DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#80: Food God Asura blood sword

The God of Ruin look turned into the shock from the delay, he no longer was finally calm. 毁灭之神的眼神从呆滞变成了震惊,他终于不再淡定了。 Food God comes was too quick, in all people are shocked inexplicably next one flickers, he incarnation Asura Blood Sword was following Tang San, cut the same position. 食神来的太快了,就在所有人震惊莫名的下一瞬,他所化身的修罗血剑就已经跟随着唐三,斩中了同一位置。 Crazy slaughter aura on two handle Asura Blood Sword almost also erupts, the Ruin thought was scattered instantaneously. 两柄修罗血剑上的疯狂杀戮气息几乎是同时爆发,毁灭意念被瞬间驱散。 Sonorous in sound, seven Original Sin God(s) and God of Destruction collaborate the second defense under cloth also under the collective roles of two handle Asura Blood Sword loudly shatter. “铿锵”声中,七位原罪神破坏神联手布下的第二层防御也在两柄修罗血剑的合力作用下轰然破碎。 Two blood have only stopped, cut to fall toward under. 两道血光只是停顿了一下,就朝着下方斩落了下去。 At this time, other God of Ruin Original Sin God(s), absolutely do not have other choice. They look like the center explode general, simultaneously opens to the surroundings ball. No one is willing to withstand the terrorist attack of Asura Blood Sword with own body! 在这种时候,无论是毁灭之神还是其他原罪神,根本就没有别的选择。他们就像是中心爆炸一般,同时向周围弹开。谁也不愿意用自己的身体去承受修罗血剑的恐怖攻击啊! But under former that twofold defense, Asura Blood Sword, although falls, but cannot lock any god finally, two blood light also dissipate. But in the sky, full is crazy slaughter aura, the Ruin thought is scattered unexpectedly completely. 而在之前那两重防御之下,修罗血剑虽然落下,但总算没能锁定住任何一位神诋,两道血光同时消散。但天空之中,已经满是疯狂的杀戮气息,毁灭意念竟是被完全驱散了。 At this moment, the resonant phoenix cry sound gets up, huge Fire Phoenix also again appeared, Ling Tian, drops from the clouds, while Tang San and Food God two handle Asura Blood Sword lax, have surmounted their bodies. 就在这时,嘹亮的凤鸣声响起,巨大的火凤凰也再次出现了,凌天而起,从天而降,就在唐三食神的两柄修罗血剑涣散的同时,就已经超越了他们的身体。 The range that this Fire Phoenix covers is enormous, covered directly greedily, has had a greedy appetite, **, three Original Sin God(s). 火凤凰覆盖的范围极大,直接就笼罩了贪婪、贪食、**,三位原罪神 At this time, Original Sin God(s), although appears distressed, but themselves has not actually received anything to injure in the beforehand collision. Saw that Phoenix God arrives. 此时,原罪神们虽然显得狼狈,但他们自身却并没有在之前的碰撞中受到什么伤害。眼看着凤凰神到来。 On the God of Lust elegant face reveals a strange brilliance. The both arms open, garnet ray gushes out, changes into bands of light, has twined toward Phoenix God. To lock in his phoenix true body. **之神俏脸上流露出一层奇异的光彩。双臂张开,暗红色光芒喷薄而出,化为一条条光带,朝着凤凰神缠绕了上去。想要锁住他的凤凰真身。 Initially was God of Lust grasps Phoenix God, she and Phoenix God has fought, therefore clear awareness, this Phoenix God, although Class Two God, but the strength has reached the Class Two God peak, approached the Class One God standard, if initially she not with the help of another Original Sin God(s), did not have that easily can hold Phoenix God. 当初就是**之神去抓凤凰神的,她和凤凰神交过手,所以清楚的知道,这位凤凰神虽然还是二级神诋,但实力已经达到了二级神诋的巅峰,逼近一级神诋水准了,当初她如果不是在另外一位原罪神的帮助下,也没那么容易能够抓住凤凰神 However, when the God of Lust garnet band of light soon cling Phoenix God, suddenly, that Fire Phoenix will open mouth, golden light emits together, just covered the Phoenix God body. Golden corona also suddenly gush out from Fire Phoenix, God of Lust by greedy, has a greedy appetite two Original Sin God(s) to cover. 但是,就在**之神的暗红色光带即将卷住凤凰神的时候,突然间,那火凤凰一张嘴,一道金光喷吐而出,刚好笼罩住了凤凰神的身躯。紧接着,一圈圈金色光环也骤然从火凤凰身上喷薄而出,将**之神两侧的贪婪、贪食两位原罪神笼罩其中。 God of Gluttony opened the big mouth, wants to swallow Fire Phoenix flame, this golden corona one, he has a big shock immediately, like running away. 贪食之神本来张开大嘴,就想要吞噬火凤凰身上的火焰,这金色光环一来,他顿时大惊失色,就像逃遁。 But he did not excel at the speed, wants to run away is also easier said than done? Immediately was covered by that golden corona. 可他本来就不是擅长速度的,想要逃遁又谈何容易?顿时被那金色光环笼罩个正着。 God of Greed wants slyly were many, in the Fire Phoenix mouth emits golden light that flash, he rapidly has made the choice, swings the body in a flash, the body changed into dark golden ray to escape together suddenly, flies to God of Ruin. 贪婪之神就要狡猾的多了,当火凤凰口中喷吐出金光的那一瞬间,他就迅速做出了选择,摇身一晃,身体就化为一道暗金色光芒骤然远遁,飞向了毁灭之神一边。 Covered to draw the elegant arc to his golden corona, directly soars God of Lust to go. 原本笼罩向他的金色光环划出优美弧线,直奔**之神而去。 God of Lust is covered by the flame that in the Fire Phoenix mouth spouts, the body turned into a statue instantaneously. Although that golden color quickly is restoring under her garnet Divine Power function, but made her body sluggish eventually, similarly was also covered by that golden corona. **之神火凤凰口中喷出的火焰笼罩个正着,身体瞬间变成了一尊雕像。虽然那金色在她的暗红色神力作用下迅速恢复着,但终究还是让她的身体迟滞了一下,同样也是被那金色光环笼罩住。 Two forms simultaneously separate from Fire Phoenix, wears Butterfly God to melt God of Emotion and with Sea God God Position fusion Xiao Wu of Purple gold armor. 两道身影同时从火凤凰身上分离而出,正是身披蝶神所化紫金铠甲的情绪之神和与海神神位融合的小舞 Is that golden corona, not just the Sea God trident Secret Technique Formless Waves that is good at displaying? 那金色光环,可不正是海神三叉戟所擅长施展的绝学无定风波吗? God of Lust and God of Gluttony were surrounded by Formless Waves, wants to work loose not so to be easy at once. Formless Waves was called God Realm first to control divine skill, casually did not say. At least in ten breaths, they work loose hopelessly. **之神贪食之神无定风波困住,一时之间想要挣脱出来可不那么容易。无定风波被称之为神界第一控制神技,可不是随便说说的。至少在十息之内,他们挣脱无望。 Phoenix God appears the main body, resonant phoenix cry resounds from his mouth, the callous laying out phoenix wings, falls on God of Gluttony and God of Lust respectively. 凤凰神显现出本体,一声嘹亮的凤鸣从他口中响起,冷酷的拍出凤凰双翼,分别落在贪食之神**之神身上。 Two big Original Sin God(s) only thought that the blazing flame straight web bottom, is even firing their Divine Soul. Suddenly, immediately cannot branch out Divine Power to melt the control of Formless Waves. 两大原罪神只觉得炽热的火焰直钻心底,甚至在灼烧着他们的神魂。一时间,顿时分不出神力去化解无定风波的控制。 Although the Phoenix God phoenix flame is also not enough to injure them, but is relying on the strength of powerful flame, temporarily diverts them, keeping them from melting Formless Waves actually to achieve. 凤凰神的凤凰火焰虽然还不足以伤害他们,但凭借着强盛的火焰之力,暂时牵制住他们,让他们无法化解无定风波却还是做得到的。 A God of Ruin side, eight Class One God such by direct control two. But on the side of Tang San, is only Phoenix God temporarily is actually not able to get rid. 毁灭之神一方,八位一级神诋就这么被直接的控制住了两位。而唐三一边,却只是凤凰神暂时无法出手而已。 When Food God appears the personal appearance, the complexion became somewhat pale, the aura also became weak. However, not far away behind him, on Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, together deep golden light suddenly projects, falls on Food God. Food God also fast has filled anything toward own mouth. 食神重新显现出身形时,脸色已经变得有些苍白了,气息也变得虚弱了许多。但是,就在他背后不远处,九宝琉璃塔上,一道湛然金光骤然射出,落在食神身上。食神自己也飞快的往自己嘴里塞了点什么。 The Food God aura, under this dual amplification, at an exceptional pace is restoring. 食神的气息,就在这双重的增幅下,以惊人的速度恢复着。
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