DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#64: Never forgetting

Until that day, in the Sea God lake of Douluo Continent Shrek Institute, in that Sea God lake at Sea God reason being on intimate terms congress, she, as soon as raids the long skirt, comes to me. When saw her portrait that flickers, he as if really turned into the fool, is only her fool. 直到那一天,在斗罗大陆史莱克学院的海神湖上,在那一场海神湖上海神缘的相亲大会上,她一袭长裙,向我迎面而来。当看到她真容的那一瞬,他仿佛真的变成了傻瓜,只属于她的傻瓜。 A glare from the sky flashes through, the sword of that strange Emotion, is infiltrating unceasing missing, welcomed empties to cut. 一道强光在空中闪过,那奇异的情绪之剑,浸润着不断的思念,迎空而斩。 In the sky, as if has seven color lightnings to fall together. 天空中,仿佛有一道七彩闪电落下。 Ruin dragon volume of lift-off stiffly cuts to break, to leaning both ways, collapse. But that together seven color sword glow, straight falling above the God of Ruin top of the head. 升空的毁灭龙卷硬生生的从中一斩而断,向两边倒下、崩溃。而那一道七彩剑芒,笔直的落在了毁灭之神头顶上方。 God of Ruin as if complete delay, whatever that sword falls. His body trembled slightly, that handle seven color light swords changed into the purple black, then collapses slowly, Ruin, changes into the nihility. 毁灭之神似乎完全呆滞了,任由那一剑落下。他的身体略微颤动了一下,那柄七彩光剑就化为了紫黑色,然后缓缓崩溃、毁灭,化为虚无。 High God eventually is High God, even if God of Emotion already 200% displays own strength, before him, eventually Class One God! 至高神终究是至高神,哪怕是情绪之神已经200的发挥着自己的实力,在他面前,也终究还是一级神诋啊! However, at this time only then God of Ruin, understand own feeling. 但是,此时只有毁灭之神自己,才明白自身的感受。 The attack of God of Emotion, Divine Power definitely is unable to injure to his, Emotion that but, in that attack contains, actually infected him. 情绪之神的攻击,神力是完全无法伤害到他的,但是,那攻击中蕴含的情绪,却还是感染了他。 In this God Realm, can affect God of Ruin Emotion only, has his wife, Life Goddess. 在这神界之中,唯一能够影响毁灭之神情绪的,就只有他的妻子,生命女神 Thinking Dong Fist, Recalling Dong Sword. Under two strike, Emotion of that missing, is ordinary just like the web, emerges in God of Ruin Divine Soul world. 思冬拳,念冬剑。两击之下,那思念的情绪,宛如钻心一般,涌入毁灭之神神魂世界之中。 Even if God of Ruin divine sense formidable such as deep pool like prison, in this moment, was infected as before. 哪怕是毁灭之神神识强大的如渊如狱,在这一刻,也依旧受到了感染。 God of Emotion divine sense, the book is in God Realm god extremely formidable existence, initially, he when Douluo Continent, was still famous on according to formidable mental power. 情绪之神神识,本就是神界神诋中极为强大的存在,当初,他还在斗罗大陆上时,就以强大的精神力著称。 Under when at this moment, his mental power bursts out comprehensively, is burning Flame of God, is burning his own emotion, blooms apex that missing, can not affect God of Ruin? 此时此刻,当他的精神力全面迸发之下,燃烧着神之火焰,燃烧着他自身的情感,将那思念绽放到极致,又怎能不影响到毁灭之神呢? Missing! Misses this Emotion, as if very long had not appeared in own heart. 思念!思念这种情绪,似乎已经很久没有在自己心中出现过了。 Still remembers that first missing, is when? 还记得第一次思念,是什么时候? In the God of Ruin mind is somewhat absent-minded. 毁灭之神脑海中有些恍惚。 That seems she smiles to me. Yes, that time, she has smiled toward me, she smiles, good beautifully and quite to be really beautiful. Good to like with her in the together feeling. Only then with her in the same place, the Ruin thought in my heart will downplay several points. Only then with her in the same place, I can feel the meaning of life. 那似乎是她向我笑的时候。是的,那一次,她朝着我笑了,她笑的,真的好美、好美。好喜欢和她在一起的感觉。只有和她在一起,我心中的毁灭意念才会淡化几分。只有和她在一起,我才能感受到生命的意义。 That time thinks her really very much, therefore, round trip looked for her, searches her. Finally saw her. Saw that she is really good! Really good and be very good. 那次真的很想她,所以后来去找了她,去寻觅她。终于见到她了。见到她真好啊!真的很好、很好。 She said that making me call her little green, she called me little purple. Why this before I should think that the funny name, said from her mouth, that warm? little green, is quite lovable, really quite adorable! 她说,让我叫她小绿,她就叫我小紫。为什么这在以前我应该觉得好笑的称呼,从她嘴里说出来,就是那么的温馨呢?小绿,好可爱,真的好可爱啊! Afterward, she has become my little green, I can finally with her day and night in the same place. For her, I am willing to give up that Ruin in heart, she is I to loving wife. 后来,她成了我的小绿,我终于能够和她日日夜夜都在一起了。为了她,我愿意放弃心中的那份毁灭,她是我至爱的妻。 God of Ruin that pair of scarlet eye pupil, became in this moment gentle, like the water, in his eye pupil, seemed producing an inverted image gently the Life Goddess form. 毁灭之神那双猩红色的眼眸,在这一刻变得温柔了,温柔如水,在他的眼瞳中,似乎倒映着生命女神的身影。 As if felt that anything, Life Goddess also happen to went to him the vision at this time, looks at his pair of scarlet eye pupil, the look becomes incomparably gentle. 仿佛感觉到了什么,生命女神也正好在这个时候将目光投向他,看着他那双猩红色的眼眸,眼神变得无比温柔。 Similarly is High God, she knows certainly that received the disturbance of God of Emotion Emotion in this time God of Ruin, was, at this time, pointed to the conscience, he was thinking me, was missing. Person who he misses, is I. 同样是至高神,她当然知道,在这个时候毁灭之神是受到了情绪之神情绪的干扰,可是,也正是在这个时候,才更加直指本心,他在想我,也在思念。他思念的人,是我。 little purple, that silly little purple. 小紫,那个傻傻的小紫 That time, he looks for me, his silly standing visits me before me, actually anything does not dare to say. 那次,他来找我,他傻乎乎的站在我面前看着我,却什么都不敢说。 Until I asked him, you asked me to do. He said that he comes to see me. 直到我问他,你来找我干什么。他才说,他就是来看看我。 His appearance, good silly and quite to be really silly. He is representing Ruin, Ruin all Ruin, are, before me, his Ruin as if collapsed. I like looking appearance that his Ruin collapses, because, only then at that time, I can feel he most sincere thing. 他的样子,真的好傻、好傻。他代表着毁灭,毁灭一切的毁灭,可是,在我面前,他的毁灭似乎崩溃了。我喜欢看他毁灭崩溃的样子,因为,只有在那个时候,我才能够感受到他最真挚的东西。 Not only Ruin creation reverse side, similarly, is the beginning that starts brand-new. I make him call me little green, I am willing to help him ask effect of Ruin on Divine Soul. 毁灭不只是创造的反面,同样,也是全新开始的起点。我让他叫我小绿,我愿意帮他拜托毁灭神魂的影响。 Thinks that he will snort contemptuously to this name, is, he actually probably very happy appearance. His that shy red look, in that moment, actually becomes extremely gentle. Perhaps, is staring of that flash, lets my heart, fell to the enemy. 原本以为,他会对这称呼嗤之以鼻,可是,他却好像很开心的样子。他那怕人的红色眼神,在那一刻,却变得极为温柔。或许,就是那一刹那的凝望,让我的心,沦陷了。 Life Goddess gentle looks at God of Ruin of distant place. 生命女神温柔的看着远处的毁灭之神 He is also crazily good overbearingly, he has the powerful authority **, but, even if this, he also as before is my little purple! 他疯狂也好、霸道也罢,他有着强盛的权力**,可是,就算是这样,他也依旧是我的小紫啊! I love, is little purple. He loves, is little green. 我爱的,是小紫。他爱的,是小绿 little purple......” Life Goddess muttered was thinking aloud, summon gently these two characters. 小紫……”生命女神喃喃的自言自语着,轻轻的呼唤出这两个字。 But also at this moment, in the sky, changes constantly, the double pupil of God of Emotion turned into seven colored, on the forehead, vertical eye does not know when has opened. 而也就在这时,天空中,风云变幻,情绪之神的双眸已经变成了七彩色,额头上,一只竖眼不知道什么时候已经睁开。 The black and white bi-color ray mix pesters in together, distinguishes the brand mark above his double palm, his double palm also promotes, the whole person under shine of seven color ray, turned into the black and white bi-color unexpectedly. 黑白双色光芒混合纠缠在一起,分别烙印在他双掌之上,他双掌同时推出,整个人在七彩光芒的映照下,竟然已经变成了黑白双色的。
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