DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#66: Once Xiao Wu ( Part 1 )

Therefore, the summon of Life Goddess, has rescued eventually his life, making him live. 所以,生命女神的呼唤,终究还是救了他的命,让他活了下来。 But, the present aspect lost control completely. Life Goddess returned to side God of Ruin, even if not cope with one's own side, was impossible to stand in the God of Ruin opposite again. 可是,眼前的局面已经完全失控了。生命女神回到了毁灭之神身边,就算不会对付己方,也决不可能再站在毁灭之神的对立面了。 Had finished, all as if finished. 结束了,一切似乎都结束了。 Rong Nianbing and seven elemental gods look became dim, vision as if by prior agreement went to that castle. Had finished, the Sea God time, as if really ended. Perhaps, God of Ruin is right. 融念冰七位元素神的眼神都变得黯淡了下来,目光不约而同的投向那座城堡。结束了,海神的时代,似乎真的结束了。或许,毁灭之神是对的。 God of Emotion enclasps Butterfly God in bosom, a look dimness, yes, he also made contribution. The courage also drains completely. 情绪之神抱紧怀中的蝶神,眼神一片黯淡,是的,他也尽力了。就连勇气也随之流失殆尽。 Because he does not have the courage to come again one time, again gets rid of itself to cherish person, he does not dare, he does not abandon. 因为他没有勇气再来一次,再一次抛弃自己怀中的人儿,他不敢,他不舍。 Mother and mother......” “妈妈、妈妈……” Butterfly God opened the double pupil suddenly slowly, in the mouth was summoning in a soft voice, this time she, looked like newborn baby such, twittering, child was admiring. 蝶神突然缓缓的睁开了双眸,口中轻声的呼唤着,此时的她,就像是初生的婴儿那样,呢喃着、孺慕着。 That summon in a soft voice made the God of Emotion mind slightly shakes, he has profound clear(ly) to become aware to the world highest good, after Butterfly God this summon appeared, during was dark, he as if suddenly had feelings, came from the feeling of world transformation. 那轻声的呼唤令情绪之神心神微震,他本就对天地至理有着很深刻的明悟,当蝶神这一声呼唤出现之后,冥冥之中,他仿佛突然有了一份感触,一份来自于天地变换的感受。 Had any matter to occur, certainly had any matter to occur. 有什么事情要发生了,一定是有什么事情要发生。 The gloomy pupil light, had shone with the brilliance again, subconscious, looks in a direction. But Butterfly God also similarly along with his vision same place, goes toward that direction staring. 原本暗淡的眸光,重新又焕发了光彩,下意识的,朝着一个方向看去。而蝶神也同样随着他的目光一起,朝着那个方向凝视而去。 God Forbidden Land core, old castle! 神之禁地核心,古堡! God of Emotion felt, cultivated for naturally also to feel compared with he higher two High God. 情绪之神感觉到了,修为比他更高的两位至高神自然也感觉到了。 Um?” Is immersing during each other mind pastes God of Ruin and Life Goddess is also on the rise, looks in the similar direction. “嗯?”正沉浸在彼此心灵相贴之中的毁灭之神生命女神同时抬起头,朝着同样的方向看去。 In the Life Goddess look, reveals, is the disappointed color, as if can read out really so four characters from her eyes. 生命女神的眼神中,流露出的,是怅然之色,仿佛从她眼中能够读出果然如此四个字。 But in the God of Ruin blood red look, what can see shocks and surprise, he is not completely clear, what variable occurrence will have, at this time, has what variable to change the present all? 而在毁灭之神的血红色眼神中,能够看到的是震惊与诧异,他完全不明白,会有什么变数发生,在这个时候,难道还有什么变数能够改变眼前的一切吗? Oh, oh and oh!” “哇啊、哇啊、哇啊!” Three sonorous cries aloud to resound, this sound, frightens the god heart just like the timely exhortation to virtue and purity generally. 三声宏亮的啼哭响起,这声音,宛如晨钟暮鼓一般震慑神心。 Each god clear heard this sound, clear felt a special fluctuation from this sound. 每一位神诋都清晰的听到了这个声音,也清晰的从这个声音中感受到了一份特殊的波动。 That is the fluctuation that the life is born, a brand-new life, was born. 那是生命诞生的波动,一个崭新的生命,诞生了。 His weeping sound, that resonant, his aura that pure. Yes, a small life will soon arrive at this world. 他的哭声,是那么的嘹亮,他的气息是那么的纯净。是的,一个小生命即将来到这个世界 Butterfly God sobered at this time completely, she covered her mouth subconsciously, in the eye pupil accumulated has filled the tears. 蝶神此时已经完全清醒过来,她下意识的捂住自己的嘴,眼眸中已经蕴满了泪水。 Mother and mother lived, is mother.” “妈妈、妈妈生了,是妈妈。” ...... …… I am a rabbit, mother call me Xiao Wu. I freely live in Star Dou Forest, every day is passing the happy day. 我是一只兔子,妈妈叫我小舞。我无忧无虑的生活在星斗大森林之中,每天都过着开心愉快的日子。 A our Soft Bones Rabbit clan, in Star Dou Forest, is not formidable, has mother luckily. 我们柔骨兔一族,在星斗大森林中,并不算强大,幸好有妈妈。 The mother said that long ago she crossed is very bitter, must always avoid the persecution of various natural enemies. Luckily, mother luck is very good, had lived. 妈妈说,她早年过的很苦,总是要躲避各种天敌的迫害。幸好,妈妈运气很好,一直活了下来。 The mother said that wants to live for a long time, must be careful is good, even if she has practiced to ten thousand years cultivates lasts, moves in the Star Dou Forest mixing zone, does not dare to approach deeper Core Area. As for the greatly ominous place, that wants unable to think. 妈妈说,想要活得久,就一定要小心谨慎才行呢,哪怕她都已经修炼到万年修为时,也只是在星斗大森林混合区中活动,一点都不敢靠近更深的核心区。至于大凶之地,那更是想都不敢想的。 As cultivating of mother to be getting stronger and stronger, the natural enemy in Star Dou Forest were also getting fewer and fewer, although our Soft Bones Rabbit clan is not formidable, the time of but cultivating grew, is always very fierce. 随着妈妈的修为越来越强,在星斗大森林之中的天敌也就越来越少了,我们柔骨兔一族虽然不算强大,但修炼的时间长了,总还是很厉害的哦。 The mother said that she is five long live marries the father. The father is a proud rabbit, because in the birth, was fifth is lived, therefore called Xiao Wu (Little Fifth). Afterward I called Xiao Wu, came from this, the father was really too lazy, did not give others to give the point name of pleasant to hear. 妈妈说,她是五万岁的时候嫁给爸爸的。爸爸是一只骄傲的兔子,因为在出生的时候,是第五个被生出来的,所以就叫小五。后来我叫小舞,也是由此而来的,爸爸真是太懒了,都不给人家起个好听点的名字。 The father is very proud, is very fierce, mother said that the father had 100,000 years to cultivate at that time, our soul beast, can practice to 100,000 years, that was specially formidable existence. 爸爸很骄傲,也很厉害,妈妈说,爸爸那时候就已经有100000年修为了,我们魂兽,能够修炼到100000年,那就是特别强大的存在了呢。 The father said that he must go to the Star Dou Forest central area, must go to there the life of higher soul beast. But mother did not agree that mother is afraid very much, will be afraid will bump into formidable and rogue soul beast there, these soul beast, will eat us. 爸爸说,他要去星斗大森林核心圈,要去那里过高等魂兽的生活。可妈妈不同意,妈妈很害怕,害怕在那里会碰到强大而凶恶的魂兽,那些魂兽,会吃了我们的。 But father really quite proud, he has not listened to mother's words, the father is not clever, is not a good child. The father. From then on, he again did not have. 可爸爸真的好骄傲,他没有听妈妈的话,爸爸不乖,不是个好孩子。爸爸去了。从那以后,他就再也没有回来了。 Hum......, Xiao Wu really quite sad. 呜呜……,小舞真的好伤心。 The mother is also quite sad, Xiao Wu not only one time sees, mother in sob secretly, crying the delicious carrot cannot swallow continually. Xiao Wu is accompanying mother, told mother her also to have Xiao Wu, so long as mother did not let, the Xiao Wu study father, certainly will certainly not go to that side Core Area to take risk. 妈妈也好伤心的,小舞不只一次看到,妈妈在偷偷的哭泣,哭的连好吃的胡萝卜都咽不下去。小舞陪着妈妈,告诉妈妈她还有小舞,只要妈妈不让,小舞一定不学爸爸,一定不会去核心区那边冒险的。 The mother at this time, will be holding Xiao Wu each time, gradually was happy. 妈妈每次在这个时候,都会抱着小舞,就渐渐的开心起来了。 I may like mother that time look, good gently and quite to be really gentle. 我可喜欢妈妈那时候的眼神了,真的好温柔、好温柔的。
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