DDTR :: Volume #8

#732: With transaction of silver Dragon King

...... ...... Heard Gu Yue these words, the Ceng Yi complexion flickers the intercool. 听到古月这番话,曾易脸色瞬间冷了下来。 What is this trades? 这算是什么交易? Isn't this immediate danger? 这不就是直接威胁吗? Comes this to threaten itself by the destiny of entire human! 以整个人类的命运来此威胁自己! Ceng Yi looks at present the silver-haired young girl of this facial expression peaceful desert, asked: Therefore, the meaning of your words, that is with all human is an enemy?” 曾易看着眼前这个神情澹漠的银发少女,问道:“所以,你这句话的意思,那就是要与所有人类为敌?” You really felt, you lead all soul beasts, can slaughter all human? This rather also too looked at an entire soul beast clan high.” Ceng Yi sneers. “你真的觉得,你率领所有魂兽,能够屠戮所有的人类?这未免也太高看整个魂兽一族了。”曾易不由冷笑。 In my opinion, this may not be anything to trade! If you make a move, I will not stand by!” “在我看来,这可算不上什么交易!你若是出手,我绝不会袖手旁观!” Facing Gu Yue this stern callous imposing manner, Ceng Yi does not show weakness. 面对古月这严峻冷酷的气势,曾易也毫不示弱。 Hehe, what degree can your one person achieve?” “呵呵,你一个人又能做到什么程度?” Gu Yue does not care the threat of Ceng Yi. 古月丝毫不把曾易的威胁放在心上。 She is silver Dragon King, the peak strength, but Lord God boundary! 她可是银龙王,巅峰的实力可是主神境! Even if the present strength condition not in the peak, but is not the common god boundary can be a worthy opponent. 哪怕是现在的实力状态不在巅峰,但也不是寻常神境可以匹敌的。 The Gu Yue peaceful desert said: Once cultivated/repaired, you are a very interesting human, I appreciate you very much!” 古月澹漠道:“曾修,你是一个非常有趣的人类,我很欣赏你!” I have not acted to you, has maintained biggest is restraining!” “我没有对你出手,已经是保持着最大的克制了!” Although you possibly have the self-confidence to your strength very much, if present you and I fight, the final result only has one!” “虽然你可能对自己的实力很有自信,如果现在的你与我一战,最终的结果只有一个!” That is your body falls, I likely will continue the deep sleep because of the serious injury!” “那就是你身陨,我可能会因为严重的伤势而继续沉睡!” After Ceng Yi listened to Gu Yue these words, the innermost feelings are also very helpless. 曾易听了古月这番话后,内心也很是无奈。 Yes, he very clear and disparity between Gu Yue. 是的,他很清楚自己与古月之间的差距。 Read the myriad things fresh theocracy principle by beforehand Gu Yue, making during desolated broken land several breath restore the ecological environment of virgin forest. 凭借之前古月一念万物生的神权法则,使得荒芜残破的大地几个呼吸间就恢复到了原始森林的生态环境。 Only is this, made Ceng Yi profoundly understand itself and Gu Yue's disparity. 仅是这一手,就让曾易深刻认识了自己与古月的差距。 Perhaps, Ceng Yi hugs must die a heart war, may give Gu Yue some wounds. 或许,曾易抱着必死之心一战,可能会给予古月一些创伤。 But oneself will certainly die! 但自己一定会死! What kind of? Considered?” “怎么样?考虑好了吗?” Consideration? This transaction, condition of both sides is not coordinated, this is the not possible matter.” “考虑?这交易,双方的条件并不对等,这是不可能的事情。” Ceng Yi regarding Gu Yue's proposition, can say that an interest does not have. 曾易对于古月的提议,可以说一点兴致都没有。 Even if Gu Yue has strength that can destroy the entire mainland human. 哪怕古月有着能够毁灭整个大陆人类的实力。 But how does that have? 可那有如何? First did not say that in human has powerhouse who can stop her. 先不说人类中有没有能够阻挡她的强者。 Even no, but the person in god, not possible helplessly looks at the human in douluo world to be exterminated. 就算是没有,而神界中的人,也不可能眼睁睁的看着斗罗世界中的人类被灭绝。 Therefore, Ceng Yi does not pay attention to Gu Yue's threat from the beginning. 所以,曾易一开始就不把古月的这个威胁放在眼里。 Also, even if oneself are capable of opening a brand-new practicing system, making human practice to get rid of the shackles of soul beast. 再说了,就算自己有能力去开辟一条全新的修行体系,使得人类修行摆脱魂兽的桎梏。 But this matter is not only to the entire human, to the entire soul beast ethnic group, is the matters of huge merit. 而这件事不仅是对整个人类,就连对整个魂兽族群,都是天大的功德之事。 Because the soul beast human gave up the Spirit Master practicing system, killing of large scale reduced to soul beast. 魂兽会因为人类放弃了魂师修行体系,大幅度的减少对魂兽的杀害。 This truly has the extremely huge good merit to the entire soul beast. 这对整个魂兽确实有着极其庞大的善功。 But, Ceng Yi has not gained what substantive benefit completely. 可是,曾易完全没有得到什么实质性的利益。 Why then oneself do want the so big strength to handle this matter? 那么自己为什么要会如此大的力气去做这件事情? Because of your silver Dragon King one, later doesn't look for the trouble of human? 就因为你银龙王一句,以后不找人类的麻烦? Laughable! 可笑! Ceng Yi may not have such big ability, represents in mainland all human. 曾易可没有这么大的能耐,去代表大陆上所有人类。 Also is not willing to represent, makes one not to conform to the commitment of self-interest. 也不愿意去代表,去做出一个不符合自己利益的承诺。 Let alone, Ceng Yi does not have the ability to shoulder all human the destinies! 更何况,曾易也没有能力去背负所有人类的命运! Ceng Yi said funnily: Says that what you can give me?” 曾易不由好笑说道:“说一说你能给我什么吧?” I truly, is capable of opening a brand-new practicing system.” “我确实可以,也有能力去开辟一条全新的修行体系。” Is only, I only looked that this has the enormous advantage to your soul beast clan, but has no income to me?” “只是,我只看这对你们魂兽一族有极大好处,但对我自己却没有任何收益啊?” Puts out a substantive thing to make me see, otherwise I will not accept this condition.” “拿出点实质性的东西让我看到,不然我是不会答应这个条件的。” Ceng Yi rejection without hesitation, surprising Gu Yue. 曾易毫不犹豫的拒绝,让古月很是意外。 She was thinking, threatens him with the destiny of entire human, even if this person does not comply, at least still wants hesitant one. 她本想着,用整个人类的命运来威胁他,就算这人不答应,起码也要犹豫一番吧。 Cannot think that this fellow so refuses the working zeal to be agile unexpectedly. 想不到这家伙竟然拒绝得如此干劲利落。 Even also with oneself regarding price of transaction. 甚至还跟自己谈起交易的价格来。 Gu Yue suspected very much, actually this fellow is a human? 古月很怀疑,这家伙究竟是不是一个人类? Regarding the entire human destiny, is a point really indifferent? 对于整个人类命运,真的一点都漠不关心? „, You also really conform to the image of human in my heart, selfish brutal, deceitful despicable!” “呵,你还真符合人类在吾心中的形象,自私无情,狡诈卑劣!” Thanks the praise!” “谢谢夸奖!” Listened to Gu Yue to own appraisal, Ceng Yi face indifferent shrugging. 听了古月对自己的评价,曾易一脸无所谓的耸了耸肩。 Good, so long as you comply with my matter, you may obtain my silver Dragon King, Gu Yue's friendship!” “好吧,只要你答应吾此事,你可获得我银龙王,古月的友谊!” Gu Yue sees to Ceng Yi comes hardly is not good, has to use the gentle means. 古月见对曾易来硬的不行,只好用柔和的办法。 I can let the strength of principle you comprehend me to grasp.” “我可以让你参悟我掌握的法则之力。” You should know, wants to break through the god boundary, but also needs to comprehend the principle, grasps the principle, may tread the last step.” “你应该知道,想要突破神境,还需要领悟法则,掌握法则,才可踏出最后一步。” However I, the most flourishing condition, is the Lord God boundary, even in god, is still one of the highest level powerhouses!” “而我,全盛状态,乃是主神境界,即使在神界中,也是最顶级的强者之一!” You have not trod being enthralled boundary thoroughly, has my help, can make you save a lot of time, did this condition enough touch you?” “你还没有彻底踏入神境,有我的帮助,可以让你省去很多的时间,这个条件足够打动你了吧?” hears word, Ceng Yi changes mind to think. 闻言,曾易转念想了想。 Has saying that Gu Yue this condition is very attractive. 不得不说,古月这个条件很诱人。 Moreover, she really has this qualifications to teach Ceng Yi. 而且,她确实有这个资格教导曾易 If obtains her help, oneself in the cultivation of comprehension principle, can be twice the result with half the effort absolutely. 若是得到她的帮助,自己在领悟法则的修炼上,绝对能够事半功倍。 Moreover, the law of creation living Gu Yue controls, Ceng Yi is also very greedy. 而且,古月所掌控的创生之法,曾易也眼馋得很。 Did not say can oneself grasp completely, comprehends a fur/superficial knowledge, can have the obvious promotion by own strength. 不说自己能不能全部掌握,就是领悟一丝皮毛,也能够让自己的战力有明显的提升。 Ok, that this traded me to receive.” “可以,那这个交易我接下了。” Sees Ceng Yi to agree, Gu Yue also felt relieved. 曾易同意,古月也放心了。 As the beast god, all that she makes, for a revival of clan beasts. 作为兽神,她所做的一切,都是为了兽之一族的复兴。 So long as a clan is favorable for beasts, can make of a clan beasts more powerful. 只要是对兽之一族有利,能够让兽之一族变得更加强盛。 At all costs of paying, are worth to her. 所付出的一切代价,对于她来说都是值得的。 Such being the case, you treat here some time.” “既然如此,你就在这里待一段时间吧。” Two people trade to achieve. 两人交易达成。 Ceng Yi defers to Gu Yue's request, stays some time in this place, lets Director Gu Yue's cultivation about principle. 曾易就按照古月的要求,在这个地方待一段时间,让古月指导自己关于法则方面的修炼。 A month later. 一个月后。 Gu Yue looks at present this man, the complexion is somewhat complex. 古月看着眼前这个男人,脸色有些复杂。 You can leave.” “你可以离开了。” „? Quickly? I felt that I also has from the place that you learn.” Ceng Yi somewhat would rather not saying. “啊?这么快吗?我感觉自己还有很多向你学习的地方。”曾易有些不太情愿地说道。 These days, Ceng Yi can say that crosses the unusual enrichment. 这段时间,曾易可以说过得非常的充实。 Because Gu Yue is a real Lord God boundary to the powerhouse, follows to study in her side, lets the Ceng Yi feelings a great deal. 因为古月可是一尊货真价实的主神境至强者,跟在她身边学习,让曾易感触良多。 Such Ceng Yi as if returned to the period of oneself youngster, regarding absorbing of cultivation knowledge, looks like the sponge of absorbing water to be the same, inexhaustible. 这样曾易仿佛回到了自己还是少年的时期,对于修炼知识的汲取,就像是吸水的海绵一般,无穷无尽。 As if looked like opened the front door of new world, regarding yearning of brand-new boundary. 仿佛就像是打开了新世界的大门,对于全新境界的向往。 Reaching is the master. 正所谓,达者为师。 But Gu Yue happen to have this ability, her boundary is higher than Ceng Yi many, the strength is also more powerful than him, can very good instruction. 而古月正好有这个能力,她的境界高出曾易许多,实力也比他强大,能够很好的指导。 When sees initially Gu Yue's attitude is unfriendly, but is together this period of time, Ceng Yi discovered that this female dragon very well spoke. 虽说初见时古月的态度并不友好,但这段时间相处下来,曾易发现这头母龙还是挺好说话的。 I have nothing can teach you.” Gu Yue undulating say/way. “我已经没有什么可以教你的了。”古月澹澹道。 Through one month of being together, Gu Yue discovered, this human simply is a monster. 通过一个月的相处,古月发现,这个人类简直就是一个怪物。 His learning capability, and comprehension ability was really extremely the evildoer/monstrous talent. 他的学习能力,以及领悟能力实在是太过妖孽了。 Not can only understand life principle that quickly oneself teach, even can also fuse in his swordsmanship, creates the new magical powers. 不仅能够很快的理解自己所教的生命法则,甚至还能够融合到他剑道之中,创造出新的神通。 Moreover, fight experience also very rich. 而且,战斗经验也十分的丰富。 This month, Gu Yue also fights to train with Ceng Yi, although two people have not displayed the complete strength, only fights with the skill of most foundation. 这一个月,古月也与曾易交手对练,虽然两人没有施展全部力量,只用最基础的技巧进行战斗。 From the beginning, Gu Yue can also rely on experience steamroll Ceng Yi that the glorious years are accumulating. 一开始,古月还能凭借着悠久岁月攒积下来的经验碾压曾易 But the Ceng Yi learning capability is extremely powerful. 曾易的学习能力太过强大。 Gradually, Gu Yue from starting to feel that oneself is unable to suppress him. 渐渐地,古月从开始感觉到自己无法压制他。 With the lapse of time, oneself turned unexpectedly that receives the pressure. 随着时间的推移,自己竟然变成了受到压力的那一位。 Perhaps, present Ceng Yi is not her opponent. 或许,现在的曾易不是她的对手。 That is because Gu Yue's cultivating is the boundary is higher. 那是因为古月的修为境界更高。 She affirmed very much, if oneself and Ceng Yi unifies the boundary, absolutely will not be this person of opponent. 她很肯定,若是自己与曾易统一境界,绝对不会是这人的对手。 This made supercilious Gu Yue, in the heart have the frustration. 这让一直心高气傲的古月,心中都产生了挫败感。 Short one month, she discovered, she as if had nothing to teach Ceng Yi. 短短一个月的时间,她就发现,自己似乎没有什么可以教导曾易了。 Actually I......” “其实我......” Sufficed, you were needless to say again. The day dream, gives me to carry off this fellow, I do not want to see the face of this fellow again!” “够了,你不用再说了。天梦,给我把这家伙带走,我不想再看到这家伙的脸了!” Gu Yue saw Ceng Yi also to say anything, told directly nearby day dream ice silkworm led him to roll out. 古月见曾易还想说些什么,直接吩咐一旁的天梦冰蚕带他滚出去。
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