DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#75: Start!

Powerful fight thought ascends instantaneously, God of Ruin, sees only his right hand to hold up, the purple light shoots up to the sky together instantaneously drops, finally, condenses a handle in his hands is two zhang (3.33 m) purple scepter. 强盛的战斗意念瞬间升腾,毁灭之神这边,只见他自己右手举起,一道紫光冲天而起又瞬间回落,最终,在他手中凝聚成一柄长达两丈的紫色权杖。 This scepter just likes a lightning, all over the body purple black, but is actually sending out the intense purple light, the terrifying Ruin thought that making the sky shiver. 这权杖犹如一道闪电,通体紫黑色,但却散发着强烈的紫光,恐怖的毁灭意念,令天空都为之颤抖着。 Scepter of Ruin, God of Ruin powerful weapons. 毁灭权杖,毁灭之神的强大武器。 In the beforehand fight, he has not used , because he cannot completely control the Scepter of Ruin prestige energy. 在之前的战斗中,他从来没有使用过,是因为他自己也不能完全控制毁灭权杖的威能。 At the beginning of this Scepter of Ruin, is God Realm forms exists, is controlling the thought of Ruin, with Life Goddess Ancient Tree of Life, is God Realm ultra divine tool exists, but must dominate above Sea God golden trident. 毁灭权杖,乃是神界形成之初就存在的,掌控着毁灭的意念,与生命女神生命古树,都是神界的超神器存在,还要凌驾于海神黄金三叉戟之上。 Only then God of Kindness Heart of Kindness, God of Wickedness Trial Scale and Asura God Asura Sword can compare. These five big ultra divine tool, was initially the God Realm Council tenable basis was. 只有善良之神善良之心,邪恶之神审判天平修罗神修罗剑能够相比。这五大超神器,也是当初神界委员会成立的根本所在。 At this time, God of Ruin took out Scepter of Ruin , means that at present this fight, he will certainly not hesitate at all costs whole-heartedly. Even could not give a thought to the view of among god not slaughtering. 此时,毁灭之神取出了毁灭权杖,也就意味着,眼前这场战斗,他必将不惜一切代价的全力以赴。甚至顾不得神诋之间不杀戮的说法了。 Tang San is the complexion is also dignified, but on him actually shone one group of blood light, a blue halo shifted rapidly, falls on Xiao Wu. 唐三也是脸色凝重,但他身上却亮起了一团血光,一道蓝色光晕迅速横移,落在了小舞身上。 Immediately, Xiao Wu that long hair turned into the blue color at an exceptional pace, the eye pupil is also so, rapidly turns into the sky-blue of sea on the one-piece dress. 顿时,小舞那一头长发以惊人的速度变成了蓝色,眼眸也是如此,就连衣裙都迅速变成大海的蔚蓝色。 Xiao Wu insists on going to battle , because, only then she goes to battle, can have biggest amplification to Tang San. She can help Tang San control a god strength. 小舞执意出战,就是因为,只有她出战,才能对唐三有最大的增幅。她能够帮唐三掌控一个神诋的力量。 Usually Tang San has shown by Sea God, the Sea God strength promotes during his these many years practice continually, has somewhat dominated above Class One God, looks like God of Emotion has eight corona light wheel situations. Even still have it. 平时唐三一直都以海神示人,海神的力量在他这么多年的修炼之中持续提升,已经有些凌驾于一级神诋之上了,就像是情绪之神出现八光环光轮的情况。甚至犹有过之。 The Sea God strength entrusts with Xiao Wu, but Tang San control, that kills intent able to move unhindered, has Asura God of name of God Realm first strength. 海神的力量赋予小舞,而唐三自己所掌控的,正是那杀意纵横,有神界第一战力之称的修罗神 However, everything has the advantages. Because also Tang San usually continuously practice is the Sea God strengths, his control to the Asura God Divine Power, was not that complete. Compared with past God Realm Law Enforcer Asura God, slightly had inferior. 不过,凡事都有利弊。也因为唐三平时一直修炼的都是海神的力量,他对修罗神神力的掌控,就不是那么完全了。和当年神界执法者修罗神相比,略有逊色。 Otherwise, in the past Asura God was the God Realm first strength, if he still, God of Ruin really not necessarily dared to provoke. 否则的话,当年修罗神乃是神界第一战力,如果他还在,毁灭之神真的未必敢于挑衅。 On the Tang San face reveals ice quiet light, both hands closes up in the front, in eye ray each twinkle, air slight distortion. 唐三脸上流露出一丝冰冷神光,双手在胸前合拢,眼中光芒每一次闪烁,空气都会轻微的扭曲一下。 This time he, completely likely changed a person, powerful killing intent, Ling Tian. That incomparably sharp murderous aura, as if must cut the entire sky. 此时的他,已经完全像是变了一个人,强盛的杀意,凌天而起。那无比锋锐的杀气,仿佛要将整个天空都斩开似的。 Red corona raise after his brain, compose nine rings light wheel, is Asura God god's position. 一圈圈红色光环在他脑后升起,组成九环光轮,正是修罗神神诋之位 Xiao Wu side him, raises in hand golden trident, noble that the golden color and blue color beautiful she will exaggerate. 小舞在他身边,举起手中黄金三叉戟,金色与蓝色将本就绝美的她渲染的更加高贵。 Another side of Tang San, God of War explodes drinks one, the whole body muscle inflates instantaneously, the white hair gushes out, the double pupil changes into white, the whole body sends out one to fill to fight misty white ray of intent. 唐三另一边,战神爆喝一声,全身肌肉瞬间膨胀,白色毛发涌出,双眸化为一片白色,全身都散发出一股充满战意的白蒙蒙光芒 God of Ruin raises in the hand Scepter of Ruin, the vision dense cloudy and cold gaze the Tang San gods, the purple light shoots up to the sky together suddenly, respectively released to represent oneself god's position light wheel in his God of Destruction and seven big Original Sin God(s), suddenly, gathered High God and eight Class One God huge Divine Power to change into the imposing manner lift-off of terror, blotted out the sky suppressed the past toward other side. 毁灭之神举起手中毁灭权杖,目光森然阴冷的注视着唐三众神,一道紫光骤然冲天而起,在他身边的破坏神、七大原罪神也是各自释放出了代表自己神诋之位光轮,一时间,集合了一位至高神、八位一级神诋的庞大神力化为恐怖的气势升空而起,铺天盖地般朝着对方压制了过去。 Tang San moved, stands in team forefront core position he, one step steps forward, the powerful red light shoots up to the sky suddenly, an unequalled killing intent instantaneously to rush forth from him. 唐三动了,站在团队最前端核心位置的他,一步跨出,强盛的红光骤然冲天而起,一股无与伦比的杀意瞬间从他身上奔涌而出。 Opposite Original Sin God(s) and God of Destruction only thought that in an instant as if fall into Asura hell, the God Realm air/Qi of immortal spirit as if completely vanished in this moment, side them, surplus only then the battle scene is common. 对面的原罪神破坏神只觉得刹那间自己仿佛陷身于修罗地狱中似的,神界之中的仙灵之气似乎在这一刻已经全部消失了,在他们身边,剩余的就只有尸山血海一般。 Killing intent of this terror they do not know that many years have not faced. The previous time, as if the remote past, Asura God fought Dragon God that war. But at that time, they stood certainly in Asura God this side, naturally will not withstand this powerful murderous intention. 这恐怖的杀意他们已经不知道多少年没有面对过了。上一次,似乎还是遥远的过去,修罗神大战龙神的那一战。而那时候,他们当然是站在修罗神这一方的,自然也就不会承受这份强盛杀机了。 But at this moment, they are also the first frontage facing on Asura God aura, the judgment forever and fact have the distance, faces the Asura God terror to kill intent truly, they can feel its fearful place sincerely, that is trembling of the heart deep place! 而此时此刻,他们也是第一次正面面对上修罗神的气息,判断永远和事实是有距离的,真正面对修罗神的恐怖杀意,他们才能够深切的感受到其可怕的地方,那是发自内心深处的战栗啊! In the past, Tang San when Douluo Continent, experienced Slaughter Capital that Asura God left behind to test, thus comprehended Slaughter Domain, afterward the domain evolution, can withstand Asura God god's position inheritance finally. 当年,唐三斗罗大陆时,经历修罗神留下的杀戮之都进行考验,从而领悟杀戮领域,后来领域进化,最终才能承受修罗神神诋之位传承 Enters God Realm these years, although he little uses the Asura God strength, but is also getting deeper and deeper to the comprehension of Asura God Divine Power, even if compared were not swindled beginning Asura God, will not differ too. 进入神界这些年来,他虽然很少动用修罗神的力量,但对修罗神神力的领悟也越来越深,就算比不上当初的修罗神,也不会相差太多了。 The Asura God killing intent, is Trial Intent, unprecedented, will never flinch. 修罗神的杀意,是审判之意,一往无前,永不退缩。 At this time, facing the other side numerous god formidable imposing manner pressure, Asura God that the Tang San body sends out kills intent, tucks in just like a handle great sword generally upwardly, the sharp murderous intention, unexpectedly is stiffly cuts outrageously the imposing manner that the frontage comes, making that the two of huge imposing manner under Ruin thought guidance from own body sideslip. Has not attacked the body of partners. 此时,面对对方众多神诋的强大气势威压,唐三身上散发出的修罗神杀意,宛如一柄巨剑一般向上撩起,锋锐的杀机,竟是硬生生的将正面而来的气势悍然斩开,让那在毁灭意念引导下的庞大气势从自己身体两侧滑开。根本就没有冲击到己方伙伴们的身上。
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