DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#76: The colored glaze pagoda has nine

While Tang San blooms Asura God sword intent, other god of this side also go into action. 唐三绽放出自己修罗神剑意的同时,他这一方的其他神诋也都行动起来。 God of War behind, before God of Speed bleaching and dyeing clashes, changes into together black light, has pasted on his back, immediately, is black and white, two color ray blend mutually, the God of War body anteversion, the majestic body inflates suddenly, changes into a giant white tiger, is bringing the illusory light, flushes away to gods of God of Ruin side. 战神身后,速度之神漂染前冲,化为一道黑光,贴上了他的后背,顿时,黑与白,两色光芒相互交融,战神身体前倾,雄壮的身躯骤然膨胀起来,化为一只巨大的白虎,带着虚幻的光影,向毁灭之神一方的众神冲去。 Tang San and Xiao Wu hand in hand, simultaneously jump, falls carries on the back on God of War and God of Speed Divine Soul Fusion Technique Nether White Tiger, stands above its broad back. In the Xiao Wu hand golden trident holds up, golden corona transform, actually forward does not depart, but is float after her brain sky over. Sea God divine skill, Formless Waves. 唐三小舞手拉手,同时腾身而起,落在战神速度之神神魂融合技幽冥白虎背上,就那么站在它宽阔的后背之上。小舞手中黄金三叉戟举起,一圈圈金色光环幻化而出,却并不向前飞出,而是悬浮在她脑后上空。海神神技,无定风波 Four big god start together, the gods behind them has not been idling. Glitters the blue ray vine behind to fling from Tang San, just disturbs in the Food God waist, Food God bright strange ray, ray fluctuates, his mouth as if muttered was talking over anything. 四大神诋一同发动,在他们后面的众神也没有闲着。一根闪烁着蓝色光芒的藤蔓从唐三身后甩出,刚好缠扰在食神腰间,食神身上亮起一层奇异的光芒,光芒变幻,他嘴里似乎喃喃的念叨着些什么。 Nine-Colored Goddess soars, the tender body is in midair, blooms magnificent nine color ray, changes into nine pagodas unexpectedly, steady falling in Food God right hand palm. Color light bloom from nine pagodas. 九彩神女腾空而起,娇躯身在半空,绽放出瑰丽的九彩光芒,竟是化为一尊九层宝塔,稳稳的落在食神右手掌心之中。一道道彩光从九层宝塔上绽放而出。 The Nine-Colored Goddess interesting to listen to sound is reverberating in the entire space. 九彩神女动听的声音在整个空间回荡着。 Glazed Treasure Pagoda has nine, first strength! Second fast! Third god! Fourth imperial! Fifth attacks! Sixth increases!” 琉璃宝塔有九层,一曰力!二曰速!三曰神!四曰御!五曰攻!六曰增!” Six different color ray, six from that nine Glazed Treasure Pagoda flutter under her clear interesting to listen to sound function. 六种不同颜色的光芒,在她那清脆动听的声音作用下从那九层琉璃宝塔下方的六层飘飞而出。 What first releases is the red light, in turn separately is the orange light, Huang Guang, green light, the azure light and blue light, six different ray, each type is divided into the eight-part essay, two pour into to Nether White Tiger on, moreover on each Tang San here god was injected one. 第一层释放出的是红光,依次分别是橙光、黄光、绿光、青光、蓝光,六种不同的光芒,每一种都分为八股,其中两股注入到幽冥白虎身上,另外每一位唐三这边的神诋身上被注入一股。 Immediately, strange appeared, presents all god shocking seeing, a after god brain of each Sea God Tang San side, light wheel all becomes powerful, from that ray change, as if amplification had close one time. 顿时,奇异的一幕出现了,在场所有神诋都震惊的看到,每一位海神唐三一方的神诋脑后光轮全都变得强盛起来,从那光芒变化来看,似乎增幅了有接近一倍之多。 This situation, even before some shapes, Original Sin God(s) Divine Punishment Descent Great Formation effect. Has been short of strategy's amplification pressure, may affect actually in the god effect of is actually not inferior. 这种情况,甚至有些像之前原罪神降临神罚大阵的效果。只是少了阵法本身的增幅威压,可实际作用在众神身上的效果却是一点都不逊色。 Since Nine-Colored Goddess arrives at God Realm, almost does not have no god to watch her situation. Many god know that Nine-Colored Goddess and Food God this husband and wife is Sea God Tang San in the mortal world friend, through own practice, obtained Food God and approval of Nine-Colored Goddess originally god, thus arrives in God Realm. 自从九彩神女来到神界之后,几乎没有什么神诋关注过她的情况。更多神诋只是知道,九彩神女食神这一对夫妻乃是海神唐三人间的朋友,通过自身修炼,得到了食神九彩神女原本神诋的认可,从而来到神界之中。 Their husband and wife manner low key, usually in little appears before the gods, but tranquil is living own life, does not have the child. 他们夫妻为人低调,平日里很少出现在众神面前,只是平静的过着属于自己的生活,也没有孩子。 This is very even possible is they arrives at the first fight after God Realm also perhaps. Therefore, before never some people know that this Nine-Colored Goddess ability is anything. 这甚至很可能是他们来到神界之后的第一场战斗也说不定。所以,以前从未有人知道,这九彩神女的能力是什么。 At this time, saw that color light fall on the mysterious results that on Tang San side god produce, all god on the scene have a big shock. They never have also seen so mysterious amplification divine skill, this ability for them, hears something never heard of before simply. 此时,眼看着那一道道彩光落在唐三一方神诋们身上所产生出的神奇效果,所有在场神诋都不禁大惊失色。他们还从未见过如此神奇的增幅神技,这种能力对他们来说,简直是闻所未闻。 In God Realm, excels at assisting god of ability has, but the quantity is quite scarce . Moreover, the amplification ability is very mostly unitary. But displays amplification that from Nine-Colored Goddess at present, actually directly is the proportional promotion! As if also a more than ability promotion. That different color color light, clearly is the different abilities of promotion. 神界之中,擅长于辅助能力的神诋不是没有,但数量却极为稀少,而且,大多增幅能力都很单一。但从眼前九彩神女所施展的增幅来看,却直接是成比例的提升啊!似乎还不止一种能力提升。那不同颜色的彩光,分明就是提升的不同能力。 What they do not know, Nine-Colored Goddess Ning Rongrong in the past on Douluo Continent, was having this mysterious ability, she incarnation Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda when Douluo Continent was known as that mainland first martial soul, the amplification ability was greatly strengthened. 他们不知道的是,九彩神女宁荣荣当年在斗罗大陆上的时候,就拥有着这神奇的能力,她所化身的九宝琉璃塔斗罗大陆时就号称大陆第一器武魂,增幅能力极强。 Six amplification that at this time she releases separately are: Strength Amplification, Agility Amplification, Soul Power Amplification, Defense Amplification, Attack Power Amplification and Attribute Amplification. Each amplification achieves 100%. In other words, in this short time, receives Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda ray to shine, Tang San, Xiao Wu, God of War, Phoenix God, God of Emotion, Butterfly God and Food God, ability all amplification in these six aspects one time. 此时她所释放的六种增幅分别是:力量增幅敏捷增幅魂力增幅防御增幅攻击增幅属性增幅。每一种增幅都达到100。也就是说,在这短暂时间内,受到九宝琉璃塔光芒照耀,唐三小舞战神凤凰神情绪之神蝶神食神,在这六方面的能力全都增幅了一倍之多。 Although the quantitative change is not necessarily have qualitative change, even if Class Two God same cannot compare Class One God in a amplification time of situation. But, do not forget, similarly amplification one time also has is fusing Asura God god's position Tang San! 虽说量变未必一定能够产生质变,二级神诋哪怕是在增幅一倍的情况下也一样比不上一级神诋。可是,千万不要忘了,同样增幅了一倍的还有正融合着修罗神神诋之位唐三啊! Six amplification, although cannot make Tang San surmount God of Ruin in the level directly, but in the overall strength, achieved instantaneously has dominated the degree above God of Ruin. 六种增幅,虽然不能让唐三直接在层次上超越毁灭之神,但在整体战力上,瞬间就达到了凌驾于毁灭之神之上的程度。 The God of Ruin eye of dew surprised color, is the heart slightly sinks, he more and more clear Life Goddess said now, this Sea God Tang San experienced and careful words. 毁灭之神目露惊奇之色,同时也是心头微微一沉,他现在已经越来越明白生命女神所言,这海神唐三老谋深算的话了。 Class Two God can play such role, this little has in God Realm of battle in the ordinary day, who can want to obtain? 一名二级神诋都能够发挥出这样的作用,这在平日很少有争斗的神界之中,谁能想得到?
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