DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#67: Once Xiao Wu ( Part 2 )

I every day joyful life with mother in big forest, because there is a protection of mother, Xiao Wu little has the natural enemy, ordinary soul beast, does not dare to cope with me. Afterward, I knew two good friends, they called Da Ming and Er Ming. 我跟妈妈每天都快乐的生活在大森林中,因为有妈妈的保护,小舞很少有天敌,普通的魂兽,都不敢对付我呢。后来,我认识了两个好朋友,他们叫大明二明 Really quite strange, are they obviously long very differently, why are actually the brothers? 真的好奇怪,它们明明长得很不同,为什么却是兄弟呢? Da Ming is a small eurypholis major, Er Ming is only the small orangutan. 大明是条小青蛇,二明是只小猩猩。 Our are almost old, Da Ming greatly, Er Ming probably is probably small, Xiao Wu in the middle. 我们的年纪差不多大,哦,大明好像大一点,二明好像小一点,小舞在中间哦。 But, I am not willing to play with them quickly, their head lengths too quick. 10,000 years, Da Ming becomes is thicker than the bough, Er Ming is likely hill. But Xiao Wu is that small. 可是,我很快就不愿意和它们一起玩了,它们的个头长得太快了。才10000年,大明就变得比树干还粗,二明更是像个小山似的。可小舞还是那么小。 Xiao Wu do not play with them, their big, Xiao Wu a little fears. But they are always actually entangling me, said me, although is small, but is very lovable. Moreover, after us, cultivates to 100,000 years, can turn into the human form. 小舞不要跟他们玩了,他们好大个,小舞有点怕怕的。可它们却总是缠着我,说我虽然小,但是很可爱。而且,等我们以后修炼到100000年,还是能变成人形的。 Afterward Xiao Wu knows that originally the Da Ming respective race, was called Sky Blue Bull Python, was very formidable, was the top soul beast bloodlines. 后来小舞才知道,原来大明所属的种族,叫做天青牛蟒,很强大呢,是顶级的魂兽血脉。 Er Ming is Titan Giant Ape, is the top soul beast bloodlines, their bloodlines is more formidable than Xiao Wu. 二明泰坦巨猿,也是顶级魂兽血脉,它们的血脉都比小舞强大多了。 Reason that Da Ming and Er Ming is brothers , because initially Da Ming met the natural enemy time, the Da Ming father and mother died, was rescued by the Er Ming father, therefore the talent and Er Ming have become the brothers. Da Ming also pledged, must forever protect good Er Ming, yes, protected with its life. 大明之所以和二明是兄弟,是因为当初大明一家遇到天敌的时候,大明的爸爸、妈妈死了,是被二明的爸爸救出来的,所以才和二明成了兄弟。大明还发誓说,一定要永远保护好二明,是的,用它自己的生命去保护。 But Er Ming said that it will protect with the life my. Hee hee, Xiao Wu was quite happy at that time, then makes Er Ming place on its easy mark me, pats its head. Er Ming is not angry, only silly smiling. 二明说,它会用生命保护我的。嘻嘻,那时候小舞好开心,然后就让二明把我放在它的大脑袋上,拍它的头。二明也不恼,只会傻乎乎的笑。 The time passes by day-by-day, we grow up day-by-day, Da Ming and Er Ming became even more formidable, mother was also. However, Da Ming and Er Ming one day told me, they must go to that side the central area, because they should belong to that world. That is world of powerhouse. They invited me to go together, told me that certainly well will protect my. 时间一天天过去,我们一天天长大,大明二明变得越发强大了,妈妈也是。但是,大明二明有一天却告诉我,它们要去核心圈那边了,因为它们本来就应该属于那个世界。那是强者的世界。它们邀请我一起去,跟我说,一定会好好保护我的。 But, can I go? I cannot go. The mother does not make me go, I do not give up mother. I had already promised mother, does not go to that side the central area to take risk absolutely. 可是,我能去吗?我不能去的。妈妈不让我去,我也舍不得妈妈。我早就答应过妈妈,绝对不去核心圈那边冒险的。 Therefore, I cannot go, I must remain, remains to accompany mother. 所以,我不能去,我必须要留下来,留下来陪伴妈妈。 Da Ming and Er Ming accompanied me some time, walked finally. They are really repugnant, their within the body is militant. Paid no attention to them, paid no attention to them again, is not willing to remain to accompany me. 大明二明又多陪伴了我一段时间,终于还是走了。它们真讨厌,它们体内都是好战的。不理它们了,再也不理它们了,都不肯留下来陪我。 They walked, Xiao Wu is good to be worried. 它们走了,小舞好担心。 Good to be worried that they like father, will never come back. 好担心它们会像爸爸那样,永远都不回来了。 Their quality, Xiao Wu has cried for a long time and for a long time. 它们好坏,小舞哭了好久、好久呢。 On that day, Xiao Wu saw a strange living thing, they use simultaneous developments, moreover walks quite quick, two lead legs are also brandishing. What is body that? The mother said that called the clothes, was their humanity has. 就是在那天,小舞见到了一种奇怪的生物,他们用两条腿走路,而且走的好快,两条前腿还挥舞着。身上那是什么啊?妈妈说,那叫衣服,是他们人类才有的。 humanity, really quite strange. Why on them will have that corona. The mother said that corona must kill our soul beast to have. Xiao Wu is good to be afraid, mother is protecting me, they who hides by far. 人类,真的好奇怪哦。为什么他们身上会有那种光环。妈妈说,那种光环是要杀了我们魂兽才有的。小舞好害怕,妈妈保护着我,躲的他们远远的。 The mother said that on our Douluo Continent, the most fearful biology was humanity. They to become by themselves formidable, always hunts and kills our soul beast, turns into their strengths us. 妈妈说,在我们斗罗大陆上,最可怕的生物就是人类了。他们为了让自己变得强大,就总是来猎杀我们魂兽,把我们变成他们的力量。 humanity quality! 人类好坏! But mother also told me saying that humanity seized the entire mainland, humanity world had the strange matter and special thing, this was we do not have. 可妈妈又告诉我说,人类占领了整个大陆,人类世界有很多奇怪的事情和特殊的东西,这都是我们所没有的。 Afterward, that crowd of humanity entered the central area, again after several days, came out actually only remaining women of injury. 后来,那群人类进了核心圈,过了几天,再出来的却只剩下一个受了伤的女人。 She has been dying probably, received very heavy wound, should by the formidable soul beast injury. 她好像已经快死了,受了很重的伤,应该是被强大的魂兽伤害的吧。 On that day mother exited looked to eat, Xiao Wu could not bear, ran up to side her, she was also in any case injured. 那天妈妈出去找吃的了,小舞忍不住,就跑到她身边,反正她也受伤了。 Her appearance is very pitiful, in look is the looks of entreaty, before looking like these at the point of death, small and weak soul beast. 她的样子很可怜,眼神中都是哀求的神色,就像是那些临死前弱小的魂兽呢。 Xiao Wu just started some fears, but quick was more curious. I have bumped then her, she does not have anything to respond. Xiao Wu looks can cure the Xiao Wu injured grass that some have usually eaten to her to eat. 小舞刚开始有些害怕,但很快就更好奇了。然后我就碰了碰她,她没什么反应。小舞就找来了一些平时吃的能治好小舞受伤的草给她吃。 Quite amusing, after she has eaten, as if became many. She makes strange sound to me, that seems the humanity language. 好好玩,她吃了以后,似乎变得好些了。她对我发出奇怪的声音,那似乎就是人类的语言吧。 The mother came back, mother must lead me to walk, but that woman actually very genial must give us any thing. 妈妈回来了,妈妈本来要带着我走,可那个女人却很和善的要给我们什么东西。 Her wound is very heavy, she was entreating, probably was makes us help her. 她的伤很重,她哀求着,好像是让我们帮她。 The mother afterward complied, we help her treat the wound, was during that time, intelligent Xiao Wu has learned the humanity language with her. 妈妈后来还是答应了,我们帮她治伤,也就是那段时间,聪明的小舞跟她学会了人类的语言。 Xiao Wu is quite intelligent, quick has learned the humanity language, then, listens to her to tell the humanity world story. 小舞好聪明呢,很快就学会了人类的语言,然后,就听她讲人类世界的故事。 humanity world is that appearance, that colorful, unexpectedly some that many amusing things. Xiao Wu is very curious! Originally, is not all humanity is bad. 哇,原来人类世界是那个样子的,是那么的丰富多彩,竟然有那么多好玩的东西。小舞真的很好奇啊!原来,也并不是所有的人类都是坏的。 The mother has also learned the humanity language from her, then, mother uses the soul strength unexpectedly, turned into and her same appearance. Originally, our soul beast cultivates to 100,000 years, can turn into the human form. Really was too amusing. 妈妈也跟她学了人类的语言,然后,妈妈竟然使用魂力,变成了和她一样的模样。原来,我们魂兽修炼到100000年,就可以变成人形呢。真的是太好玩了。
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