DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#71: Son's strength

Sea God sighed: „Are you very curious, how do I untie the seal that your should unable to untie? I said a moment ago, something you did not understand, therefore, you are unable to judge. Unties my seal, is not I.” 海神叹息道:“你是不是很好奇,我是如何解开你那根本不应该能够解开的封印的?我刚才说了,有些事情你不了解,所以,你无从判断。解开我封印的,并不是我自己。” Such remarks, God of Ruin one startled, isn't the seal that Sea God untie? The seal under his institute, even if Life Goddess cannot untie! Only if there are to cultivate for can dominate above them, surmounts existence of High God, has the possibility of melting. Did God Realm, when have this type to exist greatly? 此言一出,毁灭之神不禁一惊,不是海神自己解开的封印?他所下的封印,就算是生命女神也解不开啊!除非有修为能够凌驾于他们之上,超越至高神的存在,才有化解的可能。神界,什么时候有这种大能存在了? He astonished inexplicable when looks to Sea God, sees, is actually the gentleness in Sea God look. 他惊异莫名的看向海神时,看到的,却是海神眼神中的温柔。 Helps me untie the seal, is not the big energy. Rather, my son.” “帮我解开封印的,不是什么大能。而是,我的儿子。” Um?” God of Ruin visits him puzzled. His son? Just was born son who? “嗯?”毁灭之神不解的看着他。他的儿子?刚出生的的儿子? Butterfly God in God of Emotion bosom calls out in alarm suddenly said: I knew.” 情绪之神怀中的蝶神突然惊呼道:“我知道了。” Sea God turns head to look to Butterfly God, shows a faint smile to him, in the look full is temperate, „, my daughter will know. Because, she has also experienced similar matter. After our god child was born, the child when was just born, will absorb God Realm sense power, completes fusion with this world. But bloodlines aura that in this process, the child body lends, can be just the same as own parents. I have used son's umbilical cord blood, with his umbilical cord blood, belonged to the strength of my bloodlines to inspire Sea God and Asura God god strength, thus let two big god by outside, but in eruption, thus has broken through your seal forcefully. Although your seal is strong, but always compares two god overlay the strengths.” 海神扭头看向蝶神,向他微微一笑,眼神中满是温和,“是的,我的女儿会知道的。因为,她也经历过类似的事情。当我们神诋的孩子出生后,孩子在刚出生的时候,会吸收神界念力,来完成与这个世界的融合。而在这个过程中,孩子身上散发出的血脉气息,会和自己的父母一模一样。我用了儿子的脐带血,用他脐带血之中,属于我的那份血脉之力引动了海神修罗神神诋的力量,从而让两大神诋由外而内的爆发,从而强行冲破了你的封印。你的封印虽强,但总还是比不过两名神诋叠加的力量的。” Listens to a Sea God such explanation, God of Ruin then to be suddenly enlighted, but the complexion also became cloudier. Yes, he does not have the child, naturally does not know this possible existence. Moreover, does not have child matter is he had abstained from, naturally will not have other god to mention before him. 海神这么一解释,毁灭之神这才恍然大悟,但脸色也变得更加阴沉了。是的,他没有孩子,当然不知道这种可能的存在。而且,没有孩子这件事一直是他十分忌讳的,自然也不会有其他神诋在他面前谈起。 „Was this you already calculated? No wonder on that day you were without a fight is so happy.” God of Ruin cold sound said. “这是你早就计算好的?难怪那天你束手就擒的那么痛快。”毁灭之神冷声说道。 Sea God actually shook the head, said: I, although knows possibility that this situation has, but is actually not I calculates. Because, I not calculate my wife and child. On that day, even if I do not know that this situation, industry will be without a fight similarly. I cannot brave Xiao Wu by the danger that you injure. Does not fear everybody to laugh, in my heart, my wife and child, even is more important than entire God Realm. From this point, I truly am not qualified Ruler. What a pity, you are not.” 海神却摇了摇头,道:“我虽然知道这种情况存在的可能,但却并不是我计算好的。因为,我不会将自己的妻子和孩子计算在内。那天,就算我不知道这种情况,业同样会束手就擒的。我不能冒着小舞被你伤害的危险。不怕大家笑话,在我心中,我的妻子、孩子,甚至比整个神界更加重要。从这一点来说,我确实不是一个合格的掌权者。可惜,你也不是。” Speaking of the last few words time, the Sea God sound suddenly became severe, coldly looks at God of Ruin, you for the one's own selfish interests, take risked to expand the God Realm several fold, making God Realm frail. You may know that like this continues, once God Realm the bitter experience crisis, definitely will break? By that time, all god will meet with a disaster. Perhaps god of our level can live, but second-level, Class Three God, actually must die without doubt. You may once tell your supporters, will have such situation to appear?” 说到最后一句话的时候,海神的声音骤然变得严厉起来,冷冷的看着毁灭之神,“你为了一己之私,冒险将神界数倍扩张,使得神界变得脆弱。你可知道,这样继续下去,神界一旦遭遇危机,必然会破碎吗?到那时候,所有神诋都会遭殃。或许我们这个层次的神诋能够活下来,但二级、三级神诋,却是必死无疑。你可曾告诉过你的支持者们,会有这样的情况出现?” Listened to Sea God these words, God of Ruin behind that over a hundred second-level, Class Three God, the complexion immediately becomes ugly. 听了海神这句话,毁灭之神身后的那上百名二级、三级神诋们,脸色顿时都变得难看起来。 In God Realm, ruler, although is God Realm Council, but must say the quantity, is second-level, Class Three God are most. Once God Realm was shattered, must first meet with a disaster is they, because they simply do not have the strength to go in the space outside God Realm to survive. 神界之中,统治者虽然是神界委员会,但要说数量,还是二级、三级神诋最多。神界一旦破碎,首先要遭殃的就是他们,因为他们根本没有力量去在神界之外的宇宙空间中生存。 One of God of Ruin in void step steps forward, the powerful Ruin thought changes into a handle great hammer, directly soars the Sea God bombardment to go. He cannot make Sea God shake military morale like this. 毁灭之神在虚空中一步跨出,强盛的毁灭意念化为一柄巨锤,直奔海神轰击而去。他不能让海神在这样动摇军心了。 In the Sea God hand golden trident lifts, a golden aperture blooms, blocks the hammer of Ruin. 海神手中黄金三叉戟抬起,一个金色光圈绽放而出,将毁灭之锤挡住。 Gives up, Ruin, you receive the hand now also with enough time. God Realm that we diligently, will expand together compresses, even if cannot return to the original condition, drains some sense power, can recover some finally.” “罢手吧,毁灭,你现在收手还来得及。我们一起努力,将扩张的神界重新压缩回来,就算回不到原来的状态,流失一些念力,总算还是能够补救一些。” God of Ruin coldly replied: Wants me to receive the hand, first won me to say again. Depending on you, how to oppose with our these many god. Right, I acknowledged that the situation that you said truly is exists, but, the risk is bigger, the income is also bigger, if I can expand successfully God Realm, follows these god that I move together, I can guarantee that they have the possibility in liter position. To get the huge interests, doesn't take a danger to be how good?” 毁灭之神冷冷的道:“想要我收手,先赢了我再说。凭你一个人,如何与我们这么多神诋作对。没错,我承认,你说的情况确实是存在的,但是,风险越大,收益也就越大,如果我能够将神界扩张成功,跟随我一起行动的这些神诋,我能够保证他们都有升位的可能。想要获得巨大的利益,不冒点险怎么行?” Seven big Original Sin God(s) and God of Destruction, have flown God of Ruin slowly behind, expressed to his support. 七大原罪神破坏神,已经缓缓的飞到了毁灭之神身后,表示了对他的支持。 On did the warship, want to be also easier said than done? Possibility that they now, again have not chosen. 上了战船,想要下来又谈何容易?他们现在,已经没有再选择的可能了。 Sea God light [say / way]: Thought so that must begin, can solve the present all?” 海神淡淡的道:“这么看,必须要动手,才能解决眼前的一切了?” God of Ruin visits him proudly, „, you think can win us to be inadequate really by you?” 毁灭之神傲然看着他,“难道,你真的认为凭借你一个人就能赢了我们所有人不成?” Sea God shook the head, said: „The strength of individual is forever tiny, even if to us is also so. I unconsciously can certainly my strength be able to defeat you, but, I am not a person am always fighting!” 海神摇了摇头,道:“个体的力量永远是渺小的,哪怕对我们来说也是如此。我当然不觉得以我个人的力量就能够战胜你们,但是,我始终都不是一个人在战斗啊!”
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