DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1152: The life is sublimating

Regarding the general public, the feeling is not profound, they will only feel, in in the Ancestral Court, is the body and mind is happy every day, here cultivates, has the twice the result with half the effort effect. The feeling of Fairy Race is especially obvious. 对于普通民众们来说,感受并不如何深刻,它们只会觉得,在祖庭之中,每天都是身心舒畅,在这里修炼,更有着事半功倍的效果。精怪族的感受尤为明显。 But regarding Sovereign, powerful divine consciousness, letting them frequently to feel various changing situations in Ancestral Court. 但对于皇者们来说,强大的神识,让他们时时刻刻都能感受到祖庭内的各种情况变化。 Since there is the tower of life, life energy in Ancestral Court becomes getting more and more rich, what stranger is, in Ancestral Court various world's primordial energy are somewhat mixed, because of this huge life energy arrival, these species elements under nourishing of life aura, starts unexpectedly becomes more and more purely, even stage has promoted. 自从有了生命之塔后,祖庭内的生命能量就变得越来越浓郁起来,更为奇异的是,祖庭内原本各种天地元气是有些混杂的,但因为这庞大的生命能量到来,这些各种属性的元素在生命气息的滋养下,竟然也开始变得越来越纯粹,甚至连层次都有所提升了。 This to Sovereign not only strengthened life force is so simple, even cultivation base has strengthened. 这对皇者们来说就不只是增强生命力那么简单了,连修为都有所增强。 Is Sovereign peak boundary Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign and Undying Great Monster Sovereign such expert feeling is not too deep. But is weaker regarding these cultivation base, for example Crystal Phoenix Great Monster Sovereign such existence, that feeling is extremely obvious and profound. 已经是皇者巅峰境界的天阳天精皇不死大妖皇这样的强者感受还不算太深。但对于那些修为较弱一些,譬如晶凤大妖皇这样的存在,那感受就是极为明显和深刻的了。 Moreover, as Tang San and Mei Gongzi start to close up the day passage, Sovereign also discovered, releases life energy that still to increase from the tower of life, not only the total quantity is increasing, the quality is also improved. 而且,随着唐三美公子开始闭关日子的推移,皇者们还发现,从生命之塔中释放出的生命能量还在增加,不只是总量在增加,就连品质也在提升。 This discovery to them, shocks absolutely. Besides meaning Jin Miaolin is being truly closed up continually is promoting cultivation base, means, such life energy will have a bigger help to them, making them have many life force to prolong the life! 这个发现对他们来说,绝对是震撼的。除了意味着靳淼林确实是在闭关中不断提升着自身修为之外,同时也意味着,这样的生命能量会对他们产生更大的帮助,让他们拥有更多的生命力来延年益寿啊! The Sovereign present will even somewhat look forward soon to take turns oneself to protect blue Domus Aurea, because this can be away from blue Domus Aurea to be recent, the feeling will also be best. Protecting blue Domus Aurea has turned into the reward to be the same from mission. 皇者们现在甚至都有些巴不得早日轮换到自己去守护蓝金宫了,因为这样能够距离蓝金宫最近,感受也就最好。守护蓝金宫已经从一个任务变成了奖励一般了。 To let Sovereign absorbs these high stage life energy well, Ancestral Court ordered, in the blue Domus Aurea surrounding ten kilometers scopes, cannot any life body approach. This is the strict order. 而为了让皇者们更好地吸收到这些高层次生命能量,祖庭下令,蓝金宫周围十公里范围内,不许任何生命体靠近。这是严令。 They do not certainly know, life energy that in the tower of life releases is strengthening continually, because of Tang San own qi of primal chaos in reason of enhancement. Under nourishing of qi of primal chaos, the blue gold changes the mark aura to change, the tower of life is naturally also meeting appear to change like this. 他们当然不知道,生命之塔中释放出的生命能量之所以在持续增强,就是因为唐三自身的混沌之气在增强的缘故。在混沌之气的滋养下,蓝金变烙印的气息在变化,连带着生命之塔自然也会出现这样的变化了。 If had Sovereign to enter in blue Domus Aurea at this time, they can feel anything are the world of god. 如果这时候有皇者能够进入蓝金宫内,那他们才能感受到什么是神的世界。 In blue Domus Aurea, immortal spiritual energy fills the air, meanwhile has rich life energy, the qi of primal chaos aura. Is the highest energy exists. 蓝金宫之中,仙灵之气弥漫,同时还有浓郁的生命能量,混沌之气的气息。都是最顶尖的能量存在。 Mei Gongzi bathes in these energies closes up, the body brings light multicolored halo. 美公子沐浴在这些能量之中闭关,身上都带着淡淡的彩色光晕 The Sovereign present even more was also anticipating Jin Miaolin can soon break through become a Sovereign, before this become a Sovereign, benefit that provides already such big, then, after his become a Sovereign, can take to Ancestral Court what kind of degree by be? 皇者们现在也越发期待着靳淼林能够早日突破成皇了,这位成皇之前带来的好处都已经如此之大,那么,他成皇之后,能够带给祖庭的由将会达到怎样的程度呢? It is not able to imagine it can be said that simply! 简直可以说是无法想象啊! In long-waited process, time in a flash on the past a half year. 就在万众期待的过程中,时间转瞬就过去了半年。 Blue Domus Aurea is quiet throughout, only has life energy that continually promotes, enabling all expert to feel that clearly to existence of couple. 蓝金宫始终平静,唯有那不断提升的生命能量,让所有强者都能清晰地感受到那对夫妻的存在。 After a half year of unceasing ascension, the Sovereign present somewhat did not ravel, because of according to their estimates, after is Jin Miaolin achieves Sovereign, life intensity that may bring, now the tower of life has achieved. 经过了半年的不断升腾,皇者们现在都有些弄不明白了,因为按照他们的估算,原本是靳淼林达到皇者之后,才有可能带来的生命强度,现在生命之塔就已经做到了。 Short six months, almost all Sovereign life force promoted for hundred years. Yes, entire hundred years! this exists regarding older Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign and Undying Great Monster Sovereign these particularly , helping be without doubt huge. Can live for hundred years, means that has more possibilities.: 短短半年的时间,几乎所有皇者生命力都提升了百年。是的,整整百年啊!这对于尤其是年龄较大的天阳天精皇不死大妖皇这些存在来说,帮助无疑都是巨大的。能够多活百年,就意味着拥有更多的可能。: Those who make them anticipate, present Jin Miaolin did not have become a Sovereign. 更让他们期待的是,现在的靳淼林还没有成皇呢。 Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign is most exciting one, initially, Jin Miaolin once said to her, after oneself become a Sovereign, first Sovereign blue-gold fruit that accumulated raises will donate she. That time Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign also happy. But is unexpectedly rich along with life aura that the tower of present life sends out to so the degree. She to that blue-gold fruit already, not only anticipated is so simple. 天阳天精皇是最为激动的一个,当初,靳淼林曾经向她表示,等到自己成皇之后,蕴养出的第一枚皇者蓝金果将赠予她。那时候的天阳天精皇还只是开心。而伴随着现在生命之塔散发出的生命气息竟然浓郁到了如此程度。她对那枚蓝金果就已经不只是期待那么简单了。 At least over a thousand years of she does not have so to hope for a matter. If attains that blue-gold fruit, can increase directly the millennium lives to oneself? At least is also 至少已经有上千年的时间她没有如此期盼过一件事了。如果拿到那枚蓝金果,会不会直接给自己增加千年寿元啊?至少也是 500 years? In that case, oneself were very possible to achieve once Crystal Great Monster Sovereign that stage. What ratio this more wonderful thing also has? 五百年吧?那样的话,自己就很可能能够达到曾经水晶大妖皇那个层次了。还有什么比这更加美妙的事情呢? When Sovereign every day is gazing at the tower of life with the earnest vision, the life energy intensity and total quantity in the tower of life releasing no longer increased suddenly, but maintained in a steady condition. 就在皇者们每天都用热切目光注视着生命之塔的时候,生命之塔内释放出的生命能量强度和总量突然不再增加了,而是保持在了一个平稳的状态下。 Therefore, the Sovereign earliest possible time gathered at one. 为此,皇者们第一时间就聚集在了一起。 Regarding around blue Domus Aurea, is feeling the change of tower of life silently. 围绕在蓝金宫周围,默默的感受着生命之塔的变化。 Quick, they determined, blue Domus Aurea is all right, the tower of life is also all right. Although is somewhat regrettable, but should be the cultivation of Jin Miaolin achieved certain bottleneck, no longer continued to promote. This also means, he was very possible to be away from crossing tribulation to be getting more and more near. 很快,他们就确定,蓝金宫没事,生命之塔也没事。虽然有些遗憾,但应该是靳淼林的修炼达到了一定的瓶颈,不再继续提升了。这也意味着,他很可能距离渡劫将会越来越近了。 Their judgments right. At this moment, Tang San in blue Domus Aurea, qi of primal chaos has practiced the pinnacle basically. 他们的判断没错。此时此刻,蓝金宫内的唐三,混沌之气已经基本修炼到了极致。 Passed through the compression and recompression, purification, again purification. qi of primal chaos has haunched entire Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor mark now, Tang San cultivation base fully had also been the Great Monster King peak degree. 经过了压缩、再压缩,提纯、再提纯混沌之气现在已经将整个混沌蓝银皇烙印撑起,唐三修为也已经完全达到了大妖王巅峰的程度。 But underwent half year cultivation, Mei Gongzi had also reached the peak. She now maintains in the sober condition, because she cannot continue to cultivate again. Continues, she must touch the become a Sovereign tribulation directly. 而经过了这半年的修炼,美公子也早就已经达到了巅峰。她现在更是保持在清醒状态下,因为她已经不能再继续修炼下去了。继续下去,她就要直接触碰成皇劫了。 immortal spiritual energy accumulated raised the effect is really good, here cultivated for day, could likely be as good as in the outer world cultivation hundred days. A half year of cultivation, Mei Gongzi three big bloodline's mark, Asura God Sword, has adjusted the pinnacle. She is very even careful the breath, for fear that touched heavenly tribulation. 仙灵之气的蕴养效果实在是太好了,在这里修炼一天,很可能抵得上在外界修炼百日。半年的修炼,美公子将自身三大血脉烙印,修罗神剑,都已经调整到了极致。她现在甚至连呼吸都十分小心,唯恐触动了天劫 Now she is the protection side Tang San, is waiting for the closing up conclusion of Tang San silently. 现在她就是守护在唐三身边,默默地等待着唐三的闭关结束。 qi of primal chaos has promoted, Tang San grows the tone, opened the double pupil slowly. 混沌之气已经提升完毕,唐三长出口气,缓缓睁开了双眸。 Feels his awakens, Mei Gongzi gathers up to come immediately, " how? " 感受到他的苏醒,美公子立刻凑上前来,「怎么样?」 Tang San is only divine consciousness sweeps, understands that her present condition, " foundation has been completed, then I must start to adjust my bloodline's mark, you far away from my some, to tower's of 13 th going life, in order to avoid being touched by my bloodline aura influence. Is ready at any time, my bloodline's mark adjustment finished time, is we starts the crossing tribulation time. " 唐三只是神识一扫,就明白她现在的状态,「基础已经完成了,接下来我要开始调整我的血脉烙印,你远离我一些,到生命之塔第十三层去,以免被我的血脉气息影响触动。随时做好准备,我血脉烙印调整结束的时候,就是我们开始渡劫的时刻。」 " Good! " Nod of Mei Gongzi makes an effort, in look, although was full of the concern, but did not have many urgings at this time, in order to avoid he was disturbed by himself. 「好!」美公子用力的点了点头,眼神之中虽然充满了关切,但在这时候却没有过多的叮嘱,以免他被自己打扰。 Until felt Mei Gongzi to arrive at tower's of 13 th life, Tang San closed the double pupil again. 直到感受着美公子已经到了生命之塔第十三层,唐三才再次重新闭上双眸。 White qi of primal chaos had changed into a white vortex in his Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor, only has by such condition, can prohibit many qi of primal chaos to be one of them. 白色的混沌之气在他的混沌蓝银皇之中已经化为了一个白色的旋涡,唯有以这样的状态,才能封禁更多的混沌之气在其中。 Tang San consolidated a current condition slightly, divine consciousness raises in qi of primal chaos and immortal spiritual energy accumulated, has significantly promoted. The Sea God god is only as stable as Mount Tai. 唐三略微稳固了一下自己目前的状态,神识混沌之气仙灵之气的蕴养下,早已大幅度提升。海神神祇更是稳如泰山。 divine consciousness pours into, god position only fluctuates quietly, changes into a light halo to cover the body of Tang San. In him behind, is the light blue-golden light shadow appears with his exactly the same actually emerged together quietly. Grasps Sea God Trident to assume personal command behind him. 神识注入,神祇之位悄然波动,化为一层淡淡的光晕将唐三的身体笼罩在内。在他身后,一道与他一模一样却呈现为淡淡蓝金色的光影悄然浮现。手持海神三叉戟坐镇在他背后。 Immediately, Tang San own aura was camouflaged by the Sea God god aura of only completely, this is also outside Sovereign feels life aura that the tower of blue Domus Aurea life releases to tend to the steady same time. 顿时,唐三自身的气息完全被海神神祇的气息所遮蔽,这也是外面皇者们感受到蓝金宫生命之塔释放出的生命气息趋于平稳的同一时刻。 The Sea God god truly is existence of God Realm, dominates above Falan Planet plane, Tang San does now, covers the aura with the Sea God god aura of only, prevents the aura leak to be induced by plane. 海神神祇是真正属于神界的存在,凌驾于法蓝星位面之上,唐三现在做的,就是用海神神祇的气息来遮盖住自身气息,阻挡自身气息外泄而被位面感应到。
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