DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#63: Thinks of such as Quan Yong

Divine Power fluctuation that God of Emotion sends out, for him is not anything. He is most senior one generation of God King, how God of Emotion again combustion Flame of God, has in the Divine Power aspect with his insurmountable gap disparity. 情绪之神身上散发出的神力波动,对他来说并不算什么。他乃是最为资深的一代神王,情绪之神就算再怎么燃烧神之火焰,在神力方面也有着和他不可逾越的鸿沟差距。 However, that sad Emotion that the God of Emotion body sends out, is more or less, has not the small influence to him. 但是,情绪之神身上散发出的那份悲伤情绪,却或多或少的,还是对他有着不小的影响。 Can affect High God, moreover is full of the Ruin thought High God Emotion, the Emotion fluctuation and Divine Soul fluctuation that it can be imagined, God of Emotion sends out at this time were intense. 能够影响到一位至高神,而且是充满毁灭意念的至高神情绪,可想而知,此时情绪之神散发出的情绪波动、神魂波动有多么强烈了。 God of Ruin lifts the hand suddenly, a palm empty presses. In his body front, presented one group of huge purple black photospheres immediately. This group of photosphere diameters have three meters fully, all over the body the purple black, dreary ray, just like is one group of Ruin storm compressions becomes. 毁灭之神猛然抬起手,一掌虚按而出。在他身体前方,顿时出现了一团巨大的紫黑色光球。这团光球直径足有三米,通体紫黑色,阴郁的光芒,宛如是一团毁灭风暴压缩而成的似的。 God of Emotion looks sadly, resolutely transfers from Butterfly God the vision, looks to God of Ruin, his right fist, shells at the same time. 情绪之神面露悲伤,毅然决然的将目光从蝶神身上挪移开来,重新看向毁灭之神,他的右拳,也在同一时刻轰击而出。 In this flash, in his heart surges thickly does not abandon and missing, was missing once and Butterfly God in the together tips. 在这一刹那,他心中涌起浓浓的不舍与思念,思念着自己曾经和蝶神在一起的点点滴滴。 On Douluo Continent, Butterfly God is dressed as a man, becomes his roommate. 斗罗大陆上,蝶神女扮男装,成为他的室友。 two people fights side-by-side, rises to challenges. 两人并肩作战,披荆斩棘。 The sentiment road is rough, experience life and death. 情路坎坷,经历生生死死。 Finally, the God Realm reunion, finally becomes the family companion. 最终,神界团聚,终成眷侣。 All these all, unceasingly gush out from the God of Emotion heart, change into purest missing and being in love. 这一切的一切,都不断从情绪之神心中喷薄而出,化为最纯粹的思念与爱恋。 Hao Dong Three Absolutes, the first type, Thinking Dong Fist! Thinks of such as Quan Yong. 浩冬三绝,第一式,思冬拳!思如泉涌。 A fist rumbles, does not have the world mutation, has, is only that endless missing. Gentle golden light, as if a pair wants to hold the both hands of spousal face, gently, gently is holding the face of Butterfly God. Even if separates instant, satisfying misses, is actually eternal. 一拳轰出,没有天地异变,有的,只是那无尽的思念。柔和的金光,仿佛一双想要捧住爱人面庞的双手,轻轻的、轻轻的捧着蝶神的面庞。哪怕分离只是刹那,可心中思念,却是永恒。 Thinking Dong Fist, thinks of such as Quan Yong, what missing is instant, is eternal. Instant eternal, time thought! Emotion apex! 思冬拳,思如泉涌,思念的是刹那,更是永恒。刹那永恒,时间意念!情绪极致 It looks like likes a moth to the flame general, God of Emotion, is bringing his powerful incomparable Flame of God, banged into that to be full of the Ruin thought in suddenly the terrifying purple black. 就像是飞蛾扑火一般,情绪之神,带着他那强盛无比的神之火焰,骤然撞入了那充满毁灭意念的恐怖紫黑色之中。 When he invests flash, the body of his whole person as if became torn to pieces. 当他投入其中的一瞬间,他整个人的身体仿佛都变得支离破碎了似的。 The Ruin thought of God of Ruin is formidable, presents all god, fully realized all. 毁灭之神毁灭意念何等强大,在场所有神诋,无不深知。 Life Goddess also brow tight wrinkle, pupil light tight is looking steadily at the God of Emotion situation. In her heart has filled guilty to Butterfly God, if God of Emotion dies in the God of Ruin hand again, then, this hatred, forever is unable to melt. 生命女神也不禁眉头紧皱,眸光紧紧的盯视着情绪之神的情况。她心中对蝶神已经充满了愧疚,如果情绪之神再死于毁灭之神手中,那么,这份仇恨,就将永远也无法化解了。 Bang “轰隆隆” The large explosion appeared in the next quarter. When the explosion appears previous flickers, in the blood red eye pupil of God of Ruin, clearly revealed one vacant and delay. 大爆炸在下一刻出现了。当爆炸出现的前一瞬,毁灭之神的血红色眼眸中,分明流露出了一丝茫然与呆滞。 The Ruin storm in this case changes into one group of purple black tornado to shoot up to the sky, but together form, was flung outrageously from that Ruin dragon volume. 毁灭风暴就在这种情况下化为一团紫黑色的龙卷风冲天而起,而一道身影,也从那毁灭龙卷之中被悍然甩出。 „Did he clash unexpectedly?” God of Ice inconceivable looks at present this. When God of Emotion breaks in that Ruin photosphere, all of them believe that God of Emotion ended, forever left this world. “他竟然冲出来了?”冰神不可思议的看着眼前这一幕。当情绪之神冲入那毁灭光球的时候,他们所有人都认为,情绪之神已经完了,永远的离开这个世界了。 But who thinks that the flash, God of Emotion unexpectedly stiffly has broken the Ruin photosphere, this is the matter that their these Class One God self-examine unable to achieve! That Ruin photosphere seems simple, but is actually the source Ruin thought of God of Ruin. Although God of Ruin is rampant, when opposing the enemy will not be negligent. 可谁想到,就只是那么一瞬间,情绪之神竟然硬生生的破开了毁灭光球,这可是他们这些一级神诋都自问做不到的事情啊!那毁灭光球看上去简单,但却是毁灭之神的本源毁灭意念所化。毁灭之神虽然嚣张,但对敌之时却绝不会大意的。 The body in the airborne extreme twist, as if came under the influence of storm whirlpool, the Emotion fluctuation that but, the God of Emotion body sends out even more was powerful. 身体在空中急速旋转着,仿佛是受到了风暴旋涡的影响,但是,情绪之神身上散发出的情绪波动却越发强盛了。 Is as before stable in his behind seven big God Spirit, moreover each becomes extra clear. 在他身后的七大神灵依旧稳固,而且每一位都变得额外清晰。 Observing Class One God are very clear, when these seven big God Spirit all turn into the entity, means that they have cut off and relation of God of Emotion thoroughly, means God of Emotion forever left this world. 观战的一级神诋们都很清楚,当这七大神灵全都变成实体时,也就意味着,它们彻底切断了和情绪之神的联系,意味着情绪之神永远的离开这个世界了。 The sword glow in this flickers to shoot up to the sky together, the sword glow assumes seven colors, is actually not Element Peeling blade such ray, seven colors pester mutually, in you have in me and me to have you, each color, has been full of the strange sense of reality. Also is flooding thick Emotion. 一道剑芒就在这一瞬冲天而起,剑芒呈七彩,却并非元素剥离刀那样的光芒,七种颜色相互纠缠,你中有我、我中有你,每一种颜色,都充满了奇异的质感。又充斥着浓浓的情绪 Sword glow startled day, God of Emotion lyrical sound along with it resounding. 剑芒惊天,情绪之神充满感情的声音随之响起。 „The second type, Recalling Dong Sword, never forgets!” “第二式,念冬剑,念念不忘!” Missing is a very profound thing! Passing all, already deep brand mark in his Divine Soul. 思念是一种很玄的东西!过往的一切,早已深深的烙印在他神魂之中。 In God Realm these days, he and she, throughout in same place, even if passing the lightest day, for them, is happiest. 神界这些日子里,他和她,始终在一起,哪怕过着最平淡的日子,对他们来说,都是最为甜蜜的。 The pupil of sending and pink-blue of that pink-blue, that outstandingly beautiful appearance and endless gentleness, each point and each second, are infiltrating his mind. 粉蓝色的发、粉蓝色的眸,那绝色容颜、无尽的温柔,每一分、每一秒,都在浸润着他的心灵。 On the face revealed a light smile, God of Emotion as if returned to itself and Butterfly God day on Douluo Continent. 脸上流露出一丝淡淡的微笑,情绪之神仿佛又回到了自己和蝶神斗罗大陆上的日子。 That little while, oneself really quite silly! No wonder she afterward called my fool. Really is the fool. The big beautiful women of side peonies did not know that also treats as the man her unexpectedly, regards the good friend. 那会儿,自己真的好傻啊!难怪她后来叫我傻瓜。真的是傻瓜呢。身边一直有一位国色天香的大美女都不自知,竟然还将她当做男人,当成好友。
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