DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1154: Falan god body

But Tang San gives her to control five in bloodlines square seal, includes super bloodline. This trust also makes her be moved, is determined to not hesitate all along with Tang San attacks the become a Sovereign tribulation together, steps the channel to another world. 唐三将自身血脉格印之中的五个都给她掌控,其中还包括一种超级血脉。这份信任也让她感动,更加下定决心要不惜一切的伴随着唐三一起冲击成皇劫,踏上通往另一个世界的通道。 Jingjing replaces the Tang San control responsibly, Tang San pours into yin-yang two qi to crystal transformation in unceasingly, simultaneously own control another three big bloodline's mark, all bloodline's mark start some appear strange changes. 晶晶接替唐三掌控,唐三负责的只是不断将阴阳二气注入到水晶变之中,同时自身控制另外三大血脉烙印,所有的血脉烙印开始出现一些奇异的变化。 By an original center, peripheral, gradually turned into the human form appearance. 由原本的一个中心,外围一圈,渐渐变成了人形模样。 Uses Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor bloodline's mark as the chest, uses heavenly consonance's eye bloodline's mark as the head. time transformation bloodline's mark is the both arms, takes the Yin-Yang camp five square seal that crystal transformation bloodline's mark tows for action of driving away and both legs. Color strange little person on appear in the Tang San dantian. 混沌蓝银皇血脉烙印为胸膛,以灵犀天眼血脉烙印为头颅。时光变血脉烙印为双臂,以水晶变血脉烙印拖带的阴阳阵营五大格印为驱赶和双腿。一个颜色奇异的小人儿出现在了唐三的丹田之中。 Various bloodlines square seal the steady running under the continual readjustment of qi of primal chaos. The upper part is mainly Tang San controls, the lower part is replaced him to control by Jingjing. 各种血脉格印在混沌之气的不断调整下稳定运转。上半身主要是唐三自己来控制,下半身则是由晶晶来接替他掌控。 At the beginning, this human form very fuzzy existence , the human form gradually started gradually becomes clear. emerged has the Tang San appearance, is similar to him of diminished version, sits cross-legged in the dantian. 刚开始的时候,这个人形只是非常模糊的存在,渐渐地,人形逐渐开始变得清晰起来。呈现唐三的模样,就如同一个缩小版的他,盘膝于丹田之中。 Is sending out the different color strange rays. Behind the head is seven color coronas, the chest is the vast white light, behind the both arms respectively is the halo of silver and distortion. Behind the torso and both legs respectively are the blue color and red. 身后散发着不同颜色的奇异光芒。头部后方是一圈七彩光轮,胸膛是浩瀚的白光,双臂后方分别是银色与扭曲的光晕。躯干与双腿后面则分别是蓝色与红色。 Seven colors, white, silver and illusory distortion add on the red and blue color, many rays gathered in him behind, formed an imaginary color strange scene. But the Tang San aura also consolidates, under the suppression of position of Sea God God, does not stabilize the energy of before thriving, gradually develops in the steady and tranquil direction. 七彩、白、银、虚幻扭曲加上红色与蓝色,多种光芒在他身后汇聚,形成了一片幻彩的奇异景象。而唐三的气息也随之稳固下来,在海神神祗之位的压制下,之前勃发的不稳定能量,渐渐向平稳和平静方向发展。 Before at this kind of time, huge qi of primal chaos that condensed plays the important role. 在这种时候,之前凝聚的庞大混沌之气就起到了至关重要的作用。 In this bloodline's mark contains the energy is extremely huge, and attribute is various. Tang San is combs these different attributes forcefully in the same place, is divided into the Yin-Yang, manages again, not only such mammoth project is having the huge impact on his body, simultaneously among each mark each other is also colliding, tries to erupt. 这一个个血脉烙印之中蕴含着的能量都是极为庞大的,而且属性各不相同。唐三是强行将这些不同的属性梳理在一起,分成阴阳,再进行统管,这样浩大的工程不只是对他的身体造成着巨大的冲击,同时各个烙印之间也在彼此碰撞,试图爆发。 Tang San by Jingjing as part of controls, he himself as master control, concentrates divine consciousness to go to the positive control. But plays the well distributed role, and is compromising also in accumulated raises the newest become formed method body is qi of primal chaos. 唐三晶晶作为一部分掌控,他自己作为主控,集中神识去全面控制。而起到调和作用,并且在调和同时还在蕴养最新成型法体的就是混沌之气 Any bloodlines square seal, has extremely strong affinity to qi of primal chaos, including yin-yang two qi is so. With the support of huge qi of primal chaos, the law body that this forms most newly reluctantly is maintaining stable. Continues accumulated to raise again, making its stability gradually strengthen. 任何一种血脉格印,对混沌之气都有着极强的亲和,也包括阴阳二气都是如此。在庞大混沌之气的支持下,这最新形成的法体才勉强保持着稳定。再继续蕴养,让其稳定性逐渐增强。 At the beginning, this like the Tang San same method body, will often have one to erupt the ray. Tang San needs to concentrate divine consciousness and qi of primal chaos immediately, with the aid of the space and time ring slow its eruption, smooths its disorder, can make its stable. 刚开始的时候,这如同唐三一样的法体,不时就会有某一处爆发出光芒。唐三就需要立刻集中神识混沌之气,借助时空指环迟缓其爆发,抚平其紊乱,才能让其稳定。 Meanwhile, qi of primal chaos also passes in the interior, is attempting to law body's making a connection. Let this many bloodline power start in the achieving mastery through a comprehensive study direction to develop. 同时,混沌之气也在内部流转,尝试着对法体本身的打通。让这多种血脉之力相互之间开始朝着融会贯通的方向发展。 Outside has the Sea God god position suppression only, in has qi of primal chaos accumulated to raise the opening, in addition the control of Tang San space and time ring, secondary control of Jingjing. Then lets this mysterious law body gradually become formed. 外有海神神衹之位镇压,内有混沌之气蕴养疏通,再加上唐三自身时空指环的控制,晶晶的辅助控制。这才让这神奇的法体逐渐成型 Without a doubt, this in this plane should not the appear strength, Tang San , if no huge qi of primal chaos, he himself is impossible to control. However, adjoint method body gradually stabilizes, Tang San also start to be reborn the general change. The whole person is sending out the strange brilliance, the body and law body blends mutually, the law body starts to refine the strengths in these bloodline's mark gradually, takes its essence to go to its dregs, unceasing accumulated raises, unceasing conformity. 毫无疑问,这绝不是在这个位面应该出现的力量了,唐三如果不是有着庞大的混沌之气,他自己都不可能控制得住。但是,伴随着法体的逐渐稳定下来,唐三自身也开始有着脱胎换骨一般的变化。整个人都散发着奇异的光彩,身体与法体相互交融,法体渐渐地开始提炼这些血脉烙印之中的力量,取其精华去其糟粕,不断的蕴养,不断的整合。 Mei Gongzi protects at this time side him, in her eyes, Tang San is sending out the strange brilliance unceasingly, just started, the ray will also often have the unstable twinkle , the ray starts to stabilize gradually. The brain latter seven color light wheel twinkles, the chest place, the white halo circles. Next infiltrates is sending out the red and blue two-colors, the yin-yang two qi balanced revolution. The closed double pupil has faint flowing light and overflowing colour to seep out from the corner of the eye. 美公子此时就守护在他身边,在她眼中,唐三不断散发着奇异的光彩,刚开始的时候,光芒还经常会有不稳定的闪烁,渐渐地,光芒开始稳定下来。脑后七彩光轮闪烁,胸口处,白色光晕盘旋。下渗散发着红蓝双色,阴阳二气均衡运转。闭合的双眸都有隐隐的流光溢彩从眼角渗出。 Although she does not know that Tang San is making anything, but can also feel, he under this condition, had stabilized gradually. They have existence of praying spirit and sharing life necklace, therefore Mei Gongzi can pass 虽然她也不知道唐三是在做什么,但也能感受到,这种状态下的他,已经渐渐稳定了下来。他们彼此之间有着祈灵同生项链的存在,所以美公子能够通 The excessively relation feels Tang San life stage in the unceasing rise, her body is receiving accumulated to raise, comfortable at the same time, has unceasingly the strange sublimation of appear, has not actually gone to touch the principle. 过彼此之间的联系感受到唐三生命层次在不断的上升,连带着她的身体都受到着蕴养,舒适的同时,更有着不断出现的奇异升华,却又没有去触动法则。 Mei Gongzi also relaxes secretly, before on Tang San had unceasingly the ray erupts, clearly is own strength unstable performance. At this time stabilizes, that means that he has been making great strides forward in the successful direction. 美公子也是暗暗松了口气,之前唐三身上不断有光芒爆发出来的时候,分明就是自身的力量不稳定的表现。此时稳定下来,那就意味着他已经在朝着成功的方向迈进了。 These resources that Ancestral Court gives, in fact Tang San and she has not used, but uses, in constructed in the tower of life. Can the good resources in simplified version immortal spiritual energy with blue Domus Aurea compare? These immortal spiritual energy are to they biggest help. 祖庭给的那些资源,实际上唐三和她都没有使用,而是很多都用在了建造生命之塔上。再好的资源能和蓝金宫中的简化版仙灵之气比么?那些仙灵之气才是对他们最大的帮助。 Mei Gongzi also starts to sit in repose with eyes closed, the time placed by oneself the optimum condition, because she knows, once Tang San ended the cultivation, then, they must start crossing tribulation immediately. 美公子也开始闭目养神,时刻让自己保持在最佳状态,因为她知道,一旦唐三结束了修炼,那么,他们就要立刻开始渡劫了。 The time passes by day-by-day, regarding Ancestral Court, each Ancestral Court people are enjoying the happiness of life brilliant ray, Sovereign are the mood excellent, although the effect of tower of life is no longer improved, but even if keeps stable, can continue to make their life force change, is promoting their life. 时间一天天过去,对于祖庭来说,每一位祖庭民众都享受着生命光辉照耀的美好,皇者们一个个都是心情绝佳,虽然生命之塔的效果不再提升,但哪怕只是保持稳固,也能持续让他们的生命力有所变化,提升着他们自身的寿元。 In an instant, is three months passes. 转眼间,又是三个月过去。 On this day, Heavenly Fox Palace. 这一日,天狐宫 Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign as if induced anything, suddenly opened the double pupil, in the look, were more several points of surprised uncertain color. The next quarter, he had arrived at outside Heavenly Fox Palace, arrived in the upper air, looks out not far away the Tajikistan of blue Domus Aurea life to approach. 天狐大妖皇似乎感应到了什么,突然睁开了双眸,眼神之中,更是多了几分惊疑不定之色。下一刻,他已经来到了天狐宫外,来到了高空之中,遥望不远处的蓝金宫生命之塔方向。 Is seen Sun by Ancestral Court that the fog covered for a long time, superficially went, blue Domus Aurea as if had no change. But the Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign complexion actually seems somewhat intense, mysteriously and inexorably, he only thought that the entire Ancestral Court destiny is surging and fluctuating. 一直被云雾笼罩的祖庭已经许久没有见过太阳了,表面上看去,蓝金宫方面似乎并没有什么变化。但天狐大妖皇的脸色却显得有些紧张,冥冥之中,他只觉得整个祖庭的气运都在激荡、波动着似的。 How to affect such big? Entire was Monster-Fairy Continent being towed continually? 怎么会影响如此之大?连整个妖精大陆都被牵引着么? Suddenly, the tower of life as if became bright, gentle blue golden halo, changed into a light arc outward diffusion , the tower of that life bloomed unexpectedly outward seven color unusual brightness, in the Ancestral Court, various species elements started to condense to go toward direction madness of tower of life. 突然,生命之塔似乎变得明亮了起来,柔和的蓝金色光晕,化为一圈光弧向外扩散开来,紧接着,那生命之塔竟然向外绽放出七彩宝光,祖庭之中,各种属性的元素开始朝着生命之塔的方向疯狂凝聚而去。 Next flickers, Sovereign forms already appear in midair, their responses, although does not have Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign is so quick, but works as the tower of life the obvious appear energy change, they naturally detected that Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign flew side Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign directly, gravely said: " Wanted crossing tribulation? How to start to absorb various species elements? " 下一瞬,一道道皇者身影已经出现在半空之中,他们的反应虽然没有天狐大妖皇那么快,但当生命之塔已经明显出现能量变化的时候,他们自然还是察觉到了天阳天精皇直接飞到天狐大妖皇身边,沉声道:「要渡劫了么?怎么开始吸收各种属性的元素了?」 Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign shakes the head, " I do not know that had anything, waits to look. Should want crossing tribulation. " 天狐大妖皇摇了摇头,「我也不知道发生了什么,等着看吧。应该是要渡劫了。」 Seven color rays that at this moment, the tower of life sends out are tall and pleasing to the eye, immediately also started to attract the attention of Ancestral Court people. in the air life energy aura instead also weakens. The brilliance of tower of life actually even more striking. 此时此刻,生命之塔散发出的七彩光芒美轮美奂,顿时也开始吸引祖庭民众们的注意了。空气中的生命能量气息反而随之减弱。生命之塔的光辉却是越发的醒目。 The next quarter, the low and deep depressing feeling has actually started appear, the Ancestral Court above cloud, seemed like came under this depressing influence instantaneously, was defeated and dispersed directly, so disappears without a trace, life aura was ordinary just like all rivers run into sea, went in the direction of tower of life, was swallowed up by the tower of life. 下一刻,低沉压抑的感觉却已经开始出现,祖庭上空的云彩,似乎是瞬间就受到了这份压抑的影响,直接溃散,就那么凭空消失了,生命气息却宛如海纳百川一般,朝着生命之塔的方向而去,被生命之塔鲸吞其中。
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