DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#42: Convinced the goddess

Um?” Listened to his such saying, the Life Goddess complexion finally changed. She knows that as Class One God God of Emotion, will not be aimless, let alone, this saying is Sea God says. Although Sea God is young, but in her heart, very much believes to Sea God. Regardless of any perspective, Sea God is truly suitable to take God Realm governing. “嗯?”听他这么一说,生命女神的脸色终于变了。她知道,身为一级神诋情绪之神,绝不会无的放矢,更何况,这话是海神说出来的。海神虽然年轻,但在她心中,对海神还是很信服的。无论从任何方面来看,海神确实都很适合作为神界的掌管者。 The God of Emotion thought moves slightly, the back seven corona raise, congeal light wheel. A strange Emotion fluctuation also blooms from him along with it, all covers their three god. Enables the sound to be insufficient the to divulge to an outsider, does not have any to exist to eavesdrop on here all. 情绪之神意念微动,背后七圈光环升起,凝结成光轮。一层奇异的情绪波动也随之从他身上绽放而出,将他们三位神诋全都笼罩在内。使得声音不至于外传,也没有任何存在能够探听到这里的一切。 His lip buzz moves, said toward Life Goddess several anything, this time, his Butterfly God has not heard, he using divine sense, is completely close the sound, only passes to Life Goddess one to listen. 他嘴唇嗡动,朝着生命女神说了几句什么,这一次,就连他身边的蝶神都没有听到,他完全利用神识,将声音封闭,只传给生命女神一个听。 The Life Goddess complexion changes suddenly, loses one's voice to call out in alarm said: What you and you said is real? No, this is impossible. Although God of Ruin right ** heavy, but he, but he should be also insufficient so silly!” 生命女神脸色骤然大变,失声惊呼道:“你、你说的是真的?不,这不可能。毁灭之神虽然权利**重,可他、可是他应该还不至于如此糊涂啊!” God of Emotion sinking sound track: I take an oath by my god's position, said that all completely are all true. I believe the judgment of my father-in-law. Don't you believe?” 情绪之神沉声道:“我以我的神诋之位起誓,所说一切尽皆属实。我相信我岳父的判断。难道,您不相信吗?” The Life Goddess complexion continually changes, pair of element gets hold of slowly, face upwards to heave a deep sigh, Ruin, you are quite muddled!” At this important matter, how she can not believe that the judgment of Sea God, that asked a moment ago, is not really willing to believe. 生命女神脸色连变,一双素手缓缓握紧,仰天长叹一声,“毁灭,你好糊涂啊!”在这种大事上,她怎会不相信海神的判断呢,刚才那一问,实在是不愿相信而已。 God of Emotion saw persuaded Life Goddess, stood no longer speaks in one side. But he believes that in the major issue of principle, this God Realm Law Enforcer will have a resolution. 情绪之神见已经说动了生命女神,站在一旁不再吭声。但他坚信,在大是大非上,这位神界执法者会有所决断的。 Double pupil closed, silent a moment later, Life Goddess opens both eyes suddenly, said decidedly: Good, I go with you. In any event, I cannot make him cast the blunder.” 双眸闭合,沉默片刻之后,生命女神猛然睁开双眼,断然道:“好,我跟你们去。无论如何,我也不能让他铸成大错。” Butterfly God great happiness, in fierce investment Life Goddess bosom, Green Aunt, thank you.” 蝶神大喜,猛的投入生命女神怀中,“绿阿姨,谢谢你。” Life Goddess gently is stroking her long pink-blue hair, heaved a deep sigh, in the beautiful pupil actually full is sad intent, the situation that she most is not willing to face, must go facing eventually! 生命女神轻轻的抚摸着她那粉蓝色长发,长叹一声,美眸中却已经满是悲意,她最不愿意面对的情况,终究还是要去面对的啊! What view does your father-in-law have? Since he makes you look for me, thinks that had counts surely.” Life Goddess said to God of Emotion. “你岳父还有什么说法?他既然让你来找我,想必已有定计了吧。”生命女神情绪之神说道。 God of Emotion hurries saying: Father-in-law Sir said that if you agree, hopes that you can save him, helping him break the seal.” 情绪之神赶忙道:“岳父大人说,如果您同意的话,希望您能够去救他,帮他破开封印。” Life Goddess nodded, said: Good, that walks.” Then, her big sleeve one volume, jade light flashes through, they left that huge Ancient Tree of Life. 生命女神点了点头,道:“好,那就走吧。”说完,她大袖一卷,碧光闪过,他们就已经离开了那巨大的生命古树 God of Emotion knows that this Ancient Tree of Life is the Life Goddess main body, since all these huge vitalities, all have been Life Goddess many years unceasingly absorb mortal world sense power, and in releasing the process of strength of creation absorbs. Also this huge vitality, supports God Realm god to have the glorious life. Life Goddess has the pivotal status in entire God Realm, any god very respects to her. 情绪之神知道,这生命古树原本就是生命女神的本体,所有这些庞大的生命力,全都是生命女神多年以来不断吸收人间念力,并且在释放创造之力的过程中吸收的。也正是这庞大的生命力,支撑着神界神诋们有着悠久的生命。生命女神在整个神界都有着举足轻重的地位,任何神诋都对她十分尊重。 Therefore, can have the support of Life Goddess, is quite important regarding this time matter. This also why his second sought the Life Goddess reason. 因此,能够得到生命女神的支持,对于这次的事情极为重要。这也是为什么他第二个就找上了生命女神的原因。 Life Goddess deep looked at own Ancient Tree of Life, the closing one's eyes pupil, in the mouth slowly muttered was talking over anything, such as the silk such as wisp of deep green ray started to send out from her. Huge Ancient Tree of Life bursts out extremely huge vitality immediately, each leaf shines, making the entire space as if into aquamarine world. 生命女神深深的看了一眼自己的生命古树,缓缓闭上眼眸,口中喃喃的念叨着什么,一道道如丝如缕的碧绿光芒开始从她身上散发开来。巨大的生命古树顿时迸发出极为庞大的生命力,每一片叶子都亮起来,使得整个空间仿佛都变成了一个碧绿色的世界 God of Emotion is somewhat surprised, wants to inquire, feared that has disturbed her. 情绪之神有些惊讶,想要询问,又怕打扰了她。 Butterfly God signaled with the eyes to him, passes on tone channel: This is life praying ceremony, Green Aunt asks the good and bad fortune.” 蝶神向他使了个眼色,传音道:“这是生命祈祷仪式,绿阿姨是在卜问吉凶。” Um? The good and bad fortune can also ask?” God of Emotion surprised asking. “嗯?吉凶也可以卜问的吗?”情绪之神惊讶的问道。 Butterfly God nodded, Green Aunt controls the God Realm life to evolve, to a certain extent is extremely deep to the life change sensation, particularly with own related time, is so. However, I also saw Green Aunt to ask that in childhood good and bad fortune one time, this was the second time, Green Aunt is really very awkward! In God Realm historical, heard that Green Aunt asked good and bad fortune most famous one time, was the initial Dragon God rebellion, that time, asked that the good and bad fortune result was, was greatly ominous! Later, God Realm big change, massive god during that fights falls from the sky. We hope that this time, can be the good result.” 蝶神点了点头,“绿阿姨掌控着神界的生命衍化,在一定程度上对生命变化感知极深,尤其是和自身相关的时候,更是如此。不过,我也只是在小时候见过绿阿姨卜问吉凶一次,这是第二次,绿阿姨真的是很为难啊!在神界的历史上,听说绿阿姨卜问吉凶最著名的一次,就是当初的龙神叛乱,那一次,卜问吉凶的结果是,大凶!之后果然,神界大变,大量神诋在那一战之中陨落。希望这次,会是好的结果吧。” In free time who she spoke, suddenly, aquamarine world had the change, with Life Goddess Zhou Yu's recitation, in aquamarine world, the red glow suddenly has shone. 正在她说话的工夫,突然间,原本碧绿色的世界出现了变化,伴随着生命女神周瑜的吟唱,碧绿色的世界中,一点红芒突然亮了起来。 This point red glow just presented time, is only in the Ancient Tree of Life deep place, but is quick, this red outward spreads, first is the trunk and branches of Ancient Tree of Life, is the branch, finally is the leaf, quick, that aquamarine had been substituted by the blood red unexpectedly completely, ominous severe air/Qi are fluctuating in the huge life aura crazily, that blood red great tree also as if becomes fierce, as if must select the person to bite. 这一点红芒刚出现的时候,只是在生命古树深处,但很快,这红色就向外蔓延开来,首先是生命古树的枝干,然后是枝条,最后是树叶,很快,那碧绿色竟然完全被血红色所替代了,一股股凶厉之气在庞大的生命气息中疯狂波动着,那血红色的巨树也似乎变得狰狞起来,仿佛要择人而噬似的。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------ Sought the collection. 求收藏。
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