DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#79: Food God gets rid

The Ruin thought is overlapping, analysis and synthesis, crazy wants destroys on Asura Sword to supplement intense slaughter aura by Intent of Ruin, but the air/Qi of slaughtering on that Asura Sword supplements has the unequalled destructive power to engage in factional strife inward, by oneself to strong sharp breaks that Ruin thought. 毁灭意念层层叠叠、分分合合,疯狂的以毁灭之意想要摧毁修罗剑上附带着的强烈杀戮气息,而那修罗剑上附带的杀戮之气却是带着无与伦比的破坏力向内倾轧,以自身至强的锋锐将那毁灭意念破开。 This time, no longer is the large explosion of being ready to be set off, but is engaging in factional strife of being locked in a stalemate. 这一次,不再是一触即发的大爆炸,而是相持的倾轧。 Tang San and his Asura Sword, got the winning side again, the Ruin thought that in the terror kills in front of intent, gradually bursts, the shatter, unceasing backlash. Asura Blood Sword contacted behind second to defend gradually. 唐三和他的修罗剑,再一次占据了上风,毁灭意念在恐怖杀意面前,逐渐破裂、破碎,不断的后退。修罗血剑已经逐渐接触到后面的第二层防御了。 Seven Original Sin God(s) and God of Destruction, after the brain, light wheel becomes incomparably glistens, the second defense is as before impregnable, but Scepter of Ruin unceasingly is also releasing the powerful Ruin aura , to continue from both sides converging attack Asura Blood Sword. 七位原罪神破坏神,脑后光轮都变得无比闪亮,第二层防御依旧固若金汤,而毁灭权杖也不断释放着强盛的毁灭气息,持续从两侧夹击修罗血剑 God of Ruin look as before ice-cold, does not have the slight timidness. He deeply believed that during this consumption, one's own side definitely will win. Tang San is impossible to make Asura Blood Sword continue a longer time. 毁灭之神的眼神依旧冰冷,没有丝毫的怯懦。他深信,在这种消耗之中,己方是必然会获得胜利的。唐三根本就不可能让修罗血剑持续更长的时间。 But at this time, even if that God of Emotion wants to sneak attack, will not play the too major role. Both sides collided slaughtering and Ruin that produced were too powerful, in this case, even if were Class One God, does not dare to approach easily, otherwise, will have the to entirely exterminate body and soul danger. 而在这个时候,就算那情绪之神想要偷袭,也不会发挥太大的作用。双方碰撞所产生的杀戮与毁灭太强盛了,在这种情况下,就算是一级神诋,也不敢轻易靠近,否则,会有形神俱灭的危险。 In God of Ruin has been thinking that Tang San is spent force, soon when will move toward the decline. 正在毁灭之神已经认为唐三是强弩之末,即将走向衰落之时。 Suddenly, he sees, Tang San behind, a blue band of light receives suddenly, the form in him behind not far away ascension, how that form seems is not together strong, the Divine Power fluctuation that the body sends out is not intense, but, that flash when he raises, why does not know, God of Ruin heart suddenly one tight. 突然间,他看到,唐三身后,一条蓝色光带猛然一收,紧接着,一道身影就在他身后不远处升腾而起,那身影看上去并不如何强势,身上散发出的神力波动也一点都不强烈,可是,当他升起的那一瞬间,不知道为什么,毁灭之神心头突然一紧。 One not good premonition arises spontaneously in his heart. 一种不好的预感在他心中油然而生。 The Life Goddess words words are still as ringing, Tang San will not handle any senseless matter. That blue ray, clearly is he leads into the God Realm ability from Douluo Continent, should is called Blue Silver Emperor. Is a special ability. 生命女神的话言犹在耳,唐三绝不会做什么无谓的事情。那蓝色的光芒,分明是他从斗罗大陆带入神界的能力,应该是叫做蓝银皇吧。是一种特殊的能力。 Then but, behind belt the form from him, is actually not his side strongest God of Emotion and Butterfly God Divine Soul Fusion, Xiao Wu that also does not fuse with Sea God god's position, unexpectedly is god that no one can think. 可是,那从他身后带起的身影,却并不是他那一边最强的情绪之神蝶神神魂融合,也不是与海神神诋之位相融合的小舞,竟然是一个谁都想不到的神诋 The God of Ruin beforehand attention besides on the Tang San body, was God of Emotion, Butterfly God as well as Xiao Wu. They are the Class One God strengths. Once more, is Divine Soul Fusion Technique displays God of War and God of Speed. Naturally, displayed Nine-Colored Goddess of numerous amplification ability now also to bring to his attention. 毁灭之神之前的注意力除了在唐三身上之外,就是情绪之神蝶神以及小舞了。他们才是一级神诋的实力。再次,就是神魂融合技施展中的战神速度之神。当然,施展了众多增幅能力的九彩神女现在也引起了他的重视。 May in addition, that side Tang San also two god, be Phoenix God that a moment ago in the illusion presented that but another, was continuously side Nine-Colored Goddess, in the hand was holding Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Food God. 可除此之外,唐三那边还有两名神诋,一个,就是刚才幻象中呈现出的凤凰神,而另一个,则是一直在九彩神女身边,手中托着九宝琉璃塔食神 Perhaps Phoenix God also has certain battle efficiency, is, that Food God? Without a doubt, by individual battle efficiency, Food God absolutely is in these god weakest one, even links a battle efficiency not to have. But, at this moment, is flown, actually Food God that Tang San Blue Silver Emperor led. 凤凰神或许还有一定的战斗力,可是,那食神就算了吧?毫无疑问,论个人战斗力,食神绝对是那些神诋之中最弱的一个,甚至连一点战斗力都没有。可是,此时此刻,被唐三蓝银皇带动的飞了起来的,却偏偏正是食神 Sees this, let alone was God of Ruin, seven big Original Sin God(s) and God of Destruction, other numerous god of distant place also slightly gawked. 看到这一幕,别说是毁灭之神了,就连七大原罪神破坏神,还有远处的其他众多神诋们也都是微微一愣。 Although Food God is Class Two God, but actually does not excel at the fight! At this time the sword of Ruin thought and slaughtering puts together the critical moment of fighting, the destructive power that produces is such terror, in this case, Food God was flung by Tang San, isn't that brings death? 食神虽然是二级神诋,但却并不擅长于战斗啊!此时毁灭意念与杀戮之剑拼斗的正是关键时刻,所产生的破坏力是那么的恐怖,在这种情况下,食神唐三甩过去,那不是送死吗? Moreover, Food God seethes with excitement, but at the same time, Nine-Colored Goddess Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda also let go to fling by him, on float in midair. 而且,食神沸腾而起的同时,九彩神女所化的九宝琉璃塔也被他脱手甩出了,就悬浮在半空之中。 What's all this about, actually do they want to make what? 这是怎么回事,他们究竟要做什么? The next quarter, Food God told them with own motion. 下一刻,食神用自己的行动告诉了他们。 Powerful golden light blooms suddenly from Food God, shone upon the golden color the body of his whole person. On Food God blooms suddenly the endless dignity, the right hand lifts, the blood light ascends to heaven from the back together suddenly. 一层强盛的金光突然从食神身上绽放出来,将他整个人的身体都映照成了金色。紧接着,食神身上骤然绽放出无尽的威严,右手一抬,一道血光骤然从背后升天而起。 This time he, arrived at Tang San behind, then all god saw that Food God brought that [say / way] powerful blood light unexpectedly to pass over gently and swiftly from Tang San, then changed into together the startled day blood glow, flew to cut to go in the God of Ruin direction. 此时的他,已经到了唐三身后,然后所有神诋就看到,食神带着那道强盛的血光竟然就那么从唐三身边掠过,然后化为一道惊天血芒,也朝着毁灭之神方向飞斩而去。 That and that are......” God of Fire dull looks at the Food God incarnation blood glow, surprised has not somewhat talked clearly the words. “那、那是……”火神呆呆的看着食神的化身的血芒,吃惊的已经有些说不清楚话了。 Rong Nianbing face muscle also in slight is twitching, Asura Blood Sword, that and that are Asura Blood Sword!” 融念冰面部肌肉也在轻微的抽搐着,“修罗血剑,那、那是修罗血剑!” Yes, Food God at this time incarnation, unexpectedly is also Asura Blood Sword, with exactly the same Asura Blood Sword that Tang San displays. 是的,食神此时所化身而成的,竟然也是修罗血剑,和唐三所施展的一模一样的修罗血剑 If must say that difference, that is the size as well as the prestige of scale can disparity. Food God incarnation Asura Blood Sword, seems most also has the Tang San about 60% prestige energies. 如果非要说区别的话,那就是规模的大小以及威能的差距。食神所化身的修罗血剑,看上去最多也就只有唐三六成左右的威能。 But, that is also Asura Blood Sword! High God Asura God Asura Blood Sword, is Asura Blood Sword under Nine-Colored Goddess amplification. 可是,那也是修罗血剑啊!至高神修罗神修罗血剑,还是在九彩神女增幅之下的修罗血剑 Before this Food God appears, who can want to obtain, his such does not excel at fight Food God, can actually display Asura Blood Sword such going against heaven's will divine skill . Moreover, he is Food God, is not Asura God. Surmounts two levels to display High God divine skill, this was unable to describe with inconceivable simply. 在这食神横空出世之前,谁又能想得到,他这么一位根本就不擅长于战斗的食神,竟然能够施展出修罗血剑这样的逆天神技,而且,他是食神,不是修罗神。超越自己两个层次施展至高神神技,这已经不能简单地用不可思议来形容了。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------ The God Realm legend pamphlet goes on the market, everybody goes to us to dazzle the world Tang Sect shop to have a look. For back coupling everybody, making everybody buy the cheapest book, the new book our direct 10% discount, but also delivers the big gift parcel. The full 49 packages post. Buys other books also to have preferential, we try hard to build, the Tang Sect books are cheapest, hope that everybody likes. Taobao: Search: Dazzles world Tang Sect, can find our shops. 神界传说单行本上市啦,大家去我们炫世唐门网店看看吧。为了回馈大家,让大家买到最便宜的书,新书我们直接九折,还送大礼包。满49包邮。买其他书也都有优惠,我们努力打造成,唐门图书最便宜,希望大家喜欢。淘宝:搜索:炫世唐门,就能找到我们的店铺。
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