DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#70: The struggle of idea

Sea God gives a calm smile, said: You do not have what loophole actually, but, some matters are you do not understand. Therefore, you have not made the mistake anything, but I have thought of something compared with you.” 海神淡然一笑,道:“你其实并没有什么漏洞,只不过,有一些事情是你不了解的而已。所以,你没做错什么,只是我比你多想到了一些东西而已。” Um?” God of Ruin doubts looks at Sea God. “嗯?”毁灭之神疑惑的看着海神 The Sea God right hand is grasping the Sea God trident, said: In you after me proposed repeatedly must expand God Realm I overrule, I can feel that your resentment accumulation deep of more and more, I know, this is not a very good situation, if processing is inappropriate, will possibly cause God Realm to be turbulent.” 海神右手握着海神三叉戟,道:“在你多次向我提出要扩张神界被我否决之后,我能感觉到你的怨气积累的越来越深,我知道,这是很不好的情况,如果处理不得当,很可能会造成神界动荡。” I also know, that premonition that I said that you do not believe. In fact, does not have means to convince other god including me. After all, that is only a nihility, cannot feel the forecast of clue. However, my premonition is really is becoming more and more intense. That crisis, is not perhaps far, soon will arrive. I know that I do not have means to convince your, in your heart the resentment read is also becoming stronger and stronger. Therefore I will say to you, if in one year, I had a premonition that the matter has not arrived, I listen to your opinion, carries on the God Realm expansion.” “我也知道,我所说的那份预感,你并不相信。事实上,连我自己也没办法说服别的神诋。毕竟,那只是一种虚无的,摸不着端倪的预测罢了。但是,我的预感真的是在变得越来越强烈。那份危机,恐怕就在不远,即将到来。我知道,我是没办法说服你的,你心中怨念也正在变得越来越强。所以我才会对你说,如果一年内,我预感中的事情还没有到来的话,我就听你的意见,进行神界扩张。” Here, on the Sea God face revealed a disappointed color, „, but, you cannot wait till eventually that for a long time, began. You begin is very sudden, preparation is also very full. However, regardless of you whether believes that to your beginning, I also similarly has the premonition. Even, my some are indulge you to begin. Because, that can threaten the entire God Realm giant crisis to be away from us to be getting more and more near, if before it arrives, I cannot the first God Realm internal contradictions diffuse, we can only be more dangerous. To melt that disaster, first we must work as one to be good. Therefore, I must make your resentment read to erupt, finds the way to melt it again, thus makes our God Realm unite.” 说到这里,海神脸上流露出一丝怅然之色,“可是,你终究还是没能等到那么久,还是动手了。你动手的很突然,准备的也很充分。但是,无论你是否相信,对你的动手,我也同样有预感。甚至,我有些是放纵你动手的。因为,那能够威胁到整个神界的巨大危机距离我们越来越近了,如果在它到来之前,我不能先将神界内部矛盾化解的话,我们只能会更加危险。想要化解那场大难,首先我们就必须齐心协力才行。所以,我要让你的怨念爆发出来,再想办法化解它,从而让我们神界重新团结在一起。” Stopped, Sea God sighed, was only, has not thought that you so renounced unexpectedly. Perhaps, is really because I make you feel that threatened. You have used the God Forbidden Land strength unexpectedly, although uses that strength to come the seal I, but can you know? That seal under your such touching, has is broken the possibility. The God Forbidden Land strength that you release, affected around this God Forbidden Land some divine beast, divine beast that even also has that vanish appears. This means that God Forbidden Land may de-archiving, if is really such, you are the God Realm criminal.” 停顿了一下,海神叹息一声,“只是,没想到,你竟然如此决绝。或许,真的是因为我让你感到威胁了吧。你竟然动用了神禁之地的力量,虽然只是利用那份力量来封印我,但你可知道?那封印在你这样的触动下,是有被破开可能的。你所释放出来的神禁之地的力量,已经影响到了这神禁之地周围的部分神兽,甚至还有那已经消失的神兽出现。这意味着,神禁之地是有可能解封的,如果真的是那样,你就是神界的罪人。” God of Ruin looked at Life Goddess, the anger snort|hum, you little here said things just to frighten people. Will the God Forbidden Land seal, how break well?” 毁灭之神看了一眼身边的生命女神,怒哼一声,“你少在这里危言耸听。神禁之地的封印好好的,如何就会破开?” Sea God shaking the head of gently, said: Whether will break, we have not known now, now does not discuss this matter time. God of Ruin, your seal I, have not related. However, even if you must expand God Realm, such apex why expands? You must expand three times entire God Realm unexpectedly. You may know that this God Realm does accumulate apex that sense power can achieve at present?” 海神轻轻的摇了摇头,道:“是否会破开,我们现在还都不知道,现在也不是讨论这件事的时候。毁灭之神,你封印我,没关系。但是,就算你要扩张神界,为什么扩张的如此极致?你竟然要将整个神界扩大三倍。你可知道,这已经是目前神界积累念力所能达到的极致?” God of Ruin said: I know certainly, because I know that I do this. Makes God Realm expand with every effort, God Realm can absorption world of mortals sense power of bigger degree, making sense power of world of mortals expand God Realm, making God Realm more powerful. Do I such do, what wrong have?” 毁灭之神道:“我当然知道,正是因为我知道,我才这样做的。尽最大可能让神界扩张,神界就能更大程度的吸收下界念力,让下界的念力壮大神界,让神界变得更加强盛。我这么做,有什么错?” The Sea God forced smile said: What wrong has? If my premonition is correct, you were completely mistaken. You are not willing to believe that my judgment, God of Ruin, in any event, I am also same as you, is one in God Realm Council! Even if you do not approve me, you should also understand, all that I make, similarly for God Realm.” 海神苦笑道:“有什么错?如果我的预感是正确的,你就大错特错了。你一点也不愿意相信我的判断,毁灭之神,无论如何,我也和你一样,都是神界委员会中的一员啊!就算你再不认同我,你也应该明白,我所做的一切,也同样是为了神界。” The God of Ruin face muscle twitched slightly, this point he must acknowledge that expansion God Realm with every effort, itself had very big degree to be spiteful with Sea God, he must show to all god that he was correct. 毁灭之神面部肌肉略微抽搐了一下,这一点他必须要承认,尽最大可能的扩张神界,本身有很大程度就是要为了和海神赌气,他要向所有神诋证明,自己是正确的。 Sea God said: The launch opportunity that you choose is very good, the time that my child will soon be born, at this time, I could not attend to other, in my heart, did not have anything compared with a child more important matter. Therefore, I am prepared, was impossible in front of you who already prepared completely safe to ask for well. For Xiao Wu and child's security, I have to compromise to you. At that time, in my heart was having a ray of hope to you.” 海神道:“你选择的发动时机很好,正是我孩子即将诞生的时刻,在这种时候,我根本顾不上其他,在我心中,没有什么比孩子更加重要的事情。所以,我就算有准备,也不可能在早已做好万全准备的你面前讨得了好。为了小舞和孩子的安全,我不得不向你妥协。那时候,我心中对你还是存着一线希望的。” But, imprisons me along with you in this God Forbidden Land, comes the seal using the strength of God Forbidden Land that taboo I, in my heart gradually was disillusioned to your final hope, I know that you lost truly, completely are corroded by the Ruin thought.” “但是,随着你将我囚禁在这神禁之地,利用神禁之地那禁忌的力量来封印我,我心中对你的最后希望就已经逐渐破灭了,我知道,你已经真正的迷失了自我,完全被毁灭意念所侵蚀。” God of Ruin coldly looks at Sea God, cold [say / way]: Winner nobilities defeated thief, said uselessly, since you can break through the seal, we under see the true facts while you are at it. You think really that by your strength, can change the course of events? Even if little green is not involved, you could not win me same. These help your person, already not many strengths. How do you contend with me?” 毁灭之神冷冷的看着海神,冷然道:“胜者王侯败者贼,多说无益,既然你能突破封印,那我们就手下见真章吧。你真的以为,凭借你个人之力,就能够扭转乾坤么?就算小绿不参与其中,你也一样赢不了我。这些来帮你的人,都已经没有多少战力了。你又如何与我抗衡?”
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