DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#43: Life prayer ceremony

How can? How can like this?” Butterfly God loses one's voice to call out in alarm said. “怎么会?怎么会这样?”蝶神失声惊呼道。 Although God of Emotion too did not know about this life praying ceremony, but from present situation many can also see that some clue come, clearly, this life praying ceremony, has not obtained any good result. 情绪之神虽然对这生命祈祷仪式不太了解,但从眼前的情况多少也能看出一些端倪来,很明显,这生命祈祷仪式,并没有得到什么好的结果。 The red removes gradually, but removes, blood-colored on Life Goddess face. 红色渐渐褪去,但随之褪去的,还有生命女神脸上的血色 Ancient Tree of Life gradually returned to normal, the surrounding all also become the vitality suddenly ** come, but, in this full of vitality world, wipes the deep shadow actually to be able hardly be removed. 生命古树逐渐恢复了正常,周围的一切也重新变得生机勃**来,但是,在这生机勃勃的世界中,一抹深深的阴影却挥之不去。 Butterfly God tender body some not controllable shivers, when God of Emotion looks at her eye pupil, sees, unexpectedly is intense fear beyond description. 蝶神的娇躯有些不可控的颤抖起来,当情绪之神看着她的眼眸时,看到的,竟然是难以形容的强烈恐惧。 Wutong, how? Are you all right?” God of Emotion hurries to grip her hand, he discovered that the hand of Butterfly God, at this time unexpectedly is ice-cold. 舞桐,怎么了?你没事吧?”情绪之神赶忙过去握住她的手,他发现,蝶神的手,在这个时候竟然已经是一片冰冷。 Butterfly God muttered the tunnel: In life praying ceremony, what Ancient Tree of Life sends out is the golden color, on behalf, red, for ominous. In the past, Green Aunt when practiced divination that Dragon God to rebel, Ancient Tree of Life was also only on each leaf presents the blood thread. But this and this time......” 蝶神喃喃地道:“生命祈祷仪式中,生命古树散发出的是金色,则代表吉,红色,为凶。当年,绿阿姨在占卜那次龙神叛乱的时候,生命古树也只是每一片树叶上都出现血丝。而这一次、这一次……” Did not need her to say again that God of Emotion also understood, this time, Ancient Tree of Life turned into the blood red completely! This already, not only greatly ominous trillion, but must die without doubt, ten die not fresh indication! Does not know that this Life Goddess prayed, is actually anything. 不用她再说,情绪之神也明白了,这一次,生命古树完全变成了血红色啊!这已经不只是大凶之兆,而是必死无疑,十死无生的征兆啊!只是不知道,这生命女神祈祷的,究竟是什么。 On the Life Goddess face reveals the color of several points of chilly fan, wipes mournfully appears in the eyeground, her nod of gently, shaking the head of slowly. Two drops of clear teardrops, fall following the corner of the eye, this tears, unexpectedly are the aquamarine. She bursts into tears, entire Ancient Tree of Life along with it slight trembles. 生命女神脸上流露出几分凄迷之色,一抹凄然在眼底浮现,她轻轻的点了点头,又缓缓的摇了摇头。两滴晶莹的泪珠,顺着眼角滑落,这泪水,竟然是碧绿色的。她一流泪,整株生命古树都随之轻微的震颤起来。 Green Aunt!” Butterfly God fierce throwing grasped her in the past. 绿阿姨!”蝶神猛的扑过去抱住她。 Life Goddess smiles reluctantly, we walk.” Then, on her shines the green light once more, next one flickers, God of Emotion discovered that left Forest of Life, arrived in outside world. 生命女神勉强一笑,“我们走吧。”说完,她身上再次亮起绿光,下一瞬,情绪之神发现,已经出了生命之森,来到了外面的世界之中。 Had the support of Life Goddess, God of Emotion Emotion relaxed, although many somewhat was worried in his heart, but at least, had this law enforcement god, rescued father-in-law one to be easier. But Life Goddess and existence of God of Ruin same level! 有了生命女神的支持,情绪之神情绪放松了许多,虽然在他心中多少还是有些担心,但至少,有这位执法神在,救出岳父一家就容易多了。生命女神可是与毁灭之神同层次的存在啊! The Life Goddess vision gazes at the Purple gold colored light column that not far away that is shooting up to the sky, in the look reveals light sad intent. Shaking the head of gently, said: We walk.” 生命女神目光注视着不远处那冲天而起的紫金色光柱,眼神之中流露出一丝淡淡的悲意。轻轻的摇了摇头,道:“我们走吧。” Before having, goes to the experience of that forest, God of Emotion guides, Life Goddess leads them to fly with oneself vast Divine Power together, how long to be useless, saw from afar has imprisoned Sea God that bog forest. 有着之前前往那片森林的经验,情绪之神带路,生命女神用自己浩瀚的神力带着他们一同飞行,没用多长时间,远远的,已经看到了囚禁海神的那片沼泽森林。 Life Goddess brow tight wrinkle, has believed several points regarding the God of Emotion words, unexpectedly is God Forbidden Land. Ruin imprisoned Sea God in this God Forbidden Land unexpectedly.” 生命女神眉头紧皱,对于情绪之神的话又信了几分,“居然是神禁之地毁灭竟然将海神囚禁在了这神禁之地。” God Forbidden Land?” These time somewhat was surprised including Butterfly God, because she is also first time hears this name. 神禁之地?”这一次连蝶神都有些惊讶了,因为她也是第一次听到这个名字。 Life Goddess nodded, said: God Forbidden Land, initially was used to imprison these during the Dragon God rebellion fought had not died divine beast. Did you see a lake in this God Forbidden Land center?” 生命女神点了点头,道:“神禁之地,是当初用来囚禁那些在龙神叛乱一战之中没有死去神兽的。你们是不是在这片神禁之地中心看到了一片湖?” God of Emotion and Butterfly God also nodded, Butterfly God said: My father and mother were imprisoned in a old castle above that center of the lake.” 情绪之神蝶神同时点了点头,蝶神道:“我爸爸、妈妈就被囚禁在那湖心之上的一座古堡之中。” Life Goddess immediately complexion big change, painful has closed the double pupil, Ruin! Can you such do? Do you know that you are playing with fire **!” 生命女神顿时脸色大变,痛苦的闭上了双眸,“毁灭啊!你怎么能这么做?你知不知道,你这是在玩火**啊!” God of Emotion had guessed correctly anything, said: Our previous time enters God Forbidden Land time, on the road has met the attack of divine beast, these divine beast as if came under the Ruin thought influence of God of Ruin, attack ** is intense, so long as discovers us, will immediately launch attack whole-heartedly. Afterward, I also bumped into one type should already exterminated divine beast, probably was, Thunder Dragon!” 情绪之神已经猜到了一些什么,道:“我们上次进入神禁之地的时候,路上遇到了神兽的攻击,那些神兽似乎都受到了毁灭之神毁灭意念影响,攻击**非常强烈,只要一发现我们,立刻就会展开全力以赴的攻击。后来,我还碰到了一种本来应该已经灭绝了的神兽,好像是,雷龙!” Thunder Dragon?” The Life Goddess complexion became uglier. Sinking sound track: We walk, first saw your father-in-law and mother-in-law said again.” 雷龙?”生命女神的脸色变得更加难看了。沉声道:“我们走,先见到你岳父、岳母再说。” Um.” God of Emotion complies with one, bringing Life Goddess to enter this God Forbidden Land. “嗯。”情绪之神答应一声,带着生命女神就要进入这神禁之地 In this time, suddenly, not far away, a deafening bellow is resounding, saw that a flame shot up to the sky, reflects red the half horizon. 正在这时,突然间,不远处,一声震耳欲聋的轰鸣声响起,紧接着就看到一股火光冲天而起,映红了半边天际。 Well, the good rich hot element fluctuates.” God of Emotion surprised looks in that direction that must know, that direction also in the God Forbidden Land range, moreover is the peripheral zone, but has certain distance with here. “咦,好浓郁的火元素波动。”情绪之神惊讶的朝着那个方向看去,要知道,那个方向也是在神之禁地范围内,而且也是边缘地带,只不过和这边有一定距离罢了。 In the past had a look!” The Life Goddess sinking sound said that the jade light twinkle, brings God of Emotion and Butterfly God once more, jumps the direction that shoots to fly toward that flame. “过去看看!”生命女神沉声说道,碧光闪烁,再次带起情绪之神蝶神,朝着那火光迸射的方向飞去。 Life Goddess Divine Power is formidable, flying speed is also quickly incomparable, the time that but several times accelerate, that flame jumped the place that shot to arrive. 生命女神神力何等强大,飞行速度也是快捷无比,只是几次加速的时间,那火光迸射的地方就已经到了。
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