DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1161 Part 1: Once we

...... …… Xiao Wu: But......” 小舞:“可是……” Goes forward one step, Tang San lifts both hands, holds the tender face of Xiao Wu, silly thing, does not have any good, but. How are you person? Is how soul beast? I only know, you are a my younger sister. Also yes, person who I love.” 上前一步,唐三抬起双手,捧起小舞的娇颜,“傻丫头,没有什么好可是的。你是人又如何?是魂兽又如何?我只知道,你是我的妹妹。也是,我爱的人。” Supports her to enter the bosom, Tang San holds in the arms Xiao Wu that pleasantly warm tender body, with words that the audience can hear, said fearlessly: „To catch her, then, first oversteps my corpse.” 拥她入怀,唐三搂住小舞那温软的娇躯,用全场都能听到的话,昂然道:“想抓她,那么,就先踏过我的尸体吧。” ...... …… Xiao Wu: You are first for the man who I comb the hair, is only one. Forever forever. Regardless how our future, in my heart, to have no crevice besides you.” 小舞:“你是第一个为我梳头的男人,也是唯一一个。永远永远。不论我们的未来如何,我的心中,除了你以外已经没有任何空隙。” ...... …… Xiao Wu. The soul bone skill flight, walks quickly-” the Tang San sound is completely hoarse. Just like tearing generally, him the body strength poured into finally completely during this flings. 小舞魂骨技能飞行,快走-”唐三的声音已经完全沙哑了。宛如撕裂了一般,他将自己身体最后地力量全部灌注在这一甩之中。 Gently grasps Tang San, the Xiao Wu sound near his ear twittering, elder brother, you really good silly quite silly , did you die I also to be able the live alone? I do not want you dead, I want you to live. Is really good to hope that can live with you, like former such. But, is not good. I, you do not take care themselves well, otherwise I will be sad.” 轻轻的抱住唐三,小舞的声音在他耳边呢喃着,“哥,你真的好傻好傻,难道,你死了我还能独活么?我不要你死,我要你活着。真的好希望能够和你在一起生活,就像以前那样。可是,不行了。我不在了,你要好好保重自己,不然我会伤心的。” He for her, can pay with oneself life, the suicide takes the bone. 他为了她,可以付出自己的生命,自杀取骨。 She for him, can burn oneself life, offers sacrifices soul ring. 她为了他,可以燃烧自己的生命,献祭魂环 ...... …… Tang San looks to Xiao Wu, in the eye is a gentleness, I and Xiao Wu wedding. I think, first and Xiao Wu engagement under your testimonies. After she fully restored, immediately marries. Please agree.” At the same time saying, him is drawing Xiao Wu to kneel before the parents. 唐三看向身边的小舞,眼中已是一片温柔,“我和小舞的婚事。我想,在你们的见证下先和小舞订婚。等她完全恢复了之后,立刻结婚。请你们同意。”一边说着,他拉着小舞在父母面前跪了下来。 The tears of big drop fall following the Xiao Wu face, her returns to the soul in within the body to palpitate temporarily fiercely. Calls two characters in a soft voice, father-, mother-” 大滴的泪水顺着小舞面庞滑落,她那临时回到体内的灵魂剧烈地悸动着。轻声唤出两个字,“爸-,妈-” ...... …… Xiao Wu said without hesitation: Senior. I give him the blood.” 小舞毫不犹豫的道:“前辈。我把血给他。” Psi looked at Xiao Wu one. Vision kind and touches her head. You are really a silly child. Tang San can have your such female friend. The reality is in his life the biggest luck.” 波赛西看了小舞一眼。目光慈和的摸摸她的头。“你真是个傻孩子。唐三能有你这样的红颜知己。实是他一生中最大的幸运。” Xiao Wu shakes the head. Sobbed: No. Can run into him. In my life biggest lucky is right. Seniors. How do I want to do?” 小舞摇了摇头。哽咽道:“不。能遇到他。是我一生中最大的幸运才对。前辈。我要怎么做?” ...... …… Looks up to the sky, saying of silently Tang San in the heart: Ming Dynasty and two clear(ly), you know that resurrecting Xiao Wu, is your final expectations, may be my only hope, the significance that resurrecting of Xiao Wu and I survived is actually equal. I do not need to promise anything you, if Xiao Wu cannot resurrect, I do not have the significance of going on living. No one, loves her compared with me. From seeing Xiao Wu that moment, she is the lover in my fate. 抬头望向天空,唐三在心中默默的说道:大明、二明,你们知道么,复活小舞,是你们最后的期望,可却是我唯一的希望,小舞的复活和我生存的意义是等同的。我不需要向你们保证什么,如果小舞不能复活,我就已经没有了活下去的意义。没有人,比我更爱她。从见到小舞的那一刻起,她就是我宿命中的爱人。 Xiao Wu, we must finally in the same place. I will certainly help you resurrect perfectly. I cannot you, you probably accompany this way forever side me, until one day, us goes old.” 小舞,我们终于又要在一起了。我一定会帮你完美的复活。我不许你再这样下去,你要永远都陪伴在我身边,直到有一天,我们苍老而去。” Tang San has not withdrawn, rigid and is gazing in that phantom firmly the double pupil. One word at a time. The sound shouts with nearly shouts said: Duplicate- lives--! I-- love- person-.” 唐三没有退避,执着而坚定地注视着那虚影中地双眸。一字一顿。用近乎嘶吼般的声音呼喊道:“复-活-吧-!我-的-爱-人-。” Gently kisses the Xiao Wu forehead, Tang San said in a soft voice: Xiao Wu, are you willing to marry me? I had the qualifications to say these words to you finally.”... 轻轻的吻了吻小舞的额头,唐三轻声道:“小舞,你愿意嫁给我么?我终于有资格对你说出这句话了。”… I want, I want......” Xiao Wu without hesitation is complying, her sound has sobbed, in her eye pupil has filled the tears, but these no longer is sad time but is the happy tears. “我愿意,我愿意……”小舞毫不犹豫的答应着,她的声音已经哽咽,她的眼眸之中已经充满了泪水,但这一次不再是伤心而是幸福的泪水。 Tang San supple sound said: We returned to the great power small city, Teacher report/give clear(ly), I get married you officially. I must to you a grand wedding, let entire day under know, you are a my wife, your joy, will be I my entire life biggest happiness, I must love your entire life, the generation after generations. Even if dry seas and crumbling rocks, until the end of time, will never separate.” 唐三柔声道:“等我们返回天斗城,禀明老师,我就正式迎娶你。我一定要给你一个盛大的婚礼,让全天下都知道,你是我的妻子,你的快乐,将是我一生最大的幸福,我要爱你一生一世,生生世世。哪怕海枯石烂,天荒地老,也永不分离。” Xiao Wu is immersed in the Tang San bosom, said in a soft voice: Regardless of you must make anything, I will follow side you.” 小舞埋首在唐三怀中,轻声道:“不论你要做什么,我都会跟随在你身边。” ...... …… Tang San said apologetically: Is I am not good, after you resurrect, I have no time to accompany you. Xiao Wu, you know that I really good to marry you, in most grand the wedding with the mainland marries you to be my bride. You remember, this is I to your commitment. Does not use too for a long time, when we rout the martial soul empire, I will certainly make you my wife. Later my are all time used to accompany hello/you good? By that time, you had several children to me again, where you like, where we live.” 唐三歉然道:“都是我不好,你复活之后,我都没有什么时间陪陪你。小舞,你知道么,我真的好想娶你,用大陆上最隆重的婚礼娶你做我的新娘。你记住,这是我对你的承诺。不用太久,等我们击溃武魂帝国,我一定会让你成为我地妻子。以后我所有的时间都用来陪伴你好不好?到了那时候,你再给我生几个孩子,你喜欢哪里,我们就住在哪里。” ...... …… Tang San pulls up Xiao Wu both hands. Delivers to the mouth. Xiao Wu. I have proposed to you. You have also promised me. Relax. Even again difficultly again painstakingly. In order to let you becomes my bride. I will also certainly succeed.” 唐三拉起小舞地双手。送到自己嘴边。“小舞。我向你求过婚的。你也答应过我。放心吧。就算再难再苦。为了让你成为我的新娘。我也一定会成功。” The Xiao Wu eye socket was red. She jumps into the Tang San bosom fiercely. Both hands feel Tang San ground huge. Visits him crazily. Elder Brother. I love you. For me. You must live. You. Regardless of you are the person, are the god, is a ghost. I will follow forever side you.” 小舞地眼圈红了。她猛地扑入唐三怀中。双手摸着唐三地面庞。痴痴地看着他。“哥。我爱你。为了我。你一定要活着。你记着。不论你是人、是神、是鬼。我都会永远跟随在你身边。” ...... …… Heard to get married two characters, the elegant face of Xiao Wu red, static bending down in the Tang San chest front, elder brother, this time, I really felt that I soon became your wife.” 听到结婚二字,小舞的俏脸不禁红了起来,静静的伏在唐三胸前,“哥,这一次,我真的感觉到我快要成为你的妻子了呢。” Tang San laughs, said: That is natural. When I see you for the first time, has been doomed, you are my.” 唐三哈哈一笑,道:“那是当然。当我第一次见你的时候,就已经注定了,你是我的。” Xiao Wu smiles, said: How I remember, initially our first meeting times, somebody was fallen to fall flat on one's face by me greatly. Then, I have also fallen the person of god.” 小舞噗哧一笑,道:“我怎么记得,当初我们第一次见面的时候,某人被我摔了个大马趴。说起来,我也算是摔过神的人呢。” „......” Tang San scratches the head, that time was small, your jujitsu was so also fierce. Falls falls. Hits kisses/intimate, scolding is the love. Xiao Wu, do you know? In my life the most joyful time, attended the entire mainland senior soul master school elite competition to end before us from six -year-old. Because, in these years, we continuously same place, moreover can freely live. Every day can cultivation with you, sees your smile, is I most satisfied matter.” “呃……”唐三挠挠头,“那时候还小嘛,你的柔术又那么厉害。摔就摔吧。打是亲,骂是爱。小舞,你知道么?我这一生中最快乐的时间,就是从六岁到我们参加全大陆高级魂师学院精英大赛结束之前。因为,在那些年,我们一直都在一起,而且可以无忧无虑的生活。每天能和你一起修炼,看到你的笑容,就是我最满足的事。” Xiao Wu nod of gently, I am also.” 小舞轻轻的点了点头,“我也是。” ...... …… Elder Brother, how can you, how be able to drop out me? Elder Brother, you cannot die, you cannot die!” Xiao Wu shouts oneself hoarse is weeping and wailing. But, present Tang San, is actually not able to give her again any response. “哥,你怎么能,怎么能就这么抛下我?哥,你不能死,你不能死啊!”小舞声嘶力竭的哭喊着。可是,现在的唐三,却再也无法给她任何回应。 Elder Brother, you have complied, you comply to marry me for the wife, you added that must give me a greatest wedding. You have not kept the promise. How can you die? Asked you, woke to be good? Wakes, what kind of price regardless of makes me pay, so long as you are willing to wake, I want.”... “哥,你答应过的,你答应过要娶我为妻,你还说要给我一个最为宏大的婚礼。你还没有实现诺言。你怎么能死?求求你,醒过来好不好?醒过来吧,不论让我付出怎样的代价,只要你肯醒过来,我都愿意。”… ...... …… From beginning to end, Tang San has not spoken a few words to Xiao Wu, he combed her braid for her again. 从始至终,唐三都没有对小舞说一句话,他只是重新为她梳理了她的发辫。 When he completed all these finally, draws the body of Xiao Wu again, looks at her is the tearful eyes dim double pupil, Tang San resists the Xiao Wu forehead with own forehead, said in a soft voice: Dear, I love you.” 当他终于完成了这一切的时候,才再次将小舞的身体扳回,看着她那已是泪眼朦胧的双眸,唐三用自己的额头抵住小舞的额头,轻声道:“亲爱的,我爱你。” The Xiao Wu whole body trembles, fierce holds in the arms the waist of Tang San, own face tight fitting on his chest, „, if you really love me, lets me forever with you in the same place. The result does not change, making me think you.” 小舞全身一颤,猛的搂住唐三的腰,将自己的面庞紧紧的贴合在他的胸膛上,“如果你真的爱我,就让我永远和你在一起。结果不会变,让我看着你。” ...... …… Became mother so to be mischievous.” “都当妈妈了还这么调皮。” Became mother? Can't act like a spoiled brat? After you become the God Realm lawman and Sea God, didn't call Tang San? My Brother San.” “当妈妈怎么了?就不能撒娇了么?你成为神界执法者、海神之后,不还是叫唐三嘛?还是我的三哥。” ...... …… Xiao Wu laughs, both hands hold in the arms his neck, said: This also almost. Thinks quickly, our treasure name. Goddess of Life told me saying that our this second child, can be a boy.” 小舞嘻嘻一笑,双手搂住他的脖子,道:“这还差不多。快想想,我们的宝贝叫什么名字。生命女神告诉我说,我们这第二个孩子,会是个男孩儿呢。” Sea God has set the mind at this time, said: „Our treasure daughter's name was Tang Wutong, took a character in our name, my Tang San Tang, your Xiao Wu dance, a phoenix roosted the parasol tree tung oil tree again in addition, Tang Wutong, was Tang San and Xiao Wu the meaning of small phoenix. Our precious sons, according to this comes, I looked, called Tang Wulin. What kind of?” 海神此时已经定下心神,道:“我们宝贝女儿叫唐舞桐,取我们名字中的一个字,我唐三的唐,你小舞的舞,再加上一个凤栖梧桐木的桐,唐舞桐,就是唐三小舞的小凤凰的意思。那我们的宝贝儿子,也照着这个来呗,我看,就叫唐舞麟吧。怎么样?” Xiao Wu eye one bright, said: Tang San and Xiao Wu small Qilin? Good! Good! This.” She the face was saying painstakingly: Was the character is difficult to write, later you were responsible for teaching him to study to be literate.” 小舞眼睛一亮,道:“唐三小舞的小麒麟吗?好啊!好啊!就这样吧。”紧接着,她就苦着脸道:“就是字难写了点,以后你负责教他读书认字哦。” The Sea God Tang San smile said: Does not have the issue, gives me.” 海神唐三微笑道:“没问题,都交给我。” ...... …… " Brother San, you felt relieved that I will certainly be accompanying you well. I will be certainly good. " Xiao Wu rubs on his leg, winning smile sweet saying. "三哥,你放心吧,我一定会好好陪着你的。我一定会好起来的。"小舞在他腿上蹭蹭,巧笑嫣然的说道。 Her always this, does not want to make him be worried. 她总是这样,不想让他担心。 Tang San favors lowering the head of drowns, her forehead, " I will certainly cure your. Xiao Wu, should not be anxious. When post-war of this god, we attained the control power to leave the black hole. Then we will go, looks son. After finding the son, all will be good. You feel relieved. " 唐三宠溺的低下头,亲亲她的额头,"我一定会治好你的。小舞,你别急。等到这场众神之战后,我们拿到主控权就可以离开黑洞了。然后我们就会去,去找儿子。找到儿子之后,一切就都会好起来的。你放心吧。" Xiao Wu nods, " un . We will certainly find the son family reunion. " 小舞点点头,"嗯、嗯。我们一定会找到儿子一家团圆的。" The Tang San smile said: " Xiao Wu, do you know? Has a strength in this world, even if God is also unable to explain its existence, it is this world's most powerful strength. This energy can certainly cure your sickness. " 唐三微笑道:"小舞,你知道吗?在这个世界上有一种力量,哪怕是神诋也无法解释它的存在,它更是这个世界上最强大的力量。这种能量一定能够治好你的病。" Xiao Wu somewhat looks at him surprisedly, " what is that? " 小舞有些惊讶的看着他,"那是什么?" Tang San said: " Is the love. Is the love strength. Although the son temporarily left side us, but has arranged for him in Douluo Continent all me. But also has me in your side, dance tung oil tree. We love you, for us, you cannot certainly have the matter. You are know my, if you walked, I will accompany you to go, I live up to one's words. Regardless of you where, I will accompany you together where. " 唐三道:"是爱。是爱的力量。虽然儿子暂时离开了我们身边,但在斗罗大陆所有的一切我都已经为他安排好了。而在你身边还有我,还有舞桐。我们都是这么的爱你,为了我们,你一定不能有事。你是知道我的,如果你走了,我会陪你而去,我说到做到。无论你在什么地方,我都会陪你一起在什么地方。" ...... …… Children, sorry! I must leave your grandfathers the rest of time. After all, although you are my descendant, but I most love he.” Speaking of finally, the elegant face of Xiao Wu on brought to wipe light blushing, had some charming flavors unexpectedly.... “孩子们,对不起啊!我要把剩余的时间留给你们的爷爷呢。毕竟,虽然你们都是我的后代,可我最爱的还是他呢。”说到最后,小舞的俏脸上带起了一抹淡淡的红晕,竟是有了些娇羞的味道。… Xiao Wu.” Tang San is summoning gently. 小舞。”唐三轻轻的呼唤着。 Xiao Wu has turned around slightly, lets own body complete fitting in the Tang San bosom. The both arms lift, surround on his neck, pastes on his cheek with own cheek. 小舞微微转过身,让自己的身体完全贴合在唐三怀中。双臂抬起,环绕在他的脖子上,用自己的面颊贴上他的面颊。 Tang San enclasps her subconsciously, as if must remember her complete flavor. 唐三下意识的抱紧她,仿佛要将她全部的味道都记忆下来。 Actually I know that I know.” Xiao Wu said in a soft voice. You come back intentionally late, is right?” “其实我知道的,我都知道的。”小舞轻声说道。“你是故意晚回来一点的,对不对?” Tang San has not opened the mouth, flowing that but the tears actually keep. 唐三没有开口,但泪水却始终不停的流淌。 Xiao Wu said: Sorry Brother San. Sorry.” 小舞道:“对不起啊三哥。对不起。” Does not have any sorry, if I, I such will also choose. Xiao Wu, I love you.” The Tang San sound finally were many several points of shivering flavor, he cannot restrain oneself mood again. “没有什么对不起,如果是我,我也会那样选择的。小舞,我爱你。”唐三的声音终于多了几分颤抖的味道,他再也克制不住自己的情绪。 The Xiao Wu smile said: Do not cry! Today is our one reunites, great happiness day. Do not cry! You did not have me to be attractive, crying time, was uglier. Hee hee.” 小舞微笑道:“别哭啊!今天是咱们一家团聚,大喜的日子。别哭啊!你本来就没我好看,哭的时候,就更丑了呢。嘻嘻。” Tang San deeply inspires, is controlling own mood reluctantly, good, good, I do not cry, I not to cry.” 唐三深吸口气,勉强控制着自己的情绪,“好,好,我不哭、我不哭。” The Xiao Wu smile said: This was right. Today is really an auspicious day. My final desire has also been realized, our grandson is well. Brother San, this whole life and you in the same place, can become your wife, I am very happy. Specially, special happiness. I have not regretted my choice. Perhaps, the ancestors I saved the universe, this whole life can meet you.” 小舞微笑道:“这就对了呢。今天真的是个好日子呢。我最后的愿望也已经实现了,我们的孙子平安无事。三哥,这辈子和你在一起,能成为你的妻子,我真的很幸福。特别、特别的幸福。我从来没有后悔过自己的选择。或许,上辈子我拯救了宇宙,这辈子才能遇见你吧。” We are very long and are very long in the together time. But, I do not give up, do not give up you.” Be with smile on the face she, at this moment, has had a weeping voice finally. “我们在一起的时间已经很长、很长了。可是,我还是舍不得,舍不得你。”一直面带微笑的她,此时此刻,终于有了一丝哭腔。 Although I have known, we had actually come back, you did not make God Realm find here intentionally. Every day also accompanies side me, to let my heart has the sustenance to live for several days. But, I pretend not to know, I also think! Also wants to accompany you, accompanies side you. Brother San, I also love you well.” “尽管我一直都知道,我们其实早就已经回来了,你却故意不让神界找到这里。还每天都陪伴在我身边,就是为了让我心有寄托能够多活几天。可是,我就是假装不知道,我也想啊!也想多陪陪你,陪在你身边。三哥,我也好爱你。” But, I must walk. After I walked, I know that you will be very certainly sad. However, you have many responsibility, you must run God Realm, you must well attendance our daughters and son. Completes our big guardians. If you thought me, you had a look at it.” “可是,我还是要走了呢。我走了以后,我知道你一定会很难过。但是,你还有许多的责任哦,你要掌管好神界,你要好好的照顾我们的女儿、儿子。做好咱们这一家的大家长。如果你想我了,你就看看它吧。” At the same time saying, Xiao Wu reaches behind the back to draw the long scorpion pigtail. 一边说着,小舞回手拉过自己长长的蝎子辫。 Xiao Wu......” the Tang San sound choked up instantaneously. 小舞……”唐三的声音瞬间就哽住了。 The next quarter, braid simultaneous/uniform root in Xiao Wu hand breaks, a long braid already in her hands. When her being cut off braid instantly, the complexion of whole person had turned into a grayish white. 下一刻,小舞手中的发辫齐根断裂,一条长长的发辫已经在她手中。而当她断掉发辫的刹那,整个人的脸色已经变成了一片灰白。 Her palm somewhat shivers to squeeze in the Tang San palm that braid, supple sound said: Living is being bravest, the death evaded. You must be a brave person. Many many thing are waiting for you. Protects our children , helping Xuan Yu achievement God Realm well. thing that you must make also has many, many.” 她的手掌有些颤抖着将那发辫塞入到唐三掌中,柔声道:“活着才是最勇敢的,死亡只是逃避。你要做个勇敢的人哦。还有好多好多事情等着你呢。保护好我们的孩子们,好好帮轩宇成就神界。你要做的事情还有很多、很多呢。” Brother San, I love you.” Xiao Wu said itself once again to his love. 三哥,我爱你。”小舞又一次说出了自己对他的爱。 I also love you, Xiao Wu.” Tang San is grasping the Xiao Wu braid fiercely, the body is shivering. “我也爱你,小舞。”唐三握着小舞的发辫,身体剧烈的颤抖着。 I love you, loves the children. I love you, is really good to like and good love you. I do not give up you, is really good not to give up you......” in the beautiful pupil of Xiao Wu, the clear waterdrop drops quietly, the tears fall following the Tang San front piece, fall into him to hold.... “我爱你,也爱孩子们。我爱你们,真的好爱、好爱你们。我舍不得你们,也真的好舍不得你们啊……”小舞的美眸之中,晶莹的泪滴悄然滴落,泪水顺着唐三的衣襟滑落,跌入他掌中。… In the beautiful pupil of Xiao Wu, were many for several points to be at a loss at a loss, looks at the distant place. 小舞的美眸之中,多了几分迷惘与茫然,看着远方。 Still remembers, our first meeting times? Still remembered our once all? Brother San, for your I am willing to deeply love the whole world. If next life, I will also be your wife......” “还记得,我们第一次见面的时候吗?还记得我们曾经的一切吗?三哥,为了你我愿意热爱整个世界。如果还有来生,我还做你的妻子……” Double pupil closed, Xiao Wu tender body, that during the bosom of Tang San, noiselessly changes into a ray, noiselessly is that dissipating in the outer space. 双眸闭合,小舞的娇躯,就那么在唐三的怀抱之中,悄无声息的化为点点光芒,悄无声息的就那么在太空之中消散着。 In this flickers, as if the whole world solidified, in the entire outer space, so many God King exist, but actually all completely silent. 在这一瞬,仿佛整个世界都凝固了,整个太空之中,这么多位神王存在着,可却全都鸦雀无声。 ...... …… Xiao Wu, do not walk too quickly, waits for me. I must look for you. Must make my quick point find you!” 小舞,你别走得太快,等等我。我要来找你呢。一定要让我快一点找到你啊!” The blue brilliance extinguishes gradually, a generation of God King, God Realm committee lord the Tang San form also from the congealing consolidation illusory, only has his pair of eyes pupil, as before bright eye-catching. 蓝色光焰渐渐熄灭,一代神王,神界委员会之主唐三的身影也从凝实变得虚幻,唯有他那一双眼眸,依旧明亮夺目。 Perhaps Xiao Wu, I found your time again, you have forgotten all. Forgot the star big forest, forgot our soul master status, forgot Shrek Academy, forgot our Douluo Continent, forgot me. This is unimportant, I only implored to make me find you, so long as found you, I certainly with own all loved you, making you return to my side again. Let our one be able to reunite. Do not walk too quickly, is waiting for me......” 小舞,或许我再找到你的时候,你已经忘记了一切。忘记了星斗大森林,忘记了我们魂师的身份,忘记了史莱克学院,忘记了我们斗罗大陆,也忘记了我。这都不重要,我只祈求能够让我找到你,只要找到你,我就一定会用自己的一切来爱你,让你再次回到我的身边。让我们一家能够团聚。别走得太快,等着我……” ...... …… Although is different from the beforehand look, although even the makings changed. But that inscribes in mark of his divine consciousness deep place, actually clear inserts this form to his heart. 尽管和以前的相貌有所不同,尽管连气质都发生了变化。可是那铭刻在他神识深处的烙印,却清晰的将这道身影嵌入到他心中。 ...... …… Hey, drinks to you!” “喂,给你喝!” Small, Xiao Wu......” “小、小舞……” Your admitting mistakes person, I was not Xiao Wu. Everyone called me Mei Gongzi!” “你认错人了,我不是小舞。大家都叫我美公子!” ...... …… You come with me.” Arrives in front of him, Mei Gongzi said to him directly, then moved toward nearby grove. “你跟我过来一下。”来到他面前,美公子直接向他说道,然后就走向了一旁的小树林。 sister Mei.” Calling out that Tang San smiles. 美姐。”唐三笑眯眯的叫道。 Mei Gongzi turns around to look to him, said: I must walk.” 美公子转身看向他,道:“我要走了。” Where do you want to go to?” He is almost subconscious blurting out. Moreover nearly said the following half a word: I follow you. “你要去哪里?”他几乎是下意识的脱口而出。而且险些就说出了后面半句的:我跟你走。 Mei Gongzi shakes the head, said: I will not leave Jiali City. But I must close up. Follows my father to close up. Does not know how long wants. But should the time not be short. Today comes to say goodbye to you.” 美公子摇摇头,道:“我不会离开嘉里城。但我要闭关了。跟随我父亲闭关。不知道要多久。但应该时间不会短。今天是来向你告别的。” ...... …… Asura was silent, he looks at her. 修罗沉默了,他只是看着她。 She receives the tea with milk cup in hand, said: I must walk.” 她收起手中的奶茶杯子,道:“那我要走了。” The Asura sudden heart somewhat palpitates, said: Can give me your tea with milk cup.” 修罗突然心头有些悸动,道:“能不能把你刚才的奶茶杯送给我。” Mei Gongzi gawked, looks at him, in the look were many several points of vigilance, silent, actually shakes the head, was sorry. This is not good, I have drunk.” 美公子愣了一下,看着他,眼神中多了几分警惕,沉默了一下,却还是摇了摇头,“抱歉。这个不行,我喝过了。” ...... …… Old Mao said suddenly: „, You and other. Has a thing to you.” 毛老突然道:“哦,你等一下。有个东西给你。” Thing?” Tang San stares, Old Mao arrives by own table, took up anything, then turns around to move toward Tang San. “东西?”唐三一愣,毛老走到自己的桌案旁,拿起了什么,然后转身走向唐三 When Tang San sees clearly he holds the thing, the look actually again cannot transfer, although is person who lived three lives he, in this flickers, at present is mist is fuzzy. 唐三看清楚他掌中之物的时候,眼神却再也挪移不开,尽管是三世为人的他,在这一瞬,眼前却已是一片水雾模糊。 „A little miss makes me give you. Also is our human. Was long may be attractive.” Thing of Old Mao in the hand gives Tang San.... “一个小姑娘让我给你的。也是咱们人类。长得可漂亮了。”毛老将手中之物递给唐三。… In the Tang San access hand, that is a cup, thinks of the warm tea with milk the cup. Or it is one cup of tea with milk, one cup of Mei Gongzi Milk Tea Shop tea with milk. 唐三接入手中,那是一个杯子,一个还装着温热奶茶的杯子。或者说它是一杯奶茶,一杯美公子奶茶店的奶茶。
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