DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#65: Generation after generations

What strength is this, this is? 这是、这是什么力量? In this flash, frightened feeling appears in each god heart unexpectedly, even if Life Goddess is no exception. 在这一刹那,恐惧的感觉竟然出现在每一位神诋心中,哪怕是生命女神也不例外。 „The third type, Hao-Dong Palm, generation after generations.” “第三式,浩冬掌,生生世世。” The double palm promotes, in God of Emotion eye pupil, producing an inverted image, is the Butterfly God form. The smiling face on his face became more temperate, seemed holding the hand of Butterfly God, was accompanying her, passed through that generation after generations the samsara. 双掌推出,情绪之神眼眸之中,倒映着的,是蝶神的身影。他脸上的笑容变得更加温和了,仿佛牵着蝶神的手,陪伴着她,走过那生生世世的轮回。 Hao-Dong Palm, Hao Dong Three Absolutes, last type. 浩冬掌,浩冬三绝,最后一式。 That black and white bi-color, is his going against heaven's will divine skill, brings from Douluo Continent world, after arriving at God Realm, with the help of Sea God, has completed existence after sublimation. 那黑白双色,乃是他的逆天神技,从斗罗大陆世界带来,来到神界后在海神的帮助下,完成了升华之后的存在。 At this moment, above seven rings light wheel after his brain, illusory two light wheel became congealed unexpectedly, separately was the black and white. 此时此刻,他脑后的七环光轮之上,原本虚幻的两圈光轮竟然变得凝实了,分别是黑色与白色。 He actually really had the High God strength, even if only temporary, as before is that fearful. 他竟然真的拥有了至高神的力量,哪怕只是暂时的,也依旧是那么可怕。 Is this strength of striking, seemed to be enough at this time. Because, this time God of Ruin, immerses in own missing condition as before! 就是这一击之力,在这个时候似乎就已经足够了。因为,此时的毁灭之神,依旧沉浸在自己的思念状态之中啊! soul eliminates, Casualty of Destiny, this is the significance of that black and white bi-color implication. Can make the terror that Divine Power and divine sense defend to expire temporarily exist. 灵魂剥夺、命运之殇,这就是那黑白双色蕴含的意义。能够让神力神识暂时防御失效的恐怖存在。 Since having completed the sublimations of these two big divine skill, God of Emotion has not used. Without the opportunity of use, moreover takes his present cultivating as, basic on use not. 自从完成了这两大神技的升华之后,情绪之神就从来没有使用过。因为没有使用的机会,而且以他现在的修为,也根本就使用不了。 But at this moment, is facing present God of Ruin, is facing at present must kill the aspect, he has used finally. He knows, only then defeats God of Ruin, can change the course of events. 而此时此刻,面对着眼前的毁灭之神,面对着眼前的必杀局面,他终于用了出来。他知道,只有击败毁灭之神,才能扭转乾坤。 little purple......” in this time, a summon is resounding suddenly. 小紫……”正在这时,一声呼唤骤然响起。 Was at God of Ruin in missing condition to recover suddenly, he noticed that is distant place that pair fills the kind green eye pupil. 原本处于思念状态中的毁灭之神骤然回过神来,他看到的,是远处那一双充满关切的绿色眼眸。 Saying that little green......” in the God of Ruin mouth muttered. Wipes the light smile, along with it reappearing on his face. 小绿……”毁灭之神口中喃喃的说道。一抹淡淡的微笑,也随之浮现在他面庞上。 She keeps thinking my, in her heart has my. 她还是惦记我的,她心中还是有我的。 He lifts both hands with a smile, welcomed the God of Emotion black-and-white double palm with a smile. 他笑着抬起双手,笑着迎上了情绪之神黑白色的双掌。 “噗” All people were expected that the large explosion has not appeared, the appearance, is a light sound. 所有人预料中的大爆炸并没有出现,出现的,是一声轻响。 Around God of Emotion body dense air/Qi disappeared instantaneously, that black and white bi-color infiltrates God of Ruin within the body outrageously, turned into that color God of Ruin unexpectedly temporarily. 情绪之神身体周围的氤氲之气瞬间泯灭了,那黑白双色悍然透入毁灭之神体内,竟然将毁灭之神暂时变成了那种颜色。 Also, that is all, later seven colored, lives dishonorably by a powerful incomparable purple black light screen isolation, this purple black, is covering the body of God of Emotion, has delivered him by far, returns to Life Goddess side. 可是,也就仅此而已了,之后的七彩色,瓦全被一层强盛无匹的紫黑色光幕隔绝,这紫黑色,笼罩着情绪之神的身体,将他远远的送了出去,送回到生命女神身边。 God of Emotion discovered surprised, oneself were burning Flame of God, extinguished unexpectedly. Although the intense weak feeling spreads over the whole body instantaneously, but that should in light of this Ruin, even is direct ignition Divine Soul, unexpectedly has not had any problem. 情绪之神吃惊地发现,自己原本燃烧着的神之火焰,竟然就那么熄灭了。尽管强烈的虚弱感瞬间传遍全身,但那本应该就此毁灭,甚至是直接点燃的神魂,居然没有出现任何问题。 He and he used the High God strength to extinguish Flame of God that I lit, and Divine Power that output me all compressed my body, but didn't strike to kill me? 他、他用至高神的力量将我点燃的神之火焰熄灭了,并且将我输出的神力全都重新压缩回了我的身体,而不是将我击杀? When Life Goddess summoned that two characters, God of Emotion knows one were defeated. Only then in wallowing God of Ruin under condition, he may defeat. Once comes soberly, he and true High God, has the archery target disparity eventually! 生命女神呼唤出那两个字的时候,情绪之神就知道自己失败了。只有在沉迷状态下的毁灭之神,他才有可能击败。而一旦清醒过来,他和真正的至高神,终究是有着质的差距啊! In that moment, God of Emotion feels, is desperate. He thought that he ended, own life, has arrived at end. 在那一刻,情绪之神感受到的,是绝望。他觉得自己完了,自己的生命,已经走到了尽头 But , to continue desperately, has the flash, the next quarter, he returned to side Life Goddess. 可是,绝望持续的,却只有一瞬间,下一刻,他就回到了生命女神身边。 Sorry!” Life Goddess said in a soft voice that then her right hand pressed in God of Emotion has carried on the back. God of Emotion within the body, as if had any thing to be lit, the strong life aura sublimated instantaneously. “对不起!”生命女神轻声说道,然后她的右手就按在了情绪之神背上。情绪之神体内,仿佛有什么东西被点燃了似的,浓烈的生命气息瞬间升华。 God of Emotion only thought Divine Power that one just consumed, under that rich life aura function, is restoring just like the blowout generally, own body, has replied normally. 情绪之神只觉得自己刚刚消耗的神力,在那浓郁的生命气息作用下,宛如井喷一般恢复着,自己的身体,也随之回复了正常。 Life Goddess returns in Butterfly God in bosom his hand, supple sound track: When regardless, do not discard your lover, regardless of anything, does not want. The rumor could not deceive her, if you left this world, then, in this world , will again not have her.” 生命女神将怀中的蝶神重新交还到他手中,柔声道:“无论什么时候,都不要舍弃你的爱人,无论为了什么,都不要。谎言是欺骗不了她的,如果你真的离开了这个世界,那么,在这个世界中,也就不会再有她。” At the same time was saying, Life Goddess has turned around slowly, bows salutes to front numerous position Class One God. 一边说着,生命女神缓缓转过身,躬身向面前的众位一级神诋行礼。 Sorry, everybody.” “对不起,各位。” Said that these five characters, she flutters quietly, flies upside down to the God of Ruin direction, on the face is the apology, but in the look, is actually joyful with being in love. 说完这五个字,她悄然飘飞而起,倒飞向毁灭之神的方向,脸上是歉意,但眼神中,却是欣喜与爱恋。 God of Emotion dull looks at little green to return to the little purple bosom, looks two High God tight hugs, in this flickers, in his heart is actually not desperate, but is a strange feeling. To the God of Ruin malice, as if reduced many and many. 情绪之神呆呆的看着小绿回到小紫怀中,看着两位至高神紧紧的拥抱在一起,在这一瞬,他心中却并不是绝望,而是一种奇异的感觉。对毁灭之神的恶感,似乎降低了许多、许多。 Life Goddess a moment ago that summon, no doubt melted God of Emotion finally strikes, but similarly, has saved his life. 生命女神刚才那一声呼唤,固然化解了情绪之神的最后一击,但同样的,也救了他的性命。 If that struck has hit, God of Ruin may be injured, failed in this battle, but, the perfect combustion Flame of God God of Emotion in that case, must die without doubt. backlash of God of Ruin own Ruin thought that overdrawing of his own combustion Flame of God, makes him disappear from this world in addition sufficiently thoroughly. 如果那一击真的命中了,毁灭之神或许会受伤,在这场争斗中失败,但是,完全燃烧了神之火焰情绪之神在那种情况下,必死无疑。毁灭之神自身毁灭意念的反噬,加上他自身燃烧神之火焰的透支,足以让他从这个世界彻底泯灭。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------------------- Told everybody a good news, the book number of our God Realm legend has gotten down finally, it is expected that in June about can meet with everybody, threw in the super big gift parcel! Gives in vain. Only is the back coupling book friend. 告诉大家一个好消息,我们神界传说的书号终于下来了,预计六月中左右就可以和大家见面了,附赠超级大礼包哦!白送的。只为回馈书友。
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