DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#54: The pardoned crime god arrives at infliction from god big

„Is this that Sea God card in a hand? In this point, I truly misjudged. This God of Emotion own strength, just arrived at the Class One God level, but itself and fusion of God of Emotion is very good. What is more important, his oneself fusion with the Wutong is close, after the two fuse, can actually make Divine Power have the sublimation, blooms more formidable battle efficiency, this truly has not thought. However, merely is this, Sea God wants to depend upon them to cope with me, that was too naive.” “这就是那海神的底牌吗?这一点上,我确实是失算了。这情绪之神自身的实力,也就是刚到一级神诋层面而已,但本身和情绪之神的融合却很好。更重要的是,他自身与舞桐的融合非常紧密,二者融合之后,竟然能够让神力产生升华,绽放出更加强大的战斗力,这确实是没有想到的。不过,仅仅是这样,海神就想要依靠他们对付我,那还是太天真了。” When God of Ruin was saying these, following God of Emotion began. 就在毁灭之神说着这些的时候,下面的情绪之神已经动手了。 In the mouth sends out the long and loud cry at the same time, he raises his arm suddenly, in the hand Golden Dragon Spear bursts out incomparably radiant golden brilliance immediately, that intense golden light, just like a lightning, next one flickers cuts the expansive sky. Directly soars the God of Greed electricity to shoot to go. 口中发出长啸的同时,他猛然扬起自己的手臂,手中黄金龙枪顿时迸发出无比璀璨的金色光彩,那强烈的金光,宛如一道闪电,下一瞬就已是划破长空。直奔贪婪之神电射而去。 golden light almost dodges not to have. 金光几乎是一闪而没。 The God of Greed complexion changes, cannot attend to oneself front match, the body rolls up suddenly in the same place, dark golden ray gushes out from the body, a greedy face, attracts toward that Golden Dragon Spear. 贪婪之神脸色一变,顾不得自己面前的对手,身体骤然蜷缩在一起,暗金色光芒从身上喷薄而出,一张贪婪的面庞,朝着那黄金龙枪一吸。 Immediately, under the function of suction, the Golden Dragon Spear flight trajectory was certainly affected. 顿时,在吸力的作用下,黄金龙枪的飞行轨迹受到了一定的影响。 golden light dodges to pass, in the God of Greed mouth actually sends out severe Howl. 金光一闪而逝,贪婪之神口中却发出一声厉啸。 The surface of his greedy truly affects Golden Dragon Spear, but actually influence was not thorough, this time God of Emotion, the battle efficiency has surmounted general Class One God, this struck fully sends out, therefore, God of Greed itself some matches, immediately cannot avoid completely. On the shoulder braved one group of dark golden liquids, obviously was injured. 他的贪婪之面确实是影响到了黄金龙枪,但却影响的并不彻底,此时的情绪之神,战斗力已经超越了一般的一级神诋,这一击又是全力发出,所以,贪婪之神本身又有对手,顿时未能完全避开。肩头上冒起了一团暗金色液体,显然是受伤了。 Under Golden Dragon Spear flickered returned to the God of Emotion hand, God of Emotion also changed into together the flowing light, flushed away toward God of Greed, prepares to coordinate Class One God of one's own side, first routed other side Class One God to say again. 黄金龙枪下一瞬就已经回到了情绪之神手中,情绪之神也已经化为一道流光,朝着贪婪之神冲去,准备配合己方的一级神诋,先击溃一位对方一级神诋再说。 So long as can rout other side Class One God, by the current situation, definitely likely will overthrow the dominoes to be ordinary, controls the entire scene rapidly. 只要能够击溃对方一名一级神诋,以目前的情况,必然会像是推倒了多米诺骨牌一般,迅速掌控整个场面。 However, in the God of Greed injured next quarter, suddenly sends out low and deep roaring with God of Destruction that Rong Nianbing confronts. In the hand a pair of great hammer sweeps away, the comprehensive eruption that Divine Power has no scruples, compelled to draw back Rong Nianbing. 不过,也就在贪婪之神受伤的下一刻,与融念冰对峙的破坏神突然发出一声低沉的咆哮。手中一双巨锤横扫而出,神力毫无顾忌的全面爆发,逼退了融念冰 Meanwhile, another six Original Sin God(s) do not hesitate to consume own Divine Power, has made the same matter, compels to draw back the respective front match. 与此同时,另外六位原罪神也不惜耗费自身神力,做出了同样的事情,将各自面前的对手逼退。 After compelling draws back the match, they again have not attacked, but is the rapid backlash, simultaneously rearward flying upside down. 逼退对手之后,他们并没有再进攻,而是飞速后退,同时向后方倒飞而出。 Was towed by the internal combustion engine, God of Emotion here Class One God, pursue rapidly forward, other side just had erupted the strongest attack, Divine Power and Divine Soul consumes is not small, makes use the establishment superiority good opportunity. 受到气机牵引,情绪之神这边的一级神诋们,迅速向前追去,对方都是刚刚爆发过最强攻击,神力神魂都消耗不小,正是趁势确立优势的好机会。 However, at this time, suddenly, the low and deep recitation sound got up. Strange purple ray from other side eight Class One God bright. 但是,也就在这个时候,突然间,低沉的吟唱声响起。一层奇异的紫色光芒对方八位一级神诋背后亮起。 God of Emotion and the others then discovered when does not know, God of Ruin brings these second-level, Class Three God, gathered, has exhibited a strange lineup. 情绪之神等人这才发现,不知道什么时候,毁灭之神带来的那些二级、三级神诋,已经聚集在一起,摆出了一个奇异的阵型。 Seven Original Sin God(s) and God of Destruction retrocede, looks like eight gems is ordinary, mounted above this lineup. A purple misty halo suddenly outward one raised, an unapproachable great strength immediately shakes to fly away God of Emotion, Rong Nianbing as well as seven elemental gods. 七位原罪神破坏神后退,就像是八颗宝石一般,镶嵌在了这个阵型之上。一层紫蒙蒙的光晕骤然向外一凸,一股无可匹敌的巨力顿时将情绪之神融念冰以及七位元素神震飞开来。 God said that greedy is original sin!” The low and deep sound resounds, this is the sound that over a hundred god simultaneously recited. Formidable sense power soars immediately, has formed diameter about ten thousand meters giant greedy surface in the sky. “神说,贪婪是原罪!”低沉的声音响起,这是上百位神诋同时吟唱出来的声音。强大的念力顿时腾空而起,在天空中形成了一个直径万米开外的巨大贪婪之面。 God of Greed also at the same time the whole body turned into the dark golden color. Although back seven rings light wheel has not turned into eight rings like God of Emotion, but also all expanded coarsened. 贪婪之神也在同一时间全身都变成了暗金色。背后七环光轮虽然没有像情绪之神那样变成八环,但也全都壮大变粗了许多。 God said that the lust is original sin!” Recited the sound to begin, this time, the sky transformed for the garnet, God of Lust also turned into a huge garnet luminophor. “神说,色欲是原罪!”吟唱声再起,这一次,天空转换为了暗红色,色欲之神也变成了一个巨大的暗红色发光体。 God said that having a greedy appetite is original sin!” The scope of having a greedy appetite appears, the shading yellow light blooms! “神说,贪食是原罪!”贪食之面浮现而出,暗黄光绽放! God said that Sloth is original sin!” The surface of dark blue Sloth appears! “神说,懒惰原罪!”暗绿色的懒惰之面浮现! God said that the anger is original sin!” The dark orange blooms, the surface of anger roared is reappearing above the upper air. “神说,愤怒是原罪!”暗橙色绽放,愤怒之面咆哮着浮现在高空之上。 God said that the envy is original sin!” The surface of envy appears, God of Envy sparkles dark pink ray to reappear. “神说,妒忌是原罪!”妒忌之面浮现,妒忌之神闪耀着暗粉色光芒浮现而出。 God said that arrogant is original sin!” Dark blue God of Pride last goes out. The sky also turned into dark blue. “神说,傲慢是原罪!”深蓝色的傲慢之神最后一个走出。天空也随之变成了深蓝色。 Seven big Original Sin God(s) lead to present all god, simultaneously recited loud: all Shijie is fabricated, Original Sin God(s) does not save. original sin arrives, condemned by heaven and earth.” 七大原罪神带领着在场所有神诋,同时高声吟唱道:“诸世皆虚妄,原罪神不存。原罪降临,天诛地灭。” Buzz fierce buzz in whining noise, entire sky as if flickers to shiver below. Before has reappeared seven colors also appeared, this time, seven color fog covered entire God Forbidden Land completely, the terrifying pressure blotted out the sky the downward suppression, but , the God of Emotion nine Class One God bodies of suppression descended to the ground slowly, each was the complexion big change. “嗡”剧烈的嗡鸣声中,整个天空仿佛都在下一瞬颤抖起来。之前浮现过的七种颜色同时出现,这一次,七彩云雾将整个神之禁地全部笼罩,恐怖的威压铺天盖地般向下镇压而至,压制的情绪之神都九位一级神诋身体缓缓向地面降落,每一位都是脸色大变。 Float in the God of Ruin opposite, Life Goddess complexion somewhat pale [say / way]: You make them use Original Sin Descent Great Formation unexpectedly, you may know that this is of Divine Punishment disciplinary punishment. Can you make them so use? They are Original Sin God(s), in this case, if cannot control original sin that oneself control, will certainly torment God Realm!” 悬浮在毁灭之神对面,生命女神脸色有些苍白的道:“你竟然让他们使用原罪降临大阵,你可知道,这是神罚惩戒之阵。你怎么能让他们如此使用?他们本身就是原罪神,这样的话,万一控制不住自己掌控的原罪,必将荼毒神界啊!”
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