DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1158: Ascends the tall ladder

Once the pride of first Sovereign, made she brings Tang San and Mei Gongzi firm continually upward, oneself are bearing the huge impact. 曾经第一皇者的骄傲,令她带着唐三美公子坚定的持续向上,自身承受着巨大的冲击。 Tang San and Mei Gongzi also in this under the increasing several kilometers pressure baptism, the body started the comprehensive transformation in a short time, all in within the body that starts to influence subtly the change. Removes every embryo, starts to make great strides forward toward higher stage. 唐三美公子也在这短时间内攀升数千米的压力洗礼下,身体开始了全面的蜕变,体内的一切都开始潜移默化的发生着变化。褪去凡胎,开始朝着更高层次迈进。 Tang San had felt this plane Sovereign stage strength and body intensity carefully. Although Falan Planet is not God Realm, without god position only, but after Sovereign passed the become a Sovereign tribulation, in fact by the strength, has been able in the second-level god with God Realm only to compare favorably. Peak Sovereign has even touched first-level god stage of only. Naturally, if to true God Realm, received the immortal spiritual energy inciting billows, their bodies can have the evolution reorganization, cultivation base will drop a level. 唐三曾经仔细感受过这个位面皇者层次的实力和身体强度。虽然法蓝星不是神界,没有神祇之位,但皇者度过成皇劫之后,实际上论实力,已经可以和神界之中的二级神祇相媲美了。巅峰皇者甚至已经触摸到了一级神祇的层次。当然,如果到了真正的神界,受到仙灵之气的滋澜,它们的身体会产生进化重组,修为会下降一个位阶。 However, even if eleventh level Great Monster King and Great Fairy King this stage, actually insufficient God Realm standard, not because of the fighting strength issue, but is the level. 但是,哪怕是十一阶大妖王大精王这个层次,其实都不够神界的标准,不是因为战斗力的问题,而是层级。 Therefore, the become a Sovereign tribulation, this plane, is equivalent strides in another stage, is the sublimation of life. 所以,成皇劫,在这个位面来说,就相当于跨入另一个层次,是生命的升华。 At this moment, the body of Tang San and Mei Gongzi starts becomes somewhat insightful, whole body by the improvement of noiselessly, under that huge pressure baptism, under shatter void oppression, rapid occurrence transformation. 此时此刻,唐三美公子的身体都开始变得有些通透起来,全身都在被悄无声息的改善着,在那巨大的压力洗礼下,在破碎虚空的压迫下,飞速的发生着蜕变。 The feeling of Tang San is most obvious, the Sea God god in his within the body only starts with this body fusion in the true sense, not only exists in divine consciousness, the transformation of body, is meeting the requirement of Sea God god position only, not only he in crossing tribulation become a Sovereign, similarly in crossing tribulation become a God, toward the god position return of own Sea God. 唐三的感受最为明显,他体内的海神神祇开始与这具身体真正意义上的融合,而不只是存在于神识之中,身体的蜕变,符合着海神神祇之位的要求,他不只是在渡劫成皇,同样是在渡劫成神,朝着自己海神神位回归。 Finally, crystal dragon when increased to could not withstand close to about six kilometers, the body and spirit of crystal started fiercely shivered, wanting forward one meter to become difficult. But oppression power in sky actually increases steadily. Close to the upper air, that shatter void pressure is also bigger, as if from the void extrusion in universe, making that crystal shape ray unceasing is dragging. 终于,水晶龙在攀升到接近六千米左右的时候承受不住了,水晶的体魄开始剧烈的颤抖起来,想要向前一米都变得困难。而天空中的压迫力却有增无减。越是靠近高空,那破碎虚空的压力也就越大,仿佛是来自于宇宙之中的虚空挤压,令那晶体状的光芒不断的摇曳着。 little Mei, is ready, this/should you.” The Tang San sound resounds in the Mei Gongzi ear. 小美,做好准备,该你了。”唐三的声音在美公子耳边响起。 Nod of Mei Gongzi makes an effort, her body has also been transforming, but in the process of this transformation, she can the clear feeling Asura God Sword sword intent with be even more close, it that fuse as if had really changed into a part of oneself body. 美公子用力的点了点头,她的身体也一直在蜕变,而在这蜕变的过程中,她能清晰的感受到修罗神剑剑意与自己融合的越发密切起来,它真的仿佛已经化为了自己身体的一部分。 Deeply inspires, is still conducting final insistence while Jingjing, Mei Gongzi loosens with the hand that Tang San shakes, both hands about grasping above own top of the head, together blood red ray shot up into the sky. 深吸口气,趁着晶晶还在进行最后的坚持,美公子松开了与唐三相握的手,双手合握在自己头顶上方,一道血红色的光芒冲天而起 Asura God Sword powerful sword intent, does not have slightly the reserved eruption, the heaven-shaking sword glow appear instance, Jingjing changes into the flowing light to return to Tang San within the body. 修罗神剑的强盛剑意,没有丝毫保留的爆发而出,惊天剑芒出现的瞬间,晶晶化为流光重新回归唐三体内。 Immediately, huge pressure direct extrusion to body of Tang San and Mei Gongzi. But at this moment, Asura God Sword in Mei Gongzi hand to in the air has cut. 顿时,巨大的压力直接挤压向唐三美公子的身体。而就在这时,美公子手中的修罗神剑已经向空中斩出。 Buzz-” sky trembles. “嗡-”天空震颤。 Void that broke, is shatter. The neat margin was cut by dividing forcefully together. 原本就破碎的虚空,再次破碎。一道整齐的切口被硬生生的劈斩而出。 closed-door cultivation was so long, accumulated raised the Asura God Sword such long time, this sword, Mei Gongzi essence, energy and spirit has increased. Her flesh, had been exaggerated the red. body and sword united as one, changes into together startled day red glow shot up into the sky. 闭关修炼了这么久,蕴养了修罗神剑这么长的时间,这一剑,美公子精气神都已经攀升到了。就连她的肌肤,都已经被渲染成了红色。身剑合一,化为一道惊天红芒冲天而起 ... The first-level level red steps to the in the air spread, Tang San follow rapidly, leads the way by Mei Gongzi, two people after exceeding six kilometers, unexpectedly is the rising typhoon! 一级级红色阶梯迅速向空中蔓延,唐三紧随其后,由美公子开路,两人在超过了六千米之后,竟是再次扶摇! The Asura God Sword main body is away from this plane to be nearer, Mei Gongzi within the body this together Asura God Sword sword intent is also powerful. At this moment, cuts her of this sword only to feel carefree dripping, rises to challenges, unprecedented! 修罗神剑的本体距离这个位面越近,美公子体内这一道修罗神剑剑意也就越是强盛。此时此刻,斩出这一剑的她只觉得畅快淋漓,披荆斩棘,一往无前! Two forms are rapid when that blood red steps clash, in the air shatter void wants to be cut off them, actually in heaven-shaking sword glow in abundance shatter. 两道身影就在那血红色的阶梯上飞速前冲,空中破碎的虚空想要阻隔他们时,却在惊天剑芒中纷纷破碎。 Seven kilometers and eight kilometers, to close to nine kilometers place, the sword potential gradually weaken. 七千米、八千米,一直到接近九千米的地方,剑势才逐渐削弱。 However, does not wait for surrounding shatter void closing up, the Tang San chest place, white vortex appear, rich incomparable qi of primal chaos wins by striking only after the enemy has struck, covers on Mei Gongzi instantaneously. 但是,不等周围破碎的虚空合拢,唐三胸口处,一个白色旋涡出现,浓郁无比的混沌之气后发制人,瞬间笼罩在美公子身上。 Immediately, under that powerful qi of primal chaos pours into, in the Mei Gongzi hand Asura God Sword sword glow rises suddenly again. Has on two people again kilometer. Leaves behind the light red steps to be straight. This time they, have approached ten thousand meters upper air. 顿时,在那强盛的混沌之气注入下,美公子手中修罗神剑剑芒再次暴涨。带着两人再上千米。留下淡红色的阶梯笔直向上。此时的他们,已经临近万米高空了。 At this moment, suddenly, the surroundings twist shatter void as if solidified generally. Tang San and Mei Gongzi figure also stops suddenly. 就在这时,突然间,周围扭曲的破碎虚空似乎凝固了一般。唐三美公子的身形也是戛然而止。 Before them, ten levels of golden steps voluntarily appear. Radiant golden light, even if separated by ten thousand meters, in the ground can also clear seeing. 在他们面前,十级金色的阶梯自行出现。璀璨的金光,哪怕相隔万米,在地面上也能清晰的看到。 Why numerous Sovereign does not know, sees this golden steps time, has a relaxing feeling. 众位皇者不知道为什么,看到这金色阶梯的时候,都有种松了口气的感觉。 Ascends the tall ladder, that is the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation final ascending tall ladder, should in three kilometers upper air on the appear ascending tall ladder, finally in this moment appear. Finally ten levels, ten levels ascend to heaven, they will step into Sovereign stage officially. 登天梯,那就是登临劫最后的登天梯,本应该在三千米高空就出现的登天梯,终于在这一刻出现了。最后十级,十级登天,他们将正式踏入皇者层次 Tang San and Mei Gongzi stop here, the white halo that the Tang San body blooms covers him and Mei Gongzi, whatever the outside how intense spatial warping oppression is unable to approach their main body. 唐三美公子在这里停顿下来,唐三身上绽放出的白色光晕将他和美公子笼罩在内,任由外面如何强烈的空间扭曲压迫都无法靠近他们本体。 Is separated ten thousand meters upper air, but also has the shatter void impediment, even if Sovereign is impossible to see what at this time they display is what kind of ability, can only see indistinctly, Tang San and Mei Gongzi stand above the upper air, two forms are partly visible. 间隔万米高空,还有着破碎虚空的阻隔,哪怕是皇者也不可能看得出此时他们所施展的是怎样的能力,只能隐约看到,唐三美公子站在高空之上,两道身影若隐若现。 Without letting any Sovereign helps lead the way, they rely on oneself strength to ascend a height to get a broad view void, suddenly, looks at various sovereign also to drag. 没有让任何皇者帮忙开路,他们就那么凭借着自己的力量登临虚空,一时间,看得诸皇也不禁心生摇曳。 Tang San drew Mei Gongzi to step forward the first step of final ten levels of stair together. 唐三拉着美公子一起跨出了最后十级台阶的第一步。 Immediately, the surroundings space shakes fiercely, entire void as if blasted out generally, washout of terrifying strength madness their bodies. 顿时,周围空间剧烈震荡,整个虚空都仿佛炸开了一般,恐怖的力量疯狂的冲刷着他们的身体。 However, under the protection of qi of primal chaos, Tang San and Mei Gongzi actually stands one's ground steadfastly, but is feeling that the baptism of silently attacking to the body, the body or divine consciousness, like filtered are becoming are generally insightful and unique, the present world becomes even more grotesque and gaudy, the rule that they pursue as if at present, the tentacle may. 但是,在混沌之气的守护下,唐三美公子却是岿然不动,只是默默的感受着那份冲击对身体的洗礼,无论是身体还是神识,都如同被过滤着一般变得通透和超脱,眼前的世界变得越发光怪陆离,他们所追求的规则似乎就在眼前,触手可及。 Lifts slowly starts to take again the second step. the world changes, in this moment, in their sensations, as if the world each other has turned over, probably the whole world is engaging in factional strife general to them. 缓缓抬起脚再迈出第二步。天地色变,在这一刻,他们的感知中,仿佛天地已经彼此翻转,好像整个世界都在向他们倾轧一般。 On Mei Gongzi is bursting out intense Asura God Sword sword intent, cuts is keeping off before oneself all. qi of primal chaos protection of Tang San in surroundings. 美公子身上迸发着强烈的修罗神剑剑意,切割着挡在自己面前的一切。唐三混沌之气守护在周围。 Has not stopped, they are completely centralized the mind above the golden stair of under foot, took the third step. 没有停顿,他们将心神完全集中在脚下的金色台阶之上,又迈出了第三步。 After heaven and earth turning upside down, is the calamity. Their bodies and divine consciousness were being shaken fiercely. 天翻地覆之后是天塌地陷。他们的身体和神识都被剧烈的震荡着。 The space and time ring blooms again the white halo, covers them, the strange ray sparkle, making the surrounding all slow. Tang San is holding the hand of Mei Gongzi, forwards again. 时空指环再次绽放出白色光晕,将他们笼罩在内,奇异的光芒闪耀,让周围的一切都变得缓慢下来。唐三牵着美公子的手,再次向前。 Is ready to cope with anything to resist by whatever means available, regardless during is void, how plane takes to them to attack, is unable to block the step that they go forward. Forwards step by step, suppresses step by step. Their bodies start to burst out the radiant brilliance. 兵来将挡水来土掩,无论虚空之中,位面带给他们怎样的冲击,都无法阻挡他们前进的步伐。一步步向前,一步步镇压。他们的身体开始迸发出璀璨的光彩。 The Mei Gongzi whole body blooms the glittering and translucent carving red ray, the righteous qi is thriving. 美公子全身绽放着晶莹剔透的红色光芒,正气勃发。 On Tang San, is glittering the strange brilliance, seven color light wheel behind the head appear, the law body in dantian maps the whole body, is sending out the strange halo. This is his this life, cages the strength of obtaining in this plane, with his body together, is attacking the principle of this plane. 唐三身上,闪烁着奇异的光彩,七彩光轮在脑后浮现而出,丹田之中的法体映射全身,散发着奇异的光晕。这是他这一世,在这个位面上锁获得的力量,正在与他的身体一起,冲击着这个位面的法则。 What he touches is the rule of plane most source, chaos Yin-Yang main road. 他所触及的是位面最为本源的规则,混沌阴阳大道。 This plane all starts from qi of primal chaos, at this time he is blooming qi of primal chaos, how regardless of plane engages in factional strife, is unable truly near body. Was smoothed by that qi of primal chaos quietly. 这个位面所有的一切都是从混沌之气开始的,此时他所绽放着的混沌之气,无论位面如何倾轧,都无法真正近身。都被那混沌之气悄然抚平。 Finally, they stepped the ninth rank stair. Last close. 终于,他们迈上了第九级台阶。最后一步近在咫尺。
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