DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1163: The war of father and daughter

In Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign heart one cold, his first was selected to is very normal situation, because he is in Sovereign cultivation base weakest one. 晶凤大妖皇心中一凛,他第一个被点到是非常正常的情况,因为他本身就是皇者之中修为最弱的一个。 Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign gravely said: " Treads the sovereign to ascend to heaven, regarding all Sovereign, is the serious provocation, no doubt is the become a Sovereign tribulation of Ancestral Court stipulation, but also means that all our Sovereign have the visited possibility. Therefore, each Sovereign that accepts the challenge, please whole-heartedly. Otherwise, the Ancestral Court principle is brutal. " 天狐大妖皇沉声道:「踏皇登天,对于所有皇者来说,都是严重的挑衅,固然是祖庭规定的成皇劫,但也意味着我们所有皇者都有被踏足的可能。所以,每一位接受挑战的皇者,都请全力以赴。否则,祖庭法则无情。」 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign nods to him, the glittering and translucent carving ray is sparking in the body encirclement, the next quarter, the back giant phoenix phoenix pair of wings opens, brings his body is being shot up into the sky. 晶凤大妖皇向他点了点头,晶莹剔透的光芒在身体环绕闪亮,下一刻,背后巨大的凤风凰双翼张开,带着他的身体已是冲天而起 Tang San is just about to go forward to meet head-on, his Xiao Wu said: " Brother San, this war makes me come. " 唐三正要上前迎战,他身边的小舞却道:「三哥,这一战让我来吧。」 Tang San looked at her, the smile gets the head, said: " Good! " 唐三看了一眼她,微笑领首,道:「好!」 Before Xiao Wu is void fluttered, welcomes crystal wind Great Monster Sovereign. 小舞虚空前飘,迎上了晶风大妖皇 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign looks the daughter who front face is unable to see the appearance/portrait illusory, cannot bear the forced smile say: " You promote Sovereign, oneself after becomes in the future the hope of Ancestral Court, why is this? " 晶凤大妖皇看着面前面庞虚幻无法看到真容的女儿,忍不住苦笑道:「你们晋升皇者,己经成为了未来祖庭的希望,这又是何必呢?」 Xiao Wu sighed one lightly, said: " Because this is not our goals. Father, regardless of you had made anything before, after all, this life, you gave me the life. If we will lead mother to leave in the future together, you are willing to accompany us to walk together? I can take responsibility, leading you to depart together. " 小舞轻叹一声,道:「因为这并不是我们的目的。父亲,无论你以前做过什么,毕竞,这一世,你给了我生命。如果未来我们带母亲一起离开,你愿随同我们一起走么?我可以做主,带你一同离去。」 After the second memory fuses, she already, not only Mei Gongzi. 两世记忆融合之后,她已经不只是美公子了。 Felt that change in daughter's steady tone, Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign was gawking staring, " departed? Goes? " 感受着女儿平稳的语气中的那一丝变化,晶凤大妖皇不禁愣了愣,「离去?去哪?」 Xiao Wu said: " Goes to another place, a happier place. " 小舞道:「去另一个地方,一个更加美好的地方。」 Some Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign nervous said: " That and can that I also with your mother in the same place? " 晶凤大妖皇有些紧张的道:「那、那我还能和你妈妈在一起么?」 Xiao Wu shakes the head, said: " I do not know that must look at she accepted you. But what I can guarantee, you at least can see us frequently. " 小舞摇摇头,道:「我不知道,那要看她是不是接受你了。但我可以保证的是,你至少能够经常看到我们。」 " But, the crystal phoenix city I just wielded, in the future, I also hope that can leave you more resources. I become lord of the city with great difficulty. " 「可是,晶凤城我才刚刚执掌,未来,我还希望能够留给你们更多的资源呢。我好不容易才成为一城之主。」 Xiao Wu sighed one lightly, " couldn't put down? Could not put down the become a Sovereign opportunity like you initially, abandons me and mother? " 小舞轻叹一声,「放不下吗?就像当初你放不下成皇的机会,抛弃我和妈妈么?」 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign gawked, " this different. In the future my isn't your? My your daughter. " 晶凤大妖皇愣了一下,「这不一样的。未来我的不也是你的吗?我就你一个女儿。」 Xiao Wu asked again: " You whether is willing to put down all these, follows us? " 小舞再次问道:「那你是否愿意放下这一切,跟我们走呢?」 " Where do you want to go to? " Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign doubtfully said. 「你们到底要去哪里?」晶凤大妖皇疑惑的道 " You when we travel to distant lands to the overseas go. " Xiao Wu said. 「你就当我们是远渡重洋到海外去吧。」小舞道。 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign frowns saying: " Goes to the overseas to do? " 晶凤大妖皇蹙眉道:「去海外干什么?」 Xiao Wu said: " This you do not need to manage, so long as you told me, wanted for I and mother did give up existing all following us? " 小舞道:「这个您不用管,您只要告诉我,愿不愿意为了我和母亲放弃现有的一切跟我们走?」 In the phoenix Great Monster Sovereign look flashes through one to struggle, but he deeply inspires, gravely said: " Why although I was not quite clear you to say suddenly leave. However, if some day you and your mother really must walk, I with you together. Even if makes me protect you, ok. " 品凤大妖皇眼神中闪过一丝挣扎,但他还是深吸口气,沉声道:「虽然我不太明白你为什么要突然说离开。但是,如果有一天你和你妈妈真的要走,我跟你们一起。哪怕只是让我守护着你们,也行。」 Xiao Wu smiled, he thought through finally! 小舞笑了,他终于还是想通了啊! " We start. You do not need to show mercy. " Xiao Wu said to Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign. 「那我们开始吧。您不用手下留情。」小舞晶凤大妖皇说道。 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign then realized that they this is treading the sovereign to ascend to heaven now, gets the head slightly, the back pair of wings opens, the bright crystal glow sets out.... 晶凤大妖皇这才意识到他们现在这是在踏皇登天,微微领首,背后双翼张开,灿烂的晶芒进发。… When he releases oneself bloodline power, immediately has a strange feeling. That is clean, in sky clean, what attribute world's primordial energy does not have, that dry and clear feeling extremely strange. Without a doubt, this is beforehand heavenly tribulation causes. Also does not know that was heavenly tribulation makes world's spiritual energy disappear, swallowed these world's primordial energy. 在他释放出自己的血脉之力时,顿时有种奇异的感觉。那是干净,天空中干干净净的,什么属性的天地元气都没有,那种干爽的感觉极为的怪异。毫无疑问,这都是之前的天劫引起的。也不知道是天劫天地灵气泯灭了,还是吞噬了这些天地元气 " Was careful. " The Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign sinking sound said. 「小心了。」晶凤大妖皇沉声说道。 Other Sovereign looks, Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign that is in the glare of the public eye below was just the reminder, any Sovereign cannot show mercy. 其他皇者都在下面众目睽睽的看着呢,天狐大妖皇刚刚更是提醒,任何皇者不能手下留情。 Crystal glow glitter on Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign, his double pupil shone suddenly, the sinking sound shouted: " crystal seal of heaven and earth! " 一道道晶芒在晶凤大妖皇身上闪烁,他的双眸骤然亮了起来,沉声喝道:「晶封天地!」 Immediately, the surrounding space seems changing into the crystal shape to be the same instantaneously, is blooming the strange brilliance. 顿时,周围的空间仿佛都在瞬间化为了晶体状一般,绽放着奇异的光彩。 The Xiao Wu figure actually becomes in this moment illusory, that crystal seal of heaven and earth had blocked the entire space obviously, but her body competes however can act in this solid state domain quietly. Next flickers, red glow is bursts out together. 小舞的身形却在这一刻变得虚幻起来,那晶封天地明明已经将整个空间都封锁了,但她的身体竞然能够在这固态的领域之中悄然行动。下一瞬,一道红芒已是迸发而出。 All crystals in instantaneous torn to pieces, that red sword glow shot up into the sky, has not cut to Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign, actually blood red that the sky shines upon. 所有的晶体都在瞬间支离破碎,那红色的剑芒冲天而起,没有斩向晶凤大妖皇,却将天空映照的一片血红。 " Clang! " Resounds crisply, in that sound seemed full of the joyous feelings. 「铿!」一声脆鸣响起,那声音中仿佛充满了喜悦之情。 Yes, that is the joy of Asura God Sword, greets joy that Xiao Wu returns. 是的,那是修罗神剑的喜悦,迎接小舞回归的喜悦。 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign only feels big terrifying suddenly appear in own divine consciousness, that sonorous brittle cry, competition is to make his body unable to move. 晶凤大妖皇却只觉得一股大恐怖骤然出现在自己的神识之中,就那一声铿锵脆鸣,竞是让他的身体动弹不得。 In the Xiao Wu hand Asura God Sword wields gently, a red light on oneself after the pressure on him, suppressed from in the sky him, was oppressed to approach the ground directly. 小舞手中修罗神剑轻轻一挥,一片红光就己经压在他身上,将他从天空之中镇压了下来,直接被压迫向了地面。 Following Sovereign at this war. Tang San and Xiao Wu dare to challenge all Sovereign to tread the sovereign to ascend to heaven, in their opinion, definitely has certainly assuring, otherwise they will not do that. 下面的皇者都在着这一战。唐三小舞敢于挑战所有皇者踏皇登天,在他们看来,肯定是有一定把握性的,否则他们也不会这么做。 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign is in Sovereign weakest one, losing can want to see, after all, others, although just become a Sovereign, but the crossing tribulation scene was really astonishing. 晶凤大妖皇皇者之中最弱的一个,输掉是可以想见的,毕竞,人家虽然刚刚成皇,但渡劫的场面实在是太惊人了。 But even this, Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign is still Sovereign! As Sovereign, he competes such rapidness that however can lose, truly is to make people be inconceivable. 可就算是这样,晶凤大妖皇也是一位皇者啊!身为皇者,他竞然会输的如此之快,确实是让人难以想象。 At once, numerous Sovereign felt that the heart sinks. 一时之间,众位皇者都感觉到心头一沉。 The Mei Gongzi strength is so powerful, that Jin Miaolin? 美公子的实力都如此强悍,那靳淼林呢? A forced smile of Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign face, looks to Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign, " I made contribution. " 晶凤大妖皇一脸的苦笑,看向天狐大妖皇,「我尽力了。」 A daughter sword broke the strongest domain, a sword called is accused by own divine consciousness. The disparity between this was really big. Facing her time, even has to plant is facing the feeling of Undying Great Monster Sovereign time. 女儿一剑就破掉了自己最强的领域,一声剑鸣就让自己神识被控。这之间的差距实在是太大了。面对她的时候,甚至已经有种在面对不死大妖皇时候的感觉了。 Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign nods, said: " Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, please accept the challenge. " 天狐大妖皇只是点了点头,道:「无尽天精皇,请接受挑战。」 Solar Empire, Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign gets the head slightly, the next quarter, huge water tornado has burst out from him, directly soars the sky to take away as many things as possible. 日辰帝国这边,无尽天精皇微微领首,下一刻,一道巨大的水龙卷就已经从他身上迸发而出,直奔天空席卷而去。 Xiao Wu retrocedes, the place that Tang San moves to the shape to change positions with her, before going to her, was. In the hand sacred dragon spear/gun has not changed into the Sea God Trident appearance again, but a blue-golden ray actually sets out from him suddenly sacredly, behind the head changes into a blue-golden light wheel. 小舞后退,唐三与她移形换位,来到了她之前所在的地方。手中神圣龙枪并没有再化为海神三叉戟的样子,但一层蓝金色的光芒却骤然从他神圣进发而出,在脑后化为一圈蓝金色的光轮。 Water tornado lifts off, originally is to sweep across on Tang San attacks, when is away from his also hundred meters, that water tornado competed however was defeated and dispersed, but also changed into the blue ray to go toward the Tang San gathering, after becoming his brain , a part of blue-golden light wheel. 龙卷升空,本来就是要席卷在唐三身上冲击的,但是,在距离他还有百米的时候,那水龙卷竞然就那么溃散了,还化为点点蓝色光芒朝着唐三汇聚而去,成为了他脑后蓝金色光轮的一部分。 Tang San void one step treads, the under foot, golden halo ascends, surrounded the whole body, in the hand sacred dragon spear/gun was also turning into the bright golden color instantaneously. 唐三虚空一步踏出,脚下,一圈金色光环升腾而起,环绕全身,手中神圣龙枪也在瞬间变成了灿烂的金色。 " Was careful. " His tranquil sound reverberates in Ancestral Court. 「小心了。」他平静的声音在祖庭回荡。 Next flickers, that sacred dragon spear/gun after changing into the golden flowing light explodes to shoot on oneself together. 下一瞬,那神圣龙枪就己经化为一道金色流光爆射而出。 The blue-golden brilliance in in the air brings to wipe the illusory light shadow, indistinct, all vegetation in Ancestral Court slight surged. 蓝金色的光彩在空中带起一抹虚幻的光影,隐约之间,祖庭内的所有植被都轻微的激荡了一下。 Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign is actually the mind shock, in Tang San projects acts sacred dragon spear/gun that flash, he only thought that oneself all were locked completely, even dodges is unable to achieve. To condense water element to resist, but he actually discovered with amazement, all water element as if have abandoned itself to resemble in this moment, is unable to condense. 无尽天精皇却是心神剧震,在唐三投射出手中神圣龙枪的那一瞬间,他只觉得自己的一切都被完全锁定了,甚至连闪避都无法做到。想要凝聚水元素来抵挡,但他却骇然发现,所有的水元素在这一刻仿佛都已经抛弃了自己似的,根本就无法凝聚。 Tang San is Sea God, what Sea God control is the endless sea, water element originally in his control range. The gods only unite with god position, is water element possible to harm him? 唐三海神,海神掌控的是无尽大海,水元素本来就在他的掌控范围之中。神祇与神位合一,水元素怎么可能去伤害他呢? " I... " Endless Heavenly Fairy Sovereign wants to admit defeat, but, already without enough time. That glittered sacred dragon spear/gun of blue-golden brilliance to arrive at his chest front. 「我…」无尽天精皇想要认输,但是,已经来不及了。那闪烁着蓝金色光彩的神圣龙枪已经到了他胸前。
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