DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1162: Treads the sovereign to ascend to heaven

You are quite well silly, stupidly and is quite really silly! If what to do you did become lost in the universe? What to do your did divine consciousness dissipate?” “你好傻、真的好傻、好傻啊!你要是在宇宙之中迷路了怎么办?你那一点神识消散了怎么办?” this life, Tang San has never told Mei Gongzi, he takes committing suicide together in the name of love as the price, can arrive at this plane to seek by own true spirit her. He has also never told her, falling from the sky of a generation of God King likely that dissipates in the universe. 这一世,唐三从未告诉过美公子,他是以殉情为代价,才能让自己的一点真灵来到这个位面来寻找她的。他也从未告诉过她,一代神王的陨落很可能就那么在宇宙之中消散。 He looks for her, what paid is what kind of price, Mei Gongzi does not know, but, how with him in so many years Xiao Wu can not be clear that together he made anything. 他来找她,付出的是怎样的代价,美公子不知道,但是,和他在一起那么多年的小舞怎能不清楚他做了什么。 Without you, what significance even if the eternal life also does have?” Tang San smiling gently, gently is stroking her long hair. Bathes in the thunder, gradually forms the scorpion pigtail that the long hair for her her previous life most loved. “没有你,就算是永生又有什么意义呢?”唐三轻轻的笑着,轻轻的抚摸着她的长发。就那么沐浴在雷霆之中,为她将长发逐渐编成了她前世最爱的蝎子辫。 His movement is very gentle, is very familiar. On his face, filled to her endless attachment. 他的动作很轻柔,也很熟悉。他的面庞上,更充满了对她的无尽眷恋。 His Xiao Wu came back, to come back finally...... 他的小舞终于回来了、回来了…… Two people are so tight to support, the thunder in sky shou has actually rested gradually. thunder tribulation will soon pass, they after world great misfortune baptism, are this plane true Sovereign. 两人就这么紧紧相拥着,天空中的雷霆却已是渐渐収歇。雷劫即将过去,天地大劫洗礼之后的他们,已经是这个位面真正的皇者 Ten thousand Meadon is near, world great misfortune, makes them directly existence of this plane Sovereign peak rank. 万米登临,天地大劫,也让他们直接就成为了这个位面皇者巅峰级别的存在。 Our can, reunite finally? Brother San, can we go home? I quite think them.” Xiao Wu choked was saying. “我们一家,终于可以团聚了么?三哥,我们可以回家了么?我好想他们。”小舞哽咽着说道。 Naturally, was quick we to go home. However, before then, this accumulated raised plane of your second, some thing must process.” “当然,很快我们就回家了。但是,在这之前,这个蕴养了你第二世的位面,还有一些事情要处理。” With the last act of gradually thunder, Tang San and Xiao Wu figure also gradually becomes in the upper air clear. Below Sovereign until return to the soul at this moment gradually. 伴随着雷霆的渐渐尾声,唐三小舞的身形在高空之中也逐渐变得清晰起来。下方的皇者们直到此刻才渐渐回魂。 Several Sovereign, they pass through this step, crossing tribulation become a Sovereign, but, after looking at just Tang San and Mei Gongzi crossing tribulation, they had to plant to cross the false tribulation general feeling. 十几位皇者,他们都走过这一步,渡劫成皇,可是,看了刚刚唐三美公子渡劫之后,他们却都有种自己渡了个假劫一般的感觉。 Just that everywhere thunder, entire plane as if must tilt the general feeling, is thunder tribulation? 刚刚那漫天雷霆,整个位面仿佛都要倾覆一般的感觉,是雷劫 Such can thunder tribulation really ascend a height to get a broad view existence of become a Sovereign to resist? 这样的雷劫真的是要登临成皇的存在能够抵抗的? Even if Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign, slightly somewhat is at this moment absent-minded. Some do not understand that just had anything. 哪怕是天狐大妖皇,此时此刻都略微有些恍惚。有些不明白刚刚发生了什么。 However, the in the air two forms are still clear, had not just been destroyed by that startled day thunder tribulation. What does this mean? Means that they already success crossing tribulation, officially becomes Sovereign. 但是,空中的两道身影依旧清晰,并没有被刚刚那惊天雷劫所毁灭。这意味着什么?意味着他们已经成功渡劫了,正式成为了皇者 The sky becomes gradually sunny, the land also returned to normal, shock in Ancestral Court lets people shocking grinning with ear to ear of each Monster Race and Fairy Race as before. 天空渐渐变得重新晴朗起来,大地也恢复了平静,祖庭内的震撼却依旧让每一个妖怪族精怪族的民众们都震惊的合不拢嘴。 in the sky, Tang San and Mei Gongzi drop from the clouds, falls slowly. 天空之中,唐三美公子从天而降,徐徐下落。 Sovereign divine consciousness first fell on them. 皇者们的神识第一时间就都落在了他们身上。 Those who made numerous Sovereign astonishedly inexplicable was, from Tang San and Mei Gongzi, they could not feel powerful, because their divine consciousness are unable to investigate to be clear about their time conditions. Even their appearances somewhat could not see clearly. 众位皇者们惊异莫名的是,从唐三美公子身上,他们感受不到强大,因为他们的神识根本就无法探查清楚他们此时的状态。甚至连他们的样貌都有些看不清了。 This time they, on the face are similar the fuzzy light shadow, looking like Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign is the same, cannot see clearly the appearance. 此时的他们,面庞上仿佛有一层模糊的光影,就像是天阳天精皇一样,看不清样子。 numerous Sovereign flies in abundance, moves forward to meet somebody toward Tang San and Mei Gongzi. 众位皇者纷纷飞起,向着唐三美公子迎了上去。 Although cannot completely understand now their cultivation base, but guesses even if can also guess to obtain, after crossing such become a Sovereign tribulation, their strengths are not ordinary Sovereign are so simple.... 虽然看不透现在他们的修为,但哪怕是猜也能猜得到,渡过了这样的成皇劫之后,他们的实力绝不是普通皇者那么简单。… But until at this moment, the distant place, another would-be sovereign, Radiant Dragon King Xu Anyu flew. 而直到此刻,远方,另一位准皇,光明龙王徐安宇才飞了过来。 When Tang San and Mei Gongzi cross thunder tribulation, that leaned the day oppression power to suppress it directly in the ground, is unable to take off. At this time the pressure did not have, this can catch up in the quickest time. 唐三美公子雷劫的时候,那倾天的压迫力直接将它镇压在了地面上,根本无法起飞。此时压力没了,这才能在最快时间内赶过来。 Congratulates two become a Sovereign.” “恭喜两位成皇。” Congratulated Your Excellency become a Sovereign!” Guards shouts in Ancestral Court nearby Ancestral Court guard with one voice, did obeisance toward Tang San and Mei Gongzi direction. “恭贺冕下成皇!”镇守在祖庭附近的祖庭亲卫们齐声喝道,朝着唐三美公子的方向拜了下去。 In entire Ancestral Court resounded the vast voice, congratulates two Your Excellency become a Sovereign.” 紧接着,整个祖庭内都响起了浩大的声浪,“恭喜两位冕下成皇。” Tang San nods slightly, said: Thank Your Excellency to congratulate. However, our become a Sovereign tribulations have not completed.” 唐三微微颔首,道:“感谢诸位冕下恭贺。不过,我们的成皇劫还没有完成。” numerous does Sovereign stare? The ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation ascends a height to get a broad view the position of Sovereign, world's tribulation baptism, is reborn. This is true Sovereign! 众位皇者都不禁一愣?登临劫登临皇者之位,天地劫洗礼自身,脱胎换骨。这就已经是真正的皇者了啊! Tang San continues saying: I listened to the grandfather saying that the become a Sovereign tribulation broke through become a Sovereign, three tribulations have wanted, generally speaking, before crossing, both are Sovereign. But today, I want with the wife together, crosses this third become a Sovereign tribulation.” 唐三继续道:“我听外公说过,成皇劫突破成皇,有三种劫要过,一般来说,过了前两者就已经是皇者了。但今天,我想要和妻子一起,来渡这第三种成皇劫。” The third become a Sovereign tribulation? 第三种成皇劫? Hears these words, numerous Sovereign first stares, they had even forgotten also had the third become a Sovereign tribulation matter. Because does not know that many years no one has done that. Does this previous time, is Crystal Great Monster Sovereign. 听到这句话,众位皇者先是一愣,他们甚至都已经忘记了还有第三种成皇劫这件事了。因为已经不知道多少年没有人这么做过了。上一次这样做的,还是水晶大妖皇 Just, Crystal Great Monster Sovereign after crossing first two heavenly tribulation, crossed this third type that several hundred years attempted, and finally succeeded. 只不过,水晶大妖皇是在渡过前两种天劫之后,足足过了几百年才又尝试的这第三种,并且最终成功。 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign cannot bear say: You just become a Sovereign, just needs to consolidate itself, how can cross this third become a Sovereign tribulation? Do not be reckless. First well recuperation.” 白虎大妖皇忍不住道:“你们才刚刚成皇,正需要稳固自身,怎能去渡这第三种成皇劫?不要冒进。还是先好好休整。” Tang San sighed one lightly, said: Does not wait for us! Might as well hit at a later date day, conducted on today.” 唐三轻叹一声,道:“时不我待啊!择日不如撞日,就今天进行了吧。” At this point, his sound enhances several points, observes the situation numerous Sovereign one week, then gravely said: Today, I with little Mei together, tread the sovereign to ascend to heaven!” 说到这里,他的声音提高几分,环视众位皇者一周,然后沉声道:“今日,我就与小美一起,踏皇登天!” Yes, the third become a Sovereign tribulation, named: Treads the sovereign to ascend to heaven. 是的,第三种成皇劫,名为:踏皇登天。 Refers when has Sovereign to wield Ancestral Court, becomes the lord of Ancestral Court time, needs to challenge other Sovereign, moreover is the continuous challenge, the middle cannot rests. If can defeat all Sovereign in one vigorous effort, then, can reach the sky in a single bound, becomes the lord of Ancestral Court. 指的是当有皇者想要执掌祖庭,成为祖庭之主的时候,就需要挑战其他所有皇者,而且是持续不断的挑战,中间不能休息。如果能够一鼓作气战胜所有皇者,那么,就可以一步登天,成为祖庭之主。 Initially, Crystal Great Monster Sovereign attempted to tread the sovereign to ascend to heaven, and succeeded, since then becomes first Sovereign. But that her success is quite reluctantly, at that time many Sovereign were just shortly after become a Sovereign. In her age, she is oldest, the cultivation time is also longest, old generation Sovereign fell from the sky shortly. Is entirely different from present Ancestral Court this prosperous condition. 当初,水晶大妖皇曾经尝试过踏皇登天,并且成功了,从此成为了第一皇者。但那次她的成功还是相当勉强的,那时候很多皇者都是刚刚成皇不久。在她的那个年代,她是最年长的,修炼时间也最长的,老一代皇者都陨落了不久。与现在祖庭这种鼎盛的状态截然不同。 Just become a Sovereign Tang San and Mei Gongzi must tread the sovereign to ascend to heaven and wield Ancestral Court unexpectedly. This is presents all Sovereign not to think. 刚刚成皇唐三美公子竟然要踏皇登天、执掌祖庭。这是在场所有皇者都没有想到过的。 Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign gravely said: You may, if wants. Treads the sovereign to ascend to heaven no doubt can reach the sky in a single bound, but if failed, will receive the Ancestral Court harsh punishment. Will be suppressed for hundred years, is unable to cultivate.” 天狐大妖皇沉声道:“你们可要想好了。踏皇登天固然可以一步登天,但如果失败,也将受到祖庭严厉的责罚。将会被镇压百年,无法修炼。” Tang San said indifferently: Yes, we have thought. Your Excellency can choose one or is many acts. One-to-one, I meet, two pairs two, our couples continue together.” 唐三淡然道:“是的,我们已经想好了。诸位冕下可以选择一位或者是多位出手。一对一,我接,二对二,我们夫妻一起承接。” Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign cannot bear say: Jin Miaolin, too do not inflate. You just become a Sovereign, stable cultivation base was quite important, once were suppressed for hundred years, perhaps you will never possibly reach the Sovereign peak.” 天阳天精皇忍不住道:“靳淼林,你不要太膨胀了。你们才刚刚成皇,稳固修为极为重要,一旦被镇压百年,你们恐怕就永远也不可能达到皇者巅峰了。” The Tang San smile said: Your Excellency considered thoroughly. You are familiar my, when do I make thing that has not grasped?” 唐三微笑道:“冕下多虑了。您是熟悉我的,我什么时候做过没把握的事情么?” Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign stares slightly, brow slightly pressed. 天阳天精皇微微一愣,眉头微蹙。 Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign is actually the eyes narrows the eyes, said: Good, since you must tread the sovereign to ascend to heaven, that preparation starts. I represent Ancestral Court, accepts your requests. Please two lift-offs prepare.” 天狐大妖皇却是双眼微眯,道:“好,既然你们要踏皇登天,那就准备开始吧。我代表祖庭,接受你们的请求。请两位升空准备。” Good.” Tang San complies with one, holds the hand of Xiao Wu to lift off again. “好。”唐三答应一声,牵着小舞的手再次升空而起。 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign opens mouth, wants to prevent again already without enough time. But has the association to before their crossing tribulation grand occasion , they really had confidence facing Sovereign of any rank now? 白虎大妖皇张了张嘴,再想阻止已经来不及了。但联想到之前他们渡劫的盛况,难道说,他们现在真的已经有把握面对任何级别的皇者了? White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign turns head to look to Undying Great Monster Sovereign, but a moment ago this has not opened the mouth. 白虎大妖皇不禁扭头向不死大妖皇看去,刚才这位可是没有开口的。 Undying Great Monster Sovereign is also the brow is at this time tight, seems like pondering anything. 不死大妖皇此时也是眉头紧蹙,似乎是在思考着什么。 He notices, just oneself this granddaughter's husband in the speech, was mad the field to have some transformations, by cultivation base of his Great Monster King peak, really has an imposing manner by the feeling of fear. 他注意到,刚刚自己这位孙女婿在说话的时候,气场已经发生了一些转变,以他大妖王巅峰的修为,竟然都有种气势被慑的感受。 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign, please accept the challenge.” The Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign sinking sound said. 晶凤大妖皇,请接受挑战。”天狐大妖皇沉声说道。
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