DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#81: Meets the close combat

God of Ruin this time appearance is somewhat distressed, on robe presented several to damage. What made his angry was, his own Ruin thought presented the fissure. That two handle Asura Blood Sword, made him be injured a moment ago finally. Although the injury is not serious, but in his heart, actually as before is the great shame. He is not clear, clearly is one's own side should occupy in the winning side situation completely, actually suddenly will be broken why through by other side. That Food God Asura Blood Sword outcome what's the matter? 毁灭之神此时的样子有些狼狈,身上的长袍上出现了数处破损。更令他愤怒的是,他自身的毁灭意念都出现了裂痕。刚才那两柄修罗血剑,终于让他受伤了。虽然伤势不重,但在他心中,却依旧是奇耻大辱。他怎么也不明白,分明是己方应该完全占据上风的情况下,为什么却会被对方骤然突破了。那食神修罗血剑究竟是怎么回事? Tang San be with smile on the face looks at God of Ruin, is very surprised? I have said that has the gambling not necessarily to lose. Now, you also think can one certainly win?” 唐三面带微笑的看着毁灭之神,“很惊讶是不是?我说过,有赌未必输。现在,你还认为自己一定能赢吗?” God of Ruin coldly replied: Naturally. Even if you have controlled God of Lust and God of Gluttony, our also six Class One God, by far dominate above you . Moreover, so long as we set aside the hand, helping God of Lust and God of Gluttony melt the control not to be difficult. But you? Has displayed twice Asura Blood Sword you, how many can Divine Power consume? The consumption of this Food God is quite not small. How regardless to say that Food God and Nine-Colored Goddess they are also only Class Two God, suddenly relies on special divine skill amplification oneself, the time that but they can insist eventually is limited. In the final analysis, this side you, has the strength truly, but also as before is you, Xiao Wu and God of Emotion.” 毁灭之神冷冷的道:“当然。就算你们控制了**之神贪食之神,我方还有六位一级神诋,远远凌驾于你们之上,而且,只要我们腾出手来,帮**之神贪食之神化解控制并不困难。而你们呢?已经施展了两次修罗血剑的你,还有多少神力可以消耗?这食神的消耗也是相当不小吧。无论怎么说,食神九彩神女他们也都只是二级神诋,一时间凭借特殊神技增幅自身还可以,但他们能够坚持的时间终究还是有限的。归根结底,你这一边,真正有战力的,还依旧是你、小舞情绪之神。” Tang San stares slightly, you seem to be different from before.” 唐三微微一愣,“你似乎和以前不一样了。” God of Ruin cold snort|hum, was calmer than before, right? This must thank little green, is her love, lets the authority in my heart ** has subsided much with the crazy Ruin thought. Otherwise, perhaps, at my really meeting your working as. You really have ability of defeating the enemy by a surprise attack, what a pity, your this trick can only use one time, will again not be next time able to use. You hope that sees us to be chaotic, this, you can have an opportunity, fish in troubled waters. Even may defeat us. What what a pity is, I will not give you such opportunity. You thought many. Begins, do not want to lose time to restore Divine Power.” 毁灭之神冷哼一声,“比以前冷静,是吗?这要感谢小绿,是她的爱,让我心中的权力**与疯狂的毁灭意念平息了不少。否则,说不定,我真的会上了你的当。你确实是有出奇制胜的能力,可惜,你这奇招只能用一次,下次就再也用不出来了。你希望看到我们混乱,这样,你才能有机可乘,浑水摸鱼。甚至真的有可能战胜我们。可惜的是,我并不会给你这样的机会。你想得太多了。动手吧,别想耽误时间来恢复神力。” At the same time was saying, Scepter of Ruin in God of Ruin hand holds up once more, this time, he no longer was the passive defensive, in the sky, bunch of purple black thunder ball started to congeal rapidly, slowly formation. Is covering Tang San this side faintly. 一边说着,毁灭之神手中的毁灭权杖再次举起,这一次,他不再是被动防御了,天空中,一团团紫黑色的雷球开始迅速凝结,缓缓成型。隐隐笼罩着唐三这一方。 The distant place is observing god naturally can hear exchanges between two High God. Yes! Superficially, the fight truly was a Tang San side had the superiority, was, in the contrast of overall strength, both sides missed. God of Ruin said right, defeats the enemy by a surprise attack, can only be one time. 远处观战着的神诋们自然能够听得到两位至高神之间的交流。是啊!从表面上看,刚才的战斗确实是唐三一方占据了优势,可是,在整体实力的对比上,双方还是差了许多。毁灭之神说得对,出奇制胜,只能是一次。 Tang San sighed, said: You looked that this is good. Can maintain calm you, is most formidable. However, such you, made me even more have the fighting spirit. You think really that you did get the absolute winning side? No, you made a mistake. Our present ranges are so near, the superiority of team, was unable to display completely. Let us compete, the competion close combat. Does not know that in this regard, do you excel? Begins!” 唐三叹息一声,道:“你看,这样多好。能够保持冷静的你,才是最强大的。但是,这样的你,也让我越发的有斗志了呢。你真的以为,自己就占据绝对上风了吗?不,你错了。我们现在距离这么近,团队的优势,已经无法完全发挥了。让我们比拼、比拼近战吧。不知道在这方面,你们是否擅长呢?动手!” Tang San gives a loud shout, golden light dodges, first starts, is God of Emotion. His body vanished directly baseless, presents again time, happen to appears side God of Envy. He does not have to begin to God of Envy directly, but is whole body ray puts greatly. Above his top of the head, huge vertical eye impractically, what strange is, while that vertical eye raises, a handle jet black such as the little hammer of black ink departs from God of Emotion suddenly, happen to bangs into that vertical eye. 唐三大喝一声,金光一闪,首先发动的,正是情绪之神。他的身体直接凭空消失了,再次出现的时候,正好出现在妒忌之神身边。他没有直接向妒忌之神动手,而是全身光芒大放。在他头顶上方,一只巨大的竖眼虚浮而起,奇异的是,在那竖眼升起的同时,还有一柄漆黑如墨的小锤骤然从情绪之神背后飞出,正好撞入那竖眼内。 In an instant, vertical eye turned into the noble Purple gold color completely, the innumerable Purple gold color little hammers outward bloom from that vertical eye, scatters in all directions to flutter about, pounds to surrounding all Original Sin God(s). 刹那间,竖眼完全变成了高贵的紫金色,紧接着,无数紫金色的小锤就从那竖眼之中向外绽放而出,四散纷飞,砸向周围的所有原罪神 Bears the brunt, nearest was God of Envy. 首当其冲,距离最近的就是妒忌之神 After God of Envy brain, dark pink light wheel is suddenly powerful, the right hand directs, drinks one lowly, envy is original sin!” 妒忌之神脑后暗粉色的光轮骤然强盛起来,右手一指点出,低喝一声,“妒忌是原罪!” Immediately, dark pink light screen keeps off before her body together, the light screen center, as if whether there is completely the dark pink whirlpool in revolving, the whirlpool, is being the face that has myriad envy, strange Divine Soul fluctuation that impact, but to the Purple gold color little hammer shakes. 顿时,一道暗粉色的光幕就挡在她身前,光幕中央,仿佛有无尽的暗粉色旋涡在旋转着,旋涡内部,更是存在着万千妒忌的面庞,诡异的神魂波动将那一个个冲击而至的紫金色小锤震开。 However, that Purple gold color actually as before strong, the envy light screen that God of Envy releases, under its bombardment, presented the fissure unexpectedly gradually. And spreads rapidly. 但是,那紫金色却依旧强势,妒忌之神释放出的妒忌光幕,居然在它的轰击下,逐渐出现了裂痕。并且迅速蔓延。 Not only God of Envy was affected, side not far away God of Gluttony, God of Pride and God of Sloth, was affected, four big Original Sin God(s) were all covered by these Purple gold color little hammers. Moreover, this Purple gold color little hammer is extraordinary powerful. 不只是妒忌之神受到了影响,旁边不远处的贪食之神傲慢之神懒惰之神,也都受到了影响,四大原罪神全都被那些紫金色的小锤笼罩在内。而且,这紫金色小锤更是出奇强悍。 That is not the simple Divine Power attack, but from Divine Soul world, is attacking Original Sin God(s) divine sense and Divine Soul directly, the destructive power is extremely intrepid, once god divine sense were injured, that is very difficult to heal. Therefore, four big Original Sin God(s) do not dare to neglect, respectively shows the special skill to resist the attack from God of Emotion. 那并不是简单的神力攻击,而是来自于神魂世界,直接冲击着原罪神们的神识神魂,破坏力极其强悍,而一旦神诋神识受到伤害,那可是很难愈合的。所以,四大原罪神也不敢怠慢,都各自拿出看家本领来抵御来自情绪之神的攻击。
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