DDTR :: Volume #8

#734: Reunion

...... ...... Ceng Yi stands before this small city, looks at the present city gate, the facial expression is somewhat complex. 曾易站在这座小城前,看着眼前的这座城门,神情有些复杂。 Remembers that arrives at this town previous time, is more than ten years ago. 记得上一次来到这个城镇,还是十几年前。 At that time, he was one just stepped into the little fellow of road of Spirit Master. 那时,他还是一个刚刚踏入魂师之路的小家伙。 Again far time, he to pursue dream, then from here is the beginning, is determined to become peerless powerhouse who in the future shakes the entire mainland! 再远一些的时间,他为了追逐梦想,便是从这里为起点,下定了决心将来一定要成为名震整个大陆的绝世强者! That year, at present this small 那年,眼前这座小 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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