DDTR :: Volume #8

#733: Leaves, Gu Yue's gift

...... ...... The day dream ice silkworm, follows now side Gu Yue. 天梦冰蚕,现在跟在古月身边。 Since Gu Yue knows after the day of dream ice silkworm is a first 1 million years of soul beast, was very happy. 自从古月知道了天梦冰蚕是一头百万年魂兽后,很是高兴。 But is knowing the bitter experience of day of dream ice silkworm, her some are unable to accept. 但在知道了天梦冰蚕的遭遇,她有些无法接受。 This is one cultivates is 1 million years of soul beasts, although does not know that this fellow walked what dog to transport, eats to rest to break through to 1 million years cultivates for the boundary, but also avoided a day of tribulation. 这可是一头修为百万年的魂兽,虽然不知道这家伙走了什么狗运,吃吃睡睡就突破到百万年修为境界,还躲过了天劫。 1 million years of soul beast may be the boundary of god! 百万年魂兽可就是神之境界! In other words, on this day dream ice silkworm, but in a present soul beast clan, besides oneself, the second beast god! 也就是说,这天梦冰蚕可是如今魂兽一族中,除了自己之外,第二尊兽神! Although its very water very empty, without the experience day of tribulation baptism, at most is a false god. 虽然它很水很虚,没有经历天劫洗礼,顶多就是一个伪神。 So long as trains, can, in very short time can make in a soul beast clan present a strong strength. 但只要培养培养,能够在很短时间就能够让魂兽一族中出现一位强大的战力。 But, emperor day that fellow, imprisons unexpectedly a first 1 million years of soul beast, absorbs its life source to grow own cultivating is? 可是,帝天那家伙,竟然把一头百万年魂兽囚禁起来,汲取它的生命本源来增长自身的修为? Has not told oneself this matter regarding the emperor day, so cruel treatment same clan, this lets the Gu Yue incomparable anger. 对于帝天没有把这件事情告诉自己,如此残忍的对待同族,这让古月无比的愤怒。 Goes out to beat savagely the emperor day directly. 直接出去把帝天暴打一顿。 Because the emperor day is few pure blood dragon clan, Gu Yue like gave it to be waste at the scene. 要不是因为帝天乃为数不多的纯血龙族,古月就像当场给它废了。 Later, Gu Yue the day dream ice silkworm belt/bring in the side, taught it to cultivate personally, how teaches it to utilize the strength. 之后,古月就把天梦冰蚕带在身边,亲自教导它修炼,教它如何运用力量。 This made Ceng Yi want to turn actually a first 1 million years of soul beast to return to Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to make the mountain-protecting god's beast hope to be shattered. 这倒是让曾易想要拐一头百万年魂兽回七宝琉璃宗做护山神兽的希望破灭了。 Big brother, you look......” “大哥,你看......” The day dream ice silkworm receives an order, immediately sways from side to side the fat body to arrive at side Ceng Yi, a face said awkwardly. 天梦冰蚕领命,立刻扭动着胖胖的身躯来到曾易身边,一脸为难说道。 Ceng Yi shot a look at day of dream ice silkworm one, looks at Gu Yue who turned around, helpless. 曾易瞥了天梦冰蚕一眼,又看了看转过身去的古月,很是无奈。 He is also thinking fishes some advantage in Gu Yue this. 他还想着在古月这多捞些好处呢。 Cannot think that two people were together for a month, this female dragon was so unexpectedly brutal, said that turned hostile turns hostile, was rolled by oneself. 想不到两人都相处了一个月了,这母龙竟然如此无情,说变脸就变脸,让自己滚。 Good, you open a door.” “那好吧,你开个门。” Gu Yue said like this, Ceng Yi is not feeling all right to continue to depend here. 古月都这样说了,曾易也不在好意思继续赖在这里。 This month, oneself also profit in any case a great deal, was enough. 反正这一个月,自己也受益良多,足够了。 Quick, Gu Yue opened the space door. 很快,古月就打开了空间门。 Waits for.” “等一下。” But must enter the space gate previous second in Ceng Yi, Gu Yue made noise suddenly, stopped by calling out him. 但就在曾易要走进空间门的前一秒,古月突然出声,叫住了他。 What matter also has?” “还有什么事?” Ceng Yi turns around to ask. 曾易转身问道。 Gu Yue looks at Ceng Yi, wrinkles the black eyebrow, in the eye pupil is glittering several points of hesitant color. 古月看着曾易,微皱着黛眉,眼眸中闪烁着几分犹豫之色。 Finally, she extends the right hand, the fair slender food middle finger rises together simultaneously, before own chest that pure white like suet skin on. 最后,她伸出右手,白皙修长的食中指并起,点在自己胸口前那纯白如羊脂般的皮肤上。 With the hauling of her strength, a drop of bright red blood integument she is separated from her within the body. 随着她力量的牵引,一滴鲜红的血珠被她从自身体内脱离而出。 „Do you want to do?” “你这是要干嘛?” Sees Gu Yue so, Ceng Yi is somewhat puzzled. 见古月这般,曾易有些不解。 Naturally gives you again some advantage.” On Gu Yue's right hand heart holds this drop of blood. “当然是再给你一些好处。”古月的右手心上托着这滴鲜血。 This drop of blood is glittering the monster different ray, just like an incomparably beautiful gem. 这滴鲜血闪烁着妖异的光芒,宛若一颗无比美丽的宝石。 Makes Ceng Yi be surprised, is in this drop of blood, contains the incomparably pure huge energy. 更让曾易感到惊讶的,是这滴血中,蕴含着无比精纯庞大的能量。 This drop of blood looks like has the life to be the same, the red glow of twinkle flickers, looks like a breathing heart. 这滴血就像是有生命一样,闪烁的红芒忽明忽暗,就像是一颗正在呼吸的心脏。 This is my drop of real blood, can help you quenching own body and spirit, making your physique have the transformation!” “这是我的一滴真血,可以助你淬炼自身的体魄,让你的体质发生蜕变!” You are the first friend who I know, this gives your gift even.” Gu Yue complexion somewhat said complex. “你算是我认识的第一位朋友,这就算是给你的一份的礼物吧。”古月面色有些复杂地说道。 Ha, that is embarrassed, you looked that I have nothing to return a courtesy.” “哈哈哈,那多不好意思啊,你看我也没有什么可回礼的。” Ceng Yi very embarrassed smiled one, but received Gu Yue's gift quick of eye and hand. 曾易很是不好意思的笑了一声,但还是眼疾手快的接过古月的这份礼物。 This is the real blood of silver Dragon King, is equivalent to a Lord God source! 这可是银龙王的真血,相当于一丝主神本源! After has not seen Gu Yue compels this drop of real blood, the complexion becomes pale. 没见古月逼出这滴真血后,面色都变得苍白了。 If Ceng Yi can refine this drop of real dragon essence and blood, the strength can definitely promote a stair. 曾易若能炼化这滴真龙精血,实力肯定能够在提升一个台阶。 This ritual may really be too precious. 这份礼可真是太贵重了。 In her surface must catch up with itself to walk indifferently, but gives back to the so precious gift. 她表面上冷漠地要赶自己走,但还给自己如此珍贵的礼物。 Hehe, but also is really a surface cold-hearted hot woman. 呵呵,还真是一个面冷心热的女人。 Regarding face grinning Ceng Yi, Gu Yue said indifferently: „ Do not forget between you and me the agreement, 对于一脸笑嘻嘻的曾易,古月冷漠道:“别忘了你我之间的约定, If you can complete that matter, gives me the best gift. ” A Ceng Yi face sincere say/way: This you felt relieved that although my Ceng Yi is not the good person, but will observe absolutely with friend's commitment!” 你若能够完成那件事,就是给我最好的礼物。”曾易一脸正色道:“这你就放心吧,我曾易虽然不是什么好人,但绝对会遵守与朋友的承诺!” I walked, Gu Yue, is predestined friends says goodbye!” “那我走了,古月,有缘再见!” Gu Yue looks that the Ceng Yi form disappears in the space gate that oneself open, the facial expression is somewhat wooden. 古月看着曾易的身影消失在自己开辟的空间门中,神情有些木然。 Friend ....... “朋友么.......” Ceng Yi leaves the small mystical place that Gu Yue was, then brings to wait for outside dark phoenix leaves the lake of region life. 曾易离开了古月所在的小秘境,便带着一直守候在外面的暗黑凤凰离开生命之湖区域。 Later, looked for a peaceful mountain valley, closes up. 之后,找了一个安静的山谷,进行闭关。 He must take advantage of this time, refining up that drop real blood that Gu Yue gives. 他要趁这个时间,把古月所给的那滴真血炼化。 Seven days later. 七天后。 Resounds through dragon of mountain valley to recite the shake together. 一道响彻山谷的龙吟震荡。 Perches the dark phoenix on giant tree by this together dragon cry startled day, immediately launches the pair of wings, soars sky over the mountain valley. 栖息在巨木上的暗黑凤凰被这一道龙吟惊天,立刻展开双翼,飞翔在山谷上空。 Master went out!” “主人出关了!” The dark phoenix pleasantly surprised say/way, she feels the aura that Ceng Yi regained consciousness. 暗黑凤凰惊喜道,她感受到了曾易苏醒的气息。 In the mountain valley, Ceng Yi walked. 山谷中,曾易走了出来。 As soon as he raids the azure garment, the long hair in flutters behind with the wind. 他一袭青衫,长发在身后随风轻扬。 That handsome semblance, on the skin of ancient bronzes, visibles faintly seemingly illusory silver dragon scale, but quick dissipates. 那俊朗的外表,古铜的皮肤上,隐约可见到看似虚幻的银色龙鳞,但很快就消散下去。 These closes up time, after building up to melt that drop real blood that Gu Yue gave thoroughly, the Ceng Yi mortal body can say that had the tremendous changes. 这一次闭关,彻底炼化了古月给的那滴真血后,曾易的肉身可以说发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Gu Yue purest dragon god descendant, even may become next dragon God very much. 古月可是最为纯正的龙神后裔,甚至很有可能成为下一任龙神。 Her drop of real blood, lets bloodlines thin inferior (Asia) dragon-kind sufficiently, the direct exuviate turn into a real dragon! 她的一滴真血,足以让一头血脉稀薄的亚龙种,直接蜕变成一头真龙! After Ceng Yi refining up thoroughly melted this drop of real blood, is only the mortal body strength, achieved an extremely terrifying boundary. 曾易彻底炼化了这滴真血后,光是肉身的力量,就达到了一种极为恐怖的境界。 Grasped the fist, is feeling the strength in within the body. 握了握拳头,感受着自己体内的力量。 Ceng Yi currently even has an misconception, oneself depending on the mortal body strength, a fist can the rumbling crack space. 曾易现在甚至有一种错觉,自己光凭肉身的力量,一拳就能轰裂空间。 Moreover, Spirit Power rank of Ceng Yi, entered again one step, reaches 97 levels of altitudes! 不仅如此,曾易魂力等级,也再进了一步,达到九十七级的高度! Master!” “主人!” The dark phoenix sees Ceng Yi to go out, stops fast falls on his front, changes to the human form stance. 暗黑凤凰见到曾易出关,快速地停落在他的面前,化作人形姿态。 Congratulates the master to go out smoothly, cultivates to enter greatly!” “恭喜主人顺利出关,修为大进!” Little flatters, we should walk.” “少拍马屁,我们该走了。” The Ceng Yi chuckle teased, cultivated/repaired to go a step further, his moment mood was very happy. 曾易轻笑打趣道,修为又进一步,他此刻心情很美好。 The dark phoenix sees that immediately melts the true body, must act as the mount. 暗黑凤凰见状,立刻化出真身,要充当坐骑。 But Ceng Yi said: You change to the human form to follow side me.” 曾易却道:“你还是化作人形跟在我身边吧。” Although rides a phoenix to act as the mount, is the unusual eye-catching, even this phoenix is black. 虽然乘坐一头凤凰充当坐骑,是非常拉风,即使这头凤凰是黑的。 But, Ceng Yi this boundary, the soaring speed of dark phoenix, did not have the governing sword flight to arrive quickly. 可是,曾易这个境界,暗黑凤凰的飞翔速度,还没有自己御剑飞行来到快。 Being true is a little weak. 属实是有点鸡肋。 Only can act as the sign surface. 只能充当牌面。 Let alone, the dark phoenix is a first 100,000 years of soul beast, is the highest level god beast descendant. 更何况,暗黑凤凰可是一头十万年魂兽,还是最顶级的神兽后裔。 Its aura is extremely powerful. 它的气息太过强大。 Ceng Yi rides it to go on a journey, extremely shone. 曾易骑着它出行,也太过照耀了。 This does not conform to the low-key style. 这并不符合自己低调的风格。 Comes up.” “上来吧。” Ceng Yi congeals a giant ice sword using Spirit Power, the governing sword belt the dark phoenix, is firing into the horizon, speeds along beside Star Dou Forest. 曾易运用魂力凝结成一把巨大的冰剑,御剑带着暗黑凤凰,冲向天际,飞驶星斗大森林之外。 „Does master, then we go to that?” “主人,接下来我们去那?” On the ice sword of governing spatial flight, stands in Ceng Yi behind dark phoenix asks. 御空飞行的冰剑上,站在曾易身后的暗黑凤凰问道。 Walks casually, has a look everywhere.” Ceng Yi undulating say/way. “随便走走,到处看看。”曾易澹澹道。 Now, two strongest influences in mainland, but also goes to war. 现在,大陆上的两股最强的势力,还处于战争状态。 This is one affects the war of entire mainland sufficiently. 这是一场足以波及整个大陆的战争。 At this time, in the mainland could be said as the undercurrent surging. 这个时候,大陆上可以说是暗流涌动。 However Ceng Yi also knows, soon, will have the new god born. 不过曾易也知道,用不了多久,就会有新神诞生。 When the time comes, the war also almost should end. 到时候,战争也差不多该结束了。 Moreover, he and Chen Wuyue agrees the war, soon started. 而且,他与尘无月约定之战,也快要开始了。 Then while this final tranquil time, Ceng Yi plans to walk to have a look everywhere. 那么趁着这个最后的平静时间,曾易打算到处走走看看。 Perhaps, oneself look at the time of this world, are not many. 或许,自己看这个世界的时间,已经不多了啊。 In Heaven Dou Empire. 天斗帝国境内。 Several kilometers high space, a blue flowing light fast fast shuttle in sea of clouds, left a pure white trace in the deep blue sky. 几千米高的天上,一道蓝色流光快速在云海中快速穿梭,在湛蓝的天空中留下了一道纯白的痕迹。 This place ....... “这个地方.......” Ceng Yi stands on the ice sword, looks down under. 曾易站在冰剑上,低头看着下方。 Even is separated by several kilometers, he can as before the appearance in very clear seeing clearly ground. 即使相隔几千米,他依旧能够非常清晰的看清地面上的样貌。 That is a very ordinary small city. 那是一座非常普通的小城。 In the entire mainland, like the small town, does not know many. 整个大陆上,像这样的小城镇,不知有多少。 But under the small city, actually brought back in the Ceng Yi innermost feelings the deepest recollection. 可下方的这个小城,却勾起了曾易内心中最深的回忆。 That is the memory that he is not willing to remember. 那是他不愿意去想起的记忆。 Oh, since came, that looks at this last.” “唉,既然来了,那就去看这最后一眼吧。”
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