DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1159: World great misfortune

The pressure suddenly becomes in this moment broad, invisible, between heaven and earth is similar huge mighty force, is roaring to them: You, do not get become a Sovereign! 压力突然在这一刻变得恢弘起来,无形之中,天地间仿佛有一种巨大的伟力,在向他们怒吼着:你们,不得成皇 But also in this moment, Tang San picks up the head suddenly, in the double pupil the golden light explodes shoots, the unprecedented dignity bursts out instantaneously, back, illusory golden light shadow suddenly appear, sacred dragon spear/gun also appear during he grasps. 但也就在这一刻,唐三猛然拾起头,双眸之中金光爆射,前所未有的威严瞬间迸发而出,背后,虚幻的金色光影骤然出现,神圣龙枪也随之出现在他掌握之中。 Before the breech of rifle selects, above finally first-level stair. Immediately, the void shock, golden halo blooms from that breech of rifle place. The next quarter, Tang San oneself after bringing Mei Gongzi one step is stepping forward, steady standing above finally first-level stair. 枪尾前点,点在最后一级台阶之上。顿时,虚空剧震,一圈金色光环从那枪尾处绽放。下一刻,唐三己经带着美公子一步跨出,稳稳的站在了最后一级台阶之上。 The Sea God dignity, can plane suppress can it be that? In this moment, Tang San laid cards on the table! 海神的威严,岂是位面所能压制?在这一刻,唐三摊牌了! " Rumbling rumbling 11 " 「轰轰轰轰轰一一」 the world changes, the entire sky in this flickered to turn into purple black Tang San and Mei Gongzi is common like clearish red wine new moon doing abhiseka at this time, in the sky, the innumerable fresh air flooded into within the body, is washing their bodies, soaked the billows their divine consciousness. Ray ascends just like the smog shape generally. The ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation has crossed! 天地色变,整个天空都在这一瞬变成了紫黑色唐三美公子此时如同醍朔灌顶一般,天空中,无数清气涌入体内,洗涤着他们的身体,浸澜着他们的神识。身上的光芒宛如烟雾状一般升腾。登临劫已过! In this moment, they are true Sovereign, then they are going to face is the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation later world snow tribulation. The ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation is the promotion, world's tribulation is the baptism. After quenching of the world snow tribulation, they can be true Sovereign: 在这一刻,他们已经是真正的皇者了,接下来他们将要面对的就是登临劫之后的天地雪劫。登临劫是晋升,天地劫是洗礼。经过天地雪劫的淬炼之后,他们就可以算是真正的皇者了: Ten thousand meters upper air ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation. world's tribulation that at this time they face also came from this. 万米高空登临劫。此时他们所面对的天地劫也是由此而来。 Not only thunder above a higher sky, in all directions. The that terrifying deep-purple thunder, is almost among the moment already appear, simply has not given them any respite almost. 雷霆不只是在更高的天空之上,更是在四面八方。那一道道恐怖的深紫色雷霆,几乎是须臾之间就已经出现,根本没有给他们任何喘息的几乎。 " Rumble! " The fierce bellow resounds, but purple thunder outrageously. 「轰隆隆!」剧烈的轰鸣声响起,一道道紫色雷霆悍然而至。 In Tang San hand sacred dragon spear/gun, Heaven Profound Circle. forcefully all met the first wave of thunder. But he and Mei Gongzi body are actually the purple electricity surround. 唐三手中神圣龙枪一圈,天之玄圆。硬生生的将第一波雷霆全都接了下来。而他与美公子的身上却是紫电环绕。 Tang San felt immediately own Sea God god position only became under the stimulation of this thunder even more bright and insightful. This world's tribulation might is huge, but also made up regarding just become a Sovereign them extremely greatly. This is this plane purest energy, wants to destroy them, the energy intensity natural meeting is giant, even must dominate above initial Great Annihilation of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Divine Tribulation: However, present Tang San, is not initial Tang San. 唐三顿时感觉到自己的海神神祇之位在这雷霆的刺激下变得越发明亮与通透了。这天地劫的威力巨大,但对于刚刚成皇的他们来说也是极其的大补。这是这个位面最为纯粹的能量,想要将他们毁灭,能量强度自然会是巨大的,甚至还要凌驾于当初的九天十地大破灭湮神劫之上:但是,现在的唐三,已经不是当初的唐三了。 Although he has not restored to God King stage, but when he completed the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation that flickers, he is actually true Sea God. 虽然他还没有恢复到神王层次,但当他完成了登临劫的那一瞬,他却已经是真正的海神 A red halo also in the next quarter encirclement, Mei Gongzi also acted, this time she, in the look is glittering the somewhat complex brilliance. When just trod last, she as if saw some strange scenes, that picture passed over gently and swiftly in her mind like the true impact generally unceasingly. But in facing the situation of the world great misfortune, she actually does not dare carefully to look, similarly is Heaven Profound Circle, Asura God Sword edition Heaven Profound Circle. 一圈红色的光环也在下一刻环绕而起,美公子也出手了,此时的她,眼神中闪烁着有些复杂的光彩。就在刚刚踏出最后一步的时候,她仿佛就看到了一些奇异的景象,那一幅幅画面如同真实影响一般不断在她脑海之中掠过。但在面对天地大劫的情况下,她却根本不敢仔细去看,同样是天之玄圆,修罗神剑版本的天之玄圆 In the Tang San hand sacred dragon spear/gun lifts up high, the bright golden ray sets out, the sacred dragon spear/gun bathes in the thunder starts to change, the transformation is the golden trident appearance. golden halo outward diffusions. 唐三手中神圣龙枪高举,灿烂的金色光芒进发,神圣龙枪沐浴在雷霆之中开始发生变化,转化为黄金三叉戟的模样。一圈圈金色光晕向外扩散。 When golden halo and that wild purple thunder contacts in together, even exaggerated purple-gold these thunder. 金色光晕那一道道狂暴的紫色雷霆接触在一起时,将这些雷霆甚至都渲染成了紫金色 This incomparably shocks, the golden light goes far away, as if is equipped with these thunder has what impediment function, Asura God Sword resists reluctantly, reduces and solves the thunder. 这一幕无比震撼,金光远去,似乎并设有对这些雷霆产生什么阻挡作用,还是修罗神剑勉强去抵挡,才将雷霆化解。 However, in the next quarter, has almost the time that three times breathe. In the sky, has actually started one to discuss the pale blue color. 但是,就在下一刻,几乎是只有三次呼吸的时间。天空中,却已经开始多了一层谈淡的蓝色。 That is the blue color comprised of the innumerable tiny blue luminous spots, these blue rays, with golden to combine in the same place, change into light blue-golden, just like all rivers run into sea is ordinary, in the Tang San direction. 那是由无数细小的蓝色光点组成的蓝色,这些蓝色的光芒,与金色结合在一起,化为淡淡的蓝金色,犹如海纳百川一般,朝着唐三的方向而来。 Similarly is blue-golden, but these actually no longer is Blue-Gold Tree Clan blue-golden time, but from Endless Blue Sea, came from innumerable Sea Race power of faith. 同样是蓝金色,但这一次却不再是蓝金树族蓝金色,而是来自于无尽蓝海,来自于无数海族信仰之力 Can the Sea God homing, how not have faith to welcome? 海神归位,怎能没有信仰恭迎呢? The bright blue-golden brilliance lingers on Tang San, making his back sea divine light shadow even more concentrates to be solid, purple thunder were also towed by him, what are more is falls on him. 灿烂的蓝金色光彩萦绕在唐三身上,让他背后的海神光影变得越发凝实起来,一道道紫色雷霆也随之被他牵引,更多的是落在他身上。 Paralysis, pain and oppression, all sorts of negativities simultaneously appear on Tang San and Mei Gongzi. When these powerful pressures 麻痹、痛苦、压迫,种种负面情绪同时出现唐三美公子身上。当这些强大的压 Compels the strength, madness baptism their bodies. 迫力,也疯狂的洗礼着他们的身体。 Without a doubt, plane does not hope their become a Sovereign, wanted to ruin them at this time thoroughly. 毫无疑问,位面是非常不希望他们成皇的,更是想要在这个时候将他们彻底毁掉。 But under Tang San the Asura God Sword suppression of Sea God's power and Mei Gongzi, is actually not able to achieve. 但在唐三海神之力美公子修罗神剑镇压之下,却就是无法做到。 However, that oppression power also starts becomes stronger and stronger, Planar Lord an unceasing assembling huge strength is engaging in factional strife to them. 但是,那份压迫力也开始变得越来越强,位面之主正在不断的调集更加庞大的力量向他们倾轧。 Tang San is very tranquil, is revisiting that moment of position of Sea God, does not have any strength can prevent his again become a God again. 唐三却很平静,在重临海神之位的那一刻,就再没有什么力量能够阻止他重新成神了。 Strange life aura blooms from him suddenly outward, the blue-golden brilliance shines, the back appears the huge tree's shadow. 一层奇异的生命气息骤然从他身上向外绽放而出,蓝金色的光辉映照,背后浮现出巨大的树影。 Immediately, the wild sky became gentle several points, seemed like smoothed several points by that life energy. 顿时,狂暴的天空变得平缓了几分,就像是被那生命能量抚平了几分似的。 That was Tree Ancestor mark is clearly stimulated by him. 那分明是树祖烙印被他激发了。 Tree Ancestor integrated the world initially, changed into world will part, wields power of life. In the past this period of time, Tang San led Blue-Gold Tree Clan to rise, was Blue-Gold Tree Clan rectifies names, was makes this border on extermination of the clan the race really to become hot existence unexpectedly. This fragrant state, making Tree Ancestor feel the affinity feeling to him. 树祖当初融入天地,化为了天地意志的一部分,执掌生命之力。在过去的这段时间,唐三带领着蓝金树族崛起,为蓝金树族正名,更是让这原本濒临灭族的种族竟是真的成为了炙手可热的存在。这一份香火情,让树祖对他充满了亲和感。 At this time, he prints and distributes mark, making Tree Ancestor this Planar Lord part immediately gentle, fell also slows down on him and Mei Gongzi oppression power. 此时,他印发烙印,让树祖位面之主的一部分顿时柔和了下来,落在他和美公子身上的压迫力也随之减缓。 Lifts up high to make use to erupt a more intense brilliance in in the air Sea God Trident, many power of faith gatherings come, stimulation of Tree Ancestor mark, not only makes Tang San catch one's breath, makes him be able to take the opportunity to condense many power of faith to pour into itself, the stable god position powerful fluctuation of energy surges in in the air. The plane pressure relaxed only had more than ten seconds erupted again. 高举于空中的海神三叉戟趁势爆发出更加强烈的光彩,更多的信仰之力汇聚而来,树祖烙印的激发,不但让唐三缓了口气,也让他能够借机凝聚更多的信仰之力注入自身,稳固神位强盛的能量波动在空气中激荡。位面的压力缓和了只有十几秒的时间就再次爆发。 Wreaking havoc of madness. 疯狂的肆虐。 The land starts to tremble in this moment, various species element energies were being absorbed in the world great misfortune hauling by sky, must gather this all strengths to attack Tang San and Mei Gongzi, must write off them thoroughly. 大地在这一刻都开始在震颤,各种属性的元素能量都在被天空中的天地大劫牵引吸收着,要集中这所有的力量去攻击唐三美公子,要将他们彻底抹杀。 Mei Gongzi only feels the pressure on increase suddenly, she wants to wield Asura God Sword now becomes difficult, is Tang San is relying on qi of primal chaos and power of faith, can protect their bodies reluctantly. But the surrounding oppression actually increases steadily. 美公子只觉得压力骤增,她现在想要挥动修罗神剑都变得困难了,是唐三凭借着混沌之气信仰之力,才能勉强守护住他们的身体。而周围的压迫却是有增无减。 She ascends to look to Tang San, under this tremendous pressure, her body, although in unceasing promotion. However, actually started to have gradually toward the feeling that the collapse edge approached. Made her suspect, on this day the mighty force, was really they can resist? 她不禁拾头向唐三看去,在这巨大的压力之下,她的身体虽然是在不断的提升。但是,却开始渐渐有了朝着崩溃边缘靠近的感觉。令她不禁怀疑,这天地伟力,真的是他们能够对抗的么? " Wants fight in which both sides perish? You have forgotten my commitment. " divine consciousness gentle spreading thought of Tang San. Mei Gongzi sees, is he as before tranquil expression, as if surroundings these myriad thunder, this inspired the entire plane world great misfortune, has no relations with them. 「想要鱼死网破?还是你已经忘记了我的承诺。」唐三神识平和的传出意念。美公子看到的,是他依旧平静的表情,仿佛周围这万千雷霆,这引动了整个位面的天地大劫,与他们根本没什么关系似的。 His calm calm, lets Mei Gongzi felt at ease, so long as there are him, as if all are not issue. 他的淡定从容,也让美公子的心安了下来,只要有他在,似乎一切就都不是问题似的。 Front Tang San, as if has changed into two forms to fuse in her eyes, previous life all sorts, are starting in her mind become clear, in embryo fan also in noiselessly is decoding. 面前的唐三,仿佛已经化为了两道身影在她眼中融合,前世的种种,正在她的脑海中开始变得清晰起来,胎中之迷也正在悄无声息的破解着。 In this flickers, she understands suddenly many things, for example, Tang San brings divine consciousness to arrive at this plane to look her, if he wants, can definitely stimulate in own embryo through divine consciousness the fan, making oneself earlier recall that previous life all sorts, but does not need that laboriously. However, he has not actually done, but who let the rebirth, defer to this world's rules to grow, had the this life personality with remembering. 在这一瞬,她突然明白了很多事,譬如,唐三是带着神识来到这个位面找她的,如果他愿意的话,完全可以通过神识来激发自己的胎中之迷,让自己更早的回想起前世的种种,而不需要那么辛苦。但是,他却没有那么做,而是让重生的自己,就按照这个世界的规则自行成长起来,有了这一世的人格与记忆。
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