DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1160: Xiao Wu returns

He in eye, that stronger and stronger closeness, even makes her have wish to integrate feeling in his body completely. 眼中的他,那份越来越浓烈的亲近感,甚至让她有种想要完全融入到他身体之中的感觉似的。 The Tang San right hand loosens Sea God Trident, the palm empty presses downward, immediately, in blue Domus Aurea, one group of colored rays are suddenly natural, color light shot up into the sky, passed through ten thousand meters distance instantaneously, covers in him and on Mei Gongzi. 唐三右手松开海神三叉戟,手掌向下虚按,顿时,蓝金宫内,一团彩色光芒骤然大方,彩光冲天而起,瞬间穿越了万米距离,笼罩在他和美公子身上。 Immediately, Mei Gongzi only thought that body one light, just that oppression caused the body to border on the condition of collapse to vanish immediately, under injection of this colored ray, the entire body became relaxed got up. Comfort that could not say. 顿时,美公子只觉得身体一轻,刚刚那压迫导致身体濒临崩溃的状态顿时消失了,更是在这份彩色光芒的注入下,整个身体都变得轻松了起来似的。说不出的舒适。 immortal spiritual energy! Stronger ten times of immortal spiritual energy that cultivated uses when blue Domus Aurea compared with before. Is Tang San directly immortal spiritual energy that guides from Heart of Nature. 仙灵之气!比之前在蓝金宫中修炼时使用的更强十倍的仙灵之气。是唐三直接从自然之心中引导出来的仙灵之气 When this immortal spiritual energy pours into to their bodies at the same time, the surrounding world great misfortune actually suddenly started to become less crowded, did not hesitate all madness offensive also to slow down. 而当这股仙灵之气注入到他们身体中的同时,周围的天地大劫却突然开始松动了,原本不惜一切的疯狂攻势也随之减缓。 Tang San is telling entire Falan Planet plane with the action, he can definitely control Heart of Nature now. plane continues to oppress him, he will oppress Heart of Nature continually, is thoroughly stave until this God Realm cornerstone. In this consumes in the Heart of Nature process, obtains them who immortal spiritual energy soaks the billows, cultivation base is actually continue increase. 唐三用行动在告诉整个法蓝星位面,他现在完全可以操控自然之心位面继续压迫他,他就会持续压迫自然之心,直到这神界基石彻底破碎。而在这消耗自然之心的过程中,获得仙灵之气浸澜的他们,修为却在持续攀升。 divine consciousness returns to god, Tang San could in be at the Sea God Trident remote sensing by hand to his true super divine tool. 神识重归神祇,唐三已经能够凭借手中的海神三叉戟遥感到他真正的超神器所在。 Indistinct, beyond nine days, the light golden color starts to cover to the Falan Planet direction, accompanies with it, as if can destroy all red glow together. 隐约之间,九天之外,淡淡的金色开始笼罩向法蓝星的方向,与之随同的,还有一道仿佛能够毁灭一切的红芒 Initially, Tang San had told Su Qin, when he and Mei Gongzi crossing tribulation had a fixed day, must complete in this time. But this time, is not because their crossing tribulation will be smoother, but must in this time crossing tribulation, be able to protect Falan Planet this plane is not destroyed. 当初,唐三就曾经告诉过苏琴,他与美公子渡劫时有一个固定日子的,必须要在这个时间内来完成。而这个时间,并不是因为他们渡劫会更加顺利,而是必须要在这个时候渡劫,才能守护住法蓝星这个位面不被破坏。 Sea God Trident or Asura God Sword, these two super divine tool are existences that Tang San and Mei Gongzi previous life time controls. They felt the impel that came from Mr. and Mrs. Tang San, has searched and been close in the universe, seeks them. 无论是海神三叉戟还是修罗神剑,这两件超神器都是唐三美公子前世时候所掌控的存在。它们感受到了来自于唐三夫妻的感召,一直在宇宙之中寻觅、接近,来寻找他们。 When these two super divine tool arrive to Falan Planet plane truly, they will not abstain that will produce anything to affect to plane, they can only be immediately the homing. But arrivals of two big super divine tool, cannot imagine regarding the destruction of Falan Planet, even destroys entire plane possibly to have. 当这两件超神器真正降临到法蓝星位面的时候,它们才不会忌讳会对位面产生什么影响,它们只会是在第一时间归位。而两大超神器的降临,对于法蓝星的破坏是不可想象的,甚至毁灭整个位面都不是没可能的。 In Douluo God Realm that Tang San is, Asura God Sword can call it first divine tool, most super divine tool. Tang San Sea God Trident also has no time to let. Such two big super divine tool arrives, Falan Planet what to do? 唐三所在的斗罗神界,修罗神剑可以被称之为第一神器,最超神器唐三海神三叉戟也不遑多让。这样的两大超神器降临,法蓝星怎么办? Therefore, Tang San and Mei Gongzi must choose in this time crossing tribulation, to them, not only become a Sovereign, is become a God. 所以,唐三美公子必须要选择在这个时间渡劫,对他们来说,不只是成皇,更是成神 Restored god stage of only truly, Tang San can the remote sensing control two super divine tool outer space to wait outside, rather than invaded in Falan Planet to destroy plane. This is he chooses in this time the crossing tribulation real reason. 只有真正恢复了神祇的层次,唐三才能遥感去控制两件超神器在外太空等候,而不是入侵到法蓝星之中破坏位面。这才是他选择在今时今日渡劫的真正原因。 At this time, when Planar Lord does not hesitate to them engages in factional strife, must they destroy thoroughly the time, Tang San through to the control of Heart of Nature, through to two big super divine tool remote sensing, why is telling Planar Lord him to choose in this moment crossing tribulation. He can control two big super divine tool outer space to wait for their returns outside, can control two super divine tool to arrive to this plane similarly truly. 此时,当位面之主不惜一切的向他们倾轧,要将他们彻底毁灭的时候,唐三通过对自然之心的掌控,通过对两大超神器的遥感,在告诉位面之主他为什么会选择在这一刻渡劫。他可以控制两大超神器在外太空等待他们的回归,也同样能够控制两件超神器真正降临到这个位面来。 ... The world great misfortune seems to become in this moment stagnated, Tang San makes him feel, he has felt at this moment truly. Engaging in factional strife of that madness became relaxed. Thunder look like the sweetheart to be common, starts caressing gently to touch the body of Tang San and Mei Gongzi. 天地大劫在这一刻仿佛已经变得凝滞了,唐三让他感受到的,他此时此刻已经真正的感觉到了。那疯狂的倾轧变得缓和了起来。一道道雷霆就像是情人一般,开始轻轻的抚触着唐三美公子的身体。 If previous quarter the boat in storm, then, they looked like turn at this moment showered general in the hot spring. 如果说前一刻他们还是在暴风雨之中的小船,那么,此时此刻他们就像是变成了在温泉之中淋浴一般。 The deep-purple thunder, in this flickered turned into the gentle purple, noble purple. Unceasing injects the plane purest energy to their bodies. 就连原本深紫色的雷霆,在这一瞬都变成了柔和的紫色,高贵的紫色。不断的将位面最为纯粹的能量注入到他们的身体之中。 Mei Gongzi even felt, these thunder seem like flattering them to be common unexpectedly, for fear that there is a half a point to offend. 美公子甚至觉得,这些雷霆竟然像是在讨好他们一般,唯恐有半分得罪。 The Tang San back sea divine light shadow and Sea God Trident take back and vanish simultaneously. He shifts to the Mei Gongzi direction, held on her both hands. 唐三背后的海神光影与海神三叉戟同时收回、消失。他转向美公子的方向,拉住了她的双手。 Looks in the eyes, Mei Gongzi the tender body shakes immediately slightly. 四目相对,美公子顿时娇躯微微一震。 Because she sees, is the double pupil of Tang San wet billows, the tears lingers in his eye pupil, he is pursing the lips, suppresses is not making the tears flow. He is gazing at her. 因为她看到的,是唐三湿澜的双眸,泪光在他眼眸之中萦绕,他抿着嘴,强忍着不让泪水流淌。他就那么注视着她。 Dear, we can be about to go home finally. Dear, I retrieved you finally. Comes back, my Xiao Wu.” “亲爱的,我们终于可以准备回家了。亲爱的,我终于找回你了。回来吧,我的小舞。” The pupil of Mei Gongzi enlarges suddenly. Next flickers, she only feels the brain to thunder, that myriad pictures are changing into the to rush forth of innumerable memory fragments madness in an instant in the mind. All, in this flickers to start to return, starts to reappear in her mind fast. 美公子的瞳孔骤然放大。下一瞬,她只觉得大脑轰鸣,那万千画面在刹那间化为无数的记忆碎片在脑海中疯狂奔涌。所有的一切,都在这一瞬开始回归,开始在她脑海之中快速浮现。 ...... …… I called Xiao Wu, the dancing dance.” “我叫小舞,跳舞的舞。” Xiao Wu winked the big eye, is saying with a smile: My martial soul is the rabbit. Very cute that small white rabbit. You?” 小舞眨了眨大眼睛,微笑着道:“我的武魂是兔。很可爱的那种小白兔。你呢?” Tang San said: You are just right to subdue|grams I, my martial soul is your martial soul food. blue-silver grass.” 唐三道:“那你岂不是正好克我,我的武魂是你武魂的食物。蓝银草。” ...... …… Xiao Wu said: Looked that your bedding is very big, two people cover the issue is not big, like this was good, didn't we bed and in the same place, we have use?” 小舞道:“看你的被褥挺大的,两个人盖问题也不大,这样好了,我们把床并在一起,我们不就都有的用了?” Men and women give and receive do not kiss, this is not good.” “男女授受不亲,这不好吧。” Xiao Wu places the bed seam place that own burden two beds put together, also puts your burden, later this is a boundary. If you cross the border, do not blame me not being impolite.” 小舞把自己的包袱放在两张床拼起来的床缝处,“把你的包袱也放过来,以后这就是边界。你要是越界,可别怪我不客气哦。” ...... …… Tang San then discovered that the self-supporting students had come back, sat to set out, referred to the middle boundary, said: You may cross the border.” 唐三这才发现工读生们已经都回来了,坐起身,指了指中间的分界线,道:“你可越界了。” Xiao Wu laughs, said: How crosses the border? I am a girl, you should let me, is right. Naturally, you cannot cross the border absolutely.” 小舞嘻嘻一笑,道:“越界又怎么样?我是女孩子,你应该让着我,对不对。当然,你是绝对不能越界的。” ...... …… Tang San has turned around slowly, earnest looks at Xiao Wu, „are you willing to be my younger sister? I really hope that can have a family member again.” 唐三缓缓转过身,认真的看着小舞,“你愿意做我的妹妹么?我真的希望能再有一个亲人。” Looks at the eye of Tang San tears twinkle, eyes of Xiao Wu gradually was red, „, if one day, many people want to kill me, these people are you cannot be victorious, what to do?” 看着唐三泪光闪烁的眼睛,小舞的双眼渐渐的红了,“要是有一天,有很多人想要杀我,那些人又是你打不过的,怎么办?” On the Tang San face reveals a light smile suddenly, that asked them first to overstep my corpse.” 唐三脸上突然流露出一丝淡淡的微笑,“那就请他们先踏过我的尸体吧。” ...... …… Tang San thinks, said: Called three dance combinations.” 唐三想了想,道:“就叫三舞组合吧。” Good. San-Wu combination has registered.” “好。三五组合已经注册。” Hey, this character is not right, is the dance. It is not five.” Xiao Wu discontented saying. “喂,这个字不对,是舞。不是五。”小舞不满的说道。 The Tang San racket the shoulder of Xiao Wu, said: Ok. San-Wu combination on San-Wu combination, in any case is only a name.” 唐三拍拍小舞的肩膀,道:“算了吧。三五组合三五组合,反正只是一个名字而已。” ... ...... …… Clever. Does not cry. Comes back well, comes back well.” Is whipping the back of Xiao Wu gently, the Tang San tearful eyes are also dim. “乖。不哭。回来就好,回来就好。”轻轻地拍打着小舞的背,唐三也不禁泪眼朦胧。 Elder Brother. Was I am not good, making you be worried.” Xiao Wu choked was saying. “哥。都是我不好,让你担心了。”小舞哽咽着说道。 Tang San shakes the head. Fool. Is I am not good to be right. Is I do not have the skill, without protecting you.” 唐三摇了摇头。“傻瓜。是我不好才对。是我没本事,没有保护好你。” ...... …… Xiao Wu somewhat acts like a spoiled brat honk mouth. Marched on a day of road, my leg was sour. Elder Brother. Do you rub the leg to be good to me?” 小舞有些撒娇似的嘟起嘴。“赶了一天路,我地腿都酸了。哥。你给我揉揉腿好不好?” Good, here?” Tang San favored to rub the head of Xiao Wu drowned. “好,在这里?”唐三宠溺的揉了揉小舞的头。 Tang San helps Xiao Wu rub to pinch the calf, while said to her: If tomorrow also hurries along like this words. It is not good I to lead you to walk, I use eight spider lance speeds should not to have the issue.” 唐三一边帮小舞揉捏着小腿,一边对她道:“明天要是还这样赶路地话。不行我就带着你走吧,我使用八蛛矛速度应该没问题。” Xiao Wu laughs, said: Does not use, I can be good, actually like this is tired a point is also good. I have the reason to make you rub the leg to me. Really quite comfortable, Elder Brother, is your palm so why hot?” 小舞嘻嘻一笑,道:“不用,我能行,其实这样累一点也好。我也有理由让你给我揉腿啊。真地好舒服,哥,为什么你地手掌那么热?” Xiao Wu looks at Tang San, some look coagulations, elder brother, if later we have been able to be like this good, if you later had the sister-in-law, can not want me?” 小舞看着唐三,眼神有些凝固,“哥,要是以后我们一直都能这样就好了,你以后要是有了嫂子,会不会就不要我了?” Tang San faintly smiled. Said: „Can silly thing, how? When you are a my younger sister.” 唐三微微一笑。道:“傻丫头,怎么会呢?什么时候你都是我妹妹。” Xiao Wu eats smiles, said: Or. After we grow up . I marry you, is good? This can when for a lifetime your younger sister. Let you take care of me.” 小舞吃吃一笑,道:“要不。等我们长大以后。我嫁给你,好不好?这样才能一辈子当你地妹妹。让你照顾我。” Tang San loses says with a smile: Good, was only you are so attractive, marries me to probably put in great inconvenience to you.” 唐三失笑道:“好啊,只是你这么漂亮,嫁给我可要委屈你了。” Xiao Wu snorted. Said: Others are earnest, has something to put in great inconvenience. In me. You are best, Elder Brother, do you know? glory glory she always teased me. Said that I with you am the elder brother and younger sister.” 小舞哼了一声。道:“人家是认真的,有什么可委屈的。在我心里。你是最好的,哥,你知道么?荣荣她老是取笑我。说我跟你是阿哥和阿妹。” Tang San gawked. Right, aren't you my younger sister?” 唐三愣了一下。“没错啊,你不就是我妹妹么?” Xiao Wu elegant face one red. Different. Aiya. Did not say with you, is really a wood/blockhead.” 小舞俏脸一红。“不一样地。哎呀。不和你说了,真是个木头。” ...... …… The big eye of Xiao Wu winks within the tears to throw to fall, both hands are hugging the neck of Tang San, sobs: Elder Brother, you know that others have think you, you pledged, pledged never leave me.” 小舞的大眼睛眨动间泪水扑扑而落,双手搂着唐三的脖子,呜咽道:“哥,你知道人家有多想你么,你发誓,发誓永远不要离开我。” Tang San said without hesitation: I pledged, only if I died, will otherwise never leave Xiao Wu.” 唐三毫不犹豫的道:“我发誓,除非我死了,否则永远都不离开小舞。” Xiao Wu then smiles through tears, happens to obtain somebody's favor the shoulder of Tang San again, Xiao Wu also pledged to never leave Elder Brother little San, even if dies does not leave.” 小舞这才破涕为笑,再次靠上唐三的肩头,“小舞也发誓,永远也不离开小三哥,就算是死也不离开。” ...... …… Xiao Wu wiped the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, on the elegant face reveals a smile somewhat blurredly, the look is looking in the hand that moving flowers, „, I am this person of being predestined friends.” 小舞抹了抹嘴角的血迹,俏脸上流露出一丝笑容,眼神有些迷离的看着手中那动人的花朵,“没想到,我才是这有缘之人。” Xiao Wu looks at the Tang San look is such purity, perhaps, they do not know whether the sentiment of men and women. But among them the sentiment, actually absolutely is purest sincere, does not have any slight defect place. 小舞看着唐三的眼神是那样的纯净,或许,连他们自己也不知道彼此之间是否男女之情。但他们之间的感情,却绝对是最纯净真挚,没有任何瑕疵地。 That is, the lovesickness is broken heart. 那是,相思断肠红。 ...... …… Xiao Wu often the meat in the vegetable/dish selects in the Tang San bowl, oneself eat some green vegetables and meat dregs. 小舞不时将菜里面地肉挑到唐三碗中,自己只是吃一些青菜和肉渣。 Xiao Wu, you also eat.” 小舞,你也吃。” Xiao Wu said with a smile: I eat originally few. Let alone, you are long the body time, the Grandmaster has said that your men must eat the meat, will otherwise not have the stamina place.” 小舞笑道:“我吃的本来就少。何况,你正是长身体的时候,大师说过,你们男人要多吃肉,不然会没体力地。” Simple a few words, actually hit ruthlessly in the Tang San heart deep place softest place. In an instant, these days being at a loss and puzzled as if shook off the fetter to be the same, the Tang San whole person stayed there, looks at Xiao Wu, in the eye were many several points of strange brilliance. 简单的一句话,却狠狠的撞击在唐三内心深处最柔软的地方。刹那间,这几天的迷惘和困惑仿佛都挣脱了束缚一般,唐三整个人呆在那里,看着小舞,眼中多了几分奇异的光彩。 ... Tang San puts down the steamed bun in hand, grasps the hand of Xiao Wu, in the flash of that electric light flint, he thought through a moment ago suddenly, looks at the front Xiao Wu that concern tender face, Tang San only feels one's blood bubbles up to the brim, Xiao Wu, regardless of later has anything, I will protect like the present side you, you forever are Xiao Wu that I most treasure.” 唐三放下手中的馒头,一把握住小舞的手,就在刚才那电光火石的一瞬间,他突然想通了,看着面前小舞那关切的娇颜,唐三只觉得心中热血沸腾,“小舞,不论以后发生什么,我都会像现在一样守护在你身边,你永远都是我最珍爱的小舞。” ...... …… Xiao Wu nods, elder brother, can you help me comb the hair? My hair was somewhat chaotic.” 小舞点了点头,“哥,你能不能帮我梳梳头?我地头发有些乱了。” Tang San gawked, combs the hair? But, you go back to sleep, will the hair different be chaotic?” 唐三愣了一下,“梳头?可是,你回去睡觉,头发不一样会乱么?” Xiao Wu spits the tongue to Tang San, you are quite stupid, after going back , have I cultivated tomorrow morning not on the line?” 小舞唐三吐了吐舌头,“你好笨啊,回去后我一直修炼到明天早上不就行了么?” At the same time saying, Xiao Wu from own is cherishing fishes out a comb to give Tang San. 一边说着,小舞从自己怀中摸出一把梳子递给唐三 This is very good the wooden of comb!”? “这把梳子的木质很好啊!”? This is mother gives to me, is mother does personally, above good sandalwood red sandalwood for raw material carving. Although does not have any decoration, but this is actually mother leaves my thing finally.”? “这是妈妈送给我的,是妈妈亲手所做,以上好的檀香紫檀为原料雕刻而成。虽然没有任何装饰,但这却是妈妈最后留给我的东西。”? Xiao Wu, you really quite beautiful. ”? 小舞,你真的好美。”? Elder Brother, helping me comb the hair.” “哥,帮我梳头。” Silly thing, this is mother with, since you who the sandalwood manufactures have made the choice , mother gives you comb this. In the future, if you really can find a beloved man, then, makes him help you use this to comb the hair the comb. The hair of woman, during life, only then a man can comb for her, mother blessed you. Hopes one day, you can find the man who that can repose the long hair.” “傻丫头,这是妈妈用紫檀木所制作的,既然你已经做出了选择,那么,妈妈就将这把梳子送给你。将来,如果你真的能够找到一个自己心爱的男人,那么,就让他帮你用这把梳子梳头吧。女人的头发,一生之中,只有一个男人才能为她梳起,妈妈祝福你。希望有一天,你能找到那个可以寄托长发的男人。” Found.” Brings the tender face of tears to reveal a light smile, following back man's combing to long hair, her vision falls to the bright moonlight, that bright moonlight, seems mother's smile. “找到了。”带着泪水的娇颜流露出一丝淡淡的微笑,顺着背后男人对长发的梳拢,她的目光落向明月,那皎洁的月光,似乎就是母亲的笑容。 ...... …… Xiao Wu handful of the face of Tang San, stern-faced looks at Tang San suddenly, elder brother, you looks at me.” 小舞捧住唐三的脸,突然一脸凝重的看着唐三,“哥,你看着我。” Does?” Tang San is looking steadily at the eye of Xiao Wu. “干什么?”唐三盯视着小舞的眼睛。 Elder Brother, this is my kisses initially. Also is your kisses initially. Hehe, I first snatched. Province later was kept thinking by others.” “哥,这是我的初吻哦。也是你的初吻吧。嘿嘿,我先抢到了。省的以后再被别人惦记。”
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