DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1157: The crystal rises the dragon

Originally to him, this is only a hope, extremely has not taken seriously, makes him to this matter earnest truly, felt in blue Domus Aurea that immortal spiritual energy moment to start on that day. 原本对他来说,这只是一份希冀而已,并没有太过当真,真正让他对这件事认真起来,还是那天感受过蓝金宫中那仙灵之气的一刻开始的。 300 meters, 500 meters! The blue color and red, yin-yang two qi surrounds, brings their unceasing rushing higher in the air. The that steps are to dazzle the color are eye-catching. 三百米,五百米!蓝色与红色,阴阳二气环绕,带着他们不断的冲上更高的空中。那一道阶梯更是炫彩夺目。 Sky that shatter void surges was even more fierce, entire plane as if in madness conducts to them is strangling to death and attacking. As if probably the important matter will certainly they destroy. But in the face of such pressure, Sovereign can see that actually as before is that two-colors steps upward that continues to stabilize, is upward. 天空那破碎的虚空翻腾的越发厉害了,整个位面似乎都在疯狂的对他们进行着绞杀与冲击。似乎像是要务必将他们毁灭似的。而就在这样的压力面前,皇者们能够看到的,却依旧是那双色阶梯持续稳定的向上,再向上。 Finally, they arrived at two kilometers in the air. That two-colors steps also stopped finally. Sees here, in Sovereign heart one cold. In the process of ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation the stop is not the best situation, once because stops, wants to start will again be difficult. 终于,他们到了两千米的空中了。那双色阶梯也终于停顿了下来。看到这里,皇者们不禁心中一凛。登临劫的过程中停顿是最不好的情况,因为一旦停下来,再想起步会非常困难。 Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign anxious has gotten hold of the double fist, initially he was when the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation has stopped, but after stopping, he raised legs to start again, was actually oppressed. Finally ascends a height to get a broad view under the openings of two Great Monster Sovereign finally. 晶凤大妖皇紧张的已经握紧了双拳,当初他就是在登临劫的时候停下过,而停下之后,他再次抬腿想要起步,却都被压迫了回去。最终还是在两位大妖皇的开路之下最终登临。 However, the next quarter, made one that all Sovereign shocked on appear. 但是,下一刻,令所有皇者们震撼的一幕就出现了。 Distortion void suddenly becomes slow, that violent fluctuation unexpectedly instantaneously is becoming gentle, this, let Tang San and Mei Gongzi form they as if can look was clear, but was similar to is away from the wave to be the same, could not see the true appearance. 扭曲的虚空突然变得迟缓起来,那原本剧烈的波动竟是在瞬间变得平缓了,这一下,让唐三美公子的身影他们似乎都能看得清楚了,只是如同隔着水波一般,看不到真正的样貌。 divine tool!” Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign blurted out. 神器!”天狐大妖皇脱口而出。 crossing tribulation time naturally can also use divine tool, moreover to divine tool is also a baptism. But actually is this what divine tool? Actually can make that shatter void instantaneously tranquil. This was really inconceivable. 渡劫的时候当然也是能够使用神器的,而且对神器也是一种洗礼。但这究竟是什么神器?竟然能够让那破碎的虚空都会在瞬间变得平静下来。这实在是太不可思议了。 Stave void suddenly became tranquil, all also naturally became easily get up. 破碎的虚空突然变得平静了,一切也自然就变得轻易起来。 Mei Gongzi only thought that surrounding pressure one light, came from the baptism of ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation also, but did not have to their upward impediments. 美公子只觉得周围压力一轻,来自于登临劫的洗礼还在,但却没有了对他们向上的阻隔。 Above both hands that at this moment, two people grip tightly, the abstention of space and time is glittering the strange brilliance, that is the space-time tower prestige energy. Even if the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation, under this powerful divine tool full power display, appear temporary tranquility. 此时此刻,两人紧握的双手之上,时空之戒闪烁着奇异的光彩,那是时空之塔的威能。哪怕是登临劫,在这件强大的神器全力发挥下,也出现了暂时的平静。 Makes us run.” Tang San said with a smile. “让我们跑起来吧。”唐三笑道。 Next flickers, Tang San and Mei Gongzi dash about wildly in the upper air. The under foot steps spread rapidly, as before is the red and blue two-colors, but were many a light silver-white halo. 下一瞬,唐三美公子就那么在高空之中狂奔起来。脚下阶梯飞速蔓延,依旧是红蓝双色,但却多了一层淡淡的银白色光晕。 Sovereign looked under tarries. 皇者们在下面都看得呆住了。 Can the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation also with running? What ghost is this? Actually that is what divine tool, unexpectedly powerful enough to can make them dash about wildly in crossing tribulation. 登临劫还能用跑的?这都是什么鬼?那究竟是什么神器,竟然强大到能够让他们在渡劫的时候狂奔。 Saw that upward steps unexpectedly to be quicker than ten times of rapid rate upward spreads incessantly before, Sovereign had the feeling of planting for a long time sees exactly immediately. These two young people, actually must take to them many to shock! 眼看着那向上的阶梯竟然以比之前快了十倍不止的速度飞速向上蔓延,皇者们顿时都有种活久见的感觉。这两个年轻人,究竟还要带给他们多少震撼啊! Stave void, the distortion is slow, but actually seems like in angry is struggling, little from that is slow to work loose. But this working loose, actually used the quite long time, when void angry erupts again. Tang San brings Mei Gongzi to the high kilometer, arrived at three kilometers upper air. 破碎的虚空,扭曲迟缓,但却像是在愤怒的挣扎着,一点点的从那迟缓之中挣脱出来。但这份挣脱,却用了相当长的时间,以至于当虚空愤怒再次爆发的时候。唐三已经带着美公子冲高千米,来到了三千米的高空。 ... Ascended a height to get a broad view successfully? 登临成功了? Sovereign subconscious thought. 皇者们下意识的想到。 But the next quarter, they actually discovered, that angry shatter void, making the entire sky just like appear the innumerable monsters common, madness threw to them. This where is successful, instead was more violent. 但下一刻,他们却发现,那愤怒的破碎虚空,令整个天空都宛如出现了无数怪兽一般,疯狂的向他们扑去。这哪里是成功,反而更加的猛烈了。 Three kilometers, were not their ascending a height to get a broad view tribulations ended the place. 三千米,并不是他们的登临劫结束之处。 The suddenly increases pressure, made Tang San and Mei Gongzi suddenly immediately stops again. This impact, space and time ring some trends of being able to resist, the extrusion of huge oppression power also madness their bodies, are even making Mei Gongzi appear the intense sensation of asphyxia. Three big bloodline's mark madness in within the body revolve, Asura God Sword releases faint trace sword intent, this resists this intense oppression reluctantly. 骤然暴增的压力,顿时令唐三美公子再次停顿下来。这次的冲击,连时空指环都有些抵挡不住的趋势,巨大的压迫力疯狂的挤压着他们的身体,令美公子出现了强烈的窒息感。体内的三大血脉烙印疯狂运转,修罗神剑释放出丝丝剑意,这才勉强抵挡住这份强烈的压迫。 „Do I come?” Mei Gongzi said to Tang San. “我来吧?”美公子唐三说道。 First does not use, I continue.” The Tang San sound is still steady, is facing the powerful impact, his double pupil blooms deep divine light. “先不用,我继续来。”唐三的声音依旧平稳,面对着强烈的冲击,他的双眸绽放出湛然神光 Jingjing, rises the dragon!” 晶晶,升龙!” The radiant brilliance erupts from the Tang San dantian place suddenly, an outer covering instantaneous gable of crystal shape lived in their bodies, pressure as in, but the impact feeling actually vanished instantaneously. 璀璨的光彩从唐三丹田处骤然爆发而出,一层晶体状的外壳瞬间包覆住了他们的身体,压力依旧在,但冲击感却瞬间消失了。 The blue color and red ray erupted instantaneously compared with the bright light shadow of former more intense several times. 蓝色与红色的光芒瞬间爆发出比之前更加强烈数倍的灿烂光影。 Mei Gongzi only thought that on Tang San bursts out the blazing blood energy fluctuation, but through the link of praying spirit and sharing life necklace, she also felt that own body seemed a stimulant generally suddenly became tyrannical, baptism intense with washout, shatter void powerful oppression power, even let her appear some comfortable feelings. 美公子只觉得身边的唐三身上迸发出炽烈的气血波动,而通过祈灵同生项链的链接,她也感觉到自己的身体仿佛被注入了一剂强心针一般骤然变得强横起来,洗礼的强烈与冲刷,破碎虚空的强大压迫力,甚至让她出现了些许舒适的感觉。 Áng-” the spirited dragon's roar sound resounds through the upper air, even during is stave void, can clear hearing. “昂-”激昂的龙吟声响彻高空,哪怕是在破碎虚空之中,也能清晰的听到。 A big dragon appears in Tang San and Mei Gongzi body surrounding, the light shadow of big dragon covers them, the big dragon is all over the body glittering and translucent carving, carves general that becomes just like the crystal, the red and blue two-colors enhances one another's beauty. 一条巨龙就那么浮现在唐三美公子身体外围,巨龙的光影将他们笼罩其中,巨龙通体晶莹剔透,宛如水晶雕琢而成的一般,红蓝双色交相辉映。 Áng is high-spirited-” three dragon's roar are deafening, at this time is in in the Ancestral Court Dragon Clan, has the feeling of boiling of bloodline all. “昂昂昂-”三声龙吟震耳欲聋,此时身在祖庭之中龙族,无不有着血脉沸腾的感觉。 The distant place, feels heavenly tribulation to arrive, at the maximum speed toward Xu Anyu that Ancestral Court flies, felt oneself bloodlines as if to be stimulated by anything, suddenly the bloodlines ascended, are unable to restrain oneself. 就连远方,感受到天劫降临,正在以最快速度朝着祖庭飞来的徐安宇,都感受到了自身血脉仿佛被什么激发了似的,一时间血脉升腾,不能自已。 Outside blue Domus Aurea, coils around to protect vicious dragon of blue Domus Aurea to extinguish the tyrant also to raise head at this time, exudes the sound of heavenshaking dragon's roar. 蓝金宫外,盘绕守护着蓝金宫的凶龙灭霸此时也不禁仰起头来,发出震天的龙吟之声。 On two-colors crystal dragon is glittering the intense brilliance, is sweeping across the body of Tang San and Mei Gongzi, the hundred-meter dragon body inspires suddenly, immediately, surroundings that distortion shatter void was shaken a space by it unexpectedly forcefully. 双色水晶龙身上闪烁着强烈的光彩,席卷着唐三美公子的身体,长达百米的龙身猛然一振,顿时,周围那扭曲的破碎虚空竟是被它强行震开了一片空间。 With the spirited dragon's roar sound, brings Tang San and Mei Gongzi ascend with wind's support. 伴随着激昂的龙吟声,就那么带着唐三美公子扶摇直上 Yes, this is the Jingjing strength, but not only her own strength, Tang San is splitting up the Yin-Yang in passing five big bloodline's mark, the peng-dragon transformation ascend with wind's support 90,000 li (0.5 km), the golden mist transformation powerful attack and defense breaks open void, blazing flame that the light dragon change bright protection, the phoenix changes. This each type, is the extremely strong ability. In addition the Jingjing control, that powerful strength getting rid forcefully the surrounding limit, brings Tang San and Mei Gongzi ascend with wind's support. 是的,这是晶晶的力量,但又不只是她自己的力量,更附带着唐三分化阴阳的五大血脉烙印,鹏龙变扶摇直上九万里,金蒙变的强大攻防破开虚空,光龙变的光明守护,凤凰变的炽烈火焰。这每一种,都是极其强大的能力。再加上晶晶的统御,那强大的力量硬生生的摆脱开周围的限制,就那么带着唐三美公子扶摇直上 The Tang San closed double pupil, above the forehead, the vertical eye appears together quietly, light white ray sending out, good and bad luck duality domain opening. Becoming to avoid disaster. 唐三闭合双眸,额头上,一道竖眼悄然浮现,淡淡的白色光芒散发,吉凶两极领域开启。趋吉避凶。 Distortion shatter void noiselessly appear some strange changes, but that terrifying strength ran out of a path by crystal dragon unexpectedly forcefully. 扭曲的破碎虚空悄无声息出现了一些奇异的变化,而那恐怖至极的力量竟是被水晶龙硬生生的冲出了一条通路。 Under the crystal dragon body, steps form unceasingly, unexpectedly compared with a speed quicker upward impact that before they run. Almost is the time that breathe several times to/clashes the high kilometer again, then the speed started to slow down several points, but is actually flying upwards as before an exceptional pace upwardly. 水晶龙身下,一道道阶梯不断形成,竟然比之前他们奔跑的速度更加快捷的向上冲击。几乎是几次呼吸的时间就再次冲高千米,然后速度才开始放慢了几分,但却依旧以惊人的速度向上飞升着。 Sees here, below Sovereign somewhat were even numb. How does he achieve? Can the inheritance of Crystal Great Monster Sovereign powerful to this degree? This is unscientific! 看到这里,下方的皇者们甚至都有些麻木了。他是怎么做到的?水晶大妖皇的传承就能强大到这种程度吗?这不科学! However, the fact puts like this at present. Saw, crystal dragon brings Tang San and Mei Gongzi runs out of over five kilometers upper air. 但是,事实就是这样摆在眼前。眼看着,水晶龙都已经带着唐三美公子冲出超过五千米的高空了。 But, that ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation exceeded five kilometers not to end unexpectedly, distortion void even pursued their bodies to oppress in madness. Because of two people also crossing tribulation, this ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation does not have the end to be inadequate unexpectedly. 可是,那登临劫竟然超过了五千米还没有结束,扭曲的虚空甚至追着他们的身体在疯狂压迫。难道,因为两人同时渡劫,这登临劫竟是没有尽头不成。 , crystal dragon ray starts the gradual dimness gradually, under the body that glittering and translucent carving steps rate of fire spread starts gradually to slow down. But as before it actually makes an effort is flying upwardly. 渐渐地,水晶龙身上的光芒开始逐渐的黯淡,身下那晶莹剔透的阶梯蔓延速度开始逐渐减缓。但它却依旧用力的向上飞行着。 Regarding Jingjing, is this baptism? Even if she, only then divine consciousness exists, but, this extremely rare ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation, has very big help to her. 对于晶晶来说,这又何尝不是一次洗礼?哪怕她只有神识存在,但是,这极其难得的登临劫,对她也有着非常大的帮助。
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