DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#68: Once Xiao Wu ( Part 3 )

One day, Xiao Wu must practice to 100,000 years is good! 总有一天,小舞也要修炼到100000年才行! That woman walked, Xiao Wu is unhappy. Nobody gave the Xiao Wu lecture of humanity story again. 那个女人走了,小舞不开心呢。再没有人给小舞人类的故事了。 Da Ming and Er Ming came back, Xiao Wu was also happy. However, Xiao Wu has not managed them. Walked was so long, came back to visit me. 大明二明回来了,小舞又开心了。不过,小舞没理它们。走了这么久,才回来看我。 They look like me to show off them in the magnificence of Core Area, but Xiao Wu does not want to listen, disliked them. 它们像我炫耀它们在核心区的辉煌,可小舞一点都不想听,讨厌死它们了。 They accompany Xiao Wu several days, Xiao Wu are asking them, can not walk. They each other have a look, snort|hum, that is any look, is not good is not good, who cherishes! 它们陪着小舞好几天,小舞问它们,可不可以不走了。它们彼此看看,哼,那是什么眼神,不行就不行嘛,谁稀罕! They walked, only remaining Xiao Wu and mother. 它们又走了,就只剩下小舞和妈妈了。 The mother said that humanity is too dangerous, that woman walked, will again likely come back, because mother is 100,000 years of soul beast, is humanity most longs for obtaining. 妈妈说,人类太危险,那个女人走了,很可能会再回来,因为妈妈是100000年魂兽,是人类最渴望得到的。 Then Xiao Wu moved with mother, has moved to very far place, but has not entered the central area. Xiao Wu was worried that Da Ming and Er Ming could not find our, but mother said that their abilities are very strong, with me is not existence of world. 然后小舞就和妈妈搬家了,搬到了很远的地方,但还是没有进入核心圈。小舞担心大明二明找不到我们的,可妈妈说,它们的能力很强,和我本来就不是一个世界的存在。 During that time, Xiao Wu was very unhappy. Emotion that usually the joyful life, as if many humanity said that should call bored. 那段时间,小舞很不开心。平时快乐的生活,似乎多了一种人类所说的情绪,应该叫无聊吧。 Has not known how long, one day, Xiao Wu suddenly thought one become specially formidable, probably had any thing to break in the body, the strength in big forest, as if emerged the body of Xiao Wu. 不知道过了多久,有一天,小舞突然觉得自己变得特别强大,好像有什么东西在身体里破碎了似的,大森林中的力量,似乎都涌入了小舞的身体。 The mother told Xiao Wu, said that the Xiao Wu also 100,000 years cultivated, in the mixing zone, did not have the enemy again. 妈妈告诉小舞,说小舞也有100000年修为了,在混合区,再也没有敌人了。 The mother starts to teach Xiao Wu, she told Xiao Wu saying that our soul beast, crossed for 100,000 years to cultivate for later, will come across a big disaster every 100,000 years, if unable to pass, will fall from the sky. If crossed, can live again for 100,000 years. Means, are the rebirth turn into humanity, removes the body of beasts. But in that case, the practice actually must from the beginning start, will be very dangerous. Could not be discovered by humanity. 妈妈开始教导小舞,她告诉小舞说,我们魂兽,过了100000年修为之后,每100000年都会遇到一次大劫难,如果无法度过,就会陨落。如果渡过了,就能再活100000年。还有一个办法,就是重生变成人类,褪去兽类的身体。但那样的话,修炼却要从头开始,会很危险。还不能被人类发现。 The mother knows that I want to go to humanity world, is! 妈妈知道,我想去人类世界的,一直都是! Next day, mother walked, she kept the character to say with the humanity writing that she looked for the father. 第二天,妈妈走了,她只是用人类的文字留了字说,她去找爸爸了。 Crossed for tens of thousands years, Mom, mother can you also unable to find the father? 都过了几万年的时间,妈妈,妈妈您还能找得到爸爸吗? Hum, mother and mother you where. Do not throw down a Xiao Wu person! Xiao Wu is good to be afraid and good be afraid! 呜呜,妈妈、妈妈你在哪里。不要丢下小舞一个人啊!小舞好害怕、好害怕! Although Xiao Wu had 100,000 years of cultivating is, but, may Xiao Wu be your Xiao Wu! 小舞虽然有了100000年的修为,可、可小舞还是您的小舞啊! But regardless of, how Xiao Wu cries, the mothers have not come back, she had not come back. 可是,不论小舞怎么哭,妈妈都没有回来,她一直都没有回来。 And It is not good, Xiao Wu must ask mother, to look for mother. 不、不行,小舞要去找妈妈、一定要去找妈妈。 Therefore, Xiao Wu entered Star Dou Forest Core Area. 于是,小舞进了星斗大森林核心区 Core Area really quite fearful, here soul beast is quite rogue, they saw that I attack me, even if does not hit me, wants such. 核心区真的好可怕,这里的魂兽都好凶恶,它们见到我就攻击我,哪怕是打不过我,也要那样。 ! That big bear good quite to be fiercely and fierce, Xiao Wu cannot hit. Xiao Wu is good to fear that Xiao Wu was dying? 啊!那个大熊好厉害、好厉害,小舞打不过。小舞好怕,小舞要死了吗? Da Ming and Er Ming came, they came really good. They hit that big bear, has rescued Xiao Wu. 大明二明来了,它们来了真的好棒。它们打走了那只大熊,救了小舞 Xiao Wu makes their help look for mother, but they actually silently look that I do not make noise. 小舞让它们帮忙找妈妈,可它们却只是默默的看着我不出声。 They told me, mother entered the Star Dou Forest Core Area center big ominous place. That is the place that they do not dare easily to enter. Da Ming attempts to seek, but, actually saw that mother, noticed mother was eaten by a colossus. 它们告诉我,妈妈进入了星斗大森林核心区中心的大凶之地。那是他们也不敢轻易进入的地方。大明尝试着去寻找过,可是,却看到妈妈、看到妈妈被一个庞然大物吃掉了。 Hum hum...... 呜呜呜呜…… Hum hum...... 呜呜呜呜…… Mother and mother...... 妈妈、妈妈…… Father and father...... 爸爸、爸爸…… Xiao Wu has been crying, has cried for a long time for a long time, each time, only then in having a dream, the father and mother will return to side Xiao Wu. 小舞一直在哭,哭了好久好久,每次,只有在做梦的时候,爸爸、妈妈才会回到小舞身边。 Xiao Wu cried to be able to fall asleep tired, therefore Xiao Wu has cried and cry. 小舞哭累了就能睡得着,所以小舞就一直哭、一直哭。 Da Ming and Er Ming have been looking after Xiao Wu. They said that has protected me. 大明二明一直照顾着小舞。它们说,会一直保护我。 But, did not have mother, Xiao Wu did not have the family|home. Here, no longer is the Xiao Wu family|home. 可是,没有了妈妈,小舞就没有了家。这里,也不再是小舞的家。 Xiao Wu must walk, Xiao Wu does not want to make the rabbit again. 小舞要走了,小舞不想再做兔子。 Xiao Wu must go to humanity world, Xiao Wu must cultivate the behavior, must have a look, world that oneself have wanted. 小舞要去人类世界,小舞要做人,要去看看,自己一直想要去的世界 Mom, Mom, Xiao Wu, forever can think your, my good mother. 妈妈,妈妈,小舞,永远都会想你的,我的好妈妈。 humanity world, I came. 人类世界,我来了。 I called Xiao Wu, dancing dance. 我叫小舞,跳舞的舞。 ...... …… Oh, oh and oh!” “哇啊、哇啊、哇啊!” Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu.” The gentle summon resounds in the ear bank, but also has that only to belong to the crying aloud sound of baby. 小舞,小舞。”温柔的呼唤在耳畔响起,还有着那只属于婴儿的啼哭声。 Mother and mother......” tears, flow following the face of Xiao Wu under. “妈妈、妈妈……”泪水,顺着小舞的面庞流淌而下。 You have me.” Blue long **, the warm crook of the elbow has embraced tightly her tender body, this bosom that familiar, the comfortable, security sense, making the tears in her eyes pupil vanish gradually. “你还有我。”蓝色的长**荡,温暖的臂弯搂紧了她的娇躯,这怀抱是那么的熟悉,是那么的舒适,安全感,令她眼眸中的泪水渐渐消失了。 Third Brother.” Xiao Wu walks arm in arm in his bosom, on the elegant face full is the smile. Yes, oneself have him, mother walked, but, after that walks into humanity world, oneself have actually run into him. He, was felt the warmth of family|home by himself, is he, had not been lost in humanity world by oneself. Also is he, is accompanying itself, has arrived at the humanity peak, finally, surmounts the peak, arrived here, arrives at God Realm, his also final achievement one generation of High God, became God Realm control. He is his husband, Sea God and Asura God, Tang San. “三哥。”小舞依偎在他的怀抱中,俏脸上已经满是微笑。是的,自己还有他,妈妈走了,可是,在那走入人类世界之后,自己却遇到了他。正是他,让自己重新感受到了家的温暖,正是他,让自己在人类世界中没有迷失。也是他,陪伴着自己,一直走到人类巅峰,最终,超越巅峰,来到这里,来到神界,他也最终成就了一代至高神,成为神界的掌控者。他就是自己的丈夫,海神修罗神,唐三
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