DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1156: Element opening

Reason that lets Mei Gongzi with his together crossing tribulation, not only because of the confidence, is because was worried, Mei Gongzi by Asura God Sword become a Sovereign, the heavenly tribulation similar no small matter that will face, Tang San feared she encounters what danger in crossing tribulation, therefore brings her together crossing tribulation, bears the pressure with her together. Even it can be said that controls the pressure that she bears. 之所以让美公子与他一起渡劫,不只是因为信心,同时也是因为担心,美公子修罗神剑成皇,将会面对的天劫同样非同小可,唐三怕她在渡劫的时候遇到什么危险,所以才带着她一同渡劫,与她一同承受压力。甚至可以说是掌控她所承受的压力。 The sky looked like had broken at this time, indistinct between had the universe void in the light shadow of that distortion partly visible. 天空此时就像是已经破碎了,隐约之间有宇宙虚空在那扭曲的光影之中若隐若现。 Stave void! Even if were past most powerful Crystal Great Monster Sovereign, crossing tribulation time did not have appear such scene. 破碎虚空!哪怕是当年最强大的水晶大妖皇,渡劫的时候都没有出现过这样的景象。 numerous Sovereign looks at the incomparable shock at this time all. Such ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation, really can pass? If they passed such ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation, after become a Sovereign, the future potential might surpass once Crystal Great Monster Sovereign! 众位皇者此时无不看得无比震惊。这样的登临劫,真的是能够度过的吗?而如果他们度过了这样的登临劫,成皇之后,未来的潜能很可能会超过曾经的水晶大妖皇啊! Without the stop, Tang San drew Mei Gongzi to tread the second step, under the space oppression of that distortion, seven color rays in his become formed, changed into the steps again, making them stand the second level of stair. Although around their body seven color rays are fluctuating and twisting unceasingly, actually unusual stability. 没有停顿,唐三拉着美公子又踏出了第二步,就在那扭曲的空间压迫下,七彩光芒再次在他脚下成型,化为阶梯,让他们站上了第二级台阶。他们身体周围的七彩光芒虽然在不断波动、扭曲着,却非常的稳定。 In the Tang San double pupil is glittering the white halo, that is the heavenly consonance's eye prestige energy, the element opening! 唐三双眸之中闪烁着白色的光晕,那是灵犀天眼的威能,元素开路! Third step treads, the steps again become. He is drawing Mei Gongzi, walks toward void step by step. The sky of distortion, the tremendous pressure, affects unceasingly on them, making their side all seem like the twisted grotesqueness and gaudiness. However, only has that the stair that treads is still stable, does not have to be been again stave by the impulsion. 第三步踏出,阶梯再成。他就那么拉着美公子,一步步向虚空之中走去。扭曲的天空,巨大的压力,不断作用在他们身上,令他们身边的一切看上去都被扭曲的光怪陆离。但是,却唯有那已经踏出的台阶依旧稳固,没有再被压力冲击破碎。 The tower of blue Domus Aurea life constantly is stimulating seven-colored halo upwardly, looks like Tang San and Mei Gongzi tail flame is ordinary, is following them. 蓝金宫生命之塔不断向上激发着七彩光晕,就像是唐三美公子的尾焰一般,跟随着他们。 At this time Sovereign also saw some clue, Tang San and Mei Gongzi no doubt is bearing the tremendous pressure, but they have actually received the supplement of tower of life now. The pressure withstands, the body transforms, but the consumption of body can actually be supplemented promptly on. Therefore, seemingly shatter void so terrifying, but their steps are still stable. 此时皇者也看出了一些端倪,唐三美公子固然在承受着巨大的压力,但他们现在却一直受到生命之塔的补充。压力承受,身体蜕变,但身体的消耗却能及时被补充上。所以,看上去破碎虚空如此恐怖,但他们的步伐却依旧非常稳定。 Comes crossing tribulation with the aid of the strength of own imperial palace, this similarly is in the Ancestral Court history does not have appear the situation. 借助自己的皇宫之力来渡劫,这同样是祖庭历史上没有出现过的情况。 „Is this also good? How haven't we thought?” Earthly Yin Heavenly Fairy Sovereign said side Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. “这样也行嘛?我们怎么没想到过?”地阴天精皇天阳天精皇身边说道。 Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign sighed: Their courage were too big, not only together crossing tribulation, but also brought in such powerful ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation. This ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation such, possibly also drew support from the tower of life to be related with them. Should be the tower of life is connected with their aura, brought in such strong ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation.” 天狐大妖皇感叹道:“他们胆子太大了,不但一起渡劫,而且还引来了这么强大的登临劫。这登临劫如此之强,可能也与他们借助了生命之塔有关。应该是生命之塔与他们气息相连,才引来了这么强的登临劫。” Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign nods, said: Very possibly is intentionally. Therefore he said a moment ago does not need us to help, actually self-confident.” 天阳天精皇点了点头,道:“很可能是故意的。所以他刚才才表示不用我们帮忙,倒是自信的很。” They are the seasoned people, knows, the become a Sovereign tribulation is fierce, that crossing tribulation later benefits is also bigger. 他们都是过来人,都知道,成皇劫越是厉害,渡劫之后得到的好处也就越大。 Generally expert crossing tribulation time, looks forward to the become a Sovereign tribulation might slightly, so long as can become a Sovereign, that reach the sky in a single bound. But they are booing, is actually can be stronger the prestige that heavenly tribulation stimulates on own initiative, withstands bigger heavenly tribulation baptism. What isn't this bold is? 一般强者渡劫的时候,都巴不得成皇劫威力小一点,只要能够成皇,那就是一步登天了。而他们倒好,却是主动将天劫激发的威能更强,承受更大的天劫洗礼。这不是胆大包天是什么? But what they do not know, regarding Tang San and Mei Gongzi, even if not do this, heavenly tribulation can also be the highest specification similarly. Who makes Tang San not belong to this plane? 而他们不知道的是,对于唐三美公子来说,哪怕不这样做,天劫也同样会是最高规格的。谁让唐三本来就不属于这个位面呢? ... Planar Lord is angry, not because of the tower of life, because felt Tang San this outcomer also to stimulate Heart of Nature to release simplified version immortal spiritual energy unexpectedly, in addition regarding the induction of super divine tool. super divine tool that is can destroy plane, once super divine tool true arrival, Falan Planet on danger. 位面之主之所以愤怒,可不是因为生命之塔,而是因为感受到了唐三这个外来者竟然还激发自然之心释放出简化版仙灵之气,再加上对于超神器的感应。超神器那是能够破坏位面的,一旦超神器真正到来,法蓝星就危险了。 But after Heart of Nature was stimulated, will come under the influence of certain extent surely, will promote God Realm to have the harm regarding plane in the future. Therefore this ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation such terrifying. 自然之心被激发之后,必定会受到一定程度的影响,对于位面未来晋升神界有损害。所以这登临劫才会如此的恐怖。 Tang San draws Mei Gongzi to climb step by step upwardly, the surroundings are the space of radical distortion, powerful oppression power attacks on them seven color rays unceasingly to drag, but their upward steps are stable. 唐三拉着美公子一步步向上攀登,周围是剧烈扭曲的空间,强大的压迫力冲击得他们身上的七彩光芒不断摇曳,但他们向上的步伐却非常稳定。 Mei Gongzi can feel the pressure on arrive on oneself, is washing out own body unceasingly, but rich immortal spiritual energy actually when oneself consume the also unceasing supplement, while and stays the condition by own body by the unceasing restore of baptism. 美公子能够感受到压力降临在自己身上,不断的冲刷着自己的身体,但浓郁的仙灵之气却在自身消耗的同时也不断的补充回来,让自己的身体在被洗礼的同时不断的修复和保持状态。 Right, that seems like seven color energies that various species condense to come, internal gable is actually Tang San from blue Domus Aurea, or guides simplified version immortal spiritual energy that came from Heart of Nature. This is also the reason that plane is furious. 没错,那看上去是各种属性凝聚而来的七彩能量,内部包覆着的却是唐三从蓝金宫之中,或者说是从自然之心内引导而来的简化版仙灵之气。这也是位面震怒的原因。 Tang San actually has to do that. crossing tribulation to him and Mei Gongzi is the process of transformation, must transform enough powerful, can when their super divine tool arrivals each other fuses with super divine tool truly, otherwise the body cannot withstand, they cannot return to God King stage, not to mention returned to Douluo plane. 唐三却是不得不这么做。渡劫对他和美公子来说是蜕变的过程,必须要蜕变的足够强大,才能在他们的超神器到来时真正与超神器彼此融合,否则身体承受不了,他们根本回不到神王层次,更不用说返回斗罗位面了。 Present he, does not cross initially the Great Annihilation of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Divine Tribulation time wants cautiously facing the plane pressure, facing heavenly tribulation time. He has the full energy, prepared sufficient. 现在的他,早已经不是当初渡九天十地大破灭湮神劫时候要小心翼翼的面对位面压力,面对天劫的时候了。他已经有着充分的底气,做好了充足的准备。 Tang San bore the the greater part pressure, just right makes Mei Gongzi withstand her to bear the adequate pressure that reluctantly. Under his precision control, two people bodies in process of ascending a height to get a broad view unceasing was improved by the baptism. Why this is also he must draw the Mei Gongzi together crossing tribulation reason, this can guarantee her condition. 唐三承受了大部分压力,又恰到好处的让美公子承受着她勉强能够承受的足够压力。在他的精确控制下,两人的身体在登临的过程中都在不断的被洗礼改善。这也是他为什么要拉着美公子一起渡劫的原因,这样才能更确保她的状态。 In an instant, they had gone out of hundred meters upwardly, because of the distortion of sky, Sovereign can only see in the ray of that distortion, seven color steps extremely stable upward spreads. 转眼间,他们已经向上走出了百米,因为天空的扭曲,皇者们只能看到在那扭曲的光芒中,七彩阶梯极为稳固的向上蔓延。 They really dare! 他们是真的敢啊! Regarding Sovereign, at this moment in innermost feelings some not anxious admirations. Such crossing tribulation, is really unprecedented. 对于皇者们来说,此时此刻内心之中也不急有些钦佩了。这样的渡劫,真的是前所未见。 The sky became even more gloomy, when ordinary Sovereign crossing tribulation mixed the wind and cloud, then, their shatter void crossing tribulation were similar to the miracle to arrive simply general. 天空变得越发阴暗了,如果说普通皇者渡劫时搅动风云,那么,他们这破碎虚空的渡劫简直就如同神迹降临一般。 Is upward, the pressure is also bigger. To break through this pressure, obviously is not easy thing. 越是向上,压力也就越大。想要冲破这份压力,显然不是一件容易的事情 The Tang San right hand empty grasps, the red and blue two color air currents start to circle around the body, yin-yang two qi unblocking, opens the front path for them. 唐三右手虚抓,红蓝两色气流开始在身体周围盘旋,阴阳二气疏导,为他们撑开前方的通路。 Mei Gongzi follows him to withstand the pressure on climb upwardly, while takes a look looks at him. 美公子一边跟随着他顶住压力向上攀登,一边瞧瞧的去看他。 The Tang San profile appears under complementing of ray even more handsome, gentle feelings. This looks at her very to feel at ease gentle. The man of own side, forever is such was felt the security sense by oneself. 唐三的侧脸在光芒的掩映下显得越发的英俊,更有一种平和的感觉。这份平和看得她十分心安。自己身边的这个男人,永远都是那么的让自己充满了安全感。 Seemed like feels the gaze of Mei Gongzi, Tang San also turned head to look to her, the smile said: Fortunately?” 似乎是感受到了美公子的注视,唐三也扭头看向她,微笑道:“还好吗?” Mei Gongzi is also with the smile, gets hold of his palm, „is very good.” 美公子也是报以微笑,握紧他的手掌,“好得很。” Her smile and words, making the smile on Tang San face even more rich, even the step sped up several points. 她的笑容和话语,让唐三脸上的笑容越发浓郁了,甚至连步伐都加快了几分。 For her, how contends with entire plane? 为了她,与整个位面抗衡又如何? The steps in sky started appear the strange change, the initial seven color steps gradually turned into the red and blue two-colors steps, the color was brighter , seemed to be stabler. But under the sky pressure of that distortion, Sovereign cannot feel the energy of that changes countenance is what attribute. The speed that the shocking discovery, Tang San and Mei Gongzi climb seems to be still speeding up. 天空中的阶梯开始出现了奇异的变化,最初的七彩阶梯渐渐变成了红蓝双色阶梯,颜色更加灿烂,也似乎更加稳固。只不过在那扭曲的天空压力之下,皇者们也感受不到那变色的能量是什么属性。只是震惊的发现,唐三美公子攀登的速度似乎还在加快了。 The altitude of blue gold Miyamoto body in 800 meters, in addition the tower of life, is about 900 meters altitude, at this time their upward climb has exceeded 300 meters, to more than 1000 meters in the air. The road is very long, but seems like, their step stabilities and quickly, as if this ascends a height to get a broad view at all is not anything resembles. 蓝金宫本身的高度就在八百米,加上生命之塔,也就是九百米左右的高度,此时他们向上攀登已经超过了三百米,也就是到了一千多米的空中。路还很长,但看起来,他们的步伐稳定而快捷,似乎这登临根本不算什么似的。 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign is shaking the head, cannot understand, really could not understand!” Although on his mouth is saying, but in the look actually filled with excited and anticipation. Tang San is stronger, that means that he is more likely to realize to oneself commitment. Really can leave this plane, went to true God Realm? 白虎大妖皇摇着头,“看不懂,真的是看不懂了啊!”他嘴上虽然这么说着,但眼神之中却充满了兴奋与期待。唐三越强,那就意味着他对自己的承诺越有可能实现。真的可以离开这个位面,去真正的神界了么?
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