DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#52: War!

A God of Destruction mail-armor and helmet is extremely magnificent, back silver light wheel ray four shoot, in his hand uses a pair of great hammer, every time wields, in the sky will send out thunders intermittently, as if the day must be destroyed by him. 破坏神一身甲胄极其华丽,背后银色光轮光芒四射,他手中使用一双巨锤,每一次挥出,天空中都会发出阵阵轰鸣,仿佛天都要被他砸破了似的。 He uses, is a strength falls the methods of ten benefits, God of Destruction also has an alternate name, is called, Strength God. On the pure strength, he is God Realm first. 他用的,乃是一力降十惠的方法,破坏神还有个别称,叫做,大力神。论纯粹的力量,他乃是神界第一。 Rong Nianbing in the strength cannot certainly compared with him, but, in the element control, actually does not know that be more formidable than many him. 融念冰在力量上当然不能和他相比,但是,在元素掌控上,却不知道要比他强大多少。 A Strength God hammer wields, Rong Nianbing here right hand directs, is a giant fire dragon overran, is a water dragon, is the wind dragon, clay dragon, the bright dragon, the dark dragon and space dragon. Seven big dragon entanglements on, does not bump with God of Destruction hardly, is only regarding his unremitting attack. 大力神一锤挥出,融念冰这边右手一引,就是一条巨大的火龙冲了过去,紧接着是一条水龙,接下来是风龙、土龙、光明龙、黑暗龙和空间龙。七条巨龙纠缠而上,也不和破坏神硬碰,只是围绕着他不断攻击。 Although the God of Destruction strength is tyrannical, so long as were broken a big dragon by him, Rong Nianbing immediately releases another. 破坏神的力量虽然强横,但只要被他砸碎一条巨龙,融念冰就会立刻释放出另一条。 God of Destruction in speed, has no way compared with Rong Nianbing, therefore can only brandish the double hammer same place, both sides compete at this time, is Divine Power consumes. 破坏神在速度方面,也没法和融念冰相比,所以只能是原地挥舞双锤,双方此时比拼的,已经是神力消耗了。 Class One God Divine Power is broad, this war, a short time cannot solve very much obviously. 一级神诋神力何等恢宏,这一战,很明显不是一时半会儿能够解决的。 The forms of combat of other gods are also similar. To their this levels, the skillful function was very minor. Only if like Sea God Formless Waves, the God of Ruin Ruin god thunder, has the significance of overcoming the enemy. Generally speaking, they compete, is the knock-on collision of Divine Power. 其他众神的战斗方式也差不多。到了他们这个层次,技巧的作用已经很小了。除非是像海神无定风波,毁灭之神毁灭神雷那样,才有克敌制胜的意义。一般来说,他们比拼的,也就是神力的直接碰撞。 In sky Divine Power multi-colored twinkle. But in that castle roof, God of Emotion and Butterfly God this time mood is actually incomparably anxious. 天空中神力五彩缤纷的闪烁着。但在那城堡最高处,情绪之神蝶神此时的心情却是无比焦急。 On that window is densely covered the Divine Power blockade, they have used various methods, is actually not able to open. Initially, their previous time came time, was Sea God receives and instructs them with own strength. But now, they are basic relation not on Sea God! 在那窗户上密布着的神力封锁,他们已经用了各种方法,却都无法打开。当初,他们上次来的时候,也是海神用自己的力量将他们接引进去的。可现在,他们却根本联系不上海神啊! What to do? Yuhao.” Butterfly God already anxiously. Father's aura change is enormous, the divine sense fluctuation fluctuates unceasingly, obviously unsatisfactory of state of mind, in this case, the father has possibly faced ** bothersome. What to do can save the father, this is the biggest problem! Let alone, mother has also been pregnant, may the production anytime. “怎么办?雨浩。”蝶神已经急得不行了。父亲的气息变化极大,神识波动不断起伏,可见精神状态的不佳,在这种情况下,父亲很可能面对了**烦。怎么办才能将父亲救出来,这是最大的问题啊!更何况,母亲还怀孕了,随时都有可能生产。 Some when God of Emotion respites, just he used various ways slightly wants to break this window seal, has consumed many Divine Power. 情绪之神略微有些喘息,刚刚他用各种方式想要破开这窗口封印时,已经消耗了不少神力 At this time, looks inward from the window that does not see clearly anything, inside all were affected by Divine Power, by his strong eyesight, is a piece of illusion that sees. 此时,从窗口向内看去,是看不清楚什么的,里面的一切都受到了神力的影响,以他超强的目力,看到的也是一片镜花水月。 Cannot see and not relate, they do not have means judgment present Sea God are what kind of conditions. 看不到、联系不上,他们就没办法判断现在的海神是怎样的状态。 God of Emotion holds the Butterfly God shoulders, sinking sound track: Wutong, at this time, we were certainly calm. Cannot be at a loss, no matter what, the father-in-law and mothers-in-law will not be in danger, therefore you don't be upset surely. Since we cannot go, then, can only solve outside aspect first.” 情绪之神抓住蝶神双肩,沉声道:“舞桐,在这个时候,我们一定要冷静。千万不能乱了方寸,不管怎么说,岳父、岳母都不会有生命危险,所以你千万不要慌。我们既然进不去,那么,就只能先解决外面的局面。” Tang Wutong clenches the teeth, if no God of Emotion side her, perhaps she really will unable to control Emotion, but now, she finally can also maintain several points of calmness by herself. 唐舞桐咬紧牙关,如果没有情绪之神在她身边,她说不定真的会控制不住情绪,但现在,她总算还能让自己保持几分冷静。 Good!” In Tang Wutong eye cold brightness twinkle, parental situation unknown, in her heart also moved the real anger. Puts out a hand to grasp with God of Emotion, the eye pupil of two people simultaneously shone the intense golden color. “好!”唐舞桐眼中寒光闪烁,父母情况未知,她心中也已经动了真怒。伸手与情绪之神相握,两人的眼眸同时亮起了强烈的金色。 Butterfly God back ray dodges, a pair of enchanting butterfly wing stretches in the back. Her butterfly wing and pure butterfly wing are different, the butterfly wing surface, the close scales, carefully do not look unable to look, the butterfly wing presents for the pale golden color, but under shining of outside ray, will spill over the noble purple, thus forms the mysterious and noble and enchanting eye-catching Purple gold color. 蝶神背后光芒一闪,一对炫丽的蝶翼就在背后舒展开来。她这蝶翼和纯粹的蝴蝶羽翼是不同的,蝶翼表面,有一层细密的鳞片,不仔细看是看不出来的,蝶翼呈献为淡金色,但在外界光芒的照耀下,会泛出高贵的紫色,从而形成神秘而高贵且炫丽夺目的紫金色。 The butterfly wing stretches, on Butterfly God is also Purple gold color ray greatly puts, the gentle aura immediately becomes powerful. After the brain, raises five Purple gold color light wheel, is complementing her long pink-blue hair, not in part of ones duty dazzling certainly Li. 蝶翼舒展开来,蝶神身上也是紫金色光芒大放,原本柔和的气息顿时变得强盛起来。脑后升起五圈紫金色光轮,掩映着她那一头粉蓝色长发,份外的炫目绝丽。 The pupil light concentrates, Butterfly God turns head to look to God of Emotion, area the God of Emotion arm, Butterfly God partly turns around, during depends on into him to embrace, simultaneously the back butterfly wing closes up inward, and God of Emotion body complete gable. 眸光凝,蝶神扭头看向身边的情绪之神,情绪之神手臂一带,蝶神半转身,就靠入他怀抱之中,同时背后蝶翼向内合拢,将自己和情绪之神的身体完全包覆在内。 In an instant, a giant Purple gold color butterfly light from the sky appears, light butterfly wing unceasing presents from shallow changes gradually to the deep Purple gold color, extremely strange, at the same time, a dignified aura is also excitedly. 刹那间,一只巨大的紫金色蝴蝶光影在空中浮现而出,光影蝶翼不断的呈现出由浅到深的紫金色渐变,极为奇异,与此同时,一股威严的气息也是勃然而出。 Is being resisted seven big Original Sin God(s) and Seven Elements God, as well as Rong Nianbing and God of Destruction, have stopped as if by prior agreement, looks at toward behind not far away that God Forbidden Land core old castle the vision. 正在对抗中的七大原罪神七大元素神,以及融念冰破坏神,不约而同的停顿了一下,将目光朝着身后不远处那神之禁地核心古堡处望去。 When that Purple gold color ray appears, they clearly felt that is only the High God aura to send out from that side. 当那紫金色的光芒出现时,他们分明感觉到一股只属于至高神的气息从那边散发出来。 Class One God in God Realm is top existed, but compared with High God, has the insurmountable disparity. 一级神诋神界中已经是顶尖的存在了,但和至高神相比,却还有着不可逾越的差距。 But, at this time, how to have High God to appear? Was Sea God released? But, that really possible? 可是,在这个时候,怎么会有至高神出现呢?难道说,海神被释放出来了?可是,那真的可能吗? Above the upper air God of Ruin also the vision is throwing down with Life Goddess is confronting, when he saw when Purple gold colored light shade that on Butterfly God blooms, slightly stares. 就连高空之上正在和生命女神对峙着的毁灭之神也不禁将目光投下,当他看到蝶神身上绽放的紫金色光影时,也不禁微微一愣。
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