DDTR :: Volume #8

#731: 1 read the myriad things to live, trades the content

...... ...... The Gu Yue indifferent dignified vision is taking a fast look around nearby Snow Emperor sisters and dark phoenixes, finally falls to the Black Dragon emperor day. 古月冷漠威严的目光扫视着一旁的雪帝姐妹与暗黑凤凰,最后又落到黑龙帝天身上。 " Snort ~, with for a clan, actually the mutual battle continuous, making a habitat of soul beast clan receive the so frigid destruction! " 「哼~,同为一族,却相互争斗不休,使得魂兽一族的栖息地受到如此惨烈的破坏!」 " Emperor day, the behavior of thou, disappointing me very! " 「帝天,汝之行为,让吾很是失望!」 Gu Yue's words, making the emperor day heart tremble, the whole body is shivering. 古月的话语,让帝天心头一颤,浑身都在颤抖。 He said hastily: " Extremely was really sorry, beast god Sir! " 他连忙道:「实在是万分抱歉,兽神大人!」 " But under this matter involuntary, Ice and Snow Maiden wait/etc. colluded with human, a betrayal soul beast clan, and intrudes my clan restricted area, alarms to the Sir you, causing you to regain consciousness ahead of time. " 「可是这件事属下身不由己,冰天雪女等勾结人类,背叛魂兽一族,并且闯入我族禁地,惊扰到大人您,导致您提前苏醒。」 " Subordinate is incompetent, without the ability prevents the enemy to invade, is willing to subject to a penalty. " 「属下无能,没有能力阻止敌人入侵,愿意受罚。」 " But also asked the Sir to act, disciplinary punishment these rebels also had damn human! " 「但还请大人出手,惩戒这些叛徒还有该死的人类!」 Emperor day these words, making nearby Snow Emperor and the others feel that wipes the heart season. 帝天这番话,让一旁的雪帝等人都不由感到一抹心季。 They have not thought that in Star Dou Forest, actually remains compared with the emperor day also wants the terrifying the lifeform. 她们没有想到,星斗大森林之中,竟然还存在着比帝天还要恐怖的生物。 That stands the silver-haired young girl in void, without making anything, is only where the static stand. 那位站在虚空中的银发少女,哪怕没有做些什么,只是静静站在哪里。 Only is wipes the aura that sends out, makes them feel to suffocate, the soul is trembling! 仅是散发出的一抹气息,就让她们感到窒息,灵魂都在颤栗! Perhaps, this silver-haired young girl, had stepped into the boundary of god truly. 恐怕,这银发少女,已经真正踏入了神之境界。 The true gods, will make them feel, oneself is so small and weak. 只有真正的神明,才会让她们感觉到,自己是如此的弱小。 The terrifying disparity, as if looks like the lifeform of two dimensions! 恐怖的差距,仿佛就像是两个次元的生物! However, stands in the silver-haired young girl man, is Ceng Yi. 不过,站在银发少女身旁的男人,乃是曾易 Sees the Ceng Yi safe/without matter, but can also appear safely here, that seems like them to have no danger. 曾易无事,还能安然出现在此,那似乎她们并没有什么危险。 After all, Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor are the Ceng Yi sword spirit, Ceng Yi, if has an accident, they will also withstand together. 毕竟,雪帝冰帝都是曾易的剑灵,曾易若出事,她们也会一同承受。 Gu Yue is listening to emperor day complaining tearfully, has not responded to his request, but is using peaceful desert look cold vision he. 古月听着帝天的哭诉,并没有回应他的请求,只是用着澹漠的眼神冷视着他。 Later generation of her attentive training, even pins a destiny of soul beast clan on his body. 她用心培养的后辈,甚至把魂兽一族的命运寄托在他的身上。 But looking back now, all that he makes, disappointing Gu Yue very! 但现在看来,他所做的一切,让古月很失望! The emperor day of half god boundary, cannot suppress the turmoil unexpectedly, does not have an enough breadth of spirit command soul beast clan, but also cruelly harms the same clan. 半神境界的帝天,竟然连动乱都不能镇压,没有足够的气魄统帅魂兽一族,还残害同族。 Triggers a civil war between soul beast clans, even causes entire Star Dou Forest, a soul beast clan most important habitat receives the so fierce disaster. 引发魂兽一族之间的内战,甚至使得整个星斗大森林,魂兽一族最重要的栖息地受到如此剧烈的灾难。 All that the emperor day institute makes, know all cause and effect in her, she is very disappointed. 帝天所做的一切,在她知晓所有的前因后果,她感到很是失望。 Gu Yue that expression such as covers entirely the cold frost, coldly the opens the mouth. 古月那表情如布满寒霜,冷冷开口。 " This matter I to know, now one side draws back, later is asking thou to do accounts. " 「此事吾以知晓,现在退一边去,之后在找汝算账。」 Was scolded by Gu Yue, even if the emperor day takes a King of control entire soul beast clan, but before her, like the junior, does not dare to have a complaint as before. 被古月呵斥,即使帝天作为统御整个魂兽一族的王者,但在她面前,依旧如同小辈,不敢有一丝的怨言。 Considering environment so, 【鉴于大环境如此, Gu Yue scolded the emperor day, later the vision takes a fast look around because of fighting becomes in confusion cannot withstand, the forest of dark green foreign, sighed everywhere in a soft voice. 古月骂了帝天一声,随后目光扫视着因为战斗而变得狼藉不堪,满目苍夷的森林,不禁轻声一叹。 Afterward, Gu Yue that gentle and charming slender body, blooms incomparably dazzling god splendor. 随后,古月那娇柔修长的身躯,绽放出无比耀眼的神辉。 A round radiant such as the god of bright moonlight turns after her brain appears, the silver brilliance sparkle is eye-catching, is lending the incomparably kind warm aura. 一轮璀璨如明月的神轮在她脑后浮现,银色光辉闪耀夺目,散发着无比亲切温暖的气息。 Gu Yue waves gently. 古月轻轻一挥手。 The blue-green brilliance, starts to turn toward together spreads to go in all directions. 一道青绿色的光辉,开始向着四面八方扩散而去。 Has swept just like the spring breeze generally. 宛若春风扫过一般。 That floods the brilliance of rich vitality to sprink, the snow and ice in broken land start to melt, break the wood to start the rebirth. 那充斥着浓郁生机的光辉撒落,残破大地上的冰雪开始融化,断木开始重生。 The innumerable remnant fallen leaves, like caressed by the spring breeze lightly, start to bloom the intense vitality. 无数的残枝落叶,都如同被春风轻抚,开始绽放出强烈的生机。 The shoot break out from the ground, the seedling starts the rapid-growth. 嫩芽破土而出,树苗开始快速生长。 However several minutes. 不过几分钟的时间。 Before was everywhere dark green foreign, the broken land, restoring to be vigorous, shade green virgin forest. 之前还是满目苍夷,残破的大地,恢复成了生机盎然,绿荫葱郁的原始森林。 This just like miracle method, looked presents everyone to be dumbfounded. 这宛若神迹般的手段,看的在场所有人都目瞪口呆。 Including Ceng Yi. 包括曾易 That is 这就是 Creation that silver Dragon King Gu Yue, controls lives the power. 银龙王古月,所掌控的创生权能。 Read the myriad things to live! 一念万物生! Restores to end the Star Dou Forest ecological environment, Gu Yue another waves, the god splendor of vital energy falls on the bodies of several kings of beasts, cures their injuries fast. 恢复完星斗大森林的生态环境,古月又一挥手,充满生机能量的神辉落在几位兽王的身上,快速治愈它们的伤势。 However, Gu Yue has not helped Snow Emperor they treat. 不过,古月并没有帮助雪帝她们治疗。 After all, Snow Emperor they, in her eyes, are the intruder. 毕竟,雪帝她们,在她的眼中,算是入侵者。 " Xue'er, ice, you comes back. " 「雪儿,冰儿,你们回来吧。」 Ceng Yi saw Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor two people bodies quick was unreal, then made them return to Martial Soul to conduct warm support. 曾易雪帝冰帝两人身体都快虚幻了,便让她们回到武魂中进行温养。 Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor do not talk too much, changes to two streams directly light/only, escapes the mist that into the Ceng Yi waist wears to hit the mark. 雪帝冰帝也不多言,直接化作两道流光,遁入曾易腰间佩戴的岚切中。 Gu Yue sees this, is very surprised! 古月见到这一幕,很是惊讶! Her first sees Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor two people, although sensation from them to aura of soul beast. 她第一眼看见雪帝冰帝两人,虽然从她们身上感知到了一丝魂兽的气息。 But also they have difference essentially with the emperor day. 但却又与帝天它们有着本质上的不同。 They only have the soul, without physical body. 她们只有灵魂,没有肉体。 Now saw them to enter in Ceng Yi Martial Soul, she also wants to understand all. 现在见她们都进入了曾易武魂之中,她也想明白了一切。 " Master ~, you came out finally, if comes some again, you may be unable to see me. " 「主人~,您终于出来了,要是再来完一些,你可就见不到我了。」 The dark phoenix changes to the human form to arrive at side Ceng Yi, chirp is complaining to Ceng Yi. 暗黑凤凰化作人形来到曾易身边,对着曾易嘤嘤诉苦。 Ceng Yi looks the appearance that this dark phoenix must act like a spoiled brat, stared her one eyes, making her peaceful, later pours into together Spirit Power , helping her stable injury. 曾易看着这暗黑凤凰要撒娇的样子,不由瞪了她一眼,让她安静,随后注入一道魂力,帮助她稳固伤势。 Gu Yue also very surprise is sizing up side the Ceng Yi dark phoenix. 古月也很是诧异的打量着曾易身边的暗黑凤凰。 She discovered surprisedly, on this dark phoenix contains incomparably pure real phoenix bloodlines. 她惊奇的发现,这暗黑凤凰身上蕴含着无比精纯的真凰血脉。 A phoenix clan, in the past in a beast god clan, but has with the dragon clan similar position. 凤凰一族,当年在兽神一族中,可是有着与龙族差不多的地位。 But after experiencing that war, a beast god clan was hit remnant, real dragon few. 可是经历了那场大战后,兽神一族被打残,真龙都没有几头了。 The phoenix almost exterminates! 凤凰更是几乎灭绝! Cannot think in this world of mortals, but also has so a bloodlines pure phoenix. 想不到这下界中,还存在如此一头血脉精纯的凤凰。 This grade of bloodlines, this aptitude, but a point does not need the Black Dragon emperor day difference. 这等血脉,这份资质,可一点也不必黑龙帝天差。 But such bloodlines noble phoenix, recognizes this Ceng Yi for the lord unexpectedly. 而这样血脉高贵的凤凰,竟然认这曾易为主。 Really, this human is not ordinary! 果然,这个人类不一般! Gu Yue felt more and more, she looks for Ceng Yi to make the transaction is an extremely correct decision. 古月越来越觉得,她找曾易做交易是一个极为正确的决定。 Perhaps, really can change a destiny of soul beast clan. 或许,真的能够改变魂兽一族的命运。 " Ok, then discussed that thou and between me the transaction, chatted. " 「好了,接下来就商量汝与吾之间的交易,下去聊吧。」 Gu Yue looked up a space, was saying to Ceng Yi. 古月抬头看了一眼天上,然后对着曾易说道。 " Good! " 「好!」 Gu Yue cuts the space again, escapes into , Ceng Yi also follows after that. 古月再次划开空间,遁入其中,曾易也跟随其后。 Before arriving at Gu Yue, again the place of deep sleep, Ceng Yi looks at her back, opens the mouth to ask: " Said that is the content that you want to trade what? " 再次来到了古月之前沉睡之地,曾易看着她的背影,开口问道:「说吧,你想要交易的内容是什么?」 Gu Yue has turned around to face Ceng Yi, in the purple eye pupil is glittering the gloss of difference. 古月转过身面对曾易,紫色眼眸中闪烁着异样的光泽。 Her corners of the mouth bring back wipe the curve of undulating, said: " thou should know, human and a contradiction between soul beast clans? " 她嘴角勾起一抹澹澹的弧度,道:「汝应该知道,人类与魂兽一族之间的矛盾吧?」 " Contradiction between human and soul beasts? Your meaning is, human Spirit Master and relations between soul beasts? " Ceng Yi undulating say/way. 「人类与魂兽之间的矛盾?你的意思是,人类魂师与魂兽之间的关系是吧?」曾易澹澹道。 " Right, thou is very intelligent, should know what I want to express is what meaning. " 「没错,汝很聪明,应该知道吾想要表达的是什么意思。」 Gu Yue is saying, on the face appeared to wipe the cool color. 古月说着,脸上浮现出了一抹冷色。 " Practicing of human Spirit Master, cannot leave the soul beast, human wants to grow stronger, must hunt and kill the soul beast, captures Spirit Ring of soul beast to melt in oneself! " 「人类魂师的修行,离不开魂兽,人类想要变强,就必须要猎杀魂兽,夺取魂兽的魂环融于自身!」 " , thou did not feel, this is very unfair regarding the soul beast? " 「难道,汝就不觉得,这对于魂兽很不公平吗?」 " Why a soul beast clan must be butchered by human, sacrificed itself for practicing of human? " 「凭什么魂兽一族就要被人类宰割,为了人类的修行而牺牲自身?」 " Human has the incomparably strong potential inborn, can in the short dozens years, several hundred years, can cultivation the powerful boundary. " 「人类天生就拥有着无比强大的潜力,能够在短短几十年,数百年的时间,就可以修炼出强大的境界。」 " However the soul beast, wants to grow stronger, must need the polish of years, even must face the disaster of day of tribulation! " 「而魂兽,想要变强,就得需要岁月的打磨,甚至还要面临天劫之灾!」 Gu Yue is telling these, in the purple pupil is glittering the indignation, unwilling! 古月诉说着这些,紫眸中闪烁着愤慨,不甘! " Because of the above reason! " Ceng Yi undulating say/way. 「因为上面的原因!」曾易澹澹道。 Gu Yue hehe said with a smile: " thou is a smart person, 古月呵呵笑道:「汝是一个聪明人, Understands my meaning quickly. " 这么快就理解吾之意。」 " Right , because these false shameless people in god! " 「没错,就是因为神界中的那些虚伪无耻之人!」 " They seized a beast god clan once glory, sent into exile this beast god clan. 「他们夺走了兽神一族曾经的荣耀,把兽神一族放逐到了此界。 In order to restrict a beast god clan, supposed incomparably harsh world rule, created Spirit Master the law of practicing for human, even made the beast clan into the soul beast, let human to practice the strengthen, must hunt and kill the soul beast! " 为了制约兽神一族,设下了无比苛刻的世界规则,为人类创造出了魂师的修行之法,甚至使得兽族变成了魂兽,让人类为了修行变强,就必须要猎杀魂兽!」 " This is the dirty trick of perishing clan extermination of the clan, this carves the generation deep enmity in bloodlines! " 「这是亡族灭族的卑劣手段,这是刻在血脉中的世代深仇!」 Ceng Yi can listen to Gu Yue words the incomparably profound anger and hatred. 曾易能够听出古月话语中无比深刻的愤怒与仇恨。 But he can only , helpless shrugged, said: " This you told me are useful. Does not think that I can change all these? " 但他只能无奈摊了摊手,道:「这你跟我说有什么用。不会以为我能够改变这一切?」 " This is the great person who concerns god! " 「这可是关乎到神界的大人物!」 " You do not want to make on me god give you violent to punch these gods, gives you to vent anger? " 「你不会想让我上神界给你暴揍那些神明,给你出气是吧?」 " Hehe, you do not have this qualifications now. " Gu Yue to a Ceng Yi supercilious look, the peaceful desert said. 「呵呵,你现在还没有这个资格。」古月给曾易一个白眼,澹漠道。 " Ceng Yi, you are I have seen the most special character, you not only went out of the say/way of practicing is different from Spirit Master! " 曾易,你是我见过最为特别的人物,你不仅走出了一条不同于魂师的修行之道!」 " Moreover, attaches to two souls above your Martial Soul, they should be the soul beasts before. " 「而且,依附于你武魂之上的两道灵魂,她们之前应该是魂兽吧。」 " Makes me feel what shocks, you made them be aloof the body of soul beast unexpectedly, broke down the original boundary, had the infiniter future! " 「让吾感到震撼的是,你竟然让她们超脱了魂兽之躯,打破了原本的界限,拥有了更加无限的未来!」 " Therefore, I and your transaction, is...... " 「所以,吾与你的交易,则就是......」 Gu Yue voice, later purple pupil tight locked Ceng Yi. 古月话音一顿,随后紫眸紧紧锁着曾易 Ceng Yi looks at Gu Yue, her pair of purple pupil, is at this moment profound looks like the endless abyss, as if must swallow own soul. 曾易看着古月,她那双紫眸,此刻深邃得就像是无尽的深渊,仿佛要吞噬自己的灵魂。 " thou wants you to carry out the law of thou practicing in the human state, replaces the cruel say/way of Spirit Master this contamination soul beast blood by this! " 「汝要你在人类国度推行汝修行之法,以此替代魂师这条沾染魂兽鲜血的残忍之道!」 " However thou obtains, that is my commitment. " 「而汝所得到的,那就是吾的一个承诺。」 " My commitment, that is when I counter-attack god, I human will not act. " 「吾之承诺,那就是在吾反攻神界之时,吾不会对此界的人类出手。」 " thou , if not comply, or cannot achieve, after that do not blame I am born, will lead a soul beast clan, lets human for these for billion years the generation deep hatred pays the price! " 「汝若是不答应,或者做不到,那就别怪吾出世后,将带领魂兽一族,让人类为这千百万年来的世代血仇付出代价!」 " I all human, will slaughter completely! " 「吾会将所有人类,屠戮殆尽!」 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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