DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#48: The type of life

God of Ruin vision brilliant looks at Life Goddess, you have set firm resolve to with me do right, is?” 毁灭之神目光灼灼的看着生命女神,“你已经下定决心要和我做对了,是不是?” Life Goddess did not answer, but visits him silently, nobody knows that in her present heart in wants to write anything. 生命女神不答,只是默默地看着他,没有人知道她现在心中在想写什么。 God of Ruin coldly replied: Good! We relied on the strength to speak. I must have a look but actually, why you can rescue Sea God. Reason that I to ignore God of Emotion and Butterfly God leave, for must catch the whole lot in a dragnet you. Sea God other supporters, close in this Divine Restriction Castle. You were also same, lost, stayed here, all that testimony then I must make, I will show to you with the fact that your choices, were wrong.” 毁灭之神冷冷的道:“好啊!那我们就凭借实力来说话好了。我倒要看看,你们凭什么能够救走海神。我之所以放任情绪之神蝶神离开,就是为了要将你们一网打尽。海神的其他支持者,都关在这座神禁城堡之中。你们也一样,输了,就留在这里,见证接下来我要做的一切,我会用事实向你们证明,你们的选择,是错误的。” God of Ruin previously ordered seven big Original Sin God(s) to start to the Sea God partner, to overall weaken the Sea God strength. But in the Sea God supporter, relations are closest, was initially and he together arrives at God Realm these people from Douluo Continent. 毁灭之神早先命令七大原罪神海神的伙伴下手,就是为了从整体上削弱海神的实力。而海神的支持者之中,关系最密切的,也就是当初从斗罗大陆和他一起来到神界的那些人。 Supports Sea God as for other also many god, even if God of Ruin not completely is clear. However, he almost controlled God Realm to surpass 50% strongest strengths, naturally did not fear. Therefore he, here waits. Even is connected including the above God of Emotion and Butterfly God arrived here him to know that he has not prevented them from leaving, will be hopes to support Sea God god to direct here to come, he has prepared complete. 至于其他还有多少神诋支持海神,就算是毁灭之神也不完全清楚。但是,他几乎掌控了神界超过一半的最强战力,自然也不怕。所以他在等,就在这里等。甚至连上次情绪之神蝶神来到这里他都知道,他没有阻止他们离开,就是希望将支持海神神诋全都引到这里来,他已经做好了完全的准备。 This God Realm is turbulently unavoidable, accomplishes the whole task at one stroke, without doubt is the simplest procedure, this is the plan of God of Ruin. 这场神界动荡是难免的,毕其功于一役,无疑是最简单的做法,这就是毁灭之神的计划。 In fact, he also succeeded. Has not thought including God of Ruin that finally other side will have nine Class One God. Moreover, wife's leadership. 事实上,他也成功了。只是,连毁灭之神自己都没想到,最终对方会有九位一级神诋之多。而且,还有自己妻子的带领。 Life Goddess floating flies, flies to God of Ruin, light green ray blooms outward from her, these green ray sparkle, is green leaf composes a piece by piece, immediately, in the entire sky, has filled aura of life. 生命女神飘然飞起,飞向毁灭之神,淡淡的绿色光芒从她身上向外绽放开来,那些绿色光芒十分闪耀,是一片片绿色树叶组成的,顿时,整个天空之中,都充满了生命的气息 In the range of this life aura, the Ruin thought of God of Ruin was weakened, and unceasing was being oppressed the retreat, in Life Goddess behind, powerful aquamarine light screen has covered that Divine Restriction Castle. Obviously must protect inside god. 在这生命气息的范围中,毁灭之神毁灭意念就被削弱了许多,并且不断的被压迫着退去,在生命女神身后,一层强盛的碧绿色光幕已经将那座神禁城堡笼罩住了。显然是要保护里面的神诋们。 Follows in Life Goddess behind Seven Elements God, as well as God of Emotion and Rong Nianbing, all go into action, disperses, float in Life Goddess behind. 跟随在生命女神身后的七大元素神,以及情绪之神融念冰,全都行动起来,分散开来,悬浮于生命女神身后。 Different color seven rings light wheel, along with it after these god brains bright, light wheel is radiant, numerous position Class One God unite in the together oppression strength, immediately makes the entire sky bright. 一圈圈不同颜色的七环光轮,也随之从这些神诋脑后亮起,光轮璀璨,众位一级神诋联合在一起的压迫力,顿时让整个天空都变得明亮起来。 God of Ruin is also same, in God of Ruin behind, seven Original Sin God(s) adds on God of Destruction of armor behind to set up in an array in God of Ruin, similarly is seven rings light wheel, but besides God of Destruction light wheel is silver, other Original Sin God(s) light wheel are having the dark tone, has formed the sharp contrast with the opposite element gods. 毁灭之神这边也是一样,在毁灭之神身后,七位原罪神加上一身铠甲的破坏神毁灭之神身后一字排开,同样都是七环光轮,但除了破坏神光轮是银色的之外,其他原罪神光轮都是带着暗色调的,与对面的元素神们形成了鲜明的对比。 „Can you really with me for the enemy?” God of Ruin is looking steadily at Life Goddess, asking speak unhurriedly and clearly. His own aura also while these words asked, unceasing increases to the peak. “你真的要和我为敌?”毁灭之神盯视着生命女神,一字一顿的问道。他自身的气息也在这句话问出的同时,不断的向巅峰攀升。 In the Life Goddess eye is revealing the color of chilly fan, looks at God of Ruin, the lip buzz moves, wants to say anything, but has not said eventually, is only her mournful appearance, the scarlet that in God of Ruin eye socket looks at has glittered unceasingly several times. 生命女神眼中流露着凄迷之色,看着毁灭之神,嘴唇嗡动,想要说些什么,但终究还是没有说出来,只是她那凄然的样子,看的毁灭之神眼眶中的猩红色不断的闪烁了几次。 Good, such being the case, we depend on the strength to see the true facts!” God of Ruin face upwards to roar, after the brain, nine rings light wheel immediately becomes unequalled is powerful, the purple black light fog lift-off, changes into to the strong Ruin god thunder, sends out in the upper air thunders intermittently. “好,既然如此,那我们就凭实力见真章吧!”毁灭之神仰天咆哮一声,脑后九环光轮顿时变得无与伦比的强盛起来,紫黑色的光雾升空而起,化为至强的毁灭神雷,在高空中发出阵阵轰鸣。 Life Goddess closes the double pupil, both arms lift by the body, one group of intense jade light, suddenly injection airborne, directly soars in that tzeyun to rush forth to go. 生命女神闭上双眸,双臂在身体两侧抬起,一团强烈的碧光,骤然射入空中,直奔那紫云中奔涌而去。 Seed of Life!” God of Ruin almost said these four characters with expression of hatred. 生命之种!”毁灭之神几乎是用痛恨的语气说出了这四个字。 That group of aquamarine ray seem with sky in cloud of vast boundless the Ruin compares the disparity to be huge, but, after it rises into airborne, in the stuffy thunderclap of sky, presented the interesting to listen to heavenly music immediately, the Ruin aura, is reducing speed unexpectedly at an exceptional pace. But the color of sky, is also starting slowly changes pale. 那团碧绿色光芒看上去和天空中浩瀚无边的毁灭之云相比差距巨大,但是,当它升入空中之后,天空的闷雷声中,顿时出现了动听的仙乐,毁灭的气息,竟是以惊人的速度减慢着。而天空的颜色,也在开始缓缓变淡。 Life Goddess and God of Ruin are god of same time, is having the extremely formidable strength, Life Goddess, in the whole cultivates for on, is not absolutely inferior in God of Ruin, moreover she has the significance in God Realm even be bigger than God of Ruin. 生命女神毁灭之神乃是同时代的神诋,都具备着极为强大的实力,生命女神在整体修为上,绝对不逊色于毁灭之神,而且她存在于神界之中的意义甚至要比毁灭之神更大。 When she appears, in God of Ruin behind that over a hundred god, many looks had the twinkle change, no one is willing to grant the goddess resistance of life with this! 当她出现的时候,原本在毁灭之神身后的那上百神诋,有不少眼神都出现了闪烁变化,谁也不愿意和这位能够赐予生命的女神抗争啊! However, things have gotten to this point, they want to renege on a promise now could not achieve, but hopes that God of Ruin can handle their husband's and wife's matters. 但是,事已至此,现在他们想要反悔也已经做不到了,只是希望毁灭之神能够将他们夫妻的事情处理好。
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