DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1153: The chaos are divided the Yin-Yang

The next quarter, he has started to transfer itself to promote pinnacle qi of primal chaos, pours into qi of primal chaos Blue-Silver Emperor reverse. 下一刻,他已经开始调动自己提升到了极致的混沌之气,将混沌之气反向注入蓝银皇之中。 Immediately, the red and blue two color air currents surround to start to burst out around qi of primal chaos. 顿时,红蓝两色气流环绕在混沌之气周围开始迸发而出。 That is the air/Qi of extreme yin and yang. 那是至阴至阳之气。 When Tang San completes Blue-Silver Emperor and yin-yang two qi fuse, achievement super bloodline, thus was born qi of primal chaos. But now, he reversed qi of primal chaos, comes increase yin-yang two qi with qi of primal chaos. 唐三完成蓝银皇阴阳二气融合的时候,成就了超级血脉,从而诞生了一点混沌之气。而现在,他则是逆转了混沌之气,用混沌之气来增幅阴阳二气 yin-yang two qi receives the qi of primal chaos increase, immediately just like the blowout general eruption, Tang San own aura also rises suddenly instantaneously. All bloodlines square seal in within the body in this flickered the ebullition. 阴阳二气受到混沌之气的增幅,顿时宛如井喷一般爆发,唐三自身的气息也随之瞬间暴涨。体内的所有血脉格印都在这一瞬沸腾了。 If no suppression of Blue-Silver Emperor god position only, only this, is very possible ***, thus brings in the become a Sovereign tribulation instantaneously. 如果不是有蓝银皇神衹之位的压制,单是这一下,就很可能***,从而瞬间引来成皇劫。 yin-yang two qi poured into qi of primal chaos, looking like on the raging fire sprays the hot oil to be the same, is almost instantaneous, the red and blue two-colors has spread over the Tang San whole body, all bloodlines square seal by its exaggeration. 阴阳二气被注入混沌之气,就像是烈火上喷洒热油一般,几乎是瞬间,红蓝双色就已经传遍唐三全身,所有的血脉格印都被其渲染。 Until now, is Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor assumes the center, yin-yang two qi accumulated is raising other bloodlines square seal, lets in these bloodlines square seal, contains some yin-yang two qi aura. Once Tang San, when uses these bloodlines square seal battles, the bloodline's mark prestige can in be able to be joined the extreme yin and yang aura at any time, thus erupts the strong attack. 一直以来,都是混沌蓝银皇坐镇中央,阴阳二气蕴养着其他血脉格印,让这些血脉格印之中,都蕴含一些阴阳二气的气息。一旦唐三在动用这些血脉格印战斗的时候,血脉烙印的威能之中就可以随时被加入至阴至阳的气息,从而爆发出超强的攻击。 Therefore, at this time possessive case seal, although sustain yin-yang two qi, had no touching of mutation, but is lending a stronger aura. 所以,此时所有格印虽然都承载阴阳二气,却都没有什么变异的触动,只是散发着更强的气息。 The divine consciousness embodiment, Tang San first catches is the blue gold changes the bloodlines square seal. Without the half a point hesitates, by the yin-yang two qi hauling, the blue gold changed is swallowed by Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor directly. 神识内蕴,唐三第一个捕捉到的就是蓝金变血脉格印。没有半分犹豫,以阴阳二气牵引,蓝金变直接就被混沌蓝银皇吞噬了。 Rich life aura fuses together with Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor instantaneously, making the Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor square seal even more brilliant, particularly above blue-golden ray became even more is also powerful. 浓郁的生命气息瞬间与混沌蓝银皇融为一体,让混沌蓝银皇格印变得越发光彩夺目,尤其是其上的蓝金色光芒也变得越发的强盛了。 The blue gold changes, although is first rank bloodline, without the situation in Tree Ancestor square seal, absolutely is in first rank bloodline smallest and weakest existence, with has filled compared with qi of primal chaos Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor, is a space underground. At this time was swallowed by this super bloodline, naturally does not have the too big fluctuation. 蓝金变虽然算是一级血脉,但如果没有树祖格印的情况下,绝对是一级血脉中最为弱小的存在,和已经充满了混沌之气混沌蓝银皇相比,更是一个天上一个地下。此时被这超级血脉吞噬,自然是没有太大的波动。 The mission that the blue gold changes had ended, now it is regarded the nutrient by Tang San directly to the Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor absorption, can let him, when future crossing tribulation, few touches a life principle. 蓝金变的使命已经结束了,现在它就被唐三直接当成养分给混沌蓝银皇吸收,也能够让他在未来渡劫的时候,少去碰触一条生命法则。 After swallowing the blue gold changed, the bloodline's mark impressively phoenix of Tang San second aiming changes, it can be said that does not die changes. But these actually does not swallow time. 吞噬了蓝金变之后,唐三第二个瞄准的血脉烙印赫然正是凤凰变,也可以说是不死变。但这一次却不是吞噬。 During the chaos are divided the Yin-Yang, supreme yang energy pour into suddenly, pour into change to the phoenix, immediately, the entire phoenix changes the bloodlines square seal becomes blazing, is bursting out the eye-catching brilliance, under the supreme yang energy domineering pours into, that starts to influence subtly change. 混沌分阴阳,至阳之气骤然注入,注入到凤凰变之中,顿时,整个凤凰变血脉格印都变得炽烈起来,迸发着夺目的光彩,在至阳之气的强势注入下,开始潜移默化的发生着变化。 Meanwhile, supreme yin energy was also branched out by Tang San together, direction that this supreme yin energy injects, is peng-dragon transformation. Fused gold-winged great peng and wind dragon two bloodlines peng-dragon transformation bloodlines square seal, one turned into the blue color. 与此同时,一道至阴之气也被唐三分出,这至阴之气注入的方向,乃是鹏龙变。融合了金翅大鹏鸟风龙两种血脉鹏龙变血脉格印,一下就变成了蓝色。 One Yin one Yang, a dragon and a phoenix. Two big bloodlines square seal also by the extreme yin and yang baptism, Tang San within the body had the dragon's roar phoenix cry sound reverberation faintly. 一阴一阳,一龙一凤。两大血脉格印同时被至阴至阳洗礼,唐三体内隐隐有龙吟凤鸣声回荡。 This is he to the way that own bloodlines square seal combs. In the reduced bloodlines as far as possible the independent principle exists. Can be blended by extreme yin and yang, integrates in extreme yin and yang. Based on qi of primal chaos extreme yin and yang this is the world principle, is he must certainly touch in crossing tribulation. Integrates in other bloodline's mark the extreme yin and yang formation, when the time comes will also be considered as existence in Yin-Yang principle, rather than exists alone. 这就是他对自身血脉格印梳理的方式。尽可能的减少血脉中单独的法则存在。能够被至阴至阳交融的,就融入到至阴至阳之中。以混沌之气为基础的至阴至阳这是天地法则,也是他在渡劫的时候肯定要碰触到的。将其他血脉烙印融入到至阴至阳的队列之中,到时候也会被认为是阴阳法则之中的存在,而不是单独存在。 The blue gold changes that quite weak bloodlines square seal, takes the supplement of Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor directly, these quite powerful bloodline's mark, was injected the strength of more intense Yin-Yang directly, naturally, but must maintain the balance in within the body. 蓝金变那种比较弱的血脉格印,直接作为混沌蓝银皇的补充,这些比较强大的血脉烙印,则是直接被注入更加强烈的阴阳之力,当然,还要保持体内的平衡。 Be responsible for maintaining balanced, naturally is Tang San another powerful bloodlines square seal, heavenly consonance's eye! 负责维持着平衡的,自然就是唐三另一个强大的血脉格印,灵犀天眼 Under shining of heavenly consonance's eye, luck control, divine consciousness control. The phoenix changes with peng-dragon transformation stable constantly was being improved by yin-yang two qi. 灵犀天眼的照耀下,气运掌控,神识掌控。凤凰变和鹏龙变稳定的被阴阳二气不断的改善着。 Until two big bloodline's mark have turned into the red and blue color respectively, the original attribute was compressed in the interior, completely with extreme yin and yang to combine. Then initially completed the Yin-Yang division. 直到两大血脉烙印已经分别变成红色和蓝色,原本的属性被压缩在内部,完全与至阴至阳结合。这才算是初步完成了阴阳分割。 Has not stopped, next 没有停顿,下一个 Tang San looked for liger transformation and golden mist transformation simultaneously. Compared with the beforehand that two bloodlines square seal, these two bloodlines square seal have some is not balanced on the other hand, liger transformation is first rank bloodline, golden mist transformation is actually super bloodline. 唐三同时找上了狮虎变金蒙变。和之前那两种血脉格印相比,这两个血脉格印相对来说是有一些不平衡的,狮虎变一级血脉,金蒙变却是超级血脉 What Tang San is golden mist transformation pours into is supreme yin energy, is supreme yang energy that liger transformation pours into. The two burst out the intense ray instantaneously. But Yin-Yang balance actually appear of Tang San within the body obvious fluctuation. Tang San is equipped with the stop, during will continue supreme yang energy to pour into to the light dragon again together changes, will balance golden mist transformation this super bloodline by two big bloodline's mark, through compromising of heavenly consonance's eye, this entered the state of equilibrium gradually. 唐三金蒙变注入的是至阴之气,为狮虎变注入的则是至阳之气。二者瞬间迸发出强烈的光芒。但唐三体内的阴阳平衡却出现了明显的波动。唐三设有停顿,再继续将一道至阳之气注入到光龙变之中,以两大血脉烙印来平衡金蒙变这一个超级血脉,通过灵犀天眼的调和,这才渐渐进入了平衡状态。 This process because of be more difficult than the beforehand process adjustment, after all is not two mark, but is three balances between bloodlines square seal. But under Tang San strong controlling force, completed each other state of equilibrium gradually. 这个过程要比之前的过程调整更因难一些,毕竟不是两种烙印,而是三种血脉格印之间的平衡。但在唐三强大的控制力之下,还是渐渐的完成了彼此平衡状态。 Tang San inspired on the space and time ring the space-time tower strength, under had poured into by he links in together peacock transformation and time transformation while yin-yang two qi starts the thorough fusion. Fuses together time mark. 紧接着,唐三引动了时空指环上时空之塔的力量,原本就已经被他链接在一起的孔雀变时光变阴阳二气的同时注入下开始彻底的融合。融合成一道时光烙印 Tang San has not poured into many yin-yang two qi for it, the time and space are also in the universe main road strength of the most powerful principle, space-time tower are Tang San in the future super divine tool in mind, is held by him and Mei Gongzi. 唐三没有为它注入过多的阴阳二气,时间与空间也是宇宙大道之中最强大的法则之力,时空之塔唐三未来心目中的超神器,由他和美公子共掌。 This process relatively was much quicker. Quick, peacock transformation and time transformation have completed the thorough fusion, changes into the space-time transformation bloodlines square seal. 这个过程相对就要快得多了。很快,孔雀变时光变就已经完成了彻底的融合,化为时空变血脉格印。 Completed this step, the Tang San within the body original 11 bloodlines square seal turned into Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor, to Yin attribute affiliated golden mist transformation and peng-dragon transformation. Change to Yang attribute affiliated light dragon change, liger transformation and phoenix. 完成了这一步,唐三体内原本的十一个血脉格印就变成了混沌蓝银皇,至阴属性旗下金蒙变鹏龙变。至阳属性旗下光龙变、狮虎变与凤凰变。 Is crystal transformation and time transformation. On the other hand, was divided into five camps: 还有就是水晶变时光变。相对来说,被分成了五种阵营: Tang San starts to pour into yin-yang two qi simultaneously to crystal transformation, not only that but also affiliated and respectively will be connected to the Yang attribute affiliated bloodlines square seal from the both sides and crystal transformation bloodline's mark to the Yin attribute. Comes indirect control these by crystal transformation already in the Yin-Yang affiliated bloodlines square seal. 唐三开始将阴阳二气同时注入到水晶变之中,不仅如此,还将至阴属性旗下和至阳属性旗下的血脉格印分别从两侧与水晶变血脉烙印相连。由水晶变来间接的掌控这些已经在阴阳旗下的血脉格印。 Tang San, are only retaining space-time transformation and heavenly consonance's eye and Blue-Silver Emperor these three big core abilities. 唐三自己,只保留着时空变灵犀天眼蓝银皇这三大核心能力。 " Does father, you trust me? " The Jingjing sound resounds in Tang San within the body. 「爸爸,你就这么信任我么?」晶晶的声音在唐三体内响起。 Tang San faintly smiled, said: " Has something not to trust? crossing tribulation is our common facing. Initially, you chose me, is hopes that must leave this plane with me, tracks down higher stage. Now has arrived at the final time, we naturally want the strength concentric, I also trust certainly you! You excel at duplicate/restores carve, these five bloodlines I have helped you divide the Yin-Yang attribute, you control them even possibly compared with good that I control. I have my own strength to control. We divide the work, dealing with the become a Sovereign tribulation will be easier. " 唐三微微一笑,道:「有什么可不信任的呢?渡劫是我们共同的面对。当初,你选择了我,就是希望要和我一起离开这个位面,去追寻更高的层次。现在都已经到了最后的时刻,我们自然要劲力同心,我当然也信得过你啊!你本身就擅长于复刻,这五种血脉我已经帮你分好了阴阳属性,你来掌控它们甚至可能比我掌控的更好。我自己也有我自己的力量要去掌控。我们分工一下,应对成皇劫会更加容易一些。」 " Good, since you believe me, our common onset and retreat. " The Crystal Great Monster Sovereign sound also became enforced. 「好,既然你相信我,我们共同进退。」水晶大妖皇的声音也变得严肃了起来。 She has been feeling the process of Tang San entire growth, when Tang San god position appear only, she had entirely believed Tang San regarding the description of God Realm. She also feels clearly, Tang San wants crossing tribulation, surely is extremely because of difficult thing. Originally she is also actually disturbed. 她一直感受着唐三整个成长的过程,在唐三神衹之位出现的时候,她就已经完全相信了唐三对于神界的描述。她也清楚的感受到,唐三想要渡劫,必定是极其因难的事情。本来她其实也是忐忑的。 But along with this closing up, particularly existence of immortal spiritual energy and qi of primal chaos, makes Jingjing relieved gradually. These this most Sovereign has not even felt great expert measures Tang San to make, what but also there is he cannot achieve? 但伴随着这次闭关,尤其是仙灵之气混沌之气的存在,渐渐让晶晶安下心来。这些连她这个曾经的最皇者都没有感受过的大能唐三都能弄得出来,还有什么是他做不到的呢?
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