DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#55: Didn't I win?

God of Ruin gives a calm smile, said: Has you and I, but also feared that can't control them? Let alone, you should also know that this original sin Divine Punishment Descent Great Formation, is depends on the God Realm center can display, the God Realm center in my hands, I wants its blocking words, momentarily. The station my side, in that case, I can relieve this great formation. I will not injure them. Only needed them and I witnesses the magnificence of God Realm to be OK together. I also never want to injure these Class One God, regardless of they whether accepts me, so long as my this expansion God Realm completes, they must accept the fact, at that time, they also understand that I am devoted to the public, but the hope becomes God Realm more formidable.” 毁灭之神淡然一笑,道:“有你、我在,还怕控制不住他们么?更何况,你也应该知道,这原罪降临神罚大阵,乃是依托于神界中枢才能施展的,神界中枢在我手中,我想要将其阻断的话,随时都可以。站到我身边来吧,那样的话,我可以解除这个大阵。我也不会伤害他们。只需要他们和我一起见证神界的辉煌就可以了。我也从未想要伤害过这些一级神诋,无论他们是否接受我,只要我这次扩张神界完成,他们都要接受事实,那时候,他们也会明白,我只是一心为公,只是希望将神界变得更加强大罢了。” Life Goddess heaved a deep sigh, Ruin, you lost really! Such that just like Sea God said that your authority ** was too strong, is too strong. You kept on proclaiming all for God Realm, was, if not for your personal authority **, you will do such? I cannot stand that side you. However, why does not know, I always thought that you could not win.” 生命女神长叹一声,“毁灭,你真的已经失去了自我啊!正如海神所说的那样,你的权力**实在是太强、太强了。你口口声声说一切都是为了神界,可是,如果不是为了你的个人权力**,你会这么做么?我不能站在你那边。不过,不知道为什么,我始终觉得,你赢不了。” „Couldn't I win?” God of Ruin somewhat funny looks at Life Goddess, to this time, you also has thought that I couldn't win? Once original sin Divine Punishment Descent Great Formation starts, let alone is these Class One God, even if were present Sea God appeared , was also not necessarily able with it contending. This is by Divine Punishment great formation that the God Realm center displays, itself by aiming at disciplinary punishment High God exists. In the past, we by three Divine Punishment great formation, have blocked the group charge of divine beast, and finally turned defeat into victory. I to wanting to have a look, to the present at this time, Sea God also had anything possibly to dump tray.” “我赢不了?”毁灭之神有些好笑的看着生命女神,“都到了这个时候,难道你还认为我赢不了吗?原罪降临神罚大阵一旦发动,别说是这些一级神诋,就算是现在海神真的出现了,也未必能够与之抗衡。这可是以神界中枢施展的神罚大阵,本身就是以针对惩戒至高神而存在的。当年,我们就是凭借三座神罚大阵,才挡住了神兽的集团冲锋,并且最终反败为胜的。我到想要看看,到了现在这个时候,海神还有什么可能翻盘。” The Life Goddess vision is somewhat blurred, looks at front God of Ruin, in the eye but, besides, light pitying. 生命女神目光有些迷离,看着面前的毁灭之神,眼中除了无奈之外,还有一丝淡淡的怜悯。 God of Ruin somewhat was finally angry, why uses this look to visit me. In your heart, I is also inferior to that Tang San?” 毁灭之神终于有些愤怒了,“为什么用这种眼神看我。难道在你心中,我也不如那唐三吗?” Life Goddess shook the head, said: No, in my heart, you forever is best. You is a my husband! Even if you have any shortcoming, in my heart, only when it will be the merit.” 生命女神摇了摇头,道:“不,在我心中,你永远都是最好的。你是我的丈夫啊!就算你有什么缺点,在我心中,也只会当它是优点。” Listened to her such saying, God of Ruin one dull, the look immediately has also relaxed, before subconscious, fluttered several rice, lifted the hand to go to the hand of my Life Goddess. 听她这么一说,毁灭之神不禁一呆,神色也顿时缓和了下来,下意识的前飘数米,抬手就要去我生命女神的手。 Life Goddess actually suddenly backward moved sideways, has avoided his hand, bitter and astringent shaking the head, said: But, I can see your merit, can see others similarly. That Sea God Tang San merit, can't you see? Since he enters God Realm, actions, to safely be famous, although does not reveal the mountain non- dew, how could but do you see the matter that he has handled has not grasped? Reason that he did not agree that you expand God Realm, besides that not good premonition, a reason, has not grasped! Expansion God Realm, has risk eventually. sense power that we need will increase, must have many world to support. I think that you will expand gradually, little increases the God Realm area, but looking back now, you truly want to reach one's goal instantly, by sense power column quantity that you inspire at present, must directly the God Realm expansion several fold!” 生命女神却骤然向后闪身,避开了他的手,苦涩的摇了摇头,道:“但是,我能看到你的优点,也同样能看到别人的。那海神唐三身上的优点,难道你就看不到吗?自从他进入神界以后,所作所为,都以稳妥著称,虽不显山不露水,但你何曾见过他做过没把握的事情?他之所以不同意你扩张神界,除了那不好的预感之外,还有一个原因,就是没把握啊!扩张神界,终究是有风险的。我们需要的念力会变大,必须要有更多的世界来支撑。我原本以为,你会逐步扩张,一点点的增加神界的面积,但现在看来,你确实想要一步到位,以你目前引动的念力柱数量来看,恐怕要直接将神界扩大数倍啊!” You think not to have, if sense power of God Realm absorption outside is when the time comes insufficient, causing the God Realm source to pass gradually will be what kind of?” “你想过没有,如果到时候神界吸收外界的念力不够,导致神界本源逐步流逝会怎么样?” God of Ruin said decidedly: That is impossible. I already searched to observe clearly, beside the side world that we control, there are can numerously by world that we draw, supplements sense power sufficiently, making God Realm more formidable.” 毁灭之神断然道:“那是不可能的。我早已探察清楚,在我们掌控的这方世界之外,有众多可以被我们收拢的世界,足以补充念力,让神界变得更加强大。” Life Goddess said: Everything does not have absolutely! You work to be easy to impulse, your investigation is not very fine. Moreover, if premonition of Tang San is right, what to do? If the God Realm disaster approaches, you are used for expansion God Realm sense power that God Realm saves, thus causes the God Realm itself outer wall filament to be thin, when the time comes is unable to deal with the great misfortune, you are the God Realm criminal! Ruin, receives the hand now, but also with enough time! Moreover, I believe that Tang San also has certainly the subsequent party. God of Emotion, should be his only subsequent party is incessantly right.” 生命女神道:“凡事无绝对啊!你做事容易冲动,你的调查不够精细。而且,如果唐三的预感是对的,怎么办?万一神界劫难来临,你将神界积蓄的念力都用来扩张神界,从而导致神界本身外壁纤薄,到时候无法应对大劫,你就是神界的罪人啊!毁灭,现在收手,还来得及!而且,我相信,唐三一定还有后手。情绪之神,应该不止是他唯一的后手才对。” The God of Ruin look gradually becomes sharp, desolate [say / way]: That makes us have a look, actually has a look at whom is right, who is the final winner, I here, am waiting for that Sea God, having a look at him to have the means to strive to turn the tide. The matter that my decided will not change . Moreover, sense power that in the sense power column releases were too many, now was irreversible, at least by my strength, is unable its reversal.” 毁灭之神的眼神渐渐变得锋锐起来,冷淡的道:“那就让我们看看吧,看看究竟谁才是对的,谁才是最后的赢家,我就在这里,等着那海神,看看他有没有办法力挽狂澜。我已经决定的事情就不会改变,而且,念力柱中释放的念力已经太多,现在已经不可逆了,至少以我的力量,无法将其逆转。” Life Goddess anxious sound track: But, I! I am willing to help you.” 生命女神急声道:“可是,还有我啊!我愿意帮你。” God of Ruin no longer spoke, but closed both eyes slowly, turned a deaf ear to the proposition of Life Goddess. 毁灭之神不再说话,而是缓缓闭上双眼,对生命女神的提议充耳不闻。 God of Emotion, Rong Nianbing and Seven Elements God, in front of Original Sin God(s) Divine Punishment Descent Great Formation, each complexion become extremely dignified. 情绪之神融念冰七大元素神,在原罪神降临神罚大阵面前,每一位脸色都变得极为凝重。
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