本来面目。 Also was Mei Gongzi relieved phantom on face. 也为美公子解除了面庞上的虚影 Below Sovereign looks at these two faces, somewhat strange feeling. Tang San was needless saying that has seen Tang San original feature truly, in fact only had White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign. 下方的皇者看着这两张面庞,都不禁有些陌生的感觉。唐三就不用说了,真正见过唐三本来面目的,实际上就只有白虎大妖皇 But original Mei Gongzi also changed, she was more several to branch out the air/Qi of dust on the beautiful tender face, face line also appear some adjustments, making her seem like more perfect moving, has the Mei Gongzi outline as before, but has no female to be able with her to compare in this world again. 而原本的美公子也变了,她原本就绝美的娇颜更多了几分出尘之气,面部线条也出现了些许调整,让她看上去更加完美动人,依旧还有着美公子的轮廓,但在这世间却再没有任何女性能与她相比。 Solved in the embryo the fan, second fused later Xiao Wu, oneself passes through returns truly. The appearance of second also fuses mutually, had some changes slightly. 解了胎中之迷,两世融合之后的小舞,己经是真正的回归了。两世的容颜也相互融合,略微发生了一些变化。 Sword Saint Great Monster Sovereign has a look at Tang San, has a look at Xiao Wu again, gravely said: " I do not know how all these you achieve. 剑圣大妖皇看看唐三,再看看小舞,沉声道:「我不知道这一切你们是如何做到的。 But is very obvious, now you have controlled the aspect. To me, the final result nothing but was the death, but oneself. I hope that can die under your sword, can experience more powerful swordsmanship truly. Initial you can direct me, believes that present you, will certainly not disappoint me. " 但很显然,现在你已经掌控了局面。对我来说,最终的结局无非就是死亡而己。我希望能够死在你的剑下,能够真正见识一下更加强大的剑法。当初的你就能指点我,相信现在的你,一定不会让我失望。」 Xiao Wu looks to Tang San, the Tang San smile said: " Your Excellency Sword Saint once saved me in the negligible, your wish satisfies settledly. Your Excellency, please. " 小舞看向唐三,唐三微笑道:「剑圣冕下曾经救我于微末,您的心愿定当满足。冕下,请。」 At the same time saying, the sacred dragon spear/gun in Tang San hand is vanishing, he do not come Asura God Sword, but is the wrist/skill shakes gently, slender blue-silver grass lengthens in his palm, changes into grass sword appear in the palm. 一边说着,唐三手中的神圣龙枪消失,他也没有要来修罗神剑,而是手腕轻轻一抖,一根修长的蓝银草在他掌心之中变长,化为一根草剑出现在掌中。
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