DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#51: You leave, my self-destruction

In his heart, the Life Goddess status is extremely high, if there is anything to be able compared with the desire for power in his heart, had Life Goddess. 在他心中,生命女神的地位是极高的,如果说有什么能够和他心中的权力欲望相比,那么,就只有生命女神了。 Even if Life Goddess scolds him, to hit him, he is not willing to see at this moment that disappointment in her look. Pain that type disappointed contains, can want to see now Life Goddess is what kind of mood. 哪怕是生命女神骂他、打他,他也不愿意看到此时此刻她眼神中的那份失望。那种失望中包含的痛苦,可以想见现在生命女神是怎样的心情。 Sorry, the life, perhaps, I made the mistake. But, things have gotten to this point, did not have the possibility of change. Now, I also can only continue, I must complete my wish. When my matter has completed, we together diligently, finding the way to help him relieve the seal and that's the end, is good?” The God of Ruin gentle voice said. “对不起,生命,或许,我做错了。可是,事已至此,已经没有了改变的可能。现在,我也只能继续下去,我要完成我的心愿。等我的事情做完了,我们一起努力,想办法帮他解除封印就是了,好不好?”毁灭之神柔声说道。 Life Goddess sighed, said: Ruin, I will not begin with you.” 生命女神叹息一声,道:“毁灭,我不会和你动手的。” Listened to her words, in the God of Ruin heart one happy, has the husband and wife sentiment eventually! 听了她的话,毁灭之神心中一喜,终究还是有夫妻感情啊! Good, you here waited for me, when I handled the matter, we returned to God Realm Council.” God of Ruin hurries to say. “太好了,那你在这里等我,等我将事情处理完了,我们就回神界委员会。”毁灭之神赶忙说道。 Life Goddess actually shook the head, said: If you leave here now, my self-destruction godship, thoroughly falls from the sky here. Also is to a Sea God compensation.” 生命女神却摇了摇头,道:“如果你现在离开这里,我就自毁神格,彻底陨落在这里。也算是对海神一家的报偿吧。” What?” God of Ruin has a big shock, in this case, easily cannot say. Moreover, the Life Goddess words are categorical, in her look, has one to renounce. “什么?”毁灭之神大惊失色,这样的话,可不是轻易能够说出来的。而且,生命女神的话语斩钉截铁,在她的神色中,更是有着一份决绝。 The heart of God of Ruin downward sinks, looks at Life Goddess, in the scarlet eye pupil, reveals is hesitating the uncertain look. 毁灭之神的心往下沉,看着生命女神,猩红色的眼瞳中,流露着犹疑不定的神色。 Life Goddess closes the double pupil, two lines of teardrops flow following the face, she is not willing to see really that her husband turned into this unexpectedly. 生命女神闭上双眸,两行泪珠顺着面庞流淌而下,她真的不愿意看到,自己的丈夫竟然变成了这样。 How regardless to say that he is his husband! She will not begin with him, but, she looks like his seal, wants to tie up him, actually can definitely achieve. 无论怎么说,他都是他的丈夫啊!她不会跟他动手的,但是,她就像是他的封印,想要拴住他,却是完全能够做到的。 Was recalling that astonishing result that own life praying ceremony presents, Life Goddess at heart be more painful than her surface. She had to write to understand why the prayer ceremony will present such result. Perhaps all these, are God of Ruin create! 回想着自己的生命祈祷仪式出现的那惊人结果,生命女神心里要比她表面上更加痛苦。她已经有写明白,为什么祈祷仪式会出现那样的结果了。这一切,恐怕都是毁灭之神自己造成的啊! She does not hate him actually, does not blame him, but loves dearly him. She had been deciding at heart, from now on, must accompany side him, did not leave. 她其实并不恨他,也不怪他,只是心疼他。她已经在心里决定,从现在开始,要一直陪伴在他身边,一直都不离开。 Looks tears that Life Goddess leaves behind, before God of Ruin floating body, hug gently her body. 看着生命女神留下的泪水,毁灭之神飘身上前,轻轻的拥抱住她的身体。 Sorry, I do not know that I do this will make you so suffer unexpectedly. Is I am not good. Good, I listen your, I do not go and that's the end. Now my anything does not do, all these are also irreversible. 108 sense power columns started to produce the results, the God Realm expansion start. Moreover, below these god, are impossible to defeat my person. Although they many Class One God, but, me, were more than them over a hundred god. Only if Sea God can break the seal, otherwise, nobody can prevent all these from occurring. But Sea God, is impossible to break that seal!” “对不起,我不知道我这样做竟然会让你如此痛苦。是我不好。好,我听你的,我不去就是了。只是,现在就算我什么都不做,这一切也是不可逆的。108根念力柱已经开始产生效果,神界扩张开始了。而且,下面那些神诋,是不可能战胜我的人的。他们虽然多一位一级神诋,但是,在我这边,比他们足足多了上百位神诋。除非是海神能够破开封印,否则,没有人能够阻止这一切发生下去。而海神,根本不可能破开那封印的啊!” Life Goddess walks arm in arm, in he cherishes, shaking the head of gently, „, this is unimportant. Keeps side me? I only want well with you in same place, other matters, I do not want to manage, I want with you in the same place. Ok?” 生命女神依偎在他怀中,轻轻的摇了摇头,“不,这都不重要了。留在我身边,好吗?我只想好好的和你在一起,其他的事情,我都不想管,我只是想和你在一起而已。可以吗?” God of Ruin is somewhat surprised in Life Goddess this time manner, Life Goddess of such condition, he is also first meeting. 毁灭之神有些惊讶于生命女神此时的态度,这样状态的生命女神,他也是第一次遇到。 But he is nod of without hesitation, naturally, I have kept side you, following all, whatever they go, is good?” 但他还是毫不犹豫的点了点头,“当然可以,我就一直留在你身边,下面的一切,就任由他们去,好不好?” Um.” Life Goddess as if relaxed, opens the arm, has embraced tightly the body of God of Ruin. “嗯。”生命女神似乎放松了许多,张开手臂,搂紧了毁灭之神的身体。 Is full of the creation strength the life aura, is full of the destructive Ruin thought unceasing mutual collision with that also dissolves mutually, their Divine Power fluctuations, let above the sky as before, the purple and green hand over to sparkle. 充满创造力的生命气息,与那充满破坏性的毁灭意念不断的相互碰撞,又相互溶解,他们彼此之间的神力波动,依旧让天空之上,紫色与绿色交相闪耀。 Below is being fought god, no one guesses that obtains in this God Realm upper air, their husband's and wife's this time conditions. 下面正在战斗中的神诋们,无论是谁也不会猜得到这神界高空之中,他们夫妻此时的状态。 The fight of God Realm, the scale will not be always big, like, the situations of several Class One God mutually collisions is almost at present unique. 神界的战斗,规模一向不会太大,像眼前这样,十几位一级神诋相互碰撞的情况几乎是绝无仅有的。 In God Realm, worldly elemental force is quite strong, therefore, is also greatly strengthened regarding the oppression strength of life body. Therefore, god, although the strength is extremely strong, the destruction that but in fact, can cause in God Realm will not be always big. Destruction like beforehand God of Fire, has burnt several thousand square meters bog, if this fire that if in mortal world, God of Fire puts, at least can burn half mainland. 神界之中,天地元力极为浓重,因此,对于生命体的压迫力也是极强的。所以,神诋们虽然力量极其强大,但实际上,在神界中所能造成的破坏总不会太大。像之前火神那样的破坏,也只是燃烧了数千平米的沼泽而已,如果这要是在人间,火神放的大火,至少能够燃烧半个大陆。 At this time, the fight in sky is quite intense. Seven big Original Sin God(s) to Seven Elements God, both sides related is quite not good, the personal enemy meets, particularly is jealous. One-to-one seizing to slaughtering. 此时,天空中的战斗极为激烈。七大原罪神对上七大元素神,双方本来关系就极为不好,正所谓仇人见面,分外眼红。一对一的捉对厮杀。 But Rong Nianbing actually looked for God of Destruction. Both sides also outrageously collided in one. 融念冰却找上了破坏神。双方也是悍然碰撞在了一起。
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