DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#49: Why?

Good, good and good! That comes, to come!” God of Ruin roars, the body changes into one group of purple light suddenly, increases to go toward the upper air. “好、好、好!那就来吧、来吧!”毁灭之神怒吼一声,身体骤然化为一团紫光,朝着高空攀升而去。 Life Goddess looks like received his hauling to be ordinary, changes into together jade light, rises into the upper air, submerges the clouds to vanish in a flash does not see. 生命女神就像是受到了他的牵引一般,也是化为一道碧光,升入高空,转瞬间没入云端消失不见。 I will constrain God of Ruin, you rescue Sea God one as soon as possible, invited Sea God host the general situation.” The Life Goddess sound from airborne sprinkles. She can achieve, only then these many. “我会拖住毁灭之神,你们尽快救出海神一家,请海神主持大局。”生命女神的声音从空中洒落。她能够做到的,也就只有这么多了。 Gods headed by Rong Nianbing have simultaneously selected under. Rong Nianbing moves sideways, plunged God of Destruction, seven elemental gods also has also gone forward, condensed the strength of own element respectively, welcomed to seven Original Sin God(s). 融念冰为首的众神同时点了下头。融念冰一闪身,就扑向了破坏神,七位元素神也是同时上前,各自凝聚出自己的元素之力,迎向了七位原罪神 Everybody is Class One God, eight to eight, overall strength, it can be imagined. In God Realm, this is also the earthshaking big collision! 大家都是一级神诋,八位对八位,整体实力之强,可想而知。在神界之中,这也是惊天动地的大碰撞啊! In God Realm, altogether also only then 18 Class One God, if added on Rong Nianbing this to turn over existence of god's position, that was 19, but at this time, in battlefield, 17, only then two god were not, these two Class One God, one was Sea God, another, was wrapped in a shroud of obscurity God of Time. It can be said that at present has concentrated the entire God Realm hugest strength. 神界之中,一共也就只有18位一级神诋,如果加上融念冰这位交卸了神诋之位的存在,那就是19位,而此时,在战场上,就有17位之多,只有两位神诋不在,这两个一级神诋,一个就是海神,另一个,则是神秘莫测的时间之神。可以说,眼前已经集中了整个神界最庞大的力量。 God of Emotion is holding the hand of Butterfly God, has not participated in this war, but turned around to throw in that Divine Restriction Castle direction. The goal refers, is imprisoning Sea God and Life Goddess place. 情绪之神拉着蝶神的手,没有参与这场战争,而是转身朝着那神禁城堡的方向扑了过去。目标所指,正是囚禁着海神生命女神的地方。 Yes, only then rescues Sea God, they can turn around the situation. 是的,只有将海神救出来,他们才能够真的扭转战局。 A God of Ruin side, eight Class One God go to battle, other second-level and Class Three God have not actually moved, unexpectedly does not have any to prevent the meaning of God of Emotion, whatever their husbands and wives fly Divine Restriction Castle. 毁灭之神一方,八位一级神诋出战,其他的二级、三级神诋却没有动,居然没有任何要阻止情绪之神的意思,任由他们夫妻飞到神禁城堡 Flies the window, the God of Emotion surprised discovery, Sea God has not waited here, has not paid attention to outside aspect. The heart sinks. Because they do not know that in these days that before they left, actually to have had anything. 飞到窗口,情绪之神惊讶的发现,海神并没有等在这里,也没有关注外面的局面。心头不禁一沉。因为他们都不知道,在之前他们离开的这段时间中,究竟发生过些什么。 If Sea God encountered the mishap, what to do that should? But, God of Ruin did not say before, will not injure Sea God one? 如果海神遭遇到了不测,那该怎么办?可是,之前毁灭之神不是说,不会伤害海神一家的吗? Wutong?” God of Emotion said to Tang Wutong summon. 舞桐?”情绪之神向身边的唐舞桐呼唤道。 In the Tang Wutong eye pupil shines two group Purple gold color ray, on the forehead, Sea God trident rune starts to glisten. However, the flash when this rune shines, the Tang Wutong complexion actually changed, because her surprised discovery, oneself and father's connected divine sense experienced the fierce fluctuation unexpectedly. 唐舞桐眼眸中亮起两团紫金色光芒,额头上,海神三叉戟符文开始闪亮起来。但是,当这符文亮起的一瞬间,唐舞桐脸色却变了,因为她吃惊的发现,自己和父亲相连的神识竟然出现了剧烈的波动。 divine sense drastic fluctuation, means the fluctuation of thought that moreover, she can feel that the Sea God aura unexpectedly is the disorder, what's all this about? 神识剧烈波动,也就意味着思想的波动,而且,她能感觉到,海神的气息竟然是十分紊乱的,这是怎么回事? In upper air, God of Ruin and Life Goddess relative and vertical, each other looks at other side, the look is very complex. 高空之中,毁灭之神生命女神相对而立,彼此看着对方,眼神都十分复杂。 Why? Why can you come? You keep in Forest of Life, waited for all these conclusions should good? Why can come? After I make the decision, I have never requested, making you come to carry on this matter with me together. Because I understood that your disposition, you will not agree. Therefore, I requested you, do not leave Forest of Life, but was waiting for all these conclusions there, wasn't very?” “为什么?为什么你一定要来?你留在生命之森中,等待这一切结束该有多好?为什么一定要来呢?在我作出决定之后,我从未要求过,让你来和我一起进行这件事。因为我了解你的性格,你是不会同意的。所以,我只是请求你,不要离开生命之森,只是在那里等着这一切的结束,不是很好吗?” Life Goddess vision chilly fan looks at God of Ruin, shaking the head of gently, supple sound track: Sorry, is I am not good. I am not a qualified wife.” 生命女神目光凄迷的看着毁灭之神,轻轻的摇了摇头,柔声道:“对不起,是我不好。我不是一个合格的妻子。” Listened to her words, the God of Ruin body to shake shaking, somewhat surprisedly visits her. 听了她的话,毁灭之神身体震了震,有些惊讶的看着她。 Life Goddess muttered the tunnel: As wife, regardless of you make anything, I should stand side you, is supporting you. But, your my natural disposition is clearly opposite, if this matter I support you, will shake my creation basis. In that case, not only God Realm will be faced with imminent disaster, even if the world of mortals that we control, can so. The life and creation, are each world maintain the stable bases. Therefore, I cannot, unable to support you to do this matter. Sorry, husband.” 生命女神喃喃地道:“作为妻子,无论你做什么,我本来都应该站在你身边,支持着你。可是,你我本性乃是截然相反,如果这件事我支持你,就会动摇我创造的根本。那样的话,不只是神界将会有大难临头,就算是我们所掌控的下界,也会如此。生命与创造,是各个世界保持稳定的根本。所以,我不能,不能支持你做这件事。对不起,老公。” If the beforehand God of Ruin imposing manner is astonishing, has been full of the anger. When Life Goddess called the husband these two characters, his imposing manner weakened suddenly. Looks at Life Goddess, heaved a deep sigh, shaking the head of gently. 如果说之前毁灭之神气势惊人,充满了怒气的话。当生命女神叫出老公这两个字的时候,他的气势骤然衰减了。看着生命女神,长叹一声,轻轻的摇了摇头。 I have not blamed you! Your difficulties, can I not know? We are the husbands and wives! Therefore, I make you keep Forest of Life, so long as you do not meddle, I was very satisfied. At that time, weren't you promised me? Why? Why do you appear here? If no you, they will not even have with the thought that I will resist.” “我从来都没有怪过你啊!你的苦衷,我又怎么会不知道呢?我们是夫妻啊!所以,我才让你留在生命之森,只要你不插手,我就已经很满足了。当时,你不是已经答应了我吗?为什么?为什么你又出现在这里呢?如果没有你在,他们甚至连和我对抗的念头都不会有吧。” Life Goddess gained ground suddenly, vision brilliant is looking steadily at God of Ruin, that you told me, did you tell me to use the God Forbidden Land strength?” 生命女神猛然抬起头来,目光灼灼的盯视着毁灭之神,“那你告诉我,你告诉我是不是动用了神禁之地的力量?” After God of Ruin brain, light wheel slight trembled, the sound has also stopped. 毁灭之神脑后光轮轻微的震颤了一下,声音也是嘎然而止。 The closing both eyes of Life Goddess pain, why can you use there strength? Do you know that what this can take to God Realm? You are God Realm Law Enforcer! How can violate the law knowingly?” 生命女神痛苦的闭上双眼,“为什么你要动用那里的力量啊?你知不知道,这有可能带给神界什么?你是神界执法者啊!怎么能知法犯法呢?” God of Ruin gets angry suddenly exclaims: No, I have not used there strength, I do not have!” 毁灭之神突然怒吼道:“没有,我没有动用那里的力量,我没有!” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------- This year fortunately becomes Chinese Forbes celebrities 65 th, particularly grateful book friends' support, therefore Little Tang decided that we dazzle world Tang Sect shop Douluo Continent and Douluo Continent ii Peerless Tang Sect books, the 50% discount. Did business at a loss delivers the welfare to everybody. Had finished originally to tonight, but feared that some book friends have not known, therefore I increase again for two days. Everybody is interested to wash, the treasure searches to dazzle world Tang Sect, can find our shops. 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