DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#57: Beginning

The God of Emotion numerous position god complexion immediately became even more ugly. Can see from this collision, under the function of great formation, the God of Greed strength has at least promoted close one time. Although cannot be High God such level, but also very approached. 情绪之神这边的众位神诋们脸色顿时变得越发难看了。从这一次碰撞就能看出,在大阵的作用下,贪婪之神的实力至少提升了接近一倍。虽然达不到至高神那样的层次,但也十分接近了。 Must know, at this time and Butterfly God synthesis God of Emotion, not only had eight rings light wheel, the body also brings to be the Sea God High God aura! In this case, he will be drawn back by a God of Greed palm bang unexpectedly, if has changed their other people, naturally is unable to contend. 要知道,此时与蝶神合体的情绪之神不只是拥有了八环光轮,身上还带着属于海神至高神气息啊!在这种情况下,他竟然都会被贪婪之神一掌轰退,如果换了他们其他人,自然就更加无法抗衡了。 God of Greed wicked looks at God of Emotion, boy, was you injured me a moment ago, this does not know that many years had not been injured, you must pay the price for all that you made a moment ago.” 贪婪之神恶狠狠的看着情绪之神,“小子,刚才就是你伤了我,本座已经不知道多少年没有受过伤害了,你一定要为你刚才所做的一切付出代价。” God of Emotion coldly looks at God of Greed, the sinking sound track: Do not think that you won.” At the same time was saying, he behind the light twinkle, the left leg steps forward one step, the right fist rumbles slowly. 情绪之神冷冷的看着贪婪之神,沉声道:“不要以为你赢了。”一边说着,他身后光影闪烁,左脚跨出一步,右拳缓缓轰出。 Immediately, is centered on his body, the sky as if must cave , a giant scorpion light glitters behind him. 顿时,以他的身体为中心,天空仿佛都要塌陷了似的,一只巨大的蝎子光影在他背后闪烁。 Presents all god, in this flash as if felt the anger in his innermost feelings, that angry Emotion was contaminating them, made Original Sin God(s) Divine Punishment Descent Great Formation slightly shiver unexpectedly. 在场所有神诋在这一瞬间仿佛都感受到了他内心之中的愤怒,那愤怒的情绪沾染着他们,竟然让原罪神降临神罚大阵都略微的颤动了一下。 God of Emotion, control Emotion! At this moment, releases from him, is angry Emotion! Angry! 情绪之神,掌控的正是情绪啊!此时此刻,从他身上释放出来的,就是愤怒的情绪!愤怒! God of Greed is cold snort|hum one, on the face reveals the greedy color similarly, opens mouth suddenly, loquacious puts out instantaneously, toward the God of Emotion ejection. 贪婪之神同样是冷哼一声,脸上流露出贪婪之色,猛然间张开嘴,一条长舌瞬间吐出,朝着情绪之神弹射而来。 „!” In resounding sound. God of Emotion these time was flown hundred meters by direct bang, the body from the sky delimits together enchanting Purple gold color ray. “啪!”脆响声中。情绪之神这一次被直接轰飞百米,身体在空中划出一道炫丽的紫金色光芒 However, that God of Greed does not feel better, he flies to shoot, but the tongue was almost instantaneously frozen stiff in airborne, turned into an icicle unable to take back, on his face the greedy and self-satisfied expression also instantaneously coagulated, was extending the long freeze tongue, the appearance was particularly strange. 但是,那贪婪之神也绝不好受,他飞射而出的舌头几乎是瞬间就冻僵在了空中,变成了一根冰柱无法收回,他脸上原本贪婪、得意的表情也是瞬间凝固了,伸着长长的冻结舌头,样子分外诡异。 Begins!” Rong Nianbing moved suddenly, his right hand wields forward, a handle strange long blade appears during he grasps. Reason that said that this handle long blade strange , because the long blade does not have the entity, but is congealed by seven colors of the spectrum ray. “动手!”融念冰突然动了,他右手向前挥出,一柄奇异的长刀出现在他掌握之中。之所以说这柄长刀奇异,是因为长刀并没有实体,而是由七色光芒凝结而成的。 Meanwhile, float stands unexpectedly rapidly in his behind seven elemental gods -and-a-half arcs, surrounds him in central, everyone stretches out a palm, empty pats Rong Nianbing. 与此同时,悬浮在他身后的七位元素神竟是迅速站成一个半弧形,将他围拢在中央,每个人都伸出一掌,虚拍融念冰 In the Rong Nianbing hand the long blade, blooms immediately the unequalled radiant brilliance, in this flash, his body, turned into seven colored, glitters insightfully, ray that the body sends out, even receiving great formation amplification seven Original Sin God(s) is more powerful. 融念冰手中长刀,顿时绽放出无与伦比的璀璨光彩,在这一瞬间,就连他自己的身体,都变成了七彩色的,通透而闪烁,身上散发出的光芒,甚至比受到大阵增幅的七位原罪神更加强盛。 His blade, hangs the corner/horn not to have the mark to be possible just like antelope to seek generally, fearful blade glow, actually in arrived in front of God of Greed instantaneously. 他这一刀,宛如羚羊挂角一般无迹可寻,可怕的刀芒,却在瞬间就到了贪婪之神面前。 This blade comes was really too sudden. When God of Greed catches them, seven Original Sin God(s) have encircled, their this time conditions are quite formidable, the one-to-one, steady victory match, pair of two achievement probabilities are very big. Therefore, they had not looked at seven elemental gods in the eye. But also this general idea, gave Rong Nianbing to create the opportunity. 这一刀来的实在是太突然了。当贪婪之神将他们重新抓回来的时候,七位原罪神就已经围了上来,他们此时的状态都极为强大,一对一,稳胜对手,一对二获胜几率都很大。所以,他们已经没有将七位元素神看在眼中了。但也正是这份大意,才给融念冰制造了机会。 A moment ago in running away, in fact Rong Nianbing passed through divine sense and God of Emotion ditch. 刚才在逃走的时候,实际上融念冰就通过神识情绪之神沟通过了。 They are very clear, in this Original Sin God(s) Divine Punishment Descent Great Formation, wants to escape is the countless sufferings and hardships. Only if breaks great formation. 他们都很清楚,在这原罪神降临神罚大阵之中,想要逃脱是千难万难的。除非将大阵破掉。 But wants to break through the enemy lines, two methods, either break the God Realm center in God Realm Council, either, is cuts to kill Original Sin God(s). 而想要破阵,有两个方法,要么就是破掉神界委员会之中的神界中枢,要么,就是斩杀一名原罪神 In great formation, wants to cut to kill Original Sin God(s) to be easier said than done? Their brothers, once does not discover wonderfully, immediately can rescue. Moreover present Original Sin God(s), the strength was quite fearful. Even if presents element god to collaborate to strike, Original Sin God(s) independent cannot resist, escapes or does not have the issue. 大阵之中,想要斩杀原罪神谈何容易?他们同气连枝,一旦发现不妙,立刻就能救援。而且现在的原罪神,实力已经极为可怕。就算是在场诸位元素神联手一击,原罪神单独一位就算抵挡不住,逃开还是没问题的。 Therefore, wants to run away truly, must take risk, but. 所以,想要真正逃出去,就必须要冒险而为了。 Therefore, all that before God of Emotion made, was actually is attracting seven big Original Sin God(s) attention. 因此,之前情绪之神所做的一切,其实都是在吸引七大原罪神的注意力。 If presents in all god, must discover one person who is good at fighting, then, perhaps belonged to God of Emotion. 如果说,在场所有神诋中,要找出一位最擅长战斗的人,那么,恐怕非情绪之神莫属了。 Although God of Emotion enters the God Realm time to be shortest, but in this aspect he actually absolutely is strongest . Moreover, also because he enters the God Realm time to be short, the combat capability and fight idea are most intrepid. 尽管情绪之神进入神界时间最短,但在这方面他却绝对是最强的,而且,也正是因为他进入神界的时间短暂,战斗能力和战斗理念才最为强悍。 Numerous position god on the scene, like seven big Original Sin God(s) and Seven Elements God, was God Realm just existed existed. In them, although also alternates, but is few, moreover was very remote matters. 在场的众位神诋之中,像七大原罪神七大元素神,都是神界刚刚存在的时候就已经存在的。他们之中,虽然也有更迭,但却很少,而且都是很久远的事情了。 On the other hand, from humanity world, which plane regardless of came from, rises into God Realm god, in the fight skill as well as the fight idea, god in God Realm want to be stronger than these. Because they must depend on unceasing fighting in the world of human beings, has to rise into God Realm to be possible. 相对来说,从人类世界之中,无论来自于哪个位面,升入神界神诋,在战斗技巧以及战斗理念上,都要比这些原本就在神界之中的神诋要强一些。因为他们在人界就是要靠不断的打拼,才有升入神界可能。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------------------- The T-shirt of God Realm legend dazzled world Tang Sect to get online in our Taobao Shops, everybody Taobao: The search dazzled world Tang Sect to find us. Five big High God add the Xiao Wu T-shirt. Hey. 神界传说的t恤在我们自己的淘宝店炫世唐门上线了哦,大家淘宝:搜索炫世唐门就能找到我们。五大至高神小舞的t恤哦。嘿嘿。
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