DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#58: Element Peeling blade

Why this is also Original Sin God(s) and element god they mostly oppresses others by the potential, because they did not have what fight skill to say, presents the fight in God Realm possibly was too few, are too really few. Moreover, by their Divine Power, facing ordinary god, oppresses others by the potential is also the simplest direct means. 这也是为什么原罪神、元素神他们大多都是以势压人,因为他们本来就没有什么战斗技巧可言,在神界出现战斗的可能实在是太少、太少了。而且,以他们的神力,面对普通神诋,以势压人也是最简单直接的办法。 Presents in these god, Rong Nianbing, God of Destruction and Butterfly God, God of Emotion, from the mortal world liter into God Realm. And, God of Emotion and Butterfly God most late rise into God Realm, they in the combat capability and fight skill on Douluo Continent obtaining, all memory firmly in mind. Especially mysterious Divine Soul Fusion Technique, is so. 在场这些神诋之中,融念冰破坏神蝶神,情绪之神,都是从人间升入神界的。其中,情绪之神蝶神是最晚升入神界的,他们在斗罗大陆上获得的战斗能力、战斗技巧,全都牢牢的记忆在脑海之中。尤其是神奇的神魂融合技,也是如此。 Initially under God of Emotion can besiege to clash from many Original Sin God(s), is therefore. 当初情绪之神能够从多位原罪神围攻之下冲出来,也是因此。 This point, not only Rong Nianbing and element gods are clear, Original Sin God(s) also clear. Therefore, after their great formation arranges, the priority target, naturally is copes with God of Emotion, the attention also on God of Emotion. 这一点,不只是融念冰和元素神们清楚,原罪神也清楚的很。所以,当他们大阵摆下之后,首要目标,自然就是对付情绪之神,注意力也都在情绪之神身上。 God of Emotion use also this point, through releasing Divine Soul Fusion Technique Golden Road, he opens a circuit to lead the numerous element god to escape, Original Sin God(s) catches them by great formation. First must cope, naturally is he. 情绪之神利用的也正是这一点,通过释放神魂融合技黄金之路,他开辟一条通路带着众位元素神远遁,原罪神凭借大阵将他们抓回来。第一个要对付的,也自然是他。 Facts showed that the God of Emotion battle efficiency is actually strong, even if relying on Original Sin God(s) Divine Punishment Descent Great Formation, God of Greed cannot profit completely. This also attracted other Original Sin God(s) attention. 事实证明,情绪之神的战斗力却是超强,哪怕是凭借着原罪神降临神罚大阵,贪婪之神也没能完全占到便宜。这也就更吸引了其他原罪神的注意力。 But they actually do not know that true killing incurs not on God of Emotion, when God of Emotion starts all these, Rong Nianbing as well as Seven Elements God, already gathered the strength in behind. Certainly did not pay attention while Original Sin God(s), completes fatally this has killed struck. 可他们却并不知道,真正的杀招并不在情绪之神身上,当情绪之神来发动这一切的时候,融念冰以及七大元素神,早就在后面蓄力了。趁着原罪神们不注意,完成了这致命绝杀的一击。 Rong Nianbing is previous generation God of Emotion, own strength is quite formidable, rises into God Realm from humanity world. He excels at controlling the strength of seven element, is quite profound regarding the comprehensions of seven elements. Why this is also he and element god is the reason of good friend. 融念冰是上一代情绪之神,自身实力极为强大,也是从人类世界上升入神界之中的。他擅长于操控七种元素之力,对于七元素的领悟极为深刻。这也是为什么他和元素神是好友的原因。 At this time, obtains seven elemental gods at the same time amplification, quite therefore has concentrated eight Class One God strengths. This strikes, even if in God Realm, described with the earth-shaking four characters sufficiently. 此时,得到七位元素神的同时增幅,相当于是集中了八位一级神诋的实力。这一击,哪怕是在神界之中,也足以用石破天惊四个字来形容。 The seven colors of the spectrum element blade cuts, immediately world discoloration, Original Sin God(s) Divine Punishment Descent Great Formation stiffly was cut an opening. This strikes, even has surmounted the prestige energy that High God has struck fully. 七色元素刀斩出,顿时天地色变,原罪神降临神罚大阵硬生生的被斩出了一道口子。这一击,甚至已经超越了至高神全力一击的威能。 The God of Greed favorite face becomes twisted instantaneously, the distortion adds on the shock, he completely lost to at present all judgments, only thought that the death as if really must arrive, own God Position must break. 贪婪之神原本得意的面庞瞬间就变得扭曲起来,扭曲加上震惊,他已经完全失去了对眼前一切的判断,只觉得死亡仿佛真的就要降临了,就连自己的神位都要随之破碎了似的。 Rong Nianbing this blade, seems is the strength of seven element, but was only covered God of Greed to feel truly that this in fact, is pure Element Peeling! 融念冰这一刀,看上去是七元素之力,但只有被笼罩其中的贪婪之神才能真正感觉到,这实际上,是纯粹的元素剥离啊! mortal world or God Realm, form the world foundation, is the elements, but the density and purity are different. But Rong Nianbing this blade, must all peelings, terrifying Element Peeling, this is existence of ultra divine skill, can clear seeing, send out Rong Nianbing of this blade, the hair instantaneously originally became from golden color gray, obviously this blade to his consumption was giant. 无论是人间还是神界,构成世界的基础,都是元素,只不过浓度和纯净度不同而已。而融念冰这一刀,就是要将一切剥离,恐怖的元素剥离,这是超神技的存在,能够清楚的看到,发出这一刀的融念冰,头发瞬间就从原本的金色变得花白了,可见这一刀对他的消耗是何等巨大。 In the upper air, the God of Ruin discoloration, leaves that flash of blade he to know in Rong Nianbing excitedly, even if stands in the God of Greed position, impossible the whole body under this blade to draw back. 高空之中,毁灭之神勃然色变,在融念冰出刀的那一瞬间他就知道,就算是自己站在贪婪之神的位置,也不可能在这一刀之下全身而退。 No wonder, no wonder Sea God will make this Rong Nianbing go into hiding not to leave God Realm, originally, he with the coordination of element god, can actually display the so terrifying strength, although has strength of the striking, was enough. 难怪,难怪海神会让这融念冰隐匿起来没有离开神界,原来,他在元素神的配合下,竟然能够发挥出如此恐怖的战力,虽然只有一击之力,却也是足够了。 One look like, pulled rank. 自己看来,真的托大了。 In the God of Ruin heart regretted, but, at this time, the regret was useless at present. He does not have the means to prevent all these occurrences. 毁灭之神心中不无懊悔,但是,在眼前这个时候,后悔已经没用了。他根本就没办法阻止这一切的发生。 God of Greed under this blade, must perish, perhaps not only that great formation also will be torn to pieces cutting edge, making these Class One God run away. 贪婪之神在这一刀之下,必然是要殒灭的,不仅如此,大阵恐怕也会被撕破一刀口子,让这些一级神诋逃遁。 The air, as if completely coagulated in this moment, entire God Realm is waiting for true arrival of this blade. 空气,在这一刻仿佛已经完全凝固,整个神界都在等待着这一刀的真正降临。 However, unexpected situation appeared. 但是,令人意想不到的情况出现了。 Six dark ray, change into six Daoist believers suddenly light, almost instantaneously shifts general, appears behind God of Greed. Each lifts own both arms, the double palm brand mark on front one, six god strengths, folds puts together, is ordinary just like the mighty waves, finally spreads to God of Greed within the body. 六道暗色光芒,突然化为六道流光,几乎是瞬间转移一般,出现在贪婪之神背后。他们每一位都抬起自己的双臂,将双掌烙印在前方一位身上,六名神诋的力量,叠加在一起,宛如波涛一般,最终传入贪婪之神体内。 In an instant, seven dark ray simultaneously greatly Sheng, the sky also becomes dim, this time, is pure dim, does not have any color emergence again. 刹那间,七种暗色光芒同时大盛,天空也变得一片昏暗,这一次,是纯粹的昏暗,再没有任何一种颜色出现。 Greedy on God of Greed face vanished. 贪婪之神脸上的贪婪消失了。 The envy on God of Envy face disappeared. 妒忌之神脸上的妒忌泯灭了。 Having a greedy appetite on God of Gluttony face disappears. 贪食之神脸上的贪食不见了。 On God of Lust face ** was holy. **之神脸上的**圣洁了。 Sloth on God of Sloth face did not have. 懒惰之神脸上的懒惰没有了。 Angry nihility on God of Wrath face. 愤怒之神脸上的愤怒虚无了。 The arrogance on God of Pride face changes into humbly. 傲慢之神脸上的傲慢化为谦逊。 In this flash, the faces of seven Original Sin God(s), become incomparably serious, the unprecedented holy aura, appears on them unexpectedly. In this moment, they as if no longer are the evil gods, but is the sacred symbol. 在这一刹那,七位原罪神的面庞,都变得无比严肃,前所未有的圣洁气息,竟然在他们身上出现。在这一刻,他们似乎已经不再是邪神,而是神圣的象征。 Seven colors of the spectrum ray changes into the mighty waves to be ordinary, finally condenses on God of Greed, God of Greed that was dark golden Divine Power to transfer Sheng suddenly, changes into purely the enchanting golden color. 七色光芒化为波涛一般,最终凝聚在贪婪之神身上,贪婪之神那原本暗金色的神力骤然转盛,化为纯粹炫丽的金色。
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