DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#59: We are, god!

The tongue of freeze takes back instantaneously, springs again suddenly, the forefront, one group of powerful golden light burst out, hit maliciously on the Element Peeling blade. 冻结的舌头瞬间收回,再骤然弹出,最前端,一团强盛的金光迸发,狠狠的撞击在元素剥离刀上。 Buzz low and deep buzz whining noise, bursts out by the core of that collision outward. In this flash, entire God Realm as if likely disintegrated generally. “嗡”低沉的嗡鸣声,以那碰撞的核心向外迸发。在这一瞬间,整个神界仿佛都像是分崩离析了一般。 Float in seven Original Sin God(s) behind over a hundred second-level, Class Three God, scatters in all directions to flutter about in the terror Divine Power turbulent flow all, each becomes the face whiten, body Divine Power dissipates. 悬浮在七位原罪神身后的上百位二级、三级神诋们,无不在恐怖的神力乱流之中四散纷飞,每一位都变得脸色苍白,身上神力逸散。 In the upper air, God of Ruin and Life Goddess also respectively transform a glare, protects oneself. On two High God faces, revealed the inconceivable color, looks under, dumbfounded. 高空之中,毁灭之神生命女神也都各自幻化出一道强光,护住自身。两位至高神脸上,都流露出了不可思议之色,都看着下方,呆住了。 Not far away God of Emotion, was flown by a great strength ball similarly, the straight hit in the God Forbidden Land central old castle, this stands firm the personal appearance. Purple gold color mail-armor and helmet actually changes into Daoist believers light, changes into Butterfly God, face whiten walking arm in arm in the God of Emotion bosom. 不远处的情绪之神,也同样被一股巨力弹飞,笔直的撞击在神之禁地中央的古堡上,这才稳住身形。身上的紫金色甲胄却化为道道流光,重新化为蝶神,脸色苍白的依偎在情绪之神怀中。 Golden color with seven colored, next one flickers erupts once more. Terrifying turbulent flow crazy is sweeping across the surrounding all, the sky turned into a huge Divine Power whirlpool suddenly. Terrifying is tearing the surrounding all. Even if two High God, has to escape instantaneously. 金色与七彩色,下一瞬再次爆发。恐怖的乱流疯狂的席卷着周围的一切,天空骤然变成了一个巨大的神力旋涡。恐怖的撕扯着周围的一切。哪怕是两位至高神,也不得不在瞬间远遁。 But also luckily, seven Original Sin God(s) and seven elemental gods, in addition Rong Nianbing, with joint forces holds the upper air this whirlpool, otherwise, presents other second-level, Class Three God, will be no exception. 但也幸好,七位原罪神七位元素神,再加上融念冰,合力将这旋涡托上高空,否则的话,在场其他二级、三级神诋,将无一幸免。 The terrifying Divine Power storm has continued several minutes, gradually diverges. 恐怖的神力风暴足足持续了数分钟之久,才渐渐散去。 The Element Peeling blade in Rong Nianbing hand already completely shatter, he and seven elemental gods, were all shaken depart hundred meters, each is the corners of the mouth overflowing blood, the Divine Power nihility, obviously by heavily wound. 融念冰手中的元素剥离刀已经完全破碎,他与七位元素神,全都被震飞出百米,每一位都是口角溢血,神力虚无,显然是受到了不轻的创伤。 On seven Original Sin God(s) was sparkling the glare vanished, but they actually all are the aura stabilities, quick returned to normal. Vision brilliant looks at the element gods in distant place. 七位原罪神身上原本闪耀着的强光消失了,但他们却全都是气息稳定,很快就恢复了正常。目光灼灼的看着远处的元素神们。 original sin of their respective representative, have not reappeared above the face again, look on each face is as before serious and sacred. Looks at numerous position god of distant place, is very tranquil. 他们各自代表的原罪,并没有再浮现于面庞之上,每一位脸上的神色依旧严肃、神圣。看着远方的众位神诋,十分平静。 God of Emotion moves sideways, supports Rong Nianbing that the body from the sky creakies, on the face full is the inconceivable color. 情绪之神一闪身,扶住身体在空中摇摇欲坠的融念冰,脸上满是不可思议之色。 He believes that his plan was very perfect. All that but, presents at present, actually completely surpass the possibility that he has sentenced in advance. 他自认为,自己的计划已经十分完善了。可是,眼前出现的一切,却完全超出了他预判的可能。 Aren't they seven Original Sin God(s)? Everyone is representing original sin, they should be selfish! But, why at crucial moments, actually doesn't hesitate all each other help? Must know that facing the Element Peeling blade, has slightly carelessly, they brightly will definitely fall from the sky! Braves the danger that falls from the sky to assist other people, is this matter that the evil empathize handles? 他们不是七位原罪神么?每个人都代表着一种原罪,他们应该是自私的啊!可是,为什么在关键时刻,却不惜一切的彼此帮助呢?要知道,面对元素剥离刀,稍有不慎,他们必然会有神陨落啊!冒着陨落的危险去协助他人,这是邪神会做的事情么? Is God of Greed of head practices to reveal a smile, pair of dark golden pupil light as if understands thoroughly the heart to gaze at God of Emotion generally, light [say / way]: „It is not clear, why when facing the life and death crisis, they will help me?” 为首的贪婪之神练上流露出一丝微笑,一双暗金色的眸光仿佛洞彻心扉一般注视着情绪之神,淡淡的道:“是不是不明白,为什么在面对生死危机的时候,他们会帮助我?” God of Emotion subconscious nod, on the face full is the puzzled color. 情绪之神下意识的点了点头,脸上满是不解之色。 God of Greed gives a calm smile, said: That is because, we are Original Sin God(s), but is not original sin, the absence of one word, the day leaves badly.” 贪婪之神淡然一笑,道:“那是因为,我们是原罪神,而不是原罪,一字之差,天差地别。” Listened to his such saying, God of Emotion finally to understand, on the face revealed the color of being annoyed immediately. 听他这么一说,情绪之神终于明白了,脸上顿时流露出懊恼之色。 Yes! They are Original Sin God(s), but is not original sin. Absence of one word, different. 是啊!他们是原罪神,而不是原罪。一字之差,天差地远。 what Weishen? The god is controls himself to control all existences. For example oneself, as God of Emotion, control is Emotion. Then, Original Sin God(s)? They control naturally was original sin, but by no means was in itself original sin, their itself, were god! 何为神?神是掌控自己所掌控一切的存在。譬如自己,身为情绪之神,掌控的就是情绪。那么,原罪神呢?他们掌控的自然就是原罪了,而并非本身是原罪,他们的本身,还是神诋啊! As god, their actions, control, as god, they absorb world of mortals type original sin sense power. 身为神诋,他们所作所为,都是掌控,身为神诋,他们只是吸收下界这一类型的原罪念力而已。 God of Greed, by no means really greedy, all that he usually displays, all that but the sense power effect as well as he controls. Although his aura is disgusting, may in fact, he also as before be god. 贪婪之神,并非真的贪婪,他平时所表现出的一切,只是念力的效果以及他所掌控的一切。他身上的气息虽然让人厌恶,可实际上,他也依旧是神诋 Takes seriously the crisis arrives at time, similarly as god Original Sin God(s), naturally does not hesitate all rescues own partner. Because they are the gods, even if the evil god, is only the strength that they control is evil, is not their own evil. 当真正危机到来的时候,同样身为神诋原罪神们,自然是不惜一切的援救自己的伙伴。因为他们是神,哪怕是邪神,也只是他们掌控的力量邪恶,并非他们自身邪恶。 God of Emotion individual strength is actually formidable, but also because just he arrives at the God Realm time to be too short, is not very profound regarding the understanding of God Realm, therefore has leaked this point. 情绪之神的个人战力却是强大,但也正因他来到神界时间太短,对于神界的了解还不够深刻,所以才算漏了这一点。 As for Rong Nianbing and element gods, they are not do not know these, is, in situation, their not other possibilities of choice. Only then so, has the possibility of breakthrough. 至于融念冰、元素神们,他们并不是不知道这些,可是,在刚才的情况下,他们并没有其他选择的可能。只有如此,才有突破的可能。 But the present result, is certainly defeated. They were defeated finally. 而眼前的结果,当然是失败的。他们最终还是失败了。 Seven big Original Sin God(s), are having Original Sin God(s) Divine Punishment Descent Great Formation amplification, even if them are many Class One God to combine, as before is not the match. 七大原罪神,拥有着原罪神降临神罚大阵增幅,哪怕他们这边多了一位一级神诋组合,也依旧不是对手。 What seven big Original Sin God(s) consumptions is only Divine Punishment great formation Divine Power, but they consume, is actually own Divine Power. Under is in inverse proportion, high under stands sentences. At this time, seven elemental gods has all been injured, moreover Divine Power consumes greatly, the strength of war, approached in again not having. 七大原罪神消耗的只是神罚大阵神力,而他们消耗的,却是自身神力。此消彼长之下,高下立判。此时,七位元素神已经全都受伤,而且神力消耗巨大,再战之力,已经接近于无。 But seven Original Sin God(s), actually as before maintain complete. Necessity that this fight, had not continued again. They did not have any opportunity. 而七位原罪神,却依旧保持完好。这场战斗,已经没有再继续下去的必要了。他们已经没有了任何机会。
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