DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#69: De-archiving

Tang San gentle embracing tightly Xiao Wu, on the handsome face, full is the happy smile. 唐三温柔的搂紧小舞,英俊的面庞上,满是幸福的微笑。 Child? Our children?” Xiao Wu somewhat anxiously was summoning. “孩子呢?我们的孩子呢?”小舞有些焦急的呼唤着。 Tang San another hand delivers to front, delivers to front of the small life in bosom her. 唐三另一只手送到面前,将怀中的小生命送到她面前。 That is a chubby kid, the whole body or the pink, but on him, is actually giving off the light fragrance, according to fragrance very strange, gladdens the heart, hears into the tip of the nose, to person a sense of joy beyond description. As if obtains in the new life from that can feel the most primitive life aura. 那是一个胖乎乎的小家伙,全身还是粉红色的,但在他身上,却散发着淡淡的香气,按香气十分奇异,沁人心脾,闻入鼻端,给人一种难以形容的愉悦感。仿佛从那获得新生之中,能够感受到最原始的生命气息。 Xiao Wu in the final moment that giving birth to her and Tang San love crystallized, in the mind presented the illusion, recalled itself once at the matter that on Douluo Continent had. 小舞就是在生下她与唐三爱情结晶的最后关头,脑海中出现了幻觉,回忆起了自己曾经在斗罗大陆上发生的事情。 On the elegant face reveals a smile, Xiao Wu says with a smile: He well ugly. Definitely looks like you. However fortunately, is not only the small rabbit.” 俏脸上流露出一丝微笑,小舞笑道:“他长得好丑哦。肯定是像你了。不过还好,不是只小兔子。” The Tang San corners of the mouth twitched, on the forehead have as if lagged behind three heavy lines. 唐三嘴角抽搐了一下,额头上仿佛拉下了三根黑线。 What small rabbit, you had already practiced the god, how to have the small rabbit? Are you a biological mother? Child who was just born, where had attractively, but must be after a period of time good. Wasn't Wutong initially, so?” “什么小兔子,你早就已经修炼成神了,怎么会有小兔子?你是亲妈么?刚出生的孩子,哪有好看的,还要过一段时间才行。舞桐当初,不也是如此吗?” Oh, oh and oh!” The crying aloud sound of baby is particularly resounding, but the eye pupil of Tang San and in Xiao Wu, actually full is the tender feelings. “哇啊、哇啊、哇啊!”婴儿的啼哭声分外响亮,而唐三小舞的眼眸中,却满是柔情。 Is the son.” The Xiao Wu joyful [say / way], had the daughter, she longs for really very much can have a son again, at this time, finally a dream come true. “是儿子呢。”小舞欣喜的道,已经有了女儿,她真的很渴望能再有个儿子,此时,终于美梦成真 Tang San nodded, said: „Before defers to us, agrees, called Wulin. Tang San and Xiao Wu Qilin, Tang Wulin.” 唐三点了点头,道:“就按照我们之前约定的,叫舞麟吧。唐三小舞的麟儿,唐舞麟。” Xiao Wu smiles suddenly, you said that if this kid also chooses the world of mortals to travel, later writes the name time, can hate us? That many radicals.” 小舞突然“噗哧”一笑,“你说,要是这小家伙也选择下界游历,以后写名字的时候,会不会恨我们?那么多笔画呢。” Sends in the child the Xiao Wu bosom, Tang San gently is touching child's head, muttered thought aloud: Some matters, must start finally.” 将孩子送入小舞怀中,唐三轻轻的抚摸着孩子的头,喃喃的自言自语道:“有些事情,也终于要开始了。” Xiao Wu somewhat stunned looks to him, Tang San actually nodded to her. Then lowered the head, gently a kiss on son's forehead. 小舞有些错愕的看向他,唐三却向她点了点头。然后低下头,在儿子的额头上轻轻一吻。 When that moment of his standing body, seems a mountain rises straight from the ground general, he has turned around slowly, looks to old castle out of the window. 当他站直身体的那一刻,仿佛是一座山岳拔地而起一般,他缓缓转过身,看向古堡窗外。 A right hand ball, one group is red luminous. 右手一弹,一团红光亮起。 That is one group of blood red liquids, seems, only then several drops, but has the golden light sparkle faintly. That golden light is gentle, but has a air/Qi field beyond description. 那是一团血红色的液体,看上去只有数滴,但却隐隐有金光闪耀。那金光柔和,但却有着一种难以形容的气场。 A Tang San right hand point, that group of liquids flutter to his forehead on immediately, seal above his forehead. 唐三右手一点,那团液体顿时飘飞到他额头上,印在他眉心之上。 The blood red integrates quietly, golden light also from the Tang San forehead bright. At the beginning, but also is only a point, but was quick, changed into a golden corona, fell from his top of the head downward, fell the under foot in a flash, but the body of Tang San, under the function of that golden light, was also exaggerated the pure golden color. 血红色悄然融入,一点金光也从唐三额头上亮起。刚开始的时候,还只是一点,但很快,就化为一圈金色光环,从他头顶上向下滑落,转瞬间落到脚下,而唐三的身体,也在那金光的作用下,被渲染成了纯金色。 Tang San lifts starts, step by step walks toward the window place, his speed is very slow, but clear ka ka sound actually unceasingly resounds on him, looked like has any thing to break up on him. Every one step steps forward, after his brain, will raise a corona. 唐三抬起脚,一步步的朝着窗口处走去,他的速度很慢,但清脆的“咔咔”声却不断在他身上响起,就像是有什么东西在他身上崩解了似的。每一步跨出,在他脑后,都会升起一层光环。 Nine steps, entire nine steps, before he arrives at the window, nine rings light wheel already raised. 九步,整整九步,当他来到窗前时,九环光轮已然升起。 Fragments as if fall, the fragment that falls from him drop in the place, changes into such as the silk such as a wisp of smoke cloud to vanish. Has purple, has the golden color, light black and blood-colored. 一块块碎片仿佛从他身上滑落,滑落的碎片跌落在地,化为如丝如缕的烟云消失。有紫色的、有金色的,还有淡淡的黑色与血色 After all these drop the dust, Sea God as if became insightful, the whole person has been full of a sense of reality of difficult word. 当这一切都跌落尘埃后,海神似乎变得通透了,整个人都充满了一种难言的质感。 Lifts both hands, his pushing windowing gently. 抬起双手,他轻轻的推开窗。 Out of the window, the gentle air current injects, is swaying his deep blue long hair, but does not have air current to flow swiftly into the room, affects to hold child's Xiao Wu. 窗外,柔和的气流吹入,吹拂着他那蔚蓝的长发,但却没有一丝气流会泻入房间,影响到里面抱着孩子的小舞 Has had not seen you for a long time, everybody.” The Tang San gentle sound resounds, sound is not loud, but actually by far spreads. “久违了,各位。”唐三柔和的声音响起,声音不大,但却远远传开。 In the sky of haze, dark clouds dispersed quietly, the sky gradually becomes bright, deep blue sky ray sprinkles, God Realm does not have Sun, but does not have the true darkness. At this time that light is insightful, as if has all washed clean haze in all god minds. 原本阴霾的天空中,阴云悄然散开,天空渐渐变得明亮起来,碧蓝的天空光芒洒落,神界没有太阳,但却也没有真正的黑暗。此时那光明通透,仿佛将所有神诋心灵上的一丝阴霾全都洗清了似的。 God of Ruin became the genial look again gloomy, the powerful Ruin thought shoots up to the sky. Whatever but, his Ruin thought is powerful, is unable to affect sky over old castle that deep blue. 毁灭之神原本已经变得和煦的眼神重新阴沉了下来,强盛的毁灭意念冲天而起。可是,任由他那毁灭意念多么强盛,也无法影响到古堡上空的那片蔚蓝。 The blue light dodges, Sea God fluttered the old castle, but he has not actually flown in the God of Ruin direction. The right hand in void one move, golden light shines together, impressively his Sea God trident. 蓝光一闪,海神已经飘飞出了古堡,但他却并没有朝着毁灭之神的方向飞过去。只是右手在虚空一招,一道金光亮起,赫然正是他那海神三叉戟。 Originally already desperate God of Emotion and other god, saw the sudden appearance of Sea God, in the look has ignited immediately the hope. Can summon the Sea God trident, means that Sea God restored Divine Power! 原本已经绝望了的情绪之神神诋们,看到海神的突然出现,眼神中顿时都重新燃起了希望。能够召唤出海神三叉戟,也就意味着海神已经恢复了神力啊! The darkness passed, daybreak finally approaches. 黑暗过去了,黎明终于来临。 Father!” Butterfly God cries, must fly, was grasped by God of Emotion. “爸爸!”蝶神大叫一声,就要飞过去,却被情绪之神一把抱住了。 Wutong, do not disturb the father-in-law Sir.” 舞桐,不要打扰岳父大人。” God of Ruin vision brilliant looks at Sea God, coldly replied: Has not thought that even if in this case, you can also break through the seal unexpectedly, really made me surprised! It seems like that I insufficiently understand you.” 毁灭之神目光灼灼的看着海神,冷冷的道:“没想到,哪怕是在这种情况下,你竟然还能突破封印,真是令我惊奇啊!看来,我还是不够了解你。”
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