DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#53: Melts the armor

Reason that they are surprised, because in this moment, on Butterfly God clearly sent out only to be the High God aura! Moreover, is Sea God exactly the same aura. 他们之所以感到惊讶,是因为在这一刻,蝶神身上分明散发出了只属于至高神的气息啊!而且,是和海神一模一样的气息。 Although God of Ruin already extremely thorough seal Sea God, but in fact, in his moral nature deep place, most dreads actually as before is Sea God. In God Realm god, can contend with him truly, only has Sea God. Although Life Goddess is formidable, one is because is his wife, another, Life Goddess is in itself not good at fighting, but on Sea God also inheritance had Asura God god, Asura God is called existence of God Realm strongest strength in the past. When initially faced powerful incomparable Dragon God, Asura God is also the true main force. Blocks Dragon God without Asura God directly, perhaps God Realm was really torn to pieces. 毁灭之神虽然已经极为彻底的封印了海神,但实际上,在他心底深处,最为忌惮的却依旧是海神。在神界神诋之中,真正能够与他抗衡的,也就唯有海神而已。生命女神虽然强大,一个是因为是他的妻子,另一个,生命女神本身并不是太擅长战斗,而海神身上还传承修罗神神诋,修罗神当年可是被称之为神界最强战力的存在。哪怕是当初面对强势无比的龙神时,修罗神也是真正的主力。没有修罗神正面挡住龙神,恐怕神界就真的要支离破碎了。 At this time, suddenly feels Sea God, when some Asura God aura, numerous can god that God of Ruin as well as he brings not dread? If Sea God reappears, the words that also collaborates with Life Goddess perhaps, two High God here, many god are unable to contend with them. 此时,突然感受到海神,甚至是有一些修罗神的气息时,毁灭之神以及他带来的众多神诋们又怎会不有所忌惮呢?万一海神重新出现,又和生命女神联手的话,有两位至高神在这里,再多的神诋恐怕也无法与他们抗衡。 To currently the God Realm situation, true High God in fact have three, that is Sea God, God of Ruin and Life Goddess. God of Kindness and God of Wickedness of new generation, because is temporarily substituting for God Position, although itself accepted inheritance, but God Position inheritance is not thorough, two big God King of that world of mortals samsara may return. 以目前神界的情况,真正的至高神实际上只有三位,那就是海神毁灭之神生命女神。新一代的善良之神邪恶之神因为是暂代神位,本身虽然接受了传承,但神位传承却并不彻底,那下界轮回的两大神王还是有可能返回的。 Naturally, will return is very also difficult saying that two retained God Realm part of God Position, is feared that at present God King of these two new promote are unable to control the God Realm situation to be the result. 当然,是不是真的会返回也很难说,那二位保留了神界一部分神位,也是怕目前这两位新晋的神王无法控制神界情况所致。 Therefore, by the strength, achieves High God that three. 因此,论实力,达到至高神的就那三位罢了。 Is impossible!” God of Ruin knits the brows to say. “不可能啊!”毁灭之神皱眉说道。 On the Life Goddess elegant face actually revealed look looking pensive, something were unlikely, but was in charge of creation and life she, actually indistinctly understood anything. 生命女神俏脸上却流露出了若有所思的神色,有些事情是不太可能,但主管创造与生命的她,却隐约明白了些什么。 In this time, Butterfly God Purple gold color ray is putting suddenly greatly, but the entity is actually desalinating, changes into Purple gold color flowing light, is fluctuating quietly. 正在这时,蝶神身上的紫金色光芒骤然大放,但实体却在淡化,化为一道道紫金色流光,悄然变幻着。 A God of Ruin eye bright, subconscious tunnel: I understood. On that Butterfly God has Sea God bloodlines inheritance, she stimulated oneself within the body the strength of bloodlines with the special method, this made in own ability mix some High God aura, but, was the aura. Most is also makes her have the Class One God battle efficiency temporarily. Is unendurable. Well......” 毁灭之神眼睛一亮,下意识地道:“我明白了。那蝶神身上有着海神的血脉传承,她是用特殊方法激发了自己体内的血脉之力,这才让自己的能力之中混合了一些至高神的气息,不过,也就是气息而已。最多也就是让她暂时拥有一级神诋的战斗力。还不能持久。咦……” Was saying own judgment, God of Ruin actually saw that below situation also had some changes. 正说着自己的判断,毁灭之神却看到,下方的情况又有了一些变化。 Corona quietly appear, converge light wheel. 一圈圈光环悄然出现,会聚成光轮 Color each of these corona are different, when each appears, will present all god Emotion to come under some influences. Is happy, anger and sorrow, happily, love, hatred and wickedness, the change of seven emotions. 这些光环的颜色每一个都不一样,每一个出现时,在场所有神诋情绪都会受到些许的影响。正是喜、怒、哀、乐、爱、憎、恶,七情之变化。 God of Emotion! Yes, in the Butterfly God Purple gold color ray gable, was not just God of Emotion? 情绪之神!是的,之前在蝶神紫金色光芒包覆之中的,可不正是情绪之神么? The aura that because Butterfly God blooms is too shocking, therefore they have forgotten, in the Butterfly God wings covers, existence of God of Emotion, at this time, God of Emotion is releasing own light wheel. 因为蝶神绽放的气息太让人震惊,所以他们都已经忘了,在蝶神的双翼笼罩中,还有一位情绪之神的存在,此时,正是情绪之神在释放出自己的光轮 seven rings light wheel, is representing Class One God. However, is really only seven rings? 七环光轮,代表着一级神诋。但是,真的只是七环么? When last, represents next one flickers, suddenly, a Purple gold colored light link that this wicked black corona shines excitedly, eight rings! Right, is eight rings, in God of Emotion back light wheel, presented the eight rings like this strange picture unexpectedly. 当最后一圈,代表这恶的黑色光环亮起的下一瞬,骤然间,一圈紫金色光环勃然而出,第八环!没错,就是第八环,在情绪之神背后的光轮之中,竟然出现了第八环这样的奇异景象。 This is hard to imagine simply, at least regarding on the scene belongs to god of God of Ruin side, this is a sad news. 这简直是难以想象的,至少对于在场属于毁灭之神一方的神诋来说,这更是一个噩耗。 Original Life Goddess is equal existence in Class One God on many one, at this time, this strength has actually carried on amplification. 本来生命女神这边就多一位相当于一级神诋的存在,此时,这位的实力却又进行了增幅 eight rings light wheel, this did not exist in God Realm, may at this moment, appear on God of Emotion. 八环光轮,这在神界之中原本是并不存在的,可此时此刻,却就出现在了情绪之神身上。 Made one shock, change on God of Emotion body. 更令人震撼的,还有情绪之神身体上的变化。 On God of Emotion the overlapping appearance the Purple gold colored light was dizzy, these Purple gold colored lights faint just started such as the silk such as the wisp, but, they have that to belong to the High God dignity, congealed one set the God of Emotion complete coverage whole body mail-armor and helmet. 情绪之神身上层层叠叠的出现了紫金色光晕,这些紫金色光晕刚开始的时候如丝如缕,但紧接着,它们就带着那份属于至高神的威严,凝结成了一套将情绪之神完全覆盖其中的全身甲胄。 This Purple gold color mail-armor and helmet seems is similar to scales is ordinary, shoulder armor is slender, the extension, altogether three, the final level sagging, draws close to outward slightly side the big arm, chest armor is grandiose, extends to protect the armor of waist downward is actually scaled, is sparkling Purple gold color ray, is particularly enchanting. 这紫金色甲胄看上去如同鳞甲一般,肩甲修长,向外伸展,一共有三层,最后一层下垂,略微贴近在大臂侧面,胸甲壮硕,向下延伸护住腰部的铠甲却是鳞片状,闪耀着紫金色光芒,分外炫丽。 Whole body, covers completely, a pair of giant dragon wing, behind launches in him along with it. In God of Emotion hand, more a handle Can's golden lance. That Golden Dragon Spear. 全身上下,全部覆盖其中,一双巨大的龙翼,也随之在他身后展开。情绪之神手中,更多了一柄灿金色的长矛。正是那黄金龙枪 Face upwards a long and loud cry, God of Emotion own imposing manner sends excitedly, the powerful internal combustion engine rises suddenly instantaneously, surmounted outrageously has presented all Class One God, pursued two High God in upper air. 仰天一声长啸,情绪之神自身的气势勃然而发,强盛的气机瞬间暴涨,悍然超越了在场所有的一级神诋,直追高空中的两位至高神 Face darken of God of Ruin somewhat ugly, but he actually as before float in the Life Goddess opposite, does not have what movement. 毁灭之神的脸色阴沉的有些难看,但他却依旧悬浮在生命女神对面,并没有什么动作。
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