DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#44: Seven big element god

, God of Emotion sees several forms from afar float in the midair. And in the form is sending out the dazzling red light together, bunch of giant fireballs shell to go toward under unceasingly, that deafening bellow from this comes, the terrifying explosive force, appears overbearing incomparable. Below bog forest, had very big region to fall into the sea of fire, that bog as if turned into the crag stuff chest to be common. Indistinct can hear will occasionally have several to call out in grief to resound, but quick did not have the sound. 远远的,情绪之神就看到几道身影悬浮在半空之中。其中一道身影上散发着刺目红光,一团团巨大的火球不断朝着下方轰击而去,那震耳欲聋的轰鸣声就是由此而来,恐怖的爆炸力,显得霸道无比。下方的沼泽森林之中,已经有很大一片区域陷入火海之中,就连那沼泽似乎都变成了岩浆池一般。隐约能够听到偶尔会有几声悲鸣响起,但很快就没了声息。 Must know that in God Realm, any biology and plant, the object, becomes under the infiltration that worldly elemental force accumulates over a long period of time firm incomparable, wants its destruction, is very difficult, particularly this wide scope destroys, was more difficult. But that fiery-red form is actually so strong aggressive, obviously it cultivates for is tyrannical. 要知道,在神界之中,无论是什么生物、植物、还是物体,都在天地元力日积月累的浸润下变得坚固无比,想要将其破坏,都很困难,尤其是这种大范围的进行破坏,就更是难上加难了。但那火红色的身影却是如此强势霸气,可见其修为有多么强横。 God of Fire, please stop.” Life Goddess said loud. 火神,请住手吧。”生命女神高声说道。 Distant place that fiery-red form, the body flame stops slightly suddenly, no longer outward released that terror the fireball. 远处那火红色身影微微一顿,身上火光骤然停顿下来,不再向外释放出那恐怖的火球了。 The forms of fiery-red form and his side also become clear, God of Emotion sees, own teacher Rong Nianbing in that group of people. 火红色身影和他身边的一道道身影也变得清晰起来,情绪之神一眼就看到,在那群人之中自己的老师融念冰 Teacher!” God of Emotion was overjoyed, hurries to fly, Butterfly God kept side Life Goddess, this was also her intelligent place, appeared from Rong Nianbing can see, at present these god, should be the reinforcements who Rong Nianbing moved, was rescues oneself father, but Life Goddess was also the similar goal, but she after all was the God of Ruin wife! One keep side Life Goddess, can appear her the support to the father, has avoided the misunderstanding of opposite these god. “老师!”情绪之神大喜过望,赶忙飞了过去,蝶神却留在了生命女神身边,这也是她聪明的地方,从融念冰出现就能看到,眼前这些位神诋,应该是融念冰搬来的救兵,是来救援自己父亲的,而生命女神虽然也是同样目的,可她毕竟是毁灭之神的妻子啊!自己留在生命女神身边,才更能显现出她对父亲的支持,也避免了对面这些神诋的误会。 Side Rong Nianbing, altogether seven god, on each are lending the extremely formidable aura, bloomed a moment ago the powerful attack, is a fiery-red magnificent robe middle-aged person, this god red hair is dishevelled, the look is very handsome, even/including Yanmou are fiery-red, the beard is densely covered, almost occupied half face, a rough appearance. 融念冰身边,一共有七位神诋之多,每一位身上都散发着极为强大的气息,刚才绽放出强势攻击的,就是一身火红色华丽长袍的中年人,此神诋一头红发乱蓬蓬的,相貌却很英俊,连眼眸都是火红色的,胡须密布,几乎占据了半张脸,一副粗犷的模样。 Besides him, surplus six god are also dissimilar in shape and form. 除了他之外,剩余六位神诋也是形态各异。 And two are the females, surplus is the male. 其中有两位是女子,剩余的都是男性。 Two females wear blue long skirt and golden long skirt separately, other four men separately put on yellow, azure and black, silver four color magnificent robe, is showing their different status. 两位女子分别穿着蓝色长裙和金色长裙,其他四名男子则分别穿着黄、青、黑、银四色华丽长袍,彰显着他们不同的身份。 That fiery-red robe, obviously was God of Fire, heard the summon of Life Goddess, stopped the attack, saw Life Goddess, the numerous position god look appeared somewhat strange, obviously was the matter of Tang Wutong worry appears. 火红色长袍的,显然就是火神了,听到生命女神的呼唤,才停止了攻击,看到生命女神,众位神诋的神色都显得有些怪异,显然是唐舞桐担心的事情出现了。 Has seen Law Enforcer!” Numerous position god salute to Life Goddess together. How regardless to say that Life Goddess is one of the five High God, moreover is controlling the life and creation. “见过执法者!”众位神诋一同向生命女神行礼。无论怎么说,生命女神都是五位至高神之一,而且更掌控着生命与创造 Life Goddess arrives in front of the gods, bows to return salute slightly, has a look below that rock magma hell general existences again, knits the brows: Why does God of Fire attack God Forbidden Land rashly?” 生命女神来到众神面前,微微躬身还礼,再看看下方那片岩浆地狱一般的存在,不禁皱眉道:“火神何故冒然攻击神禁之地?” God of Fire obviously is a violent temper, saying without hesitation: Predecessor God of Emotion found us, told our here situations. Now Sir Sea God the husband and wife was imprisoned in God Forbidden Land. We tried to enter a moment ago, finally suffered attack of divine beast, I then launched the offensive to them. If I have not misread, here divine beast, as if came under the Ruin thought influence of God of Ruin, has the greatly strengthened destructiveness. We do not get rid, must be rally togethered to attack by them.” 火神显然是个火爆脾气,毫不犹豫的说道:“前任情绪之神找到我们,告诉了我们这边的情况。现在海神大人夫妻被囚禁在神禁之地中。我们刚才试图进入,结果遭受到了其中神兽的攻击,我这才向他们发起了攻势。如果我没看错的话,这里的神兽,似乎都受到了毁灭之神毁灭意念影响,有着极强的破坏性。我们不出手,就要被它们群起而攻之了。” It is not all god has like God of Emotion hides own ability, at present these seven are invited by God of Emotion, is God Realm Seven Elements God, is seven gods, is the same to seven big Original Sin God(s), is God Realm Class One God. 并不是所有神诋都拥有像情绪之神那样隐藏自身的能力,眼前这七位被情绪之神请来的,正是神界七大元素神,也是七位正神,与七大原罪神一样,都是神界一级神诋 They on the other hand are quite neutral, but is more intimate to Sea God, because Sea God is also the god, these years controls to the God Realm also makes them admire. 他们本身相对来说是较为中立的,但对海神则是更为亲近一些,因为海神也是正神,这些年对神界的掌控也让他们钦佩。 Therefore, when God of Emotion found them, told them Sea God to be imprisoned by God of Ruin, they immediately have caught up. In seven elemental gods, God of Water and God of Light is in itself the Sea God good friend. These two feminine god, the status in seven elemental gods are also very high. God of Light is the God of Darkness wife, God of Water is the God of Fire wife. seven elemental gods also brothers, in addition to disdaining of Original Sin God(s), have Rong Nianbing to be an intermediary, this as soon as possible catches up, wants to rescue Sea God. 因此,当情绪之神找到他们,告诉他们海神毁灭之神囚禁了,他们就立刻赶了过来。七位元素神之中,水神光神本身就是海神的好友。这两位女性神诋,在七位元素神之中地位又很高。光神黑暗之神的妻子,水神火神的妻子。七位元素神又同气连枝,再加上对原罪神的不屑,有融念冰从中穿针引线,这才尽快赶来,想要救援海神 But who knows that enters this God Forbidden Land, they suffered the stubborn resistance of divine beast, the divine beast quantity in bog forest is extremely numerous, moreover after receiving the Ruin thought affects, these divine beast the speeding up of battle efficiency also enormous degree. 可谁知道,才进入这神禁之地,他们就遭受到了神兽的顽强抵抗,沼泽森林之中的神兽数量极多,而且受到了毁灭意念影响之后,这些神兽的战斗力也极大程度的提高了。 After received several attacks successively, temperament most irritable God of Fire could not bear finally. That he most is also good at fighting in Seven Elements God, this stimulates to movement own Divine Power, has launched bombing to this bog forest surrounding, is reduced to ashes numerous divine beast. 在先后受到了几次袭击之后,脾气最为火爆的火神终于忍不住了。他在七大元素神之中也是最为擅长战斗的一个,这才催动自身神力,对这沼泽森林外围展开了轰炸,将众多神兽化为灰烬。 God of Emotion, Butterfly God and Life Goddess catch up, sees is this. 情绪之神蝶神生命女神赶来,看到的就是这一幕。
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