DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#77: Asura blood sword

But this Nine-Colored Goddess also initially and Tang San lifted into God Realm. Divine Soul Fusion Technique that God of War and God of Speed display, made them have close Class One God strength temporarily, in addition that Nine-Colored Goddess amplification, clearly was Class One God. 而这位九彩神女还只是当初和唐三一起升入神界之中的一位。那战神速度之神所施展的神魂融合技,也让他们暂时拥有了接近一级神诋的力量,再加上那九彩神女增幅,分明就是一位一级神诋 What is most fearful is Asura God, under this amplification, that powerful murderous aura immediately became sharper, he only thought that own Ruin thought in the face of the sharp Asura God murderous intention, really had the feeling that is unable to condense. 最可怕的还是修罗神,在这份增幅之下,那强盛的杀气顿时变得更加锋锐了,他只觉得自己的毁灭意念在锋锐的修罗神杀机面前,竟然有无法凝聚的感觉。 The distance between both sides has been pulling closer instantaneously, the startled day red glow glistens together instantaneously, this red glow raises from Tang San, red light everywhere, in an instant, reflected sky, the air/Qi of battle scene general withering erupted red suddenly. 双方之间的距离已经在瞬间拉近了,一道惊天红芒瞬间闪亮,这红芒正是从唐三背后升起的,红光漫天,刹那间,映红了一片天空,尸山血海一般的肃杀之气骤然爆发开来。 Tang San face upwards a long and loud cry, howl is swift and fierce and overbearing, he carries on the back to jump from Nether White Tiger suddenly, the whole body changes into together the blood glow, integrates in the airborne startled day red light, then changes into a handle great sword to drop from the clouds, directly soars God of Ruin to cut with the lineup that eight Class One God compose under. 唐三仰天一声长啸,啸声凌厉而霸道,他猛然从幽冥白虎背上跃起,全身化为一道血芒,融入空中的惊天红光之中,然后化为一柄巨剑从天而降,直奔毁灭之神与八位一级神诋组成的阵型正斩而下。 This prestige of cutting, as if must cut the world general, on the earth, the God Forbidden Land forest had been dug two halves, presented one deeply not to see the bottom the gully. 这一斩之威,仿佛要将天地都划开一般,大地上,神禁之地的森林已经从中被刨开两半,出现了一道深不见底的沟壑。 Entire God Realm as if under this sword slight shivers. The earth in the ebullition, the sky is tumbling. 整个神界似乎都在这一剑之下轻微的颤抖起来。大地在沸腾,天空在翻滚。 Presented all god as if to fall in this moment has slaughtered the hell to be generally individually uncorrectable. Even if only looks at the sword glow of that sword, has to plant to be unable to restrain oneself, Divine Soul must be swallowed the general terror feeling by the battle scene. 在场所有神诋在这一刻仿佛都已经落入了杀戮地狱一般不可自拔。哪怕只是去看那一剑的剑芒,都有种不能自已,神魂要被尸山血海吞噬一般的恐怖感觉。 This, this outcome what's the matter? 这、这究竟是怎么回事? In the God of Ruin blood red double pupil, the look is also the instantaneous big change. 毁灭之神血红色的双眸之中,眼神也是瞬间大变。 He had completed battle plan, copes with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle, dominates by one's own side the strength completely above other side, through the way of meeting the tough head-on with toughness, consumes other side Divine Power, finally defeating the enemy without fighting. 他原本已经做好了战斗计划,就是以不变应万变,以己方完全凌驾于对方之上的实力,通过硬碰硬的方式,消耗对方神力,最终不战而屈人之兵。 After Life Goddess returns to his side, that in his innermost feelings weakened several points crazily. But he has not thought that the fight from the beginning, incarnation Asura God Tang San displayed a sword whole-heartedly. 生命女神回到他身边之后,他内心之中的那份疯狂已经减弱了几分。可他万万没想到,战斗才一开始,化身修罗神唐三就施展出了如此全力以赴的一剑。 The body sword unites, Divine Soul unites! This sword, has clearly poured into Asura God complete Divine Power. A such sword, God of Ruin had seen one time, was initially final collision of Asura God and Dragon God in that God Realm war. 身剑合一,神魂合一!这一剑,分明是倾注了修罗神的全部神力。这样的一剑,毁灭之神曾经见过一次,就是当初修罗神龙神在那一场神界大战之中最后的碰撞。 This sword, was called Asura Blood Sword by Asura God! Takes lighting oneself Asura bloodlines as price, does not hesitate to consume the source strikes fully. 这一剑,被修罗神称之为修罗血剑!以点燃自己修罗血脉为代价,不惜耗费本源的全力一击。 This is also leaving no ground strikes, similarly is the striking power to high strikes. 这也是不留余地的一击,同样是攻击力至高的一击。 Tang San came up to use the stance of this going all out unexpectedly, the other people of his side, even included Xiao Wu, to confuse everybody? 唐三竟然一上来就用了这种拼命的姿态,那他身边的其他人,甚至包括小舞在内,岂不是都是迷惑大家的? God of Ruin intention phonograph at the same time, has made the response immediately, low and deep roaring sends out from his mouth, in an instant, his big body rises suddenly against the wind, inflates suddenly. Rises straight from the ground like a giant general, in the hand Scepter of Ruin with increasing of his body also increases, one group of powerful incomparable purple light are centered on his body outward diffusion, changes into huge purple photosphere. 毁灭之神心念电转的同时,也立刻做出了回应,一声低沉的咆哮从他口中发出,刹那间,他高大的身躯迎风暴涨,猛然膨胀起来。就像一个巨人拔地而起一般,手中毁灭权杖伴随着他身体的变大同时增大,一团强盛无匹的紫光以他的身体为中心向外扩散开来,化为一个巨大的紫色光球。 Asura God strikes fully, so is can it be that easy to resist. Any Class One God in the face of such attack, the possibility of only then suffering a defeat and fleeing. At this time, God of Ruin can only resist such attack with own strength, he must guarantee God of Destruction and seven big Original Sin God(s) battle efficiencies. If his Tang San cannot resist, once he had problems, the aspect that this fights will possibly be reversed. 修罗神的全力一击,又岂是那么容易抵挡的。任何一级神诋在这样的攻击面前,就只有败亡的可能。在这种时候,毁灭之神只能用自己的力量去抵挡住这样的攻击,他必须要保证破坏神和七大原罪神的战斗力。如果他连唐三都抵挡不住,一旦他出了问题,这一战的局面很可能会被逆转。 God of Ruin starts at the same time, God of Destruction and seven big Original Sin God(s) have not been idling, they bloom respectively powerful Divine Power, changes into another light cover, hides in the Ruin thought of God of Ruin, forms the second defense barrier. 毁灭之神发动的同时,破坏神和七大原罪神也没闲着,他们各自绽放出自己强盛的神力,化为另一层光罩,隐藏于毁灭之神毁灭意念内部,形成第二道防御屏障。 The red and purple, collide suddenly in the sky together, the entire God Realm as if suddenly inward collapse, next one has flickered, the unequalled bellow is centered on location of collision immediately, erupts suddenly. 红色与紫色,在天空中骤然碰撞在一起,整个神界仿佛都骤然向内塌缩了一下,下一瞬,无与伦比的轰鸣声顿时以碰撞之处为中心,骤然爆发开来。 This is collisions between two big High God! Ruin with slaughtering, two types of books are destructive power greatly strengthened Divine Power fully outward burst out. 这是两大至高神之间的碰撞啊!毁灭与杀戮,两种本就是破坏力极强的神力全力向外迸发。 Suddenly, gloomy, below God Forbidden Land range, all vegetation change into fine powder completely, vanishes in the nihility. 一时间,天昏地暗,下方的神之禁地范围内,所有植被全部化为齑粉,消失在虚无之中。 Life Goddess expands a huge green light cover, protects to present other god, leading them to escape, this had not been injured in the powerful collision. 生命女神扩张出一个巨大的绿色光罩,护住在场其他神诋,带着他们远遁开来,这才没有在刚才的强势碰撞中受到伤害。 Terrifying destruction complementary waves, continued for ten several seconds gradually from rise to fall. 恐怖的破坏余波,足足持续了十数秒才渐渐由盛转衰。 Tang San as before float in midair, had been met by Nether White Tiger. But opposite God of Ruin, the Ruin photosphere already broke, the protection light that but seven Original Sin God(s) and God of Destruction form covers also, but above presented the massive spider web cracks. 唐三依旧悬浮于半空之中,被幽冥白虎接了下来。而对面的毁灭之神,毁灭光球已然破碎,但七位原罪神破坏神形成的防护光罩还在,只是上面已经出现了大量蛛网般的裂纹。 Without a doubt, from the collision, was Sea God got the winning side obviously. The Ruin thought of God of Ruin was rumbled to break to pieces, falls leeward does not have the suspense. 毫无疑问,从刚才的碰撞来看,显然是海神占据了上风。毁灭之神毁灭意念都被轰碎了,落入下风毫无悬念。 However, the God of Ruin look actually as before is full of proudly, in the failure because of this collision has not had any change. 但是,毁灭之神的眼神却依旧充满傲然,并没有因为这次碰撞中的失败而有任何变化。 This sword, the Asura God Asura Blood Sword sword intent was actually broke in his within the body a moment ago, battered, terrifying murderous aura even nearly made his Divine Soul shatter. 刚才这一剑,修罗神修罗血剑剑意却是是冲入他体内,横冲直撞,恐怖的杀气甚至险些令他神魂破碎。 Under Nine-Colored Goddess amplification, Tang San, the strength has dominated above him completely. 九彩神女增幅下,刚才的唐三,实力已经完全凌驾于他之上了。
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