DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#78: The blood sword leaves again

However, his side also has eight Class One God after all! Moreover, Tang San is the strength dominates above him, both sides are existence of level. To High God this level, already, not only Divine Power many decided the victory and defeat. God of Ruin relies on is practicing many years of accumulation in God Realm, although suffered a loss, but has not received the too big wound. 但是,他身边毕竟还有八位一级神诋啊!而且,唐三就算是实力凌驾于他之上,双方还是一个层次的存在。到了至高神这个层面,就已经不只是神力多少来决定胜负了。毁灭之神凭借着在神界修炼多年的积累,虽然吃了亏,但也没有受到太大的创伤。 God of Ruin believes that starts such strikes fully, the consumption of Tang San cannot compare him to be small. But this, is his desired situation. 毁灭之神相信,发动这样的全力一击,唐三的消耗绝不会比他小。而这,正是他希望看到的情况。 The most high-end strength of both sides is High God, whom no one will compare to be strong to be too many, in this case, he and Tang San to consuming, obviously is very good situation, once he and Tang San the possibility, because to consuming all the words of withdrawal from combat, the numerous position Class One God strength by him, not having lost. 双方的最高端战力都是至高神,谁也不会比谁强出太多,在这种情况下,他和唐三对耗,显然是很好的情况,一旦他和唐三因为对耗全都退出战斗的话,凭借他这边的众位一级神诋实力,根本就没有输掉的可能。 Some front fluctuating of Tang San, this sword was quite not really small to his consumption a moment ago. 唐三的胸前果然有些起伏,刚才这一剑对他的消耗相当不小。 While both sides collide, the Tang San partners also arrived at side him. Dazzling flame ascension, face very cool Phoenix God blooms the powerful phoenix flame, is similar to likes a moth to the flame unexpectedly general, changes into huge Fire Phoenix, toward God of Ruin this side dive under. 就在双方碰撞的同时,唐三的伙伴们也都已经来到了他身边。刺目的火光升腾而起,一脸酷酷的凤凰神绽放出强盛的凤凰火焰,竟然如同飞蛾扑火一般,化为一只巨大的火凤凰,朝着毁灭之神这方俯冲而下。 Only then his! 只有他一个! God of Ruin look one cold, courts death!” 毁灭之神眼神一寒,“找死!” In the hand Scepter of Ruin wields, purple Thunder light has appeared together, the Ruin god thunder, the direct bang has approached Phoenix God. Class Two God dares to provoke to him, in his heart can be imagined angrily. 手中毁灭权杖一挥,一道紫色雷光就已经横空出世,毁灭神雷,直接轰向了凤凰神。一个二级神诋都敢向他挑衅,他心中愤怒可想而知。 However, strange appeared, when that purple Ruin god Thunder Luo melts the huge Fire Phoenix body in Phoenix God, that Fire Phoenix broke unexpectedly directly, changes into all round the smog, vanishes in the air. 但是,诡异的一幕出现了,当那紫色的毁灭神雷落在凤凰神所化巨大的火凤凰身上时,那火凤凰竟然直接破碎了,化为团团烟雾,消失在空气之中。 Illusion? God of Ruin has gawked, flies into a rage, oneself were deceived by other side Illusion unexpectedly. This no doubt is because Illusion is real, but more importantly, naturally influence that because that Asura Blood Sword has to him. 幻境毁灭之神愣了一下,紧接着勃然大怒,自己竟然被对方幻境欺骗了。这固然是因为幻境真实,但更重要的,自然还是因为那修罗血剑对他产生的影响。 Seven big Original Sin God(s) and God of Destruction felt his anger, powerful Divine Power erupted once more, regarding God of Ruin, not only has made up for the protection light cover of beforehand breakage, stronger Divine Power, has covered toward Sea God once more. 七大原罪神破坏神都感受到了他的愤怒,强盛的神力再次爆发而起,围绕着毁灭之神,不但弥补了之前破裂的防护光罩,更加强势的神力,也再次朝着海神这边笼罩了过来。 The Tang San mouth as if in chewing any thing, on the face is having the light smile, Asura Sword to appear throughout, a sword cuts suddenly. Breaks the imposing manner of God of Ruin condensing unexpectedly once more. 唐三嘴里似乎在咀嚼着什么东西,脸上却始终带着淡淡的微笑,修罗剑横空出世,猛然一剑斩出。竟是再次破开了毁灭之神这边凝聚的气势。 God of Ruin sneers, I must have a look but actually, you can break our with joint forces many times.” 毁灭之神冷笑一声,“我倒要看看,你能破开我们合力多少次。” Tang San cold [say / way]: Does not need too multiple, several times, you must lose again.” 唐三冷然道:“不需要太多次,再有几次,你们就要输了。” God of Ruin laughs, lost? To the present, you have also thought that you will win? Asura Blood Sword you have also used, the sneak attack is fruitless, why do you also win? By you now surplus Divine Power, even if under amplification, most also can only display twice Asura Blood Sword again. If are many, your Divine Power source has Ben Kui the possibility. Two Asura Blood Sword, can change what?” 毁灭之神哈哈大笑,“输了?到了现在,你还认为你自己会赢么?修罗血剑你也用过了,偷袭无果,你还凭什么获胜?以你现在所剩余的神力,就算是在增幅之下,最多也只能再施展两次修罗血剑。如果再多,你的神力本源就有奔溃的可能。两次修罗血剑,又能改变的了什么呢?” I acknowledged that I underestimated your strength, but your strengths, was mediocre.” At the same time was saying, under the control of God of Ruin, he fuses with eight Class One God Divine Power once more, engages in factional strife toward Tang San. “我承认,我小看了你们的实力,但你们的实力,也就不过如此了。”一边说着,在毁灭之神的掌控下,他与八位一级神诋神力再次重新融合,朝着唐三这边倾轧过来。 Compares displays Asura Sword in Tang San one person, their here unifies nine god strengths, wanted relaxed many obviously. 相比于唐三一人施展修罗剑,他们这边结合九位神诋的力量,明显就要轻松的多了。 Tang San cold snort|hum, Ruin, I do not believe that you can also block my Asura Blood Sword again. Let you have a look, my fierce.” 唐三冷哼一声,“毁灭,我就不信,你还能再挡住我一次修罗血剑。让你看看,我的厉害。” At the same time was saying, in his hand Asura Sword lifts up high the excessive, powerful blood light second time bursts out unexpectedly, the air/Qi of terrifying slaughtering, the battle scene common aura, ascends once more. 一边说着,他手中修罗剑高举过头,强盛的血光竟然第二次迸发开来,恐怖的杀戮之气,尸山血海一般的气息,再次升腾而起。 Um?” God of Ruin this time was startled. “嗯?”毁灭之神这次真的吃惊了。 Tang San had just displayed Asura Blood Sword! Asura Blood Sword, must burn the god bloodlines source, according to the truth, is impossible to display continuously is right. But this can Tang San, why follow to display? He does not fear the consumption to be excessive, can never restore? 唐三可是刚刚施展了一次修罗血剑啊!修罗血剑,是要燃烧神诋血脉本源的,按道理来说,根本不可能连续施展才对。可这唐三,凭什么能够接踵施展出来呢?难道他不怕消耗过度,永远都不能恢复了吗? Although in the heart is thinking like this, but faces the attack, must resist. Asura Blood Sword is not jokes, must fall into the camp, definitely will have the casualties to appear. 心中虽然这样想着,但面对攻击,还是要去抵挡的。修罗血剑可不是闹着玩的,真要落入己方阵营之中,必然会有伤亡出现。 The Ruin thought inflates once more, changes into the giant photosphere. Original Sin God(s) and God of Destruction also similarly display own Divine Power, forms two barriers once more. 毁灭意念再次膨胀开来,重新化为巨大的光球。原罪神破坏神们也同样施展出自身的神力,再次形成二道屏障。 Tang San has shot up to the sky once more, his own powerful Divine Power bursts out completely, the Asura Blood Sword imposing manner compared with it formerly unexpectedly was not weak. Even still have it. 唐三已经再次冲天而起,他自身强盛的神力完全迸发开来,修罗血剑的气势比之先前竟是丝毫不弱。甚至犹有过之。 My goodness, this is the Asura God true strength. The distant place observes god, saw that in this heart trembles all, is rejoicing, luckily are not this Asura God enemy. 好家伙,这才是修罗神真正的力量吧。远处观战中的神诋,看到这一幕心中无不战栗,全都在庆幸着,幸好自己不是这修罗神的敌人。 Relaxedness that in the God of Ruin mouth said that but in fact, the heart is also a dignity, facing the attack of Asura Blood Sword this level, how he dares to have the half minute general idea? 毁灭之神口中说的轻松,但实际上,心头也是一片凝重,面对修罗血剑这种层次的攻击,他又如何敢有半分大意呢? Asura Blood Sword and Ruin thought collides once more. Compared with also wanted the powerful three points of giant bellows to erupt a moment ago instantaneously, suddenly, world megascism. The entire sky seemed torn slit. 修罗血剑毁灭意念再次碰撞。比刚才还要强盛三分的巨大轰鸣声瞬间爆发了,一时间,天地剧震。整个天空仿佛都被撕裂了一道缝隙似的。
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