DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1161 Part 2: Once we

This is that cup that yesterday's Asura do not arrive, but today, it actually in front of Tang San, in his hands. 这是昨天修罗没有要到的那个杯子,而今天,它却就在唐三面前,在他手中。 In this flickers, his heart deep place by the full happy feeling filling, in this had been flickered, night of pacing back and forth and constrains has swept away. 在这一瞬,他的内心深处已经被满满的幸福感装填,在这一瞬,一夜的徘徊和压抑都已经一扫而空。 Tang San smiled, although that smiles the belt/bring tears, but, in this flickers, in his present all, seems to be sunny. 唐三笑了,尽管那笑中带泪,可是,在这一瞬,在他眼前的一切,似乎都充满阳光。 little Mei and Xiao Wu, thank you. 小美小舞,谢谢你。 ...... …… Today, I take my blood as the oath. Finally my life, regardless of favorable circumstances and adversity, regardless of being powerful and small and weak, regardless of young, aging, regardless of the road ahead how. I will protect forever side Mei Gongzi. Will never do to her disadvantageous matter, forever accompanies in her about, will never betray. If disobeys this oath, world abandoning, likes a sudden thunderclap.” “今日,我以我血为誓。终我一生,无论顺境、逆境,无论强大、弱小,无论年轻、衰老,无论前路如何。我都将永远守护在美公子身边。永远不做对她不利之事,永远陪伴在她左右,永不背叛。如违此誓,天地弃之、五雷轰顶。” Has not waited for her to ask, Tang San has continued saying: Centralized spirit, tows Holy Flame Blade with your mental force, then drops drop of tears on the knife.” 没等她问,唐三已经继续道:“集中精神,用你的精神力牵引圣焰刀,然后将一滴眼泪滴落在刀身上。” On the elegant face of Mei Gongzi were many several points of strange color, what to do can't I cry?” 美公子的俏脸上多了几分古怪之色,“我哭不出来怎么办?” Tang San helplessly said: You are thinking, our was besieged, I the severe wound, was dying immediately.” 唐三无奈的道:“你就想着,我们被人围攻,我被人重伤了,马上就要死了。” Do not talk nonsense.” Mei Gongzi lifts the hand instantaneously, covers the mouth of Tang San, but next quarter, her elegant face one red, received the hand. “你别瞎说。”美公子瞬间抬手,捂住唐三的嘴,但下一刻,她俏脸一红,又将手收了回来。 I and I really cannot cry!” Mei Gongzi the face was saying painstakingly. “我、我真哭不出来啊!”美公子苦着脸道。 Tang San hesitated, said: I told a story to you.” 唐三沉吟了一下,道:“我给你讲个故事吧。” What story?” Mei Gongzi looks at him surprisedly. “什么故事?”美公子惊讶的看着他。 ...... …… You must well.” The Tang San sound resounds in her ear. “你要好好的。”唐三的声音在她耳边响起。 Mei Gongzi felt suddenly his voice seemed like had some changes, was somewhat familiar, somewhat was strange 美公子突然感觉到他的声音似乎是发生了一些变化,有些熟悉,却又有些陌生 Familiar is because seemed to have heard, strange is actually because, this seems like does not belong to Asura. 熟悉是因为似乎曾经听到过,陌生却是因为,这似乎是不属于修罗的。 Tang San both eyes gather, be with smile on the face, muttered thought aloud: sword is sacrifice!” 唐三双目微合,面带微笑,喃喃的自言自语道:“剑是牺牲!” Does not want-” she wants to cry out loudly, is actually not able to make the sound in space teleportation.. “不要-”她想要放声呐喊,却在空间传送之中根本无法发出声音。。 He has not looked back her, because he feared, if looked, does not hate to separate with her....... 他始终没有回过头看她,因为他怕如果自己看了,就舍不得和她分开。…… Mei Gongzi that the tearful eyes dance stands before the window, muttered is repeating the similar words, elder brother, you have not taken off mask for me, how can you leave me to go?” 泪眼婆娑的美公子站在窗前,喃喃的重复着同样的话语,“哥,你还没有为我摘下面具呢,你怎么能就这么离我而去?” ...... …… Asura is Tang San, Tang San is Asura, I have not died. Tang San has also never been missing, in fact, I continuously side you.” 修罗就是唐三,唐三就是修罗,我没死。唐三也从未失踪过,事实上,我一直就在你身边。” But, but, why are you good to me so? Why did not hesitate is good to me?” Mei Gongzi asked. She finally is the gradual straightening out approach, focused on the key of issue. “可、可是,你为什么对我这么好?为什么一直不惜一切的对我好?”美公子问道。她总算是逐渐的理顺思路,也抓住了问题的关键。 Tang San silent, then said: I receive the matter somewhat to be inconceivable. However, this can actually explain on me only various inconceivable reasons. little Mei, do you believe the previous generation cause? Or do you believe the reincarnation rebirth?” 唐三沉默了一下,然后才道:“我接下来说的事可能有些不可思议。但是,这却是唯一能解释我身上发生的各种不可思议的原因。小美,你相信夙世因缘吗?或者说,你相信转世重生吗?” ...... …… Therefore, you and you are my previous life husband?” Mei Gongzi muttered. “所以,你、你是我前世的丈夫?”美公子喃喃的道 Un.” Tang San nods....... “嗯。”唐三点点头。…… Mei Gongzi gently touches Tang San that skin the palm that carbonizes, in the look brings several points of blur, sees your time for the first time, you are buy the tea with milk, at that time you have been visiting me, then I noticed that you burst into tears probably, if we really have the previous generation cause, at that time you had recognized me. That time you were very small and weak.”... 美公子轻轻的抚摸着唐三那皮肤已经碳化的手掌,眼神中带着几分迷离,“第一次见到你的时候,你是来买奶茶的,当时你就一直在看着我,然后我看到你好像是流泪了,如果我们真的有夙世因缘的话,那时候你就已经认出我了吧。那时候的你还很弱小呢。”… Afterward can always see you, in Milk Tea Shop, in the school, your form would appear before me. To you, I throughout inexplicable warm feelings, my heart as if naturally will not garrison to you. Now thinks, previous generation cause that if you said real, then, all can also explain was clear, originally is hobbling of previous life makes me like with you in the same place.” “后来就总是能看到你,在奶茶店,在学院里,你的身影总会出现在我面前。对你,我始终有一种莫名的亲切感,我的心似乎自然而然的就不会对你设防。现在想想,如果你说的夙世因缘都是真的,那么,一切也就都可以解释的清楚了,原来都是前世的牵绊让我才一直都喜欢和你在一起的时候。” Afterward you put on mask, incarnation Asura. Right that you said that if that time Tang San displayed afterward the Asura ability, I think certainly that you were a monster. Therefore, you hid the identity. But, perhaps because exists to Tang San that marvelous feeling, making me always have a mutual lack of understanding of Asura, natural is not willing to be close to him, even if Asura has been helping me. Until this time, this time I and Asura participate in Ancestral Court Elite Competition together, I understood him gradually, feeling gradually he to my selfless good, but so, I still never think toward male and female that aspect even, I also want to recognize him to be the Elder Brother. Perhaps , because throughout mark in the e mind Tang San facial features. You may know, after closing up finished, could not find you, in my heart is anxious?” “后来你戴上了面具,化身修罗。你说的对,如果那时候的唐三展现出后来修罗的能力,我一定会认为你是个怪物吧。所以,你隐藏了身份。可是,或许正是因为对唐三那种奇妙的感觉存在,让我对修罗始终都有着一份隔膜,天然的就不愿意和他接近,哪怕修罗一直都在帮我。直到这次,这次我与修罗一起参加祖庭精英赛,我渐渐的了解了他,也渐渐的感觉到他对我那份无私的好,可就算如此,我也从未往男女那方面去想,我也只是想要认他做哥哥。或许,就是因为在莪的脑海中始终烙印唐三的面容。你可知道,闭关结束之后找不到你了,我心中有多么焦急吗?” Actually you are right, if you use the Tang San status to arrive at side me, certainly telling my you are Asura is better, with my favorable impression to the Tang San, I estimated that I gradually will definitely accept you side me. But you do not hate me to be sad, told me the truth. Truly, my heart was very chaotic at that time, I can think frequently, really has previous generation cause thing? Until this crossing tribulation, when you stand in me again behind, grips my hand at that moment, in my heart all hesitations with did not determine that has vanished. Regardless of you are Tang San or Asura, you defend in that person of my side. How I do not know previous life among us to accompany, but you for me, gave up the position reincarnation of God King coming, I have been able to understand that once we fell in love. You are good quickly, I will be attempting well with you in the same place, is trying our love in this life. I when crossing tribulation transforms, seemed like saw some previous life all sorts, I wanted, this life I am also willing with you in the same place. So long as you can be good. You have promised me, must protect side me, has made my patron god, the speech must keep a promise!” “其实你是对的,如果你用唐三的身份重新来到我身边,肯定要比告诉我你就是修罗更好,以我对唐三的好感,我估计我肯定会逐渐接受你在我身边的。但你舍不得我难过,将实情都告诉了我。确实,那时候我的心真的很乱,我经常会想,真的有夙世因缘这种事情吗?直到这次渡劫,当你再次站在我身后,握住我的手那一刻,我心中所有的迟疑和不确定都已经消失了。无论你是唐三还是修罗,你就是守在我身边的那个人。我不知道前世我们之间是如何相伴的,但你为了我,放弃了神王的地位转世而来,我已经能够明白曾经的我们是多么相爱了。你赶快好起来吧,我会尝试着好好和你在一起的,在这一世尝试着我们的爱情。我在渡劫蜕变的时候,似乎是看到了一些前世的种种,我愿意的,这一世我也愿意和你在一起的。只要你能好起来。你答应过我的,要一直守护在我身边,一直做我的守护神,说话要算数哦!” ...... …… Mei Gongzi lowers the head, entire will bury him to cherish, you and you......, so long as is living, I and am your girlfriend. Official that.” 美公子低着头,将整个头都埋入了他怀中,“你、你……,只要活着回来,我就、就做你的女朋友。正式的那种。” Can own that?” The Tang San corners of the mouth go up. “可以亲的那种吗?”唐三嘴角上翘。 Un.” “嗯呢。” ...... …… Mei Gongzi said: In the future can we leave this plane? Returns to the beforehand that side?” 美公子道:“未来我们必须要离开这个位面吗?回到以前的那边去?” Tang San nod of gently, said: Now you will perhaps have no concept. But along with the promotion of your cultivation base, after particularly in the future achievement Sovereign, your previous life memory should gradually recover, superposes with the this life memory together. At that time, you will certainly think of our families/home, thought of our children.” 唐三轻轻的点了点头,道:“现在你或许还会对此没有什么概念。但伴随着你修为的提升,尤其是未来成就皇者之后,你前世的记忆应该会逐渐的复苏,与这一世的记忆重合在一起。那时候,你一定会想念我们的家,想念我们的孩子的。” When listens to him speaking of our children, the elegant face of Mei Gongzi was also red, „, but, I now am not once appearance. Will they accept me?”... 听他说到我们的孩子时,美公子的俏脸不禁又红了起来,“可是,我现在已经不是曾经的样子了吧。他们会接受我吗?”… The Tang San smile said: Certain meeting . Moreover, what actually you do not know is. You are becoming look like previous life you more and more. After all, once you were also half God King, even the real reincarnation rebirth, the body still keeps previous life mark as before. As your strength is getting stronger and stronger, you of second gradually will also superpose in together.” 唐三微笑道:“一定会的,而且,其实你并不知道的是。你正在变得越来越像前世的你了。毕竟,曾经的你也算是半个神王,就算是真正转世重生了,身上也依旧留着前世烙印。随着你的实力越来越强,两世的你也会逐渐重合在一起了。” Mei Gongzi nod of gently, is holding his hand on own initiative, thank you looks for me.” 美公子轻轻的点了点头,主动拉着他的手,“谢谢你来找我。” Tang San gets hold of her hand, said: So long as you do not shut out this life are I, we forever in the same place.” 唐三握紧她的手,道:“只要你不嫌弃这一世还是我,我们就永远都会在一起。” Does not shut out.” Mei Gongzi shaking the head gently, this life does not shut out, gets down first not to shut out.” “不嫌弃的。”美公子轻轻的摇摇头,“这一世不嫌弃,下一世也还是不嫌弃的。” Tang San said: I tried hard, strive not to have first again.” 唐三道:“我努力,争取不会再有下一世了。” Mei Gongzi gawked, under first didn't you want me?” 美公子愣了一下,“下一世你就不要我了吗?” Tang San shakes the head saying: That is how possible. I must grasp you in this life, simultaneously I must in this life, let our real undying and inextinguishable, with universe syngenesis.”...... 唐三摇头道:“那怎么可能。我是要在这一世抓紧你,同时我也要在这一世,让我们真的不死不灭,与宇宙同生。”…… Mei Gongzi said in a soft voice: You said that we are the previous generation causes, after me , after achievement Sovereign, can restore the previous life memory?” 美公子轻声道:“你说我们是夙世因缘,那我以后成就皇者之后,就能恢复前世的记忆吗?” Tang San deep looked at her one eyes, said: That must look at that you do want to restore.” 唐三深深的看了她一眼,道:“那要看你想不想恢复了。” Mei Gongzi nods, I think that because I want to know how previous life we are in the same place. That certainly is very glorious memory. Actually for several days, I have had words to you to say.” 美公子点点头,“我想的,因为我想知道,前世的我们是怎么在一起的。那一定是非常美好的回忆。其实这些天,我一直有句话想对你说。” The Tang San smile said: What is?” 唐三微笑道:“是什么?” Mei Gongzi raised the head, the pupil light looks at him profoundly, thank you, can look for me.” 美公子抬起头,眸光深邃的看着他,“谢谢你,能来找我。” ...... …… That picture so clear, all memory previous life this life superpose gradually together. 那一幕幕的画面如此的清晰,所有的记忆前世今生渐渐重合在一起。 When her present returns the sea of purple thunder to soak the billows, has actually had tears streaming down the face. 当她的眼前重新回到紫色雷霆之海浸澜的时候,却早已是泪流满面。 Brother San!” She loudly calls out suddenly, jumped into during the bosom of Tang San, closely is hugging his body. 三哥!”她猛然大叫一声,随之扑入了唐三的怀抱之中,紧紧地拥抱着他的身体。 Yes, she came back, Xiao Wu came back. Xiao Wu and Mei Gongzi all memories blend thoroughly. 是的,她回来了,小舞回来了。小舞美公子的所有记忆彻底交融。 Had promised generation after generations, he really found her second, really made them be able again in the same place. 曾经许诺过的生生世世,他真的找到了她的第二世,真的让他们能够重新在一起了。 Tang San found Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu also waited till his Tang San. 唐三找到了小舞,小舞也等到了他的唐三
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