DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1155: become a Sovereign ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation

The sky is cloudy, does not see the sunlight, but does not have the bird to say appear. But oppression power of that terrifying made in the air Sovereign start to decrease in the altitude, has reduced to being lower than the blue Domus Aurea high level, the pressure reduced several points. 天空阴沉沉的,不见阳光,但也没有鸟云出现。但那恐怖的压迫力却令空中的皇者们都开始降低高度,一直降低到低于蓝金宫高度的水平,压力才减小几分。 " Truly wanted crossing tribulation, how pressure such big? " Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign looks the startled color. They were crossing tribulation, naturally knows that the become a Sovereign tribulation is what appearance. 「确实是要渡劫了,怎么压力如此之大?」天阳天精皇面露惊色。他们都是曾经渡劫过的,自然知道成皇劫是什么样子。 The normal become a Sovereign tribulation is divided into two stages, the first stage is called the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation, in other words, expert from Great Monster King or is the Great Fairy King boundary, when ascends a height to get a broad view Sovereign stage plane test that must face. 正常的成皇劫分为两个阶段,第一个阶段叫做登临劫,也就是说,强者大妖王或者是大精王境界,登临皇者层次时所要面对的位面考验。 Initially, Dragon Clan Great Elder is when the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation cannot pass, was suppressed forcefully, although has not died , but also was seriously injured. But normally, if the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation cannot pass, almost must die situation without doubt. 当初,龙族大长老就是在登临劫的时候没能度过,被强行压制了下来,虽然没死但也身受重伤。而正常情况下,如果登临劫都过不去,几乎是必死无疑的情况。 But at this moment, that gloomy sky as if in unceasing downward collapse, even if numerous Sovereign, felt that the innermost feelings constrain, divine consciousness surges, even has the terrified feeling. 而此时此刻,那阴沉的天空仿佛是在不断的向下塌陷似的,哪怕是众位皇者,都感觉到内心压抑,神识激荡,甚至有着惶恐的感觉。 They may crossed the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation! They are Sovereign, according to the truth, will not have anything to affect to them at least in ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation degree to be right. But at this moment, the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation has not arrived truly, the brought pressure unexpectedly is such big, how can not let the numerous Sovereign secret shock. 他们可都是渡过登临劫的啊!他们都已经是皇者了,按道理来说,至少在登临劫这个程度不会对他们有什么影响才对。可此时此刻,登临劫都还没有真正到来呢,带来的压力居然已经是如此之大,怎能不让众位皇者暗暗震惊。 The tower of life looks like a feeling to be equipped with, seven multicolored halo send out as before outward, blue Domus Aurea is also sending out the light blue-golden brilliance, in the past not different. 生命之塔就像是对此一点感觉都设有,七彩色光晕依旧向外散发,蓝金宫也散发着淡淡的蓝金色光辉,与往常无异。 " Buzz 11 " suddenly, buzz called suddenly resounding of does not have any omen. 「嗡一一」骤然间,一声嗡鸣突然没有任何预兆的响起。 appear that this buzz called, made entire Ancestral Court shake instantaneously, not only in fact also Ancestral Court, in the Sovereign divine consciousness sensation, their divine consciousness everywhere one visit, almost under influence that all in this buzz said. As if entire Monster-Fairy Continent is therefore trembling. 这一声嗡鸣的出现,瞬间令整个祖庭为之震荡,实际上还不只是祖庭,在皇者们的神识感知之中,他们神识所到之处,几乎全都在这一声嗡鸣的影响之下。仿佛整个妖精大陆都在因此而震颤似的。 They felt the anger, was not their angers, but transmitted from the sky, seemed like from the entire plane anger. With appear that buzz called, bearing the brunt was the tower of blue Domus Aurea life, absorbed various species elements seven-colored halo to be defeated and dispersed unceasingly suddenly the flash, then again become formed. 他们感受到了愤怒,不是他们自己的愤怒,而是从天空传来,似乎是来自于整个位面的愤怒。伴随着那一声嗡鸣的出现,首当其冲的就是蓝金宫生命之塔,原本不断吸收着各种属性元素的七彩光晕骤然溃散了一瞬间,然后才再次成型 Sovereign this time all look changes, what ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation is this? How to have so big terrifying appear: 皇者们此时无不色变,这是什么登临劫?怎么会有如此大恐怖出现: Normally, the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation refers to ascending a height to get a broad view to ascend to heaven, plane will lower powerful oppression power, crossing tribulation expert will soon face such oppression power to ascend to heaven step by step on, when surpasses certain category, generally when is about three kilometers altitude, breaks through the pressure impediment, even ascends a height to get a broad view successfully. Then facing the second level section of become a Sovereign tribulation. 正常情况下,登临劫指的是登临升天,位面会降下强大的压迫力,即将渡劫强者将会面对这样的压迫力一步步登天而上,当超过一定范畴,一般是三千米左右的高度时,冲破压力阻隔,就算是登临成功。然后面对成皇劫的第二阶段。 The process of ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation cannot be disturbed, once *** harasses, that must fail when success seemed within reach. But this process generally will be quite also long, in process that entire ascends a height to get a broad view, body of expert also unceasing transformation under the plane pressure, gradually enters Sovereign stage. 登临劫的这个过程是不能被打扰的,一旦***扰,那就要功败垂成。而这个过程也一般会比较长,在整个登临的过程中,强者的身体也会在位面的压力下不断的蜕变,逐渐进入皇者层次 But at this moment, Tang San or is Mei Gongzi has not started to ascend a height to get a broad view, oppression power in sky already terrifying in this way. How can this be able to ascend a height to get a broad view on? 而此时此刻,唐三或者是美公子都还没开始登临呢,天空中的压迫力就已经恐怖如斯。这要如何才能登临而上啊? In the sky, as if plane has changed into the invisible giant beast, must swallow the tower of life. Terrifying oppression power made Ancestral Court all constructions in slight is trembling. 天空中,仿佛位面已经化为无形的巨兽,要将生命之塔吞噬似的。恐怖的压迫力祖庭所有的建筑都在轻微的震颤着。 " various sovereign collaborates, protects Ancestral Court. " The Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign sinking sound shouted. 「诸皇联手,护祖庭。」天狐大妖皇沉声喝道。 Next flickers, numerous Sovereign acts, the release own aura, Ancestral Court big was stimulated, to form the light halo, takes the Ancestral Court surrounding Holy Mountain as, covers Ancestral Court, plane oppression power then no longer continues to affect in the Ancestral Court. Otherwise, the weak one in Ancestral Court must meet with a disaster: The so tremendous pressure, might cause the damage that cannot be repaired to them. 下一瞬,众位皇者纷纷出手,释放出属于自己的气息,祖庭大阵被激发,形成淡淡的光晕,以祖庭周围的圣山为,将祖庭笼罩在内,位面压迫力这才不再继续影响到祖庭之中。否则的话,祖庭内的弱者就要遭殃了:如此巨大的压力,很可能会对他们造成不可修复的损伤。 Also at this time, the tower's of 13 th peak life, one bunch of white lights was sparking , surrounded tower seven color ray rapid gatherings in around life to come, toward the in the air ascension, was changes into steps to be straight unexpectedly. 也就在这个时候,生命之塔第十三层顶端,一束白光闪亮,紧接着,环绕在生命之塔周围的七彩光芒迅速汇聚而来,朝着空中升腾而起,竟是化为一道道阶梯笔直向上。 But this steps raise hundred meters, the oppression power actually oneself in sky increases suddenly, the steps of oppression start to become the distortion to be unreal, changing into the mist and dust is ordinary. 而这阶梯才升起百米,天空中的压迫力却己是骤增,压迫的阶梯开始变得扭曲虚幻,化为烟尘一般。 Gaze that the Sovereign vision all does flicker the tower of life, they understand, this is ascended a height to get a broad view to start the sign. 皇者们的目光全都一瞬不瞬的注视着生命之塔,他们明白,这是登临要开始了的迹象。 Silver glittering, two form noiselessly appear sky over the Thatta of life withstand/top 银光闪烁,两道身影悄无声息出现在生命之塔塔顶上空 Around their bodies, has the thick seven-colored halo encirclement, besides can see indistinctly is two forms, cannot see clearly their appearances. 在他们身体周围,有着浓浓的七彩光晕环绕,除了能够隐约看到是两道身影之外,看不清他们的样子。 " The white tiger brother, what are that seven color rays? How not to feel like Miao Forest and little Mei bloodline ability! What rule their is must touch, do you know? " Undying Great Monster Sovereign at this time with White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign in the same place, is watching this time situation kindly. 白虎兄,那七彩光芒是什么?怎么感觉不像是斯淼林和小美血脉能力啊!他们这是要触动什么规则,你知道吗?」不死大妖皇此时正和白虎大妖皇在一起,也关切的关注着此时的情况。 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign shakes the head, said: " The ability of new Miao Forest emerges one after another incessantly, who knows that this boy caused anything the moth. Inspired such big plane fluctuation, the rule that they touch definitely is quite serious. " 白虎大妖皇摇摇头,道:「新淼林的能力层出不穷,谁知道这小子又弄出什么么蛾子了。引动了这么大的位面波动,他们触碰的规则肯定是相当不得了的。」 Undying Great Monster Sovereign gravely said: " It is not really good, we lead the way for him. " 不死大妖皇沉声道:「实在不行,我们就为他开路吧。」 The ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation has the shortcut to walk, that is various sovereign leads the way. By existence of become a Sovereign is the crossing tribulation opening, lets its be able smoother completion ascending a height to get a broad view process. Like this makes advantages are accompanied by disadvantages, the advantage naturally is easier become a Sovereign, but, once oneself bear the pressure that ascends a height to get a broad view to be insufficient, the following second layer become a Sovereign tribulation prestige can sharply fall, thus lets Sovereign after the baptism drop of heavenly tribulation, even if become a Sovereign, the strength will also be weak. 登临劫是有捷径可走的,那就是诸皇开路。由已经成皇的存在为渡劫者开路,让其能够更加顺利的完成登临过程。这样做有利有弊,好处自然是更容易成皇,但是,一旦自身承受登临的压力不够,后面的第二重成皇劫威能就会锐减,从而让皇者经过天劫的洗礼下降,哪怕成皇,实力也会较弱。 Initially, Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign on nearly the crossing tribulation failure, Crystal Great Monster Sovereign and Undying Great Monster Sovereign led the way for his protector, this succeeded reluctantly. But ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation that Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign faced in the past in the face at present this terrifying pressure, is not anything. At that time Sovereign even stood in the ascending a height to get a broad view tribulation peak he. 当初,晶凤大妖皇就险些渡劫失败,还是水晶大妖皇不死大妖皇为他护道开路,这才勉强成功。而晶凤大妖皇当年所面临的登临劫在眼前这恐怖的压力面前,根本就不算什么。那时候皇者们甚至都站在登临劫顶端等他。 But the terrifying oppression power that now in the sky transmits, even if powerful such as Celestial Sun, does not die such Sovereign, does not dare easily to enter above the kilometer, in order to avoid passed the burden by heavenly tribulation. 而现在天空中传来的这恐怖压迫力,就算是强大如天阳、不死这样的皇者,都不敢轻易进入千米之上,以免被天劫转嫁。 In this time, the Tang San sound has actually been resounding through Ancestral Court. 正在这时,唐三的声音却已经响彻祖庭 " , Today I and little Mei ascend a height to get a broad view become a Sovereign, we will pass through this ascending to heaven road together, but also asked Your Excellency do not meddle. Let us step into Sovereign stage depending on own effort. Today, we ascend a height to get a broad view together. " 「诸位,今日我与小美登临成皇,我们将共同走过这条登天之路,还请诸位冕下不要插手。让我们凭自己的努力踏入皇者层次。今日,我们共同登临。」 " What? " Undying Great Monster Sovereign loses one's voice to call out in alarm, " can they ascend a height to get a broad view together? " 「什么?」不死大妖皇失声惊呼,「他们要一起登临?」 At this moment, all Sovereign shock in the extreme. At this time the heavenly tribulation pressure in sky such big, person crossing tribulation must face the tremendous pressure, two person crossing tribulation, that means heavenly tribulation together cannot be able suddenly increases. 这一刻,所有的皇者都震惊的无以复加。此时天空中的天劫压力已经如此之大,一个人渡劫就已经要面对巨大压力了,两个人一起渡劫,那意味着天劫的未能将会暴增 Also never has any has had simultaneously crossing tribulation record appear in Ancestral Court historical. 还从未有过任何存在同时渡劫过的记录出现祖庭的历史上。 " Was this boy insane? " Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign also surprised saying. 「这小子疯了吗?」天阳天精皇也不禁吃惊的说道。 But also at this moment, that two forms actually have stepped forward the first step. 但也就在这时,那两道身影却已经跨出了第一步。 " Rumble! " The sky shock, that seven colored steps broke up instantaneously in front of two people. The entire sky in this flickers seems to become twists, huge oppression power made Ancestral Court tremble under the protections of various sovereign as before. 「轰隆隆!」天空剧震,那七彩色的阶梯瞬间崩解到了两人面前。整个天空在这一瞬似乎都已经变得扭曲起来,巨大的压迫力祖庭在诸皇的守护下依旧在瑟瑟发抖。 Yes, Tang San and Mei Gongzi at this time in together crossing tribulation. The step that two people step forward simultaneously, means all starts. Powerful oppression power impact on their bodies, is washing out their all. That tremendous pressure, is such room breath. In this flickers, Mei Gongzi even felt that they are opposing with the whole world. 是的,唐三美公子此时在一起渡劫。两人同时跨出的这一步,也意味着一切的开始。强大的压迫力冲击在他们的身上,也冲刷着他们的一切。那巨大的压力,是如此的室息。在这一瞬,美公子甚至感觉到他们是在和整个世界作对。 Tang San is pulling her left hand, turns head to her faintly smiled, this time he, is completely the Tang San appearance, the blue gold changed is swallowed by Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor, he is not naturally able to turn into the Blue-Gold Tree Clan appearance again. 唐三牵着她的左手,扭头向她微微一笑,此时的他,完全是唐三的模样,蓝金变已经被混沌蓝银皇吞噬了,他自然也无法再变成蓝金树族的模样。
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